Recycling, Compost & Garbage. This poses an issue to the City because most recycling processors can tolerate a small amount of contamination in the recycling loads that they buy from the City, but too much contamination can cause these recycling processors to reject whole loads of otherwise readily recyclable material. 914 Results Found: Search Results Disposal Methods; Acetone: Hazardous Waste Depot: Acids : Prohibited (see instructions), Hazardous Waste Depot: Aerosol Air Freshener (empty) Blue Box, Grey Front End Loading Container: Aerosol Cans (empty) Blue Box, Grey Front End Loading Container: Aerosol Cans (not empty) Prohibited (see instructions), Hazardous … The two exceptions are shredded paper and rigid foam packaging. Using the appropriate bins will help water drain properly on rainy days. Collection schedule and What Goes Where. Recycling can be brought to the Public Drop Off Depot for free. For more information on the BC recycling program, please call the Recycling Council of British Columbia – 1-800-667-4321 (Recycling Hotline) For concerns or complaints about the Recycle BC program, please call: 1-855-875-3596. The City of Coquitlam does not manage curbside collection – it is a service provided free to residents by Recycle BC. Markham Recycling Depots are open with COVID-19 health and safety measures in place. Recycling must be placed in city-approved bins and sorted properly. Curbside Recycling. Parks and Trails Bear Proof Waste Bins. Report a problem like missed collection or mess in lane Phone: 311 or 403-320-3111 (if outside of Lethbridge) Online: Service request options Garbage Carts. In 2019 the City serviced 26,361 residences, collected 4,902 tonnes of recycling, 12,180 tonnes of compostable waste and 9,550 tonnes of garbage, and achieved a 64% diversion rate. Blue Box . It's good that more Tulsans are recycling, but the City has also seen an increase in items being put into the blue recycling carts that CANNOT be recycled through the City. City of Windsor Apartment Recycling Initiative For information on Apartment Recycling, please contact Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA) at (519) 776-6441 ext. The following recycling and reuse materials will be accepted at all 4R Winnipeg Depot locations for free drop off. Yard waste stickers cannot be placed on green bins or blue boxes. Please allow 1 metre (3ft) between your recycling containers and your Green Bin and Garbage Container. The City accepts some plastics in curbside recycling, while other plastic materials material must be returned to a *Recycle BC Depot. City parks and trails are serviced with bear proof waste bins provided to users through general tax revenue. If you are placing your bins out the night before, help minimize blowing debris by following some helpful hints, also noted lower down on this page, for windy days. In this Section Multi-Unit Residences ; Contact the City Online: 311 Live Web Chat; Email:; Local: Dial 311; Long Distance: 705-671-2489; TTY (Hearing Impaired): 705 … Tips for a Successful Pickup . For questions about City of Nelson garbage and recycling collection, please reach out to our Green Ambassador (250) 352-8102 or If your recycling cart is full, put excess recyclables in a transparent or clear blue bag. Information about City Hall such as Regional Council, Districts, Elections, Committees and more. Securely bagged recyclable material may be placed in a blue recycling bin for curbside collection. Learn more about what to do with your yard waste. What changes have been made to the City's curbside recycling program? The City of Tucson has seven Neighborhood Recycling Centers where residents can drop off any materials accepted in the Blue Barrel. The City of Surrey checks individual recycling carts for unacceptable items which can cause contamination. Over 90% of Edmontonians voluntarily participate in the City's recycling programs. Other Recycling – Provincial Take Back Programs. Click here the access a detailed list of the materials accepted in the Blue Cart (PDF version). Should you have more materials than will fit inside the cart, then the materials for recycling can be placed in a clear plastic bag at the curbside. Learn More. During this time, residents are asked to help protect the health and safety of our staff and partners and reduce the spread of the virus by following these guidelines: In 2011, the BC Government amended the BC Recycling Regulation to make Producers of Packaging and Printed Paper (PPP) responsible for its collection and processing, instead … Learn about what can and cannot go into your green carts. You can put organic waste in the green cart with or without a bag or liner. Do not stack your recycling containers. To ensure pick-up, place only acceptable materials in your recycling cart. Effective January 2021, Ontario is transitioning to a new framework for managing electronic waste. Residential Recycling Learn what accepted materials can go in your recycling bin or cart and what goes to a designated recycling depot. Acceptable recycling bin criteria is noted lower down on this page. Types of Waste Collected. Please put shredded paper in a see-through blue bag and put the bag in your blue cart for recycling. Materials for recycling should be placed loose (not bagged) inside the blue, City-issued recycling cart. Place recyclable materials loosely in your recycling bin. The garbage limit is two 80 litre cans or two 66 cm x 91 cm bags not exceeding 20kg. Green Carts. Saskatoon residents can use the City’s four recycling depots for the same clean, unsorted materials accepted in the blue cart and blue bin residential recycling programs. Please place your garbage cans, recycling bins and bags, and green cans and large paper bags at the curb by 7:30 