talk to that dude in ludi to 'finish' the quest and u get a 'medal of honor' and u go back to vic island and go to henersys and talk to jay and u will get 1 chief stan hat stress715 Neophyte I too hear that it’s a great fast food chain. it can't be traded tough. Dig deeper and figure out what's really going on; In 'Maid to Order', investigate the threats made to Phantom's life and discover the secrets kept by all parties involved. Advertisements found in this site are to support server and related costs of maintaining this website. MapleTip is a not-for-profit website aimed at providing MapleStory players the best possible information. Pre-requisite: Nella's Introductions completed : Item(s) Needed: Fierry's Tentacle x 2 ... Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. is it for a quest, and can't do anything about it now, or is it just to wear and it means i just got it by doing a quest? Get quest [Required] Henesys in Ruins from Chief Alex. It looks awesome LOL..If u wanna help just comment where to get it o_^<3, I don't know if you can trade it or not but, if you drop it it would be a waste of an awesome hat and if you really don't want it anymore and you can't trade it. He's such a perv. Eliminate 150 Mutant Snails. User account menu. Chief Stan's Letter 0_o. 54. It shows the relationships between various characters in MapleStory (no minor ones though like Chief Stan and Alex or Dr. Betty and Anne). If you see any bugs, please email us! Head over to Omega Sector: Command Center and give the item to Dr. Kim. 5. Report back to Chief Stan about your findings. He watches over the town along with Athena Pierce. After being introduced to a mysterious magician, he'll ask you to take care of some tasks that are extremely important and necessary to get to the afterlife. In Progress You have to get 20 Blue Mushroom Spores and give them to Jay at Chief Stan's House. Advertisements found in this site are to support server and related costs of maintaining this website. MapleStory is copyright ©2003-2009 by Nexon corporation. Chief Stan's Letter (Level 65 and above) Victoria Island Quest. MapleTip is a not-for-profit website aimed at providing MapleStory players the best possible information. wtf i cant seem to get it :( theres no quest for it! Stan has two sons, Jay and Alex. Chill maple, best maple. JapanMS You will ... MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. Chief Stan Hat 1002436: Req Level: 35: Req Stats: - Weapon Def: 27 24 - 30 (Normal) 24 - 35 (Godly) Magic Def: 13 11 - 15 (Normal) 11 - 20 (Godly) Job: Common: Effects: - Upgrade Slots: 7: NPC Value: 40,000: Drops from: - Available from: This item can be obtained from quests: Find the Maple History Book 2 (Level 25 and above). Tip: Blue Mushrooms can be found in Blue Mushroom Forest and Blue Mushmom Forest. it's long tho. Add a comment — Certain HTML is allowed. Chief Stan's Letter (Level 65 and above) Victoria Island Quest. NEXT> [Temple of Time] Seeking Lost Memories [Evan], Maplestory - Chief Stan Hat - for a quest? After speaking to Chief Stan, all of the following quests will come through the quest log. If the player takes part in Runaway Brother then Stan will ask the player to give Alex an old golden watch. Chief Stan looks at me funny every time I walk around Henesys in my pink booty shorts. :Objective: Convince Alex's father, Chief Stan, to let him back home. Current Residence GMS: Chief Stan's House. You will obtain 1 Sealed Letter. Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Image. While Alex says he isn't returning to Henesys, he does miss Jay and Stan, and Stan begins to worry as to where he went off to. Voice Actors MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. Jihoon Choi[1] (FriendStory). Just a couple of minutes every day to get some cute rewards with no coin capping stress and a lot of nostalgia fanservice. MapleStory Adventures is played on a simplified version of Maple World. Male Areas in MapleStory Adventures that correspond to those in the original MapleStory game include Henesys, Ellinia,Perion and Kerning City. Advertisements found in this site are to support server and related costs of maintaining this website. MapleStory is home to many such teachers and each major class features their own Job Trainer. Item (s) Needed: Sealed Letter x 1. In 'The Henesys Haunting', Chief Stan requests help to investigate the strange sightings that have been reported around Henesys. Now take the quest [Required] The Fall of Cygnus. Chief Stan's Test quest not recognizing when I've picked up a Blue Mushroom Doll. The official Reddit community for the MMORPG MapleStory. MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. im pretty sure its that lady who asks u kil