3 months ago Aystarr Zuko is a part of the fire nation, and is part of the reason her mother is Dead, Aang is not. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Even as the prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko has always struggled in life, particularly in matching his prodigy sister Azula and getting his father's acknowledgment. Sokka steps up to bat but gets embarrassingly defeated by the prince of the Fire Nation until a boomerang comes back and whacks Zuko in the head. Thank you for the support! Superhero battle match: Aang versus Zuko. @cocacolaman: they're right, this is a mismatch, comet zuko vs katara with one drop of water would be a better Battle ( katara would most likely win tho). Aang: 4. Love you guys! While Katara (Mae Whitman) and Aang (Zach Tyler Eisen) became a couple at the end of the third and final season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, many fans of the series still believe Katara and Zuko (Dante Basco) would have made a better match.While Aang and Katara were close friends throughout Avatar: The Last Airbender, their eventual romantic pairing during the finale "Sozin's Comet, … Zuko: 4. Zuko is serious, Aang is childish. Zuko: 2. Aang: 4. Aang was friends to her from the start, Zuko was not. With the number of guards and gates that were in the building, it should have logically been impossible for Zuko to sneak in, much less save Aang and escape with him alive. Aang would obviously win as he is the avatar and he has the avatar state. Zuko: 3. Aang isn't as strong without airbending, and Katara with the full moon is freaking strong, so I think either beat Zuko, Zuko vs. Toph is a nice fight, but with the conditions stated here, Katara should beat Zuko … RELATED: Avatar: 10 Times Momo Was Smarter Than Aang & The Gang. COME BY TO WATCH A CRAZY VIDEO! Aang: 4. Zuko: 2. Zuko aka The Blue Spirit snuck inside the facility and freed Aang. And hell, she very well can defeat Zuko when it comes down to it. Who will win in a fight between Aang and Zuko? Zuko doesnt stand a chance lol With time, Zuko. The characters of Avatar The Last Airbender seem a lot older than they really are. 10 Zuko Vs Sokka / Aang Zuko's first fight throughout the series is just as he descends upon the Southern Water Tribe and attempts to scare the villagers into telling him where Aang has gone. 11/12/2020. Zuko helped her get revenge on the man who murdered her mother, Aang did not. Aang: 3. At first, I was going to give it to Azula. Find out the real ages of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko here! 6 Azula vs Everyone