clara wong hku

in Bioinformatics (First Class Honours, Dean’s List), Identification and functional characterization of Hirschsprung disease susceptibility genes on chromosome 21, The International Hirschsprung Disease Consortium: follow-up on whole-exome sequencing data, Genetics and Functional Genomics of Neural Crest Stem Cells and Associated Disease: Hirschsprung Disease, A trans-ethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for Hirschsprung disease, Mutational spectrum for dilated cardiomyopathy in Hong Kong, Deciphering the co-morbidity between Hirschsprung disease and Down syndrome, HKU Seeding Fund Programme for Basic Research, Copy number variation in syndromic Hirschsprung disease patients, Genetics and genomics of Hirschsprung disease and other birth defects, Genetics of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, Presentation to the press: “HKU leads the first Chinese exome-wide genetic study on blood lipids and coronary artery disease” organized by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (Dec 2015), Presentation to the press: “HKU scientists discover that DNA changes in the Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) gene increase the risk of Hirschsprung’s Disease” organized by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (March 2009). Cells, Signals and Genes, Hong Kong. Application of time-domain NMR and MRI in food analysis, postharvest quality of fruit and vegetable, chemometrics for food quality control. Wong, W., and Wong, S.C. (2015). The Department is housed in the Fung Ping Shan Building, sharing space with the Fung Ping Shan Museum. 0000069046 00000 n �����v,�n�wޱۭ�mw��'�l�Of��>�g3�G�^�����=M�%���Yo���Ң����]���U6���:f���������TE����=Ĕ,��:�W)������^G �U��n��f$�͏�ηn�wYD�Gx�b�w���\� �ۨ���t� ���������L��LJ[RG�4�����(A�)�>�pZ'M>�]�՗R��og�����#Ҭ�n}. 25(23):5265-5275. 0000003991 00000 n Tang CS and Ferreira MAR (2012) A gene-based test of association using canonical correlation analysis. Her research interest is on elucidating the genetic basis of complex diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and congenital disorders, such as Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) and congenital heart diseases. Ann Hum Genet, 78(5):381-7. The 8th GeneMappers Conference, Hobart, Australia. Hum Genet (in press). 0000006727 00000 n The 11th Human Genome Meeting, Helsinki, Finland. Hum Mol Genet, 21(5):1184–9. HKU Celebrates Victory in the HSF Competition Law Moot 2020 Many congratulations to the HKU team, consisting of Jason Louie (LLB IV), Adrian Mak (PCLL), Clara Wong (PCLL), and Alex Yeung (BBA (LLB) V), for winning the Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot 2020 hosted by King’s College London! It was where the Department Office first located in 1978. 0000011871 00000 n Speaker for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Workshop. (2009) Identification of rare variants in the NRG1 gene of Hirschsprung’s patients. European Conference of Human Genetics, Paris, France. 0000003061 00000 n Alan Wong. Information Seminar - Advanced Diploma in Aviation Operations and Management Venue Room 2207, 22/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station) Speaker. Actionable secondary findings from whole-genome sequencing of 954 East Asians: ethnic similarities and differences. Garcia-Barceló MM, Tang WK, Miao XP, Tang CS, So MT, Leon TY, Sham PC, Cherny SS and Tam PKH. Application of NGS in Functional Genomics: Theory and Practice (2014) The University of Hong Kong. We show that the initial intermediates are bronchiolar epithelial cells that exhibit Clara cell morphology and express Clara cell marker, Scgb1a1, as well as the AT2 cell marker, pro-surfactant protein C (pro-SPC). See contact info, read reviews, and request an appointment online with 117 doctors. 