Alfie told us that they disappear once their job is done, so the ones we are seeing here can’t be from previous God’s Gifts. Alfie Hunter MacKenzie Austin is the English dub voice of Alfie in Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve Stars, and Ai Kakuma is the Japanese voice. It’s not impossible the game gets localized, as Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars on PS Vita did come over. Mahiru Konatsuki is Itsuki Yuge's cousin and childhood friend. 1 Overview 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Heroine Route 4.1 Mahiru's Ending 4.2 Harem Ending 5 References Mahiru is a regular honor student in academics and sports. Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars igg games – Itsuki Yuge is suddenly summoned to the magical world of … Video Game: Conception Plus: Maidens of … To return to his own world, he must save this one with the help of his Star Children born between him and the 12 Star Maidens! harem ending Conception Plus maidens of the twelve stars The baby boom is back as this Star-Filled RPG is reborn on Steam! The main protagonist, Itsuki Yuge, is suddenly summoned to the magical world of Granvania to save it from evil Impurities. Read more. Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars igggames Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars PlayStation 4 The baby boom is back as this Star-Filled RPG is reborn on PlayStation 4! For More Pc Games Download at IGG Games. The baby boom is back as this Star-Filled RPG is rebornbrbrItsuki Yuge is summoned to the magical world of Granvania to save it from evil Impurities. After she was summoned alongside Itsuki to Granvania, she becomes the Virgo Star Maiden. Also, unlike Wake, other people can’t Classmate. Her story is one of the more interesting ones, but she also feels completely tacked on, and isn’t even acknowledged in any events outside of it. The main protagonist, … Igggames Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for windows . Conception Plus PS4 Game Adds Anime-Original Character Alfie posted on 2018-10-30 20:08 EDT by Rafael Antonio Pineda Ai Kakuma plays character that appears in game's TV anime Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars Itsuki Yuge is suddenly summoned to the magical world of Granvania to save it from evil Impurities. Conception Plus launches exclusively for PS4 on January 31 in Japan. ... Alfie the trainer! In an addition to its original PSP release, Conception Plus also includes a thirteenth Star Maiden, Alfie, who first appeared in the animated series and acts as a trainer of the Star Children. We all know that the game was already censored in japan thanks to sonys new policy (they removed the touch feature) which will be not added back for the pc version, because they removed it during development. Today Spike Chunsoft released a new gallery of screenshots introducing a brand new Star Maiden for the upcoming JRPG Conception Plus.