bumi vs iroh

Who's ramblings are the wisest? Where once I said Iroh, I now lean towards Bumi, at least for R1. fanfics4ever Sep 5, 2012. Bumi- yeah! While waiting for Sozin's Comet, Bumi and Toph have an earthbending rumble to decide who is the greatest earthbender of all time. 7 years ago. Son, this is Iroh bodying Azula without breaking a sweat. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whowouldwin community. Toph the Metal bender All of them team up to defeat Avatar Aang. That's when Zuko meets Sokka, who might just be his cure. Commander Zhao Scene (9/10) | Movieclips. Though since Ozai was confirmed to be the most powerful fire bender, Azula took from her Father and is almost as powerful, and Iroh has beaten sane Azula before I’d have to say that the fire benders win. Iroh's a far better fighter and much smarter than Ozai ever was. Fit Iroh stomps Ozai. The first to square off are the waterbenders: Master Pakku of the White Lotus and the tentacle-armed Ming-Hua of the Red Lotus. Bumi later arrived at Air Temple Island wit… But everyone knows i'm the best bender in history. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. share. Plus he can do that thing where he goes underground and appears somewhere else in an absurdly short amount of time, and Bumi bloodlusted would probably abuse that ability. 10 Zuko Vs Commander Zhao - “The Southern Air Temple” Serving as our introduction to the Agni Kai and a glimpse into Fire Nation culture, Zuko vs Commander Zhao really did have us rooting for Zuko. Bumi took Aang to school in a fight that showed what earthbenders are truly capable of. Check out our iroh bumi president selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Iroh II achieves what his grandfather could not, and kills an airbender. He can sink into the ground and pull Iroh with him for an instant incap, but Iroh has … I think round 1 goes to Bumi - I think his skills in Earth would counter Iroh's skills in fire, though they're probably equally skilled benders in their element. They work on finding ways of how blood- bending can be used to heal (the other white lotus members, especially Iroh, are impressed but Bumi also uses this to mock Pakku a bit. 10. level 2. i'll give this to Iroh 6/10, with an edge from lightning. Iroh can teach a person a lot about firebending, but he is hardly the only firebender master out there. Just as Uncle Iroh and King Bumi were both members of the Order of the White Lotus, General Iroh and Commander Bumi fought side by side in the United Forces navy. It’s unclear if Uncle Iroh ever met General Iroh, but if he did, he no doubt was proud of his great-grandnephew. ! Language: English Words: 285 Chapters: 1/? Posted by AV at 12:37 PM. Comments. Non-bending fight. i'll give this to Iroh 6/10, with an edge from lightning. Especially poignant is his ability to travel underground, an ability that no other earthbender shows us. Iroh and Zuko have such a tea vs. coffee drinker dynamic tbh . 10 Zuko Vs Commander Zhao - “The Southern Air Temple” Serving as our introduction to the Agni Kai and a glimpse into Fire Nation culture, Zuko vs Commander Zhao really did have us rooting for Zuko. Who wins? He'd have wanted to see Iroh in the winning side in a thread against Bumi. (Remember Bumi and Iroh are members of the White Lotus club). Who takes the first game? Info. Iroh would later regret that he had not done eno… Bumi vs. Iroh. He was also flinging multiple houses through the air like they were nothing. Aang vs king bumi the three deadly challenges hd. Bumi II/Izumi (Avatar) Bumi II (Avatar) Izumi (Avatar) Original Female Character(s) Bolin (Avatar) Fluff; Fluff and Angst; Summary. In ‘The King of Omashu’, Aang had to face a set of tough challenges set up by King Bumi. The heir to the throne, or the heir to a nation. I would say Bumi 6/10. In a battle of wits. Do they win the match? Round 1: Contrary to what most people are saying, I think Bumi takes this with a slight edge. They work on finding ways of how blood- bending can be used to heal (the other white lotus members, especially Iroh, are impressed but Bumi also uses this to mock Pakku a bit. King Bumi Piandao Pakku Iroh Jeong Jeong Ozai Huu the plant bender. Bumi vs. Iroh. More: The Legend of Korra Ending