Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats a baseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. Due to ongoing habitat loss, small population size and limited range, the Bawean deer is evaluated as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Abstract. of the day and move about at dawn and dusk. 2014). Deer Natural Habitat. comm. The Bawean deer is endemic to 520 sq km (200 sq mi)
Food management is actual effort that can be done to save Bawean Deer. google_color_border = "ffffff";
2014) but this is not confirmed. Loss of habitat, feral domestic dogs and bush fires cause a decline of the population on Bawean island currently. Life history. Habitat: The Bawean Deer can be found on the Bawean Island, in the Javan Sea, and Indoesia. This study aims to analyse Bawean citizens' perceptions and attitude to forest and the Bawean deer. Bawean deer are attracted to settlements by agricultural crops, ... has potential to increase local community awareness about Bawean deer and the importance to conserve them and their habitat where we expected they can deliver conservation messages to … comm. Hog deer have a gestation period of 8 months. A specimen in the Institute of Zoology, Beijing, is labelled from Bangka Island, which lies off Sumatra (Indonesia); this is presumably in error (Grubb 2005). Profile (Picture) 2. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. They are generally found in riverine habitats, marshes and swamps with tall grasses. *** The name "hog deer" arises from its habit of crashing through the
The population increased in the 1950s in response to forest protection, declined during the 1960s–1970s (Grimwood 1976), although no estimates are available, and in the 1980s was thought to number around 300 animals and to be increasing once again (Blouch 1980, Blouch and Atmosoedirdjo 1987). Photos, facts, and information on the habits and habitat of many deer species. 1996, IUCN 2000, IUCN
This preference for human-modified habitat has implications for human-wildlife conflict and hunting pressure for this species. The species presumably evolved from a Pleistocene Javan Axis species (perhaps Axis lydekkeri) at a time when Bawean was connected to Java via a land bridge (Blouch and Atmosoedirdjo 1987, Meijaard and Groves 2004). 5. The Bawean or Kuhl’s deer is very similar in appearance to the Hog Deer. Mating Behavior in Hyelaphus kuhlii. The species was supposedly discovered by Salomon Müller in 1836 in Tuban, a small town on the northern coast of Java, where the local governor kept a small herd in his garden, and the native range was discovered only after the name was proposed (Sitwell 1970). Through a 1991 survey the deer was suspected to be in decline (Gunawan and Kustanto 1994). Bawean Deer or Axis Kulii that live in Bawean Deer reserved is not transfer animal from another reserved. They live on mountains, and by the main sea levels. In 2013 ranger patrols suggested the distribution of deer has not changed (Nursyamsi pers. Hog deer stand only about 28" high at the shoulder. Hunting by both humans and predators have historically keep the Deer population low, but now habitat loss and climate change have been added to the list of dangers and the Deer are considered to be Critically Endangered. weather-related disasters or earthquakes or disease), to any resumption of hunting and probably to inbreeding. Recommended conservation actions, which should proceed through appropriate revisions to the management plan, include: 1) Increase the populations and if possible expand the area used by the deer. 2008). comm. Hog Deer - Howletts Wild Animal Park, Kent, England - Sunday November 16th 2008. It inhabits Bawean Island Nature Reserve (5,000 ha; the island is 200 km² in size), established in 1979 for which a management plan prepared in 1979 (WWF 1979; Blouch and Sumaryoto 1987) warrants revision. Since 2000 a captive breeding programme has been operative on Bawean; in 2006 it involved a founder population of two stags and five hinds, and by 2014 numbered 35 animals (Meijaard et al. The Bawean deer, Hyelaphus kuhlii, also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia. This species, a problem plant throughout much of South and South-east Asia, is very difficult to control and review of international successes and failures is needed to inform management of the weed on Bawean. Bawean Deer become extinct if no sriously conservation activity. This species is listed on CITES Appendix I (CITES 2000). So, the 30 deers is native habitat of Bawean island. In order to identify some environmental factors affecting conservation, we analyzed the seasonal habitat