agenda 21 canada depopulation

There is a plan, hatched amongst those who squat above us, many long decades in the making. Good Hub, thanks for informing us on this topic. Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st century) is non-binding UN resolution adopted by 178 countries at the 1992 Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Bill Gates expound on how we must all consent to a ‘kill the humans’ strategy, to ‘save the planet’ from the carbon dioxide we make. Agenda 21 stands for the Agenda for the 21st century, and Agenda 30 is a marker for when they want to have most of their nwo goals accomplished. Agenda 21 and the Plan to Depopulate our Planet by 95% by 2030. Truly an interesting watch. 'The Reptilians - Agenda 21 - Graphic!' Agenda 21 Map Canada pictures in here are posted and uploaded by for your Agenda 21 Map Canada images collection. Subscribe 365. It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. See his lips move. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Agenda 21 is ‘soft-law’ and did not have to be voted on by the Congress. Add to. On July 8, 2019 February 29, 2020 By Geri Ungurean In Agenda 21 Depopulation 9 Comments . Was the Corona virus … 2030 Abandoned property Agenda 21 breaking fema breaking news Canada depopulation Federal fema FEMA camps first world government Global Epidemic Government Government & Police Auctions Government® Government Implementation of Agenda 21 Huge scale depopulation Local New World Order Population Control State stop overpopulation Surplus swat The … During that meeting, they decided on 21 points that the countries had to implement. In the near term, Biden-Harris will push and push their radical agenda until America breaks and yesterday’s events become common all across the country. 834. Category: Agenda 21 Depopulation. One of the main ways of achieving this, however, is through encouraged and direct depopulation. President Clinton took office the following year. Are you 18 years old or above? Agenda 21 News Ceases Publication . Including implications it will have on humanity. At times, this has meant challenging the change to find the solutions we need. The Depopulation Agenda. Share More. Is the Corona Virus a biologic weapon to depopulate the Earth under Agenda 21 and Beast System? The “Virus” HOAX, covered up by big oil and big Pharma, to hide the real dark nano killer agenda! The US government and the Chinese government are engaged in an motivated plot to relocate rural and suburban residents to more densely populated urban centers to live in overcrowded conditions where a person’s every movement and every activity is monitored. The provincial government says it will support agricultural uses, eating locally produced food, and farmer’s markets, etc. United Nations - U.N. I wrote this article in 2019. Agenda 21 + The Gulf Oil Spill Depopulation Event. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. GeorgiaGuyinAtlanta Regular Member. As the world is facing a possible pandemic with Corona Virus, I felt strongly to bring this article back out. Agenda 21 Map Canada has a variety pictures that united to find out the most recent pictures of Agenda 21 Map Canada here, and in addition to you can acquire the pictures through our best Agenda 21 Map Canada collection. This discontinuation of the Agenda 21 News Digest takes effect immediately. In the New World Order, everyone is equal because no one is to express any individuality, creativity, talent or intellect that could put them above another. And in order to get results, we have taken a truly collaborative approach. Depopulation plan 3 vote(s) 23.1% Naturally occurring 10 vote(s) 76.9% Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Feb 6, 2020 #1. ... 2020. Truly an interesting watch. ‘The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas Will Give Obama Stalin-Like Control Over Food. Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030, according to Enter President Obama, who last June handed Agenda 21 issues to the Department of Agriculture by signing executive order 13575, creating the White House Rural Council. I’m not kidding. liberalbias100. Agenda 21: The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030 is Already Underway. Upload; Import; Login; Register; The English Conspiracy Channel 04 Sep 2020. In order for the megacities concept, which is well underway, to come to fruition, American suburbs and rural areas must be completely depopulated. Agenda 21 policies date back to the 1970’s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it. Agenda 21 was United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development and was apparently developed as a means of restructuring the world population to lessen environmental impact and achieve an improved quality of life. 1,636,551 views. 8,125. Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. What Is Agenda 21? Many of the theories brought together by Agenda 21 are included in the list above, which has been shared hundreds of times after being posted in a Facebook Group called "Yellow Vests Canada… ⁣AGENDA 21 EXPOSED. According to him, to stabilize the world population, 350,000 people must be eliminated per day. In the short-term, the Chinese need to secure Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. 5G is part of the UN’s Agenda 21 which is a depopulation plan aimed to depopulate 95% of the world and carried out for decades worldwide. These are easily remedied as the simple commonalities likewise make a straightforward solution quite feasible. Freedom Advocates, publisher of Agenda 21 News, has decided to cease further publication of Agenda 21 News posts. Agenda 21 plans for depopulation by starving the people Copied over directly, this is now impossible to suppress since the dawn of the internet. It's an action plan, or series of recommendations and goals aimed at promoting sustainable development, reducing poverty, world hunger, pollution, and climate change. Agenda 21 policies date back to the 70's, but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. When that happens the civil war will be on. Official Development Assistance has been identified as the main source of external funding to assist developing countries in the implementation of Agenda 21. Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site. Agenda 21 and Rural Depopulation September 15, 2011 April 30, 2015 Scott M. Terry 20 Comments Most Americans have never heard of Agenda 21, which is being implemented by stealth all over our country and the rest of the world. The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21 By Admin on January 24, 2015. “If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels” -Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Under NAFTA, farmers’ income in all three countries has plummeted and millions of small farmers have lost their land, while agribusiness corporations (i.e. 1,074 +237 Christian Married. Designed to help rural areas, anti-Agenda-21 types insist the Council is part of a plan to depopulate the countryside until everyone is living in those prison-like cities. Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world within the 21st century is now underway,signed and approved by 200 world leaders at the Rio,Brazil Earth Summit in 1992 The plan is called America 2050 and the concept is based upon the creation of megacities. I have also been researching chemtrails, targeted individuals, FEMA Camps, Agenda 21, etc... -- it all seems to come down to Agenda 21. concerned on December 11, 2011: Great hub. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Everything the pandemic is achieving just happens to perfectly fit the top priorities of the globalist agenda. It is a plan to empty the world. Including implications it will have on humanity. Filed Under: Agenda 21, Depopulation, New World Order. Agenda 21 explained very well. World population is, by all intents and … He made sure that federal agencies would follow UN Agenda 21. The images that existed in Agenda 21 … Is the Corona Virus part of a depopulation plan, or is it naturally occurring. Agenda 21 explained very well. Published on Jan 23, 2009. Yes No. The Agenda 21 Depopulation of Rural Areas Will Give Obama Stalin-Like Control Over Food July 5, 2015 This article was posted by TLB Staff ... which was a ‘liberalized’ trade agreement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. 8,126 833. Brian Lilley and Ileana Johnson discuss the details of the very real and very dangerous globalist Agenda 21 plan and what it will mean for Canadians. Subscribe 1.9K . Public servants have risen to the challenge to deliver on the Government’s agenda. This plays directly into Chinese military strategy. Home › Agenda 21 › The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21. Bill Gates admits that the vaccines are for human depopulation. will remain live for at least a month, so that those who would like to review or … 178 countries joined the program. Opponents of Agenda 21 also assert that rural property could be more and more restricted in what uses can be done on it. Further, whether it is the matter of Agenda 21 - and what the Agenda 21 Depopulation Map represents - or the many other infringements and pressures currently faced by the people; it is important to understand they are all enabled by the same absence, inertia and misconceptions. From the files; ''Hidden Secrets - Part 119 - The Alien Reptillian Agenda - We used to call 'Aliens'.... ANGELS'' ⁣Please consider joining . Agenda 21 For Dummies . We have tackled ambitious initiatives with dedication and professionalism. Consider the following: – The coronavirus pandemic is currently on track to infect 60% – 80% of the world population and kill up to 15% of those infected, according to an … President Clinton signed it later and continued the program in the United States. 5G Connection to Agenda 21 .