Explained Does the spry and agile Bumi beat the firebending beefcake? Create variation 0. ... Sokka, and Katara were fighting with Azula. Her having lightning bending was not my argument, My argument is that she can dodge and react to lightning therefore she's leagues faster than bumi in regards to reaction time and combat speed. Iroh and Bumi both fit the mold of a quirky but loving uncle. He joined the United Forces, where he became the youngest general in the history of the military and befriended many people, including Commander Bumi. Iroh vs Bumi. Bumi stood for a photo with his family when he was a young boy.. Pikachu vs. Aang Korra vs. Greninja Toph vs. Sceptile Zuko vs. Charizard Iroh, Pakku, Piandao, and Bumi vs. Mewtwo Azula vs. Infernape Mako and Bolin vs. Bulbasaur and Squirtle Zaheer vs. Noivern Kuvira vs. Hawlucha * Unless noted or it is a pokemon Ash does not own, assume Ash is present giving orders, and is unable to be attacked. Better fighter, more mobile, and showed much better technique and power. A battle between him and Toph remained completely even throughout before ending in a stalemate. Close. Toph and Bumi are arguably the 2 strongest earth benders. The relationship between Iroh and his younger brother Ozai became already strained when they were young. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Iroh 10/10 Bumi/Izumi one-shots for myself. R1 is much more interesting, i'd still give Iroh and edge because he can shoot lightning, and may beat bumi before he can block the lightning. Zuko loses his last one and Iroh is desperate to save him. Bumi also excels at fighting vertically, and I don’t know if Iroh can track him well enough to use lightning effectively. The two often competed with one another, and fought over the pettiest matters like a game of Pai Sho. One wouldn't think it would cause the issues it did. The young blind girl was quickly established as one of the most skilled Earthbenders around. Bumi took Aang to school in a fight that showed what earthbenders are truly capable of. The firebenderinstructed Bumi to hide his armada at Red Sand Island until Iroh signaled him that it was clear to attack. I'm pretty sure no one has said anything but that. The winner is whoever can bust out a tea set to pacify these gods the quickest. Iroh and Zuko have such a tea vs. coffee drinker dynamic tbh . Similar to his sister Kya, Bumi was somewhat distant from his father, who was focused primarily on his Avatar duties, preserving Air Nomad culture, and training Tenzin in airbending. Bonus Round: Bumi and Iroh play a Pai Sho match, best of 3 games wins. Bonus Bonus: tealusted best of 1 Pai Sho game. Iroh is more of a master than Bumi, but Bumi is batshit crazy. Despite being the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the Earth Kingdom, all she wanted to do is train, fight and use her incredible powers. The final challenge was to defeat the king in a bending match. Iroh II was born a non-bender, to two non-bending parents. In terms of raw strength, Bumi is unmatched besides the Avatars. Iroh 10/10. Aug 26, 2011 #30 Risyth said: I'm late but really, it's about speed and Iroh just doesn't have it. Change members. I will not be screenshotting these out of contest for future use tbh. RELATED: Avatar: Toph vs Jinora for Best Girl. Iroh and bumi are probably close enough in terms of power and strategy. I'd say Bumi wins, 10/10. By contrast, Tenzin is an airbender master; that is, he's the only airbender master in the world right now, since Aang is gone.. They were later joined by Iroh, Toph, and Zuko. Full Moon Katara Katara: 251: Comet Zuko Zuko: 1.1 K: Toph Beifong Toph Beifong: 505: team class: 1.8 K: Comet Iroh Iroh: 1.8 K: King Bumi: team class: 1.8 K: Battle options. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. I say they win due to numbers. R2 goes to Iroh, a firebender gets an enormous buff with the comet, and Iroh is top 3 of all firebenders at that time. All are in character. 