computer power supply fuse rating is using a security service for protection against online attacks. It's rated at 6.67A. If you have … Computer power supplies have all the voltages you’ll need and … Most of the ones I have seen have fuses soldered to the power board. Select a slow blow fuse rated near to the 0.11A value. My mistake was disconnecting it before powering down the computer. In practicality, consider the average maximum draw of any particular generic groups PSU's and match it to nearest fuse above rated just above said average. My PSU shouldnt come into it, as everyone else in the world would have a variety. When a fuse has blown it removes electrical power from an electrical circuit. So 3 and 5 don't seem enough and 13A too much. ... Why is the main fuse rating so big? is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Also you dont state if it is the fuse on the computer lead or a fuse in an extension lead with multiple appliances running, if it is the computer lead then check the makers website and if the fuse is correct then email them as most are quite helpful. just use the equation P=VI and use the next fuse up from the answer you get for the current. Figure primary fuse size for the 24 VA power rating. Of course there's a variety, you think every PC should have the same size fuse just because its called a PC. Discussion in 'General Hardware' started by Fuzzi Bear, 3 Apr 2006. The computer won't turn on although a few LEDs still light up. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. Check the specifications on your car amplifier to see if it requires a different voltage or amperage input. (From 8am-5pm EST M-F) This site uses cookies. Generally, fuse ac voltage ratings coincide with the utility supply, e.g., 110V, 240V, 415V, etc. I have a 130W Power supply JU012. The supply pictured is a switchmode supply, and the fuse has definately gone bang. A PC can keep blowing the power supply because the power supply is overheating or due to connecting the PSU directly to the power outlet. I personally have a good PSU, and i would like to think that if 5amps where a little too much, that my PSU would regulate it. The fuse rating can be calculated by dividing the power used by the appliance by the voltage going into the appliance. i used the lasers from the dvd burner to make a laser pistol. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. It should also account for reactive power. I (Amps) = P (Watts) ÷ V (Voltage). I can have 3a, 5A or 13A Fuse. I have not removed or opened the power supply, but there's no fuse apparent from the outside. Fuse Rating Calculation for Motor A fuse for a machine is rated on the load that the machine carries when running. there is no right answer on what fuse everyone should use. Power Supplies - Input Current and Fuse Rating For All Acopian Power Supplies AC-DC and DC-DC DOWNLOAD INPUT CURRENT AND FUSE RATING DATA (Adobe Acrobat PDF Format) Download PDF File: INPUT CURRENT AND FUSE RATING DATA (file size 26K) Your phone call to Acopian is always answered by a knowledgeable Sales Associate. I am hoping I blew a fuse in the power supply. This process is automatic. As far as the mains is concerned the PSU is your PC. It could be the power supply needs changing. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. What's the power supplies peak wattage rating and efficiency? The easiest way to calculate how many amps you need is to look at the wattage of the supply, and the rating of your heated bed. The total 12 V rating on the power supply must be higher than the current required by such devices so that the PSU can fully serve the system when its other 12 V system components are taken into account. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. If the ohm meter is showing readings below 0.1 ohms, or if there is resistance on the meter, then you will know that the fuse has blown. Pulling the drive's power connection, I got a spark and the computer shut down. The fuse rating can be calculated by dividing the power used by the appliance by the voltage going into the appliance. I=P/V = 24/220 = 0.11 amps. Barring other problems, this should bring that dead power supply to life. it was a fuse but it was covered in heatshrink tubing and i already took it apart before i found that out. While a commercial bench power supply is certainly a worthwhile investment there is a cheaper solution that you might want to consider. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. PC power supplies (as well as most other switchers) need a minimum load on +5 and possibly on +12 as well. thank you so much. Unless your's has the clip in fuse, its simpler and safer just to get a new power supply. As far as the mains is concerned the PSU is your PC. My point was what does 'MY' particular power supply got to do with the general question i asked? It should also account for reactive power. Power Supply/Charger with Access power controllers - 8 fused outputs are selectable for 12VDC @ 4 amp or 24VDC @ 3 amp, outputs are individually selectable for Fail-Safe or Fail-Secure operation or as dry form inCin contacts, fire alarm disconnect is sele In general, for a switching-mode power supply, the fuse current rating should be selected at the next convenient current greater than the maximum input current of the switcher. 5A should be the standard, but they always put in 13A. Here you can see the finished project, both with and without the cover. Inrush current will clear a closely rated fast blow fuse. Finished Project. Replacing the fuse is the least of your problems, you'll need to test some other parts to find died and took out the fuse. Remember that fuse blew for a reason. Adapt an old computer power supply to use on your workbench. For continuous running, The Motor fuse rating is equal to 1250 times of motor real power P (kW) in kilowatts divided by the product of the applied voltage V (V) in Volts and Power factor. The next most important rating for your 3D printer power supply is output current. The general power rating on desktops PC seems to be around 260 to 300 watts which to me surgests a 5-7-8 amp fuse needed but I note that when a PC is shipped from new In the box it usually comes with a 10 amp fuse in the plug which kind of contradics things. (Exception - medium-voltage fuses from 2,400 to 38,000 volts may only be used at the voltages designated on the fuse's label) The voltage rating of a fuse is a safety rating that should never be exceeded. And remaining pedantic, it's the PSU the fuse protects not the PC. An amp (e.g., 5 ohms on +5) should be enough. Each 12V coil would then be rated 12VA (12V * 1A), and 24 VA (24V * 1A) for total secondary power rating. why not work out the current draw on everything on your pc/printer etc and choose the fuse accordingly. The fuse of any equipment is rated to its peak power consumption and that includes start up surge current and operating efficiency. Of course it does, what do you think is drawing power from the mains? The PSU has it's own fuses for the PC. Manufacturers will sometimes install an internal fuse for electronic equipment for the purpose of protecting it seperately. Power supply or electricity plays a vital role in the functioning of a computer system. Replacing the fuse is useless unless you discover the actual reason the fuse blew. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The power supply has a nominal input voltage of 115 VDC. What fuse should there be in the plug for a 130W PSU. It maybe the case that the cable can take upto a rating of 13amps, but ideally you should use a fuse that is slightly higher than the power used (in your case 4A) as some manufacturuers will install 5A or 10A as a standard. All the mains fuse does is isolate the PSU. What uses 13A/3kW anyway? If you replace it and attach that power supply to the mainboard, you could very well blow out the mainboard. This means that a fuse is suitable for use with these nominal voltages and is tested for voltage levels at least 15% higher than the nominal rating. The best high-end PC power supply: Seasonic Prime Ultra 1300w There’s not much point in building a multi-GPU system these days outside of benchmarking and a very few select games. It blew the fuse for a reason. If you wish to be pedantic, there can be no general answer. Of course there's a variety, you think every PC should have the same size fuse just because its called a PC. Follow the below tutorial on how to calculate fuse rating of an electrical appliances using the simple formula. Hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction. ), Free Shipping for Loyal Forum Members - CLICK HERE. As previously stated, this will be the limiting factor for your heated bed and the total number of hot ends you are operating.…/gigabyte-geforce-gtx-980-ti-g1…/10,…/…/11/06/amd-fx-8350-review/7, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. [Beep Alarm] -- When your power supply test value is beyond normal range, the Power Supply Tester would issue a buzzer alarm, Easy to Know NOTE: The voltage of IDE / SATA / P6 / P8 interface is displayed by the three lights on the left of the power tester. If the fuse tests good, you can put the power supply back together and reinstall it in the PC to test it. Whats that got to do with a 'general' question. Power supplies usually cost around $60 USD, but they tend to be more expensive if … its a lot easier and cheaper to replace a fuse than pc parts. If their voltage is normal, the three groups of lights (+ 12V, + 3.3, + 5V) will be on. - i am asking a general question which applies to everyone. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. So asking what my own personal PSU is, is no help. Either a crappy PSU, or the rest of the system was drawing too much power, or crappy power from the wall. The fuse current rating should be selected based on the current that occurs with the snubber capacitor shorted. However as I said there are only three choices. I am recovering the precious metals in the computers and was using the psu for a few things. As jw0752 said it has lethal voltages and the first stage they rectify the mains voltage, filter it and then chop it to arrive at the final voltage, or voltages.. Hence motor fuse rating formula, Learn More: What is cable gland? Some do have replaceable fuses. The fuse of any equipment is rated to its peak power consumption and that includes start up surge current and operating efficiency. Use an ohm meter to check the fuse. Yes - Fuses are designed for use in circuits at any voltage as long as they don't exceed the fuse's maximum voltage rating. Examine the Fuse. The fuse is usually located on one corner of the power supply. Hello I am having trouble finding how to accurately size a fuse for a 1200 Watt DC power supply. You can buy a computer power supply from an electronics store or online.