0000070741 00000 n The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, San Diego, USA. BMC Anesthesiology 2020; 20(1): 130.; Wong SSC, Cheung CW. The late 1940’s and the 1950’s were characterized by the city’s dramatic expansion due to emigration from China and the needs of the industry. 0000006912 00000 n Department Of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong. PLoS ONE, 6(12):e28986. The Reconstitution of Advisory Committee on Teacher Education Qualifications (ACTEQ) to Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP): Implications for Principals on Staff Development. Luzón-Toro1 B, Gui HS, Ruiz-Ferrer M, Tang CS, Fernández RM, Sham PC, Torroglosa A, Tam PKH, Espino-Paisán L, Cherny SS, Bleda M, Enguix-Riego MV, Dopazo J, Antiñolo G, García-Barceló MM, Borrego S (2015) Exome sequencing reveals a high genetic heterogeneity on familial Hirschsprung disease. The 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Boston, USA. Tang CS, Gui H, Kapoor A, Kim J, Luzón-Toro B, Pelet A, Burzynski G, Lantieri F, So MT, Berrios C, Shin HD, Fernández RM, Le TL, Verheij JBGM, Matera I, Cherny SS, Nandakumar P, Cheong HS, Antiñolo G, Amiel J, Seo JM, Kim DY, Oh JT, Lyonnet S, Borrego S, Ceccherini I, Hofstra RMW, Chakravarti A, Kim HY, Sham PC, Tam PKH & Garcia-Barceló MM (2016) Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for Hirschsprung disease. Ms. Katherine Ho (email:; tel: 2219 4997) for Faculties of Architecture, Dentistry, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Science: Ms. Cynthia Wong (email:; tel: 2241 5535) for other Faculties and units outside Faculties The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital Staff, Esophageal and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, B.Sc. Wong SSC*, Chan WS, Fang C, Chan C, Lau TW, Leung F, Cheung CW. 0000003490 00000 n Cherny SS, Tang CS, Sribudiani Y, Miao XP, So MT, Sham PC, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barceló MM and Hofstra RMW (2009) Fine mapping of Hirschsprung’s disease loci in 9q31. PLoS ONE, 6(1):e16181. Dr. Alan Siu-lun Wong is an Assistant Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Clerk I Mr Lam Chun-kwan, Ms Lydia Bute, Ms Coria Cheng. Please login with your HKU Portal UID (User Identification) and PIN (Personal Identification Number). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(8): 2694-9. Tang CS and Ferreira MA (2011) A tool to test for functional enrichment of GWAS hits. Organizer of Genomic Strategic Research Theme Seminars. Career Development Advisor Ms Susan Yu. 0000068976 00000 n So MT†, Leon TY†, Cheng G†, Tang CS, Miao XP, Cornes BK, Ngo DN, Long C, Ngan ESW, Lui VC, Wu XZ, Wang B, Wang H, Yuan ZW, Huang LM, Li L, Xiz H, Zhu D, Liu J, Nguyen TL, Chan IH, Chung PH, Liu XL, Zhang R, Wong KK, Sham PC, Cherny SS, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barceló MM (2011) RET mutational spectrum in Hirschsprung disease: evaluation of 601 Chinese patients. Lecture at Hospital Authority commission training workshop, Clinical Genetics – from bed side to bench side and back to bed side, “Complex disease with SNPs as risk contributors” (2015). I started my career in the audit field and obtained my professional accountancy qualification after completing my undergraduate degree. Dr Clara Sze-Man Tang obtained her PhD in statistical genetics from the University of Hong Kong in 2010 and received her postdoctoral training in asthma genetics and bioinformatics at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, previously known as Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR). Treasurer) Angel Yip (Hon. Tang CS, Zhao YZ and Epstein RJ (2007) Characterization of two evolutionary and functional distinct subpopulations of genes with promoter CpG island. Honorary Clinical Professor. Hum Mol Genet. 0000068350 00000 n Behavior Genetics, 38(6):618. Miss Janice Yip Tel: 2515 9420 Email: . 