4 comments. Well here's how I see it. Bumi also excels at fighting vertically, and I don’t know if Iroh can track him well enough to use lightning effectively. R2 goes to Iroh, a firebender gets an enormous buff with the comet, and Iroh is top 3 of all firebenders at that time. Bloodlusted Bumi is probably hiding underground spamming rock pillar attacks. Sneaky Cola. Please comment response bellow. Who outsmarts the other? In round 2 Iroh is flying so Bumi will have to expose himself to attack and is burnt to a crisp as soon as he surfaces. Uncle iroh did not have mastery over lightning while azula did and azula succeeded in breaking down the earth kingdom's walls while iroh failed in that conquest. Archived. report. Po wprowadzeniu dwóch earthbenders , Sokka uderza handheld gong do sygnalizowania początku pojedynku . The only unique fire bending technique that Ozai demonstrated was flying and that's not going to be good enough to overcome someone as skilled and smart as Iroh. Note: if you happen to have seen this prompt before, it's because I used the exact same one for an old work by the same name. Let's not ignore things that happen in canon, please. save. He was formerly the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, and destined to become the new Fire Lord. Iroh was the eldest son of Azulon and Ilah, and grandson of Fire Lord Sozin. Iroh is known as one of the strongest Firebenders in the whole series so … I don’t think that Iroh can account for Bumi’s insanity, especially when bloodlusted. R2 is an Iroh stomp though, I mean that much is obvious. Mizuki is their oc daughter, she’s a non bender. The Last Airbender (2010) - Uncle Iroh vs. Bumi would be able to take him if they actually had a strategic battle. Team Full Moon Katara vs Comet Iroh & King Bumi. It seems like the Fire Nation only gets by due to their significant technological advances, not their bending, which is arguably the least useful of the four. Aang vs Ozai Rated T for language. Bumi is much better at earthbending than Toph is!!!! I know Iroh has more feats here, but assume King B. has kept up a friendly rivalry with an old friend, playing PaiSho at least once a year. Hermit mode is a bitch though, at least 2 of them will die. Round 2 I have to give to Iroh. Iroh is good when he's calm and stuff, I can't Imagine blood lusted. Woah, is that a giant mushroom? Bumi would be able to take him if they actually had a strategic battle. Even during Sozin's Comet, he could make ice walls that fended off amped Firebender blasts. I do not own this scene @ viacom internation inc. Nickelodeon and all related titles,logos. That’s basically it. Iroh was born in 134 AG to Fire Lord Izumi. 15. Round 2 clearly goes to Iroh. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. 5 comments: AV October 20, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Posted on September 7, 2017 by dreager1. Toph was introduced in the second season of The Last Airbender. Although he never showed it, he should be able to fly with Sozin's which is a huge advantage. Thanks in part to her blindness, Toph developed a closer connection to the earth that she bends, allowing her to feel it and ma… Bumi is crazy, but a Blood Lusted Iroh sounds horrifying. The powerboost from Sozin's comet is just too much. Mimo to, ani Toph ani ataki Bumi , podkreślając, żeinne zrobić pierwszy krok . @highmantra_x0sp@geekryan@anthp2000@mrgetmebodied: @nathanthecynic: @tektonic: @supremegeneration: @viking1205: @thebluedragon20: @thebooyzz: @xzone: @chloros: @aystarr: @bigdreamer48: @scarlet_wiccan: @edgelord91: @vengefulshot: @byondeon: @eslay03: @indomitableregal: Iroh II. @anthp2000: I considered not using tags and just letting people see the title themselves lol. It comes down to if iroh can track bumi with his lightning. The firstborn and only nonbender among Aang and Katara's three children, Bumi grew into a rambunctious child who needed close supervision. Please no more avatar vs naruto threads like this. Iroh is also Bumi and Izumi’s son. Round 1: Contrary to what most people are saying, I think Bumi takes this with a slight edge. if not, bumi may win quickly by dropping the ground out on Iroh. If Bumi can beat Iroh, that implies that he also has a chance of taking down Ozai. Suggested by Eric Bumi developed some Airbending skills once he was older, but they never reached the level of the other masters. Bloodlusted Iroh is probably non stop lightning spam. Bending fight in Utah (tons of rocks and shit). lol. Media loves these characters, typically childless men who instead dote on their nieces and nephews and have all kinds of fun with them. if not, bumi may win quickly by dropping the ground out on Iroh. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Szablon:Ujednoznacznienie Bumi vs Toph jest to komiksy przygod Avatara stworzony przez Nickelodeon . It's no wonder Katara grew to such heights un… Round 1: No enhancements. There is still a lot that needs to be done after 100 years of war but progress is being made. General Iroh (艾洛, Aì Luò), also referred to as Uncle Iroh, is a fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender.Created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the character was voiced by Mako in the first two seasons and, due to Mako's death, by Greg Baldwin in the third season and the sequel series The Legend of Korra. Iroh is more of a master than Bumi, but Bumi is batshit crazy. This makes him a unique and vital character, since he alone could teach Korra how to bend air and meditate correctly. The Dragon of the West vs The Republic Monk. All rights belongs to Avatar creators such as Dante D Martino and other guys, along with some other people and complanies. Iroh had a plan, it was rather simple at the heart of it, prove himself capable of ruling the Fire Nation, by first serving in another capacity. Which sound relatively reasonable. It would be a good fight to see though. OT: Sozin's Comet makes Round 2 a lot harder for Bumi to win...but at the same time, Bumi's few feats are absolutely insane. Also, if it’s in Ba Sing Se, Bumi has a lot of structural features that he can use to his advantage. The war is over and things are beginning to settle down. Posted by. My friend and I have had this conversation a lot. Firebenders are bloodlusted, Bumi is in character and determined to win. In 170 AG, during the battle for Republic City, Bumi was sent a wire by Gommu from General Iroh after the latter's fleet was defeated by Equalist biplanes. I don’t think that Iroh can account for Bumi’s insanity, especially when bloodlusted. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,342 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 6/15/2012 - Published: 6/14/2012 - id: 8218096 We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Debate: Bumi Vs Toph Alright, feed on this a bit...Who is a better earthbender, Bumi or Toph? I'd give good odds for fat Iroh to win most of the time against Ozai. Only way Bumi stands a chance is if he stays underground but Iroh can easily torch the entire battlefield, his firepower is insane. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bumi can bend faster, and is … You are indeed where you belong. So no one is going to talk about the definition of a click-bait that is this thread. Email This BlogThis! UndefeatedJoe. Round 2: Azula is Sozin's Comet enhanced. Kudos: 5 Hits: 35 Bumi has a bit of the edge in speed, but iroh has lightning that could blow through on of the walls of the earth king's royal palace. Press J to jump to the feed. Watch later. everyone ends in speeeeeeeeeeeeeed blitz. In terms of raw strength, Pakku was one of the most powerful Waterbenders seen in the series, single-handedly fighting off Fire Nation tanks and slicing them in half. 10 Aang vs Bumi. You need to be logged in to post comments.. Bumi Vs Ozai : Ozai & Zaheer vs Unalaq & Bumi - Battles - Comic Vine / None both pakku and iroh. Firelord Iroh (Avatar) Firelord Zuko (Avatar) Partially Deaf Zuko (Avatar) Partially Blind Zuko (Avatar) Iroh Adopts Zuko (Avatar) Azula Joins the Gaang (Avatar) Hakoda Adopts Zuko (Avatar) Summary. Him lifting and knocking over that huge metal statue of Ozai was probably the best strength feat in the show, that thing easily weighs thousands of tons. Reply. MAYBE IT'S FRIENDLY! 100% Upvoted. hide. So round 1 goes to Bumi provided he can get underground before getting shot, which he probably can as he can bend without moving and Iroh would have to move to shoot him. But I can't really see this happening, because I have an HC that Bumi is Iroh's father or step-father. Iroh should win. If you cap jiraiya speed Master Pakku, Bumi, Iroh, and Gyatso have a very good chance. . this 'cactus juice' stuff my uncle Sokka found is AWESOME! Wan Restoring Balance to the World.