use of two Indonesian deer species, Axis kuhlii in Bawean Island and Muntiacus muntjak in south-western Java Island, in response to several physical, climatic, biological, and anthropogenic variables. Suggestions that the genus was introduced to Bawean by early European settlers seem unlikely (Sitwell 1970) because of the wealth of fossil material (reviewed in Meijaard and Groves 2004), and were not ever referred to by Grubb (2005). The Bawean deer (Hyelaphus kuhlii), also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia.. A typical height for males of 60–70 cm has been reported. The hunting of pigs Sus scrofa with dogs persists, and leads to inadvertent death of deer (G. Semiadi pers. Hunting by both humans and predators have historically keep the Deer population low, but now habitat loss and climate change have been added to the list of dangers and the Deer are considered to be Critically Endangered. Biodiversity
Range & Habitat. In order to identify some environmental factors affecting conservation, we analyzed the seasonal habitat use of two Indonesian deer species, Axis kuhlii in Bawean Island and Muntiacus muntjak in south-western Java Island, in response to several physical, climatic, biological, and anthropogenic variables. comm. Only a small number of endemic taxa have been described from the island, and most animal and plant species of Bawean also occur on Java (Hoogerwerf 1967, Blouch and Admosurdirdjo 1979). 2008). may be impacting the re-growth of grass and other foodplants in grazing areas, which could pose a threat to the Bawean Deer population (G. Semiadi pers. google_ad_format = "728x90_as";
Profile (Picture)
comm. © 1999 - 2019
Most of the Bawean Deer do not have many humans around them. The approximate range is depicted in the map below. Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) is indegenous endemic species in Bawean Island that their population more decrease. google_color_url = "000000";
The Bawean deer (Hyelaphus kuhlii), also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia. Bawean Island, Indonesia in the Java Sea. Deer are able to live in a wide spectrum of habitat out there. flowers and fruits of forest trees. Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegalhunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. This study was conducted on September 2001 in three locations, known to be the habitat for Bawean deer, that was the Kumalasa, Patarselamat and … Please click here to see the species' IUCN Red List Account page. Learn about the many different types of deer. They live on mountains, and by the main sea levels. There is thus a major role for active management of habitat through control of Chromolaena, so as to increase population density within the protected area, and thus total population. The Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) is classified as endangered species (IUCN 2006). While the population seems to be stable, its small size and insular nature leave it susceptible to chance events (e.g. Ecology and conservation of the endemic Bawean warty pig Sus verrucosus blouchi and Bawean deer Axis kuhlii. The population of the Bawean deer could not be estimated because of the low number of encounters, but we suggest that this indicates the population is considerably smaller than previously reported. A typical height for males of 60–70cm has been reported. Maximum longevity: 17.8 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived 17.8 years in captivity (Richard Weigl 2005). Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegal hunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. This species is endemic to Bawean Island (= Pulau Bawean), in the Javan Sea off the northern coast of Java, Indonesia (Lachenmeier and Melisch 1996, Grubb 2005). View/ Open. The Bawean deer is endemic to 520 sq km (200 sq mi) Bawean Island, Indonesia in the Java Sea. The location … Season, Diet, Behavior, Social
This preference for human-modified habitat has implications for human–wildlife conflict and hunting pressure for this species. Food management is actual effort that can be done to save Bawean Deer. Bawean Island Citizens' Perception and Attitude toward the Existence of Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) and Its Habitat April 2019 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 14(4):244-250 This reserved is located at foot part of Mount Gadung and borders with Bawean conservation forest. Their preferred habitat is secondary forest with dense undergrowth and intermittent grassy clearings. Endangered animals of the