0000016117 00000 n Since September 2017 he joined the Department of Electrical and Electroinic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), where he is a Lecturer. Gorden Research Conference Genomic Instability, Hong Kong. Clara Wong was also awarded Honourable Mention for her outstanding advocacy skills, being one of the top 5 speakers in the preliminary rounds. Genomics, 88(6):682-9.". Faculty Management Team 121 0 obj <> endobj xref 121 60 0000000016 00000 n (Reviewer’ Choice Abstract: scored in the top 10% of poster abstracts). PLoS ONE, 7(2):e31489. Hemani G, Zheng J, Wade KH, Laurin C, Elsworth B, Burgess S, Bowden J, Langdon R, Tan V, Yarmolinsky J, Shihab HA, Timpson N, Evans DM, Relton C, Martin RM, Smith GD, Gaunt TR, Haycock PC, The MR-Base Collaboration. Analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of meperidine in managing postoperative or labor pain: a narrative review of randomized controlled trials. Gui H†, Schriemer D†, Cheng WC†, Chauhan RK, Antiňolo G, Berrios C, Bleda M, Brooks AS, Brouwer RW, Burns AJ, Cherny SS, Dopazo J, Eggen BJ, Griseri P, Jalloh B, Le TL, Lui VC, Luzón-Toro B, Matera I, Ngan ESW, Pelet A, Ruiz-Ferrer M, Sham PC, Shepherd IT, So MT, Sribudiani Y, Tang CS, van den Hout MC, van IJcken WF, Verheij JB, Amiel J, Borrego S, Ceccherini I, Chakravarti A, Lyonnet S, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barceló MM & Hofstra R (2017) De Novo mutations in Hirschsprung patients link Central Nervous System genes to the development of the Enteric Nervous System. Wong, LLN., Cheung, C., Wong, ECM. After the retirement of Professor Ong in 1982, Professor Wong took over the reigns of the department. European Conference of Human Genetics, Milan, Italy. Cherny SS, Wong EHM, Cui L, Ng CL, Tang CS, So MT, Yip BHK, Cheng G, Liu VCH, Sham PC, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barceló MM (2012) Genome-wide copy number variation in anorectal malformations. Through genome-wide association and copy number analyses, Dr Tang and colleagues successfully identified novel common and rare genetic variants predisposing to HSCR, blood lipid levels (important risk factors for coronary artery disease) and other congenital disorders. The 65th Annual Meeting of American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimore, USA. Dear HKU Science Alumni, In 2009, the HKU Faculty of Science celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a year-long of activities, climaxed by a dinner on November 15, 2009 at the Hong Kong Cnvention and Exhibition Centre, which was attended by 900 guests, alumni, students and staff. The 4th International Symposium on Development of the Enteric Nervous System. Founded in 1912, The University of Hong Kong is the leading and oldest tertiary institute in Hong Kong. View the profiles of professionals named "Clara Wong" on LinkedIn. Before he joined HKU, he obtained his B.Sc. Contact Person: Director of Field Instruction Mrs. Eltha Wong Office: Room CJT 5.16 Tel: 3917-5549 Email: Deputy Director of Field Instruction Nat Genet. 2016-2019 - JC JoyAge Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness - Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HK$25.86 million for HKU; project total HK$87.61 million) - Co-Principal Investigator (with Professor Terry YS Lum) 106th American Association of Cancer Research. 