An official website of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. Department of Defense (DOD) Components are required by DOD Directive 5240.06 to provide Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting training to all personnel within 30 days of initial assignment, or employment to the Component, and every 12 months thereafter. Facility Security Officers (FSOs) are essential partners in the fight to maintain our nation's military and economic competitive advantage. The following analytic courses have been reviewed for compliance with the Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts and approved by FEMA for inclusion in the FEMA National Preparedness Directorate (NPD), National Training and Education Division (NTED) Course Catalog and the FEMA NPD, NTED State and Federal Sponsored Course Catalog. This course is best viewed in Internet Explorer 6.0 or above. The McAfee Institute utilizes ProctorU which is an online exam proctoring services for all certification examinations. Online Proctored Exams with ProctorU. Submit an online … It is led by a former senior CIA intelligence officer who previously breached security for a living. Not including accommodation, the course is delivered at a cost of €3000. Confessions of a Spy. We are the Department of Defense (DoD) unique and authoritative source for online joint training. Training in intelligence is paramount to ensure safety, both nationally and internationally. The Intelligence Certificate provides a comprehensive study of the various issues of intelligence policy, process, epistemology, analysis, and history. This dynamic online undergraduate certificate was designed by American Public University System to meet the developmental needs of intelligence professionals seeking a … Learn From Experienced Intelligence Professionals. Certificate Programs. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to configure, install, manage and administer basic network infrastructures. EKU’s online intelligence studies certificate prepares students with the intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination skills needed for successful careers in the Unites States intelligence community at the federal, state, local and tribal levels. The EQF Level 3 Certificate in EU Counterintelligence Operations accompanying this credential is earned after accruing 14 credits at approximately 140 guided learning hours. Additionally, if you are a DCSA customer with an NP2 account don’t forget to check out the “Help” section of NP2 to find short online webinars addressing electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) and the Central Verification System (CVS). Please review the admissions requirements before applying for this or any program. We decided to investigate this question more precisely by analyzing 402 counterintelligence analyst resumes and found it interesting that counterintelligence analysts most commonly study criminal justice, intelligence operations, or business. This online graduate certificate is intended for graduate students who want to expand their knowledge of counterintelligence without committing to a degree program. Learn More Work on the front lines of national security with Southern New Hampshire University's Bachelor of Science (BS) in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security & Counterterrorism. The Graduate Certificate in National Security Intelligence offers students insight into U.S. security and intelligence organizations and structures and enables understanding of threats the U.S. is facing from various state and non-state actors. 100% Online Graduate Certificate for Counterintelligence Professionals. "Thwarting the Enemy: Providing Counterintelligence and Threat Awareness to the Defense Industrial Base," was developed for employees working at cleared defense contractor facilities. 205 National Security Policy and Counterintelligence Implications of Denial and Deception Practices (5 days). Undergraduate Certificate. 502 Double Agentry: Offensive Counterintelligence Operations (5 days). CI Centre--Advanced training, education and resources in Counterintelligence, CI and Security Awareness, Counterterrorism, Investigations and Interviewing, Area Studies and Foreign Intelligence Services. Certificate in Intelligence Studies Curriculum. The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI CENTRE) of Alexandria, VA offers a unique set of training courses for organizations and a counterintelligence database of … Certificate Objectives. Counterintelligence Undergraduate Certificate. The Counterintelligence Institute’s mission is to help protect all organizations as well as individuals against security breach attempts. Learn how to become an Air Force or Army counterintelligence agent. JKO provides continuous, career-long development of joint knowledge and joint readiness for individuals, staffs, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and the Services. Examine how the U.S. uses counterintelligence and covert action to protect national security and global interests from adversaries. This online certificate is ideal for undergraduate students who want to expand their knowledge of counterintelligence without committing to a degree program. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 41 Perimeter Center East, NE, Suite 640 , Atlanta, Georgia 30346 or call for questions about the accreditation of Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy. The Certificate in Counterintelligence is designed to prepare domestic security officers to confront the vast array of threats, challenges, and problems facing the public at all levels in the post-911 world. Counterintelligence Training; Security Training Insider Threat Training Our courses teach NCSC compliance requirements, ODNI requirements, and will give you information that is required/recommended to perform your job duties, and gain counterintelligence, security, and insider threat skills, that will allow you to grow, develop, and lead. Welcome to JKO. NIU offers several specialized graduate certificates that allow intelligence professionals to focus on specific regional, technical, or topical areas of interest at any point in their careers. 501 An Overview of Critical Counterintelligence Issues - Our flagship counterintelligence course (5 days). A Student-First Approach to Acquiring an 100% Online Undergraduate Certificate in Counterintelligence. If you do not see an answer to your question, please contact the Help Desk. Learn More. Noted by this icon . Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy is accredited by Council on Occupational Education. Contact a recruiter Apply online Required Courses in Counterintelligence Studies … Homeland Security Degree Online Overview. Annual online training, as described in 12 FAM 513.5, is required for all Department employees, contractors, and persons who fall under chief-of-mission (COM) authority, regardless of agency, who have an OpenNet account. Address. o Establishes policy for development of the Threat Awareness and Reporting Program stand alone briefing tool … Payment is accepted by bank transfer, card or PayPal. Research counterintelligence agents, including job duties, degree requirements, and salary. For questions related to STEPP passwords, account navigation, eLearning activities, or course offerings, please see the list of FAQs. This secure, cloud-based proctoring service allows students to take secure exams at their convenience while … Where: Delivered online via Liverpool John Moores University Duration: 11-28 months dependent on route chosen. During your postgraduate study, you will learn to understand and apply intelligence to practical issues and emerging security threats. Certificate Objectives Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to: • Acquire in-depth knowledge of general counterintelligence work. Counterintelligence, or Cl, as defined by Executive Order 12333, as amended, An official website of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. Fees & Discounts. This eLearning training will allow employees to complete the training at any time to meet their annual Threat Awareness training requirement. Counterintelligence Awareness and Reporting Course for DOD. Some links within this program are accessible only to NIH users. Counterintelligence Strategy Of the U.S. states that "Cl includes defensive and offensive activities conducted at home and abroad to protect against the traditional and emerging foreign intelligence threats Of the 21st century." Need Help? o Establishes the iSALUTE online reporting portal for submission of reportable counterintelligence incidents (paras 1-5b(3), 1-5d(6), 1-6i, 1-10j, 2-5p, and 4-2 d(5)). If you wish to earn a certificate, you must complete each course in a single session, without closing your browser. Through its affiliation with U.S. intelligence communities, this dynamic online certificate was designed by American Public University to meet the development needs of professionals wanting to enhance their counterintelligence knowledge and skills. For counterintelligence analysts the most commonly required education level is a bachelor's degree. 6855 Deerpath Road, Elkridge, MD 21075 Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to: Acquire in-depth knowledge of Counterintelligence research, analysis, and operations. 503 Counterespionage Today: Complexities and … My SPēD Certification Username: First Time Users: Password: Forgot your password? Security education, training, and certification for DOD and Industry. If you are short on time, turn the audio off and simply read each screen. If you have questions about the program or are planning to register for classes, please speak to the program advisor.. For a full list of course descriptions please see section 7 of the university undergraduate catalog. Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. This dynamic online Undergraduate Certificate in Counterintelligence was designed by the American Public University to meet the development needs of intelligence professionals seeking a … What is Counterintelligence? The new certificate provides students in the existing master’s programs the opportunity to add an additional credential in intelligence studies and is also open to students seeking only a post-baccalaureate certificate in the field. Enter Search Term(s): Toggle navigation MENU ... To obtain a certificate of completion for a completed course follow the instructions below. ADVANCED COUNTERINTELLIGENCE STRATEGY SKILLS . For a fee, a request can be made to the FBI for your Identity History Summary—often referred to as a criminal history record or a rap sheet. As a student in this online counterintelligence certificate program, you’ll build threat-analysis knowledge and discover the latest counterintelligence research methods and tools.