Conservation Status Sizes [Note: Figures given are for wild populations only.]. Development of ex-situ conservation, one of which is the breeding system, are expected to support the provision of the population (stock recovery) in their natural habitat without compromising the authenticity and uniqueness types. Presently, fewer than five deer die per year through direct human influence, chiefly in traffic accidents and when being chased by local dogs during pig hunts (G. Semiadi pers. On the top of the throat and around the eye are spots of light hair. Hog deer are generally found in riverine habitats, marshes and swamps with tall grass. The Bawean deer is endemic to 520 sq km (200 sq mi)
1967, Home | Rarest
2008). Bawean deer rescue efforts can be made in the form of population management in natural habitats as well as ex-situ management. They may become nocturnal in the summer, or
Click here to see My most interesting images. Hunting and habitat reduction due to expansion of teak plantations are the main threats to the Bawean deer. This species is listed on CITES Appendix I (CITES 2000). eat fallen flowers and fruits of forest trees. Axis
The IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an initiative aimed at reversing the declines in the wild of Species On The Brink of extinction – Critically Endangered land and freshwater vertebrates in Southeast Asia. It can grow up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) from hoof to shoulder and weigh around 1,800 lbs. Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor Monitoring Status Fisiologis dan Keberadaan Parasit Rusa Bawean (Axis kuhlii) pada Habitat Aslinya, sebagai Bagian dari Upaya Konservasi Hidupan Liar Wisnu Nurcahyo1, Devita Anggraeni1, and M. A. Imron2 google_ad_client = "pub-8361005144129578";
2006), but at the population level hunting is no longer a threat (G. Semiadi pers. 2004, IUCN 1994, IUCN
Bawean deer and red muntjac were found in all sampled habitats, although they were recorded in 8 of the 20 sampled grids and in 156 of the 329 sampled grids, respectively. Mammals | Species Index | Species Groups Index | Country
(8 Kb GIF) (Huffman 2004). In 2013 ranger patrols suggested the distribution of deer has not changed (Nursyamsi pers. Food is important habitat component that influence the level of population welfare. During the 1960s much forest on Bawean was replaced by teak plantations; coupled with increased hunting pressure, this probably caused the species to decline in numbers. google_color_link = "006699";
2006). References confirmed. The major threat on this species is human activities including habitat destruction and illegal hunting. Bawean deer rescue efforts can be made in the form of population management in natural habitats as well as ex-situ management. Apabila dibandingkan dengan habitat rusa tropis lainnya, maka daerah sebaran rusa bawean menajdi yang tersempit, yakni sekitar 90 km persegi, sedangkan habitat terluasnya berada di kawasa Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Bawean seluas 3.831,6 hektar. There is an urgent recognized need for conservation of tropical forest deer. google_color_text = "000000";
google_color_bg = "ffffff";
comm. comm. The location … primarily because its only natural habitat is the small island of Bawean, which has a surface area of just 190 km². 2006), but there has been no systematic survey; 500 would be an absolute maximum (G. Semiadi pers. The population of the Bawean deer could not be estimated because of the low number of encounters, but we suggest that this indicates the population is considerably smaller than previously reported. Rencana pengembangan Pulau Bawean menjadi obyek wisata juga semakin menyudutkan populasi rusa ini. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more attention was given toward Bawean deer conservation. The Bawean deer (Hyelaphus kuhlii), also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia. Axis deer are predominantly grazers, though they occasionally browse and will
Where they are undisturbed they form small herds; otherwise they are mainly solitary. Bawean Island, Indonesia in the Java Sea. So, the 30 deers is native habitat of Bawean island. Bawean Deer become extinct if no sriously conservation activity. Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) isa small deer endemic to the Bawean Island (5°46'S 112°40'E),150km from the mainland Java Island, Indonesia. Bawean deer rescue efforts can be made in the form of population management in natural habitats as well as ex-situ management. (9 kilograms) and gets to be only about 14 inches (36 centimeters) tall when fully grown. Bawean deer - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Today’s restriction to Bawean is a relict from occurrence on Java, probably into the Holocene (van den Brink 1982), its disappearance from Java perhaps being caused by competition with Javan Rusa Rusa timorensis and Southern Red Muntjac Muntiacus muntjak (Meijaard and Groves 2004). The Bawean deer is sometimes included with the Indian hog deer Hyelaphus porcinus, but it is a totally different species.The most recent analyses indicate that these two species, together with Axis calamianensis, constitute a different genus distinct from Axis and Hyelaphus. hunting. Hyelaphus kuhlii are found only on the Indonesian island of Bawean where they have a small population. It may surprise you to learn there are species of deer that also live in the mountains and in the tropical rainforests. (820 kg).All deer spe… Eva Johanna Rode-Margono *, Hannah Khwaja, Mark Rademaker, Gono Semiadi * Corresponding author for this work. It is protected from hunting not just on paper, but effectively in practice (G. Semiadi pers. Bawean deer encounter rate differed among habitat types in the dry season (H = 7.80, df = 3, p = 0.050). google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF";
*** Axis deer in general take readily to water and are said to be good swimmers. We used both camera trapping and a random encounter model approach, and faecal pellet group counts, to update the range and population size of the Bawean deer Axis kuhlii in the Bawean Island Nature Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary, Indonesia. In 2006, the wild population was estimated (based on field-work in 1998–2003) to be stable at 250–300 animals (Semiadi 2004, G. Semiadi and S. Pudyatmoko pers. other deer. The population of the Bawean deer could not be estimated because of the low number of encounters, but we suggest that this indicates the population is considerably smaller than previously reported. This study was conducted on September 2001 in three locations, known to be the habitat for Bawean deer, that was the Kumalasa, Patarselamat and Pudakit Barat villages. The Bawean deer is one of the species that live in the Sundaland
Where they are undisturbed they may form small herds;
2) Assess the impact of deer on crops as this may have become a problem if effective protection has allowed the population to increase substantially, or the invasion of Chromolaena is pushing deer to eat more crops. Intl. The continued existence of the Bawean deer is therefore dependent on genetic reservoirs in zoos. Maximum longevity: 17.8 years (captivity) Observations: One specimen lived 17.8 years in captivity (Richard Weigl 2005). Bawean Island covers just 220 square kilometres. The Bawean deer, Hyelaphus kuhlii, also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia. Data on Biology and Ecology (Size, Habitat, Gestation Period, BirthSeason, Diet, Behavior, SocialOrganization) 5. All rights reserved. They are also prone to be found in forest areas. GET STARTED. Additionally, it will be tested with other population estimation method using pellet count and line transect method. Hunting and habitat reduction due to expansion of teak plantations are the main threats to
Axis deer normally rest during the hotter part
There is an urgent recognized need for conservation of tropical forest deer. Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) is one of endemic animals that inhabit in Indonesia, and only exists in the Bawean Island as its natural habitat. Hunting ceased in 1977, and the population increased during the next few years (Anonymous 1978, Blouch and Sumaryoto 1987, G. Semiadi pers. comm. קובץ:Bawean deer close.jpg. Animal
Bawean deer are only found on the small Indonesian island of Bawean, located between Borneo and Java. 2003a, IUCN
Status and Trends (IUCN Status, Countries Where
Similar species live over 20 years, so it is possible that maximum longevity is slightly underestimated in these animals. They may become nocturnal in the summer, or when molested by people. and dusk. The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats a baseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) is an endemic species to Bawean. Bawean Deer Bawean Deer Appearance. Two main parts of the island are used, the central mountain range, and Mount Bulu in the south-west (Blouch and Atmosoedirdjo 1978, 1987). This research will investigate the Bawean deer population using camera traps and monitor the activity pattern and growth level of Bawean deer. Understanding the forest as the habitat for this deer is an important step toward the management and the development of the whole habitat. For a population at best on the edge of the oft-quoted, though