0000061959 00000 n Office Assistant Mr Wong Kam-Leung, Ms Poon Yin Ngan, Ms Yeung Siu-Ying, Ms Wan Ching WONG Organizer/person-in-charge of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Workshop. Clin Pharmacol Ther, 99(5):555-61. Anna Wai-Kwan Wong received B.A. Jonathan Solomon and other architects conduct research on use of air-conditioning in Hong Kong As part of a research project mapping 25 networks of interconnected, climate-controlled shopping malls, offices and MTR stations, Assistant Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Architecture Jonathan Solomon and architects Adam Frampton and Clara Wong discovered that air quality […] Tang CS, Dattani S, So MT, Cherny SS, Tam PKH, Sham PC, Garcia-Barceló MM. May Wong is Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of English at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Fellow of Advance HE (formerly The Higher Education Academy) in the UK. J Hepatol, 59(6):1285-91. %PDF-1.4 %���� Lam The department’s stature, reputation and standards have blossomed under his leadership with a spectacular rise in its standing in the surgical world. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 11(3):1–13. 0000002947 00000 n Futian Sheraton Hotel, Shenzhen, China. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia, USA. Ferreira MAR†, Matheson MC†, Tang CS, Granell R, Ang W, Hui J, Kiefer AK, Duffy DL, Baltic S, Danoy P, Bui M, Price L, Sly PD, Eriksson N, Madden PA, Abramson MJ, Holt PG, Heath AC, Hunter M, Musk B, AAGC collaborators, Robertson CF, Souëf PL, Montgomery GW, Henderson J, Tung JY, Dharmage SC, Brown MA, James A, Thompson PJ, Pennell C, Martin NG, Evans DM, Hinds DA, and Hopper JL (2014) Genome-wide association analysis of the phenotype asthma-with-hayfever for 20,000 persons identifies 11 risk loci, including variants near ZBTB10 and CLEC16A. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Clara’s connections and jobs at similar companies. 0000069297 00000 n Miss Amber Fung Tel: 2367 5792 Email: amberf Application of NGS in Functional Genomics: Theory and Practice (2014) The University of Hong Kong. Tutor for undergraduate common core course CCGL9042: Evolution of Civilization (2013-2014) The University of Hong Kong. 0000004495 00000 n 2015-2016. Yip BH, Tang CS, Cherny SS, Tam PKH, Ngan ESW, Garcia-Barceló MM and Sham PC (2009) Quantifying epistasis between two sets of signaling pathway genes by canonical correlation analysis. Chow, Shew Ping; Fang, David 0000284560 00000 n All rights reserved. BMC Med Genet, 16(1):49. Tang CS, Gui H, Cherny SS, Sham PC, Tam PKH, Kim JH, the International Hirschsprung Disease Consortium and Garcia-Barceló MM (2016) Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of Hirschsprung disease. ... Later in the year, it is announced that in Hong Kong’s 2014 Research Assessment Exercise, the Department tops HKU’s research output ratings. Our research takes an integrative approach leveraging on various techniques in synthetic biology, CRISPR-based genome engineering, high-throughput sequencing, molecular biology, and genetics to decode the complex genetic bases of human diseases including cancers and neurodegenerative disorders. Tang CS†, Sribudiani Y†, Miao XP, de Vries AR, Burzynski G, So MT, Leon TY, Yip BH, Osinga J, Hui KJ, Verheij JB, Cherny SS, Tam PKH, Sham PC, Hofstra RMW and Garcia-Barceló MM (2010) Fine mapping of the 9q31 Hirschsprung's disease locus. The Caudal Type Homeo Box Transcription Factor 2 (CDX2) gene is recurrently mutated with de novo variants in patients with persistent cloaca. HKU Honorary Staff . Garcia-Barceló MM, Tang CS, Cherny SS, Sham PC and Tam PKH (2007) Genome-wide association study identifies new HSCR loci. Vice-chairman Nicole Fung. Infraclavicular nerve block reduces postoperative pain after distal radial fracture fixation: a randomized controlled trial. P/T Putonghua Lecturers. School. 0000275228 00000 n 0000002103 00000 n Garcia-Barceló MM†, Tang CS†, Ngan ESW, Lui VC, Chen Y, So MT, Leon TY, Miao XP, Shum CK, Liu FQ, Yeung MY, Yuan ZW, Guo WH, Liu L, Sun XB, Huang LM, Tou JF, Song YQ, Chan D, Cheung KM, Wong KK, Cherny SS, Sham PC and Tam PK (2009) Genome-wide association study identifies NRG1 as a susceptibility locus for Hirschsprung's disease. Tang CS†, Ngan ESW†, Tang WK†, So MT†, Cheng Guo, Miao XP, Leon TY, Leung BM, Hui KJ, Lui VC, Chen Y, Chan IH, Chung PH, Lui XL, Wong KK, Sham PC, Cherny SS, Tam PK and Garcia-Barceló MM (2012) Mutations in the NRG1 gene are associated with Hirschsprung’s disease. 