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Karttikeya was the son of Siva, a supreme god and his wife Parvati. Her temple at Rome stood in the Campus Martius, outside the city’s gates near the Circus Flaminius and the Little is known of his original character, and that character (chiefly from the cult at Rome) is variously interpreted. Bellona (Egyptian) – Goddess of destructive warfare and sibling/partner of the war God Mars. Also the goddess of marriage and childbirth, Juno connects the ideas of vitality, energy and eternal youthfulness. He is one of the Twelve Olympians, and the son of Zeus and Hera. Bellona, in Roman religion, goddess of war, identified with the Greek Enyo. In Greek literature, he often represents the physical or violent and untamed aspect of war, in contrast to the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military strategy and generalship. As the cat Goddess she is also very protective of the young. Mars, the Wolf God Brothers, and Lupercalia Festival In ancient Rome, there was a wild fertility festival that happened every year on February 15th called Lupercalia. Sometimes known as the sister or wife of Mars, she has also been identified with his female cult partner Nerio. The Roman Mars also had features of a fertility or nature god, almost certainly a feature of an earlier Italian god as Ares had no such connotations. Bellona was originally an ancient Sabine goddess of war identified with Nerio, the consort of the war god Mars, and later with the Greek war goddess Enyo.Her temple in Rome was dedicated in 296 BCE near the Circus Flaminius by Appius Claudius Caecus, during the war with the Etruscans and Samnites.. In Hindu Mars is called Mangala and is identified with the war god Karttikeya. Badb (Irish) - A shape- shifting goddess who symbolises life, death, wisdom and inspiration. Also known as Lohit (meaning: red), he is the god of anger, celibate and sometimes linked to god Kartikeya (Skanda). Mars was the god of war, death, and protector of the Roman state and its Caesars. Mars even had a different consort than Ares. She is an aspect of the Goddess Morrigan. Ares (Roman equivalent is Mars) was the Greek god of war. He was held as a primary god of the Roman religion and mythology, second only to Jupiter, chief of the gods.Mars is nearly identical to Ares, the Greek god of war. As the patron goddess of the Roman Empire, she was named “regina” or queen and was a member of the Capitolina Triad in Rome, along with Jupiter and Minerva. Cult and temples. This is fine and well, but does not give us a clear idea of Bellona’s character; to know more about this mysterious ancient goddess, we will need to compare her forms and functions to those of other goddesses. They depicted him with six head ans twelve arms riding a peacock and he was created to defeat the rival of the gods, the monster Taraka. The plot is simple: you're Vinyl, the mars goddess who are supposed to attend the B-movie convention, but your spaceship is caught in a meteor shower.. and so you ended up stranded in an unknown planet in the middle of no where. Mars, ancient Roman deity, in importance second only to Jupiter. While the story of his affair with Venus, the Roman version of Aphrodite, persisted, Mars was given a distinctly Roman consort. It is clear that by historical times he had developed into a god of war; in Roman literature he was protector of Also a partner of Mars in ancient cult practices, Nerio was identified with the goddess Bellona or, later, with the goddess Minerva. Mangala (Sanskrit: मङ्गल, IAST: Maṅgala) is the name for Mars, the red planet, in Hindu texts. She is the mother of the god of war and god of fire, Mars.