pigs for ur first quest with her or something. Chief Stan's Letter. Completed You defeated the monsters in order to talk to Stan the ghost. MapleStory is copyright ©2003-2009 by Nexon corporation. If it's taking up inventory space then just sell it to an NPC for 40,000 mesos :), Where do i need it for?, do i need it for something, or is it OK to drop? False. Some are pretty interesting to see actually~ Edit: Many people seem to assuming this image is some sort of troll because it’s from Insoya. Please take note of the following: • Safety Scrolls. KoreaMS u have to find th 3 history books and its about alot with going back and forth.its cool tho. This topic is locked; 7 replies to this topic #1 Kaihri. Head over to Victoria Road: The Entrance of Golem's Temple to the right of the map, and press up under the large puppet. Comments cannot be editted. freunwol: hey did yall hear about this new fast food place called cadenas its great. Stan has two sons, Jay and Alex. Answers: Kerning City, You were a runaway, Stan, An old golden watch. You may obtain information from MapleTip for your own usage, however you should give credit to us. His FriendStory counterpart is the school dean. Human well u get it form that lady in henesys. Information Elinia Perion Henesys NPC - Chief Stan NPC - Pet Manager NPC - Yullete NPC - Alberich the Enchanter NPC - Andre NPC - Lenario The Road to Henesys NPC - Bruce Lv… Procedure Talk to Ex-chief Stan in Henesys Ruins. Talk to Chief Stan at Henesys: Henesys. So I was bored and made a Warrior. Started by Kaihri, Nov 25 2006 03:01 PM. True. You need to defeat Mutant Snails that terrorize the town before the ghostly Stan will speak with you. 4. Tagged: MapleStory, Chief, Stan, Finding, Alex, . Head over to Victoria Road: The Entrance of Golem's Temple to the right of the map, and press up under the large puppet. "Future" Advertisments are used to pay for recurring costs associated with MapleTip. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Anyone there? Chief Stan is the elder chief of Henesys. Talk to Chief Stan at Henesys: Henesys. NPC (s) Involved: Procedures: Talk to Chief Stan in Henesys: Henesys. These include such colorful personalities as Jin, the Dark Lord and Thief trainer. In 'The Henesys Haunting', Chief Stan requests help to investigate the strange sightings that have been reported around Henesys. I don't know what new mini game is going to appear tomorrow and that is exciting. Henesys _____ -Alex the Run Away Kid- :Description: It seems that Alex, a small boy from Henesys, has run away from home because of family problems. Kaihri. … I am attempting to get the lv18 hat from beating the stupid little boss. He is very strict and seems to only show respect to other teachers. Chief Stan's Test (Level 34 and above) New Hero Quest. Alive (Lore)Decreased (Gate to the Future) Completed You got Blue Mushroom Spores and gave them to Jay. Chief Stan's Test (Level 34 and above) New Hero Quest. Available from: This item can be obtained from Find the Maple History Book 2 (Level 25 and above) quest. Your mission is to settle these disputes. I am at the part of the quests where you have to go talk to Chief Stan … Answer: Bowman – 25 DEX Be Careful , you can use the “Minimize and maximize” method or “Window mode” method to do Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. 장로 스탄(Chief Stan, Jangno Seutan) Advertisments are used to pay for recurring costs associated with MapleTip. Talk to Chief Stan at Henesys. vivabasura i forgot how to emote 6 raginroxas Hello? While Alex says he isn't returning to Henesys, he does miss Jay and Stan, and Stan begins to worry as to where he went off to. 2 grim R> DarkRelic in Elysium. Status I got rid of my chief stan hat jay gave me in henesseys, but it said quest item. I got this hat.Cute hat but lmao stat..Easy quest but take long time to do daaa.. ive been trying to get past this quests to get that hat and i STILL cant find the first book D= y does life suck? Chief Stan. NPC (s) Involved: Procedures: Talk to Chief Stan in Henesys. Reblogged 3 … Chief Stan's Letter (Level 35 and above) Victoria Island Quest. 長老スタン(Chief Stan, Chōrō Sutan) Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Thanks, that did it. Starting at Henesys ruins1. Family Chief Stan's house is pretty scenic, not sure why he's never home. I slowed down as I neared her, she seemed to be mumbling something. Chances are that you ran into the same glitch that I did, where Chief Stan doesn't give you the next quest to go talk to Silence of the Wolves until you leave Henesys (or just the area that he's in) and come back. Sold for: 5,500 mesos. Head over to Omega Sector: Command Center and give the item to Dr. Kim. Chief Stan's New Year i-Gacha [Update as of 29th January 2018, 1845hrs (GMT +8)] The item codes for Chief Stan's i-Gacha has been restocked and the event has been resumed. 