89-116. Cherny SS, Garcia-Barceló MM, Tang CS, Sham PC and Tam PKH (2008) Genome-wide association study of Hirschsprung's disease. Cheung CYY†, Tang CS†, Xu A, Lee CH, Au KW, Xu L, FongCHY, Kwok KHM, Chow WS, WooYC, Yuen MMA, Hai JSH, Jin YL, Cheung BMY, Tan KCB, Cherny SS, Zhu F, Zhu T, Thomas GN, Cheng KK, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Tse HF, Sham PC, Lam KSL (2017) Exome-chip association analysis reveals an Asian-specific missense variant in PAX4 associated with type 2 diabetes in Chinese. Dayo Wong. 0000057663 00000 n Semifinalist for the Best Presentation Award, Best Presentation Award of the session on Public Health, Reproduction & Development and Musculoskeletal System, Journal article39 publications, 15 as first author, 1 as corresponding author, Journal articles († co-first authors)(Citation(C) is based on Scopus; Impact factor(IF) is based on JCR Science Edition 2013). Miss Amber Fung Tel: 2367 5792 Email: amberf 0000059310 00000 n Cheung CL, Sing CW, Tang CS, Cheng VKF, Pirmohamed M, Choi CH, Hung CS, Lau EYF, Lee KF, Mak MWH, Leung JYY, Wong TW, Ho AYY, Chan KW, Hung VHF, Tam V, Chung SS, Sham PC, Cheung BMY, Wong ICK, Tan KCB, Kung AWC (2016) HLA-B*38:02:01 Predicts Carbimazole/Methimazole-Induced Agranulocytosis. Tang CS and Ferreira MAR (2011) A tool to test for functional enrichment of GWAS hits. Chow, Shew Ping; Fang, David 12 Collaborative Innovation Centre for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. Tel : 2587 3236 (Miss Clara Wong) 2587 3225 (Miss Joey Leung) Fax : 2807 2054 %MAIL CLARA WONG HKUSPACE HKU HK JOEY LEUNG HKUSPACE HKU HK Websites: (+530!#%WWW HKUSPACE HKU HK (ONG+ONG&LIGHT4RAINING#ENTREWWW HKFTC COM &,9()'(s4().+")' Unique Pilot Training Programme for High Flyers. Tang CS and Ferreira MAR (2010) A gene-based test of association. Eliza Lai. In this study, we have investigated cellular pathway underlying the Clara cell to AT2 differentiation. IT Technician: 102: 3917 4232 Ms. POON, Novia: IT Assistant Tam PKH, Tang CS, Ngan ESW, Lui VC, Chen Y, So MT, Leon TY, Miao XP, Shum CKY, Liu FQ, Yeung MY, Yuan ZW, Guo WH, Liu L, Sun XB, Huang LM, Tou JF, Song YQ, Chan D, Cheung KMC, Wong KKY, Cherny SS, Sham PC and Garcia-Barceló MM (2009) Genome-wide association study identifies NRG1 as a susceptibility locus for Hirschsprung's disease. She earned her PhD from Lancaster University (UK) and obtained both her bachelor’s (first class hons.) Hofstra R, Schriemer D, Gui H, Cheng W, Griseri P, Pelet A, Ruiz-Ferrer M, Berrios C, van Ijcken W, van den Hout M, Sribudiani Y, Chaudan R, Tam PKH, Tang CS, Matera I, Antinolo I, Chakravarti A, Borrego S, Lyonnet S, Ceccherini I, Eggen B, Amiel J, Garcia-Barceló MM (2014) Functional analysis of genes carrying de novo mutations in 24 sporadic Hirschsprung cases revealed 7 unexpected genes relevant to ENS development. Kenneth WONG, Professor | Cited by 4,447 | of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (HKU) | Read 463 publications | Contact Kenneth WONG He received PhD from the University of Hong Kong for his work on health-related quality of life of colorectal cancer and economic evaluation of colorectal cancer screening. It aims at establishing a cutting edge research environment under stem cells and regenerative medicine. Honorary Professor. Garcia-Barceló MM, Tang CS, Sham PC, Cherny SS, Tam PKH (2008) Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for biliary atresia. 0000071062 00000 n Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(12):3317-22. WONG Chun-Ming, Jack Lab HKU Liver Cancer Cancer Genomics Cancer Epigenomics Non-coding RNA CRISPR Technology The 66 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Vanvouver, Canada. P/T Putonghua Lecturers. Find a different Clara Wong. ), Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population, HKU Press, Hong Kong, 2008, pp. Clara and Lawrence Fok Professor in Precision Medicine Associate Dean (Internationalization and Partnership), Graduate School L3-65, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong She joined the Department of Surgery in 2013 and is currently a Research Assistant Professor. Research Topics: Natural product total synthesis, Synthetic methodology development, Catalysis, Small molecule therapeutics, Medicinal chemistry. Wong JKL, Campell D, Ngo ND, Yeung F, Cheng G, Tang CS, Chung PHY, Tran NS, So MT, Cherny SS, Sham PC, Tam PKH, García-Barceló MM (2016) Genetic study of congenital bile-duct dilatation identifies de novo and inherited variants in functionally related genes BMC Med Genomics, 9(1):75. Local Business. Seven HKU young scientists: LKS Faculty of Medicine Dr Esther Chan Wai Yin Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy Dr Lydia Cheung Wai Ting Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences Dr Carmen Wong Chak Lui Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology Dr Alan Wong … 0000016354 00000 n Hsu JSJ, So MT, Tang CS, Karim A, Porsch R, Wong C, Yu M, Yeung F, Xia H, Zhang R, Cherny SS, Chung PHY, Wong KKY, Sham PC, Ngo ND, Li MX, Tam PKH, Lui VCH, Garcia-Barceló MM. Executive Assistants Miss Cammy Chan Tel: 2548 0429 Email: ccsmchan Hum Mol Genet (in press). See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Clara WK’S connections and jobs at similar companies. 0000352228 00000 n Bønnelykke K, Matheson MC, Pers TH, Granell R, Strachan DP, Alves AC, Linneberg A, Curtin JA, Warrington NM, Standl M, Kerkhof M, Jonsdottir I, Bukvic BK,Kaakinen M, Sleimann P, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Schramm K, Baltic S, Kreiner-Møller E, Simpson A, St Pourcain B, Coin L, Hui J, Walters EH, Tiesler CM, Duffy DL, Jones G, Ring SM, McArdle WL, Price L, Robertson CF, Pekkanen J, Tang CS, Thiering E, Montgomery GW, Hartikainen AL, Dharmage SC,Husemoen LL, Herder C, Kemp JP, Elliot P, James A, Waldenberger M, Abramson MJ, Fairfax BP, Knight JC, Gupta R, Thompson PJ, Holt P, Sly P, Hirschhorn JN, Blekic M, Weidinger S, Hakonarsson H, Stefansson K, Heinrich J, Postma DS, Custovic A, Pennell CE, Jarvelin MR, Koppelman GH, Timpson N, Ferreira MA, Bisgaard H, Henderson AJ; Australian Asthma Genetics Consortium (AAGC); EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium (2013) Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies ten loci influencing allergic sensitization. Class of 2022. HKU Fine Arts Alumni Association . Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professorship in Chemistry and Energy. Sci Rep, 5:16473. 25873227. 0000001496 00000 n Guo Y, Tomlinson B, Chu T, Fang Y, Gui HS, Tang CS, Yip BH, Cherny SS, Hur YM, Sham PC, Lam T, Thomas N (2012) A Genome-wide Linkage and Association Scan Reveals Novel Loci for Hypertension and Blood Pressure Traits. Campus Map of HKU. Tel: 2858 3597 Email: . ... HKU (852) 2859 8949. Hu, S Serena; Leong, John Chi Yan; Shen, Jianxiong; Zheng, Zhaomin . Wong, W.L. (with K F Wong), in HFH Siu and A Ku (eds. Tang CS, So MT, Cherny SS, Sham PC, Tam PKH and Garcia-Barceló MM (2015) Rare variants in sporadic Hirschsprung disease patients. 0000004609 00000 n >�/Di^s��]}��w�9[�M����7\��Mp�S��{�)���r)>��{Q������f��6��7��:L?�����nz�|����#�]���]�w�@�1�s������b���: �,���z����6��t/%_{��x:9�NZ�|��4�����y���gDw�q2����k�R�/������R��[��"�~�q�o���˪Ͽ�Ý�۲����[�s�����y%>�o6������"u~���p�H�o���a�޹���].�`d���v�a�_C��Æ����a�� The 17th International Symposium on EBV and Associated Diseases, University of Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 8-12 August 2016.