I've added it here as well as on the following two Spinditty playlists: "Favorite One-Hit Wonders of the 1990s" and "Songs About Sugar and Sweets." A man makes a sexually charged proposition to a woman he's been flirting with. I'm trying to separate a lot of the "sweet" ones into my playlist about sugar and sweets so "Eye Candy" is on that one, but I've added the rest here. I am still awaiting a song about Jujubes Candy since they are my favorite. Have a terrific weekend yourself! And you can pass me a lettuce. Sounds like they are hungry for each other's love! My favorite one is "Strawberry Swing" by Coldplay. You're welcome and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Keith Urban's Soul Food lyrics were written by Keith Urban, Daniel Breland, Sean Small and Sam Sumser. A Taste of Honey - Herb Alpert. Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on March 14, 2019: Polk Salad Annie by Elvis is certainly a classic. Liz - Both were fun to generate. I put it on both this playlist and the playlist about sugar and sweets. The narrator is concerned that we're overly curious about the buffet of trouble that others heap on their plates instead of cleaning up our own. I happened to be munching on a piece of toast, and it reminded me of that rather bizarre little ditty by Paul Young (when he was in Streetband) called “toast” where he imparts his love of grilled bread in song. Chitrangada - I appreciate your stopping by. The YouTube comedy duo of Rhett & Link asked their viewers for suggested song titles, and bacon was a common theme. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 12, 2019: Bob - Thank you for these suggestions! She specifically points out the unhelpfulness of. There's. If you're also from Georgia, why not celebrate it with a playlist of songs about the great state of Georgia? Bill - So glad you enjoyed this! It's also a language of self-expression. Angry about the feedback, Rivers Cuomo (lead singer and guitarist) reacted like a rebellious teen and cranked out this song and an accompanying video: I'mma do the things that I wanna doI ain't got a thing to prove to youI'll eat my candy with the pork and beansExcuse my manners if I make a sceneI ain't gonna wear the clothes that you likeI'm fine and dandy with the me insideOne look in the mirror and I'm tickled pinkI don't give a hoot about what you think. Her distinctive, second-hand beret is the color of bright raspberries, and when it is warm she wears little else. The group was working with Swedish music producers who kept confusing the term "sex on the beach" with "cake by the ocean." "A lot of Domino's franchises just send me pizza, which I love," he told Songfacts. If you listen to the words, you can hear the many similarities between country music and the outdoors industry. Country music might love a love song, but it really loves a breakup song.When Patsy Cline immortalized "Crazy," written by Willie Nelson, confusion dripped from her every word. songs about individuality and personal uniqueness, bakery items and confections (e.g., sugar, honey, various pies, candy), maligning others and making them feel small, pointing out lies, failures, and incidents of cheating and. They sat together talking and appreciating one another's company, with a sweetness like that of strawberries. Have a wonderful weekend singing and cooking. Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk? We'll all be better off that way. Songs with Food or Drink in the title or lyrics II So how many songs can you name with Food or Drinks in the Title or Lyrics.. The Presidents of the United States of America, 50. Featuring a lot of heel-toe action, the dance was first celebrated by James Brown in his 1959 song, "Mashed Potatoes." Weezer met with record label executives who urged the band to record music with broader commercial appeal. Her sweetheart gives her compliments by referring to her as "collard greens and cornbread" while she calls him her "sweet potato pie." From walking-down-the-aisle bliss to the oh-so-sad heartache and heartbreak, this honest genre has a way of delivering a love song like no other. 30,000 Pounds of Bananas - Harry Chapin. Bill - I thought for sure that you'd be good for "Strawberry Fields Forever." To remind you of the many great things country living can offer, we made a long list of country quotes that talks about food, music, and quality of life in the country that you will surely love! He was a talented artist that recorded some great country songs including this one about country life that includes some great images from farm life … Quick-witted songwriters turn to the dinner table when formulating life advice (e.g., "mind your biscuits and gravy"). (Insert your own joke here about spreading her love all over the city.). Teens in the 1960s hit the dance floors with a variety of new dance crazes, including a move called the Mashed Potato. There's a breakup country song for that. "Be Our Guest"-("Beauty & the Beast") "Maximum Consumpion"-The Kinks. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on August 28, 2020: Brenda Hendrickx - Thanks for the suggestion. All week long we rotate it through dance lessons, hangouts, live concerts, and, yup, especially during weekly specials and Happy Hour.Whether we’re in a feel-good mood, or just in need of a dose of nostalgia, there’s nothing quite like country music to get our blood pumping and our feet moving. Welcome to THE PLAYLIST, where HeadStuff staff and friends siphon through exciting art to craft essential listening experiences you didn’t know you needed.This week the HeadStuff music writers bring you 25 of the best songs about food, glorious food.. How we present our relationship with both music and food can go a long way to defining our position within our communities. Nick Jonas first compliments his ex-lover's beauty in this 2016 pop ditty. Artist: Alan Jackson . Upvