commercial vastu pdf

Vastu Shastra ensures well-being, happiness and prosperity of all the residents, it is important to build an office as per the guidelines of Vastu tips for office. Vastu Shastra is known to be an architecture where reasons and logic of science are used. Vastu Shastra » Commercial Vastu Shastra. Alcestis. Some advise to perform Vastu Shanti and some to propitiate the planets. Commercial V astu 70 7. Vastu faults can also be removed without any renovation - by changing the place of the goods in the house and by selecting right direction for meal and slumber. Vastu Dosh Remedy 80 8. Vastu Devta - Sugreev (सुग्रीव) 'Sugreev' means, beautiful-necked, hero, sort of weapon, of a divine being, body of water, conch, countenance (facial expression) of a friend, kind of pavilion, serpent of paataal, name of one of the four horses of Krishna or Vishnu. While constructing the commercial complex on the plot, make sure that there is more of open space in the northern and eastern directions as compared to the western and southern portions. Vastu tips for office and shops helps in selecting the best-suited directions, space arrangement, design and even the best plants and decorative items for the commercial space. You are here: Home / Vaastu Services / Commercial Vaastu / Vastu for Office Vastu Shastra is becoming the new age discreet weapon of the corporate world, especially at a time when businesses are being disrupted, employee turnover is very high & the competitors in the business are always looking at ways to hijack the best talent. Vastu is an age old science which lays down guidelines for both residential as well as commercial properties. Kitchen Vastu, Kitchen as per Vastu, Kitchen Direction as per Vastu, Vastu Tips for Kitchen March 12, 2021 - 11:36 pm; Vastu Consultant in Delhi, Top Vastu Consultants in Delhi March 12, 2021 - 9:28 pm; Top Vastu Consultants in Delhi, Book A Vastu Consultant Service in Delhi NCR, Best Vastu Experts March 12, 2021 - 3:59 am Like Ayurveda, Vastu is also developed for Cyclops. Download As PDF : Commercial Vastu Pramod Kumar Sinha Arun Bansal eBook This book contains the fundamentals of commercial vastu and has been written according to the need of the students of All India Federation of Astrologers Societies. In fact, businessmen prefer to seek vastu advice before beginning any commercial construction. DOWNLOAD Commercial Vastu PDF Online. institutions, commercial complexes , theaters, hospitals, churches, etc.. , Shastra, ... Shastra. Message by Dr. Smita: Vastu Shastra is not an over the counter medicine (OTC). Online PDF eBook, Greek Architectural Terracottas from the Prehistoric to the End of the Today scope of commercial Vastu is growing fast. Cyclops. Since using Vastu Shastra does not disturb the modern look, it has gained a wide acceptance all over the world. Slopes play an important role in the vastu Shastra as whichever side the slope is the energy of that side will exert maximum influence e.g. It would be very useful while you start construction or reworking a property. Download autocad gratis @Yafhan, ... Euripides. On Hindu temple architecture and Vastu; based on Sanskrit texts. There are different kinds of commercial buildings and therefore, we have come up with Vastu Tips for Commercial Constructions of different kinds: Vastu Tips for Factory. Commercial Vastu Reception 62 6. The purpose of this book is to make the students acquainted with the common remedies found in our life. Vastu shastra is a mysterious and detailed subject which has become relevant in modern times for everybody. Apart from the Vedas lot of information regarding Vastu Shastra is available in the Puranas and in other ancient granthas. Not only for buildings, vastu can be considered for every city planning, house, temple, industries, towns etc. OFFICES: Given below are some basic guidelines for offices and buisness establishments- Owners/ Senior executives of any establishment should have their cabins in southwest portion of the office and should sit facing either east or north. It is not possible to mention all the remedies here. This book is based on REMEDIAL MEASURES of modern vastu shastra and its applicability according to compatible vastu. Vaastu Tips for Commercial Buildings AstroJyotish While constructing the commercial complex on the plot, make sure that there is more of open space in the northern and eastern directions as compared to the western and southern portions. Since 1997, Celebrity Vastu Consultant RK Sutar is known for his accurate predictions and powerful remedies. You can contact residential and commercial vastu expert for proper guidance. 12) R. K. Sutar, the founder of Divya Vastu is a well known name in the field of Vastu Consultancy. Alcestis. 12) PDF Online . For parking purpose, northeast zone is just apt. Remedies of Vastu contains easy and practical remedies for the rectification of vastu related faults. All Vedic arts are highly developed and intricate. Then you must go for a Vastu check. By commercial vastu tips, you can balance the negative and positive energies. Interior Decoration 47 5. One sample English book also published here for free and best understanding of this vastu shastra subject.