am. These centers provide an additional option for times you may generate more recyclables than normal. Mayor Mike Savage Districts & Councillors ... Blue Recycling Bin. Loose material is not accepted. Enter Item for Recycling or Disposal. Leaf and yard waste, including grass clippings, will no longer be accepted in green bins Yard waste should go in a brown paper bag, or other open top rigid reusable container preferably marked with a City of Hamilton yard waste sticker. Waste is collected from the parks and trails bins by City public works staff. Are you looking for a detailed list of the paper and packaging items accepted in your blue recycling cart? Find out more about recycling plastic. These are also available to residents who live in multi-family apartment or townhome communities that do not have regular recycling collections. Residential garbage and recycling collection continue to be picked up as scheduled. Organics recycling is an important part of the City of Ottawa’s long term Waste Strategy. Or, you can put shredded paper directly in your green cart. This leads to a high "contamination rate" at the City's recycling processing center - and that costs the City and resident's money. ... London residents can recycle their electronics at City EnviroDepots. Additionally, the CRD does not charge residents for dropping off recyclable materials including plastic film and foam packaging at the Hartland depot and more than 80 items are accepted (including all blue box materials). Use paper, certified compostable plastic bags or go bagless in your green cart. FAQs . Many other items can be recycled through one of the many Provincial take back programs, including small appliances, electronics, batteries, light bulbs and lighting products, tires, beverage containers, power tools, outdoor power equipment, electronic toys, antifreeze, used oil, paints, flammables and pesticides, smoke alarms and thermostats. Excess cardboard must be bundled up to 90 cm x 90 cm (36 in. Carts are the property of the City of Nanaimo and must be left at the property in the event a resident moves. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our waste collection staff, all garbage must be bagged and securely tied. Put the bag next to your blue cart on your recycling collection day. Outdoor Events If you are holding a special outdoor event and would … You can also use the Waste Wise Wizard any time from your computer to find out how and where items can be recycled. For more information. Collection Calendar. Your green bin is collected each and every week, 52 weeks a year. Note there is no limit on recycling and green can organic waste pick-up. Know what can and cannot go into your garbage carts. While crews have their own health and safety procedures in place, residents are asked to help protect them on the job: Place used tissues and napkins in the garbage, rather than the green bin. Excess bags of recyclables do not need tags. For more information, contact Mike Blanchard, Manager, Waste Management and Refuse, at 705-541-7087 or email: Note: Please do not put shredded paper in your blue bag or apartment blue bin. You sort materials into two streams – container box and paper box. Recycling Depots. Putting non-recyclable items into the recycling bin causes problems at the sorting facility. Printable Recycling Guide. Diverting residential organic waste away from landfill saves the City millions of dollars and reduces the need for additional landfill sites. Multi-Unit Recycling. You can use the online tool below to find the day of your collection schedule, changes due to holidays, whether a particular item is recyclable in Peterborough, and how your blue box materials need to be sorted. x 36 in.) City of Thunder Bay Solid Waste & Recycling Facility Depot. Multi-unit recycling is provided to all residents living in apartments and condominiums that receive garbage collection with a metal bin. These items can be placed separately in clear plastic bags. A list of alternative depots in the region can be found here Plastic Film and Foam Packaging Recycling Locations. Recycling. For a list of accepted materials and for more information about recycling, check out the Cart Collection System page. Download our What Goes Where guide for a convenient poster that will summarize what you can recycle, what goes into your garbage and what you can take to Eco Stations.. All the materials listed below can be recycled in blue bags, apartment blue bins and recycling depots.Please do not recycle anything that is not listed. Materials. Free paper shredding service at the Waste Resource Innovation Centre. 1395, 1-800-563-3377 or the Environmental Services Department at (519) 974-1010. We've come a long way since our curbside recycling program began in 1988. The City of Hamilton waste collection crews are still out on the streets, picking up green bins, blue boxes and garbage. View your garbage calendar online, on Google Play or on the Apple App Store. In 2019, Recycle BC introduced its Other Flexible Packaging Program , which provides opportunities to recycle a … New mini-bins available for recycling. Paper, newspaper, boxes, tin cans, glass jars and bottles, plastic containers and bags are all acceptable items for any of our recycling programs. Located at 5405 Mapleward Road (take the second right after entering the gate, before crossing the scales) Open Monday to Friday 8 am to 6:30 pm and Saturday 8 am to 4:30 pm; Closed Sundays and statutory holidays; Tips for using the depots. Alternating weeks with garbage collection, the City of Terrace offers curbside recycling pickup. Large Item Pick-Up . and placed 1 m (3 ft.) away from your recycling cart. The City's recycling facility is owned and operated by Green For Life Environmental.