3. Reward(s): 800 experience; Remark(s): This quest is only available for Evan. Alex (son)Mrs. Ming Ming (second wife)Jay (stepson) the a guild in youtube it will show were the books are =D i got one in every accoute sever:el nido. Start by talking to Chief Stan in Henesys (available through the quest log) to begin the story. Name (Other Servers) Followed by talking to Athena Pierce who is located right beside Chief Alex. Level 150+ please. Chief Stan's Test. In Lith Harbor there are NPC statues that warp you to a specific Job Instructor. Fucking fun. Jay is intelligent and obedient while Alex is a slacker and a troublemaker. Equipment Library / … Chief Stan is at Henesys, Alex at Kerning City. POV Change (Chief Stan) “Stop!” I yelled after the girl who was running, “Come back here!” I shouted, to my surprise she did stop; but she was shaking and covering her face. Can have several, and it still shows as 0/1 and the quest can't be turned in. Dropped by: -. Jin was once romantically involved with Lady Syl, the trainer for the Dual Blades, but they grew apart after Syl's father was murdered. Hometown You may obtain information from MapleTip for your own usage, however you should give credit to us. Then return and talk to Chief Stan. Go to and press up at the utmost right under the puppet. Chief Stan's Test. Chief Stan's Letter. In order to do 2nd job advancement, what will the job instuctor give after you have gathered 30 Dark Marbles? Item (s) Needed: Sealed Letter x 1. Close. So How do i get this hat. Press J to jump to the feed. Go to Henesys Ruins Market and Henesys Ruins Park, and eliminate Mutant Snail. MapleStory Equipment - Chief Stan Hat - Reward(s): 800 experience; Remark(s): This quest is only available for Evan. MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. and Purple Cube x3 Coupons have been added into the i-Gacha list. MapleStory Screens, Videos and Forum. The quest of "Arwen and the Glass Shoes" at Ellinia can only be completed once. Item(s) Needed: Sealed Letter x 1: NPC(s) Involved: Procedures: Talk to Chief Stan in Henesys: Henesys. To clear the quest of "Alex the Runaway Kid" at Kerning City, you’ll need to get a gold watch from Chief Stan and deliver it back to Alex. 6. ... MapleTip Forums- MapleStory Discussions Name: Chief Stan Location: Henesys: Henesys Quest involved: Chief Stan's Letter (Level 35 and above), Alex the Runaway Kid (Level 20 and above), Let's Train (Level 14 and above), Power B. Fore's Training Center (Level 15 and above), Nella's Introductions (Level 34 and above), Chief Stan's Test (Level 34 and above), Chief Stan's Request (Level 34 and above), Mushrooms Instead of Meat! Chief Stan You will obtain 1 Sealed Letter. Seems like a bug, so I'm putting it here. • All codes will expire by 30th April 2018. KMS: 장로스탄의 집 (長老 Stan-, Jangnoseutanui jip) TMS: 傑伊的家 (Jay's House, Jiéyī de jiā) Maple World. Update: The equipment database has been updated! Level 25 #Guild with all useful skills unlocked. Start this quest [Required] Chief Alex from Chief Alex. Item(s) Needed: Sealed Letter x 1: NPC(s) Involved: Procedures: Talk to Chief Stan in Henesys: Henesys. Eventually Alex runs away from his father and takes refuge in Kerning City. You will ... MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. Name: Chief Stan. Chief Stan's Letter (Level 65 and above) Victoria Island Quest. Log in sign up. Henesys KoreaMS In the future Chief Stan dies sometime before or during the attack on Victoria Island and his ghost remains in a war torn Henesys. Reward(s): 250,000 mesos; 800 experience You’re wrong. Gender Answer: Proof of Hero 5. Location: Henesys: Henesys. Eventually Alex runs away from his father and takes refuge in Kerning City. Race Pre-requisite: Nella's Introductions completed : Item(s) Needed: Fairy's Antenna x 2 ... Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Quest involved: Chief Stan's Letter (Level 65 and above), Alex the Runaway Kid (Level 20 and above), Letter Delivery (Level 13 and above), Mushrooms Instead of Meat! He watches over the town along with Athena Pierce. Current According to the 1st job advancement, which requirement is correct? Jay is intelligent and obedient while Alex is a slacker and a troublemaker. you get it from doing maple history book part 2. Then return and talk to Chief Stan. Answer: Chief Stan 4. Chief Stan has a favor to ask. 2. Chief Stan is the elder chief of Henesys. Dig deeper and figure out what's really going on! In 'Maid to Order', investigate the threats made to Phantom's life and discover the secrets kept by all parties involved.