somewhat arbitrary, minimum figure for a population viable into the long term (500), such a further reduction (on top of the major contraction in available habitat for the species over past centuries) should be seen as a major threat despite recent population stability. In 1979, the Bawean Island Nature Reserve was established , offering the mountainous habitat of the Bawean deer some much needed protection.Management activities on the island have included protecting the deer from hunting, the controlled burning of grasslands to provide deer habitat, and the thinning of teak plantations to encourage understorey development on which the deer can … Bawean Deer was reported as 'plentiful' during the 19th century. Maturation of teak (including coppicing from cut stumps) and invasion by the American herb Chromolaena odorata; Compositae (=Eupatorium odoratum) constitute the only significant predictable threat to this deer, through reducing the grazing areas and this carrying capacity (G. Semiadi pers. habitat. The Bawean Deer are small and brown, with their fawns having a spotted pattern. Currently Found, Population Estimates, History of Distribution, Threats and Reasons
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... habitat selection. Burton & Pearson 1987, Cons. [Related: Oh, You Deer: Newborn Mini Fawn Is Seriously Cute]The largest deer is the moose. Therefore, it is needed to have research as an effort to save Bawean deer in its natural habitat. Data on Biology and Ecology (Size, Habitat, Gestation Period, Birth
the Bawean deer. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more Management activities have included termination of hunting, controlled burning of grassy areas within forests, and thinning of teak plantations to encourage understorey development (Blouch and Sumaryoto 1987). 2013). 2006). They also tend to live on the highsides. Taxonomically, the status of this deer … Tanjung Cina (= Cina Cape), an area of 950 m x 300 m, which has hilly topography in its centre and no resident human population, lies at the north-west of Bawean Island and is often cut off from the main island by a sea level of 20–150 m; it has been much used by Bawean Deer since at least the 1990s (Semiadi 2004). Contact Us.. Bawean deer Their fawns are spotted at birth, which separates them from the best known western population of the hog deer ( H. porcinus ). Roland Wirth (category and featured image). is pushing deer to eat more crops. If so, community-based mediation with local conservation officials may be required to find solutions and mitigate conflict. , 1. This preference for human-modified habitat has implications for human–wildlife conflict and hunting pressure for this species. 2005). The Bawean Deer are small and brown, with their fawns having a spotted pattern. They are also prone to be found in forest areas. Management activities have included termination of hunting, controlled burning of grassy areas within forests, and thinning of teak plantation… Full security would come only through an increase of the range on the island, requiring some deer-centred management for areas outside the protected area. It weighs only abbout 20 lbs. Hog deer are heavy-set and compact, standing only about 28" high at the shoulder. Tidbits
This effort must begin with identification kind of food Bawean Deer in their habitat. Development of ex-situ conservation, one of which is the breeding system, are expected to support the provision of the population (stock recovery) in their natural habitat without compromising the authenticity and uniqueness types. This species is very threatened, and can only be found on a single island in Indonesia. © 2021 It lives only in a small island Bawean (19.419 ha). Population size, distribution and status of the remote and Critically Endangered Bawean deer Axis kuhlii - Volume 51 Issue 4 - Dede Aulia Rahman, Georges Gonzalez, Stéphane Aulagnier 4. As Critically Endangered specis (IUCN 2015), Bawean deers are the most isolated deer in the world and the only endemic deer species in Indonesian. Bawean – the small island with its own deer and pig species The island Indonesia is located off the coast of East Java, Indonesia, around 120 km into the Java Sea. Faunistically Bawean is best known for its endemic Bawean Deer Axis kuhlii, reputedly the rarest deer in the world (Blouch and Admosudirdjo 1979). Bawean deer are only found on the small Indonesian island of Bawean, located between Borneo and Java. Bawean Deer or Axis Kulii that live in Bawean Deer reserved is not transfer animal from another reserved. Understanding the forest as the habitat for this deer is an important step toward the management and the development of the whole habitat. It is protected from hunting not just on paper, but effectively in practice (G. Semiadi pers. Some of them live on the plains, others in the tundra. For a population at best on the edge of the oft-quoted, though somewhat arbitrary, minimum figure for a population viable into the long term (500), such a further reduction (on top of the major contraction in available habitat for the species over past centuries) should be seen as a major threat despite recent population stability. Download this Premium Photo about Group of bawean deer standing in natural habitat, and discover more than 6 Million Professional Stock Photos on Freepik village. Males have three-tined antlers. google_ad_channel ="";
2008). About 300–350 animals are held in zoos and private captive breeding facilities off the island (G. Semiadi pers. We studied 2-month periods to fulfil the assumption of population closure. population size. Most of the Bawean Deer do not have many humans around them. Food is important habitat component that influence the level of population welfare. The Bawean Deer (Hyelaphus kuhlii) is a highly endangered species of deer found only on Indonesia's island of Bawean. Bawean Island Citizens' Perception and Attitude toward the Existence of Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) and Its Habitat April 2019 American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 14(4):244-250 References. The study was conducted by direct interviews and field observations. Males have three-tined antlers. for Decline)
2008). Distribution Map
Click here to see the Larger image. Secondary forest seems to be the ideal habitat, supporting up to 19.2 deer per km2 (Blouch and Atmosoedirdjo 1978). Find Bawean Deer Boyanese Deer Standing Natural stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. comm. They also tend to live on the highsides. Habitat change and loss, land conversion, and over exploitation affect the availability of potential food forBawean deer. 2014). comm. Pigs (Sus spp.) Tidbits 3. 1. This reserved is located at foot part of Mount Gadung and borders with Bawean conservation forest. The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats a baseline data for wildlife world. The small natural habitat (200 km') makes the Bawean deer as the only isolated deer in the world (Blouch & Atmosoedirdjo, 1987). Info. Bawean deer - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia If so, community-based mediation with local conservation officials may be required to find solutions and mitigate conflict. when molested by people. A typical height for males of 60–70cm has been reported. Habitat use. Status and Trends (IUCN Status, Countries WhereCurrently Found, Population Estimates, History of Distribution, Threats and Reasonsfor Decline) 4. comm. The Bawean deer (Hyelaphus kuhlii), also known as Kuhl's hog deer or Bawean hog deer, is a highly threatened species of deer found only in the island of Bawean (Gresik Regency) in Indonesia.. A typical height for males of 60–70 cm has been reported. 2004). elsewhere they are mainly solitary. Index | Links. Axis deer normally rest during the hotter part of the day and move about at dawn
2. An Analysis of IifeSupporting Capacity of Habitat and Dynamic Model of Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) on the Game Sanctuary of Bawean Island. Understanding the forest as the habitat for this deer is an important step toward the management and the development of the whole habitat. Hunting and habitat reduction due to expansion of teak plantations. Individuals are occasionally sighted on the beach in the southwestern part of the island; otherwise they are rarely seen (Blouch and Atmosoedirdjo, 1987) Secondary forest appears to be ideal Bawean deer habitat, supporting densities of 19.2 deer per square kilometer. Did you know that? 2005, Grimwood 1976, Huffman
To conserve the population sustainability of Bawean Deer, habitat management is needed; one of it is concern about food. Bawean deer reside on the Bawean island in Indonesia, close to the Java Sea. Similar species live over 20 years, so it is possible that maximum longevity is slightly underestimated in these animals. 3) Initiate a co-ordinated breeding programme to evaluate and if necessary address possible inbreeding deficiencies in the captive population. Bawean Deer are medium brown, with a yellowish fur tint and their skin appears grizzled in close vicinity. Download this Premium Photo about Group of bawean deer standing in natural habitat, and discover more than 7 Million Professional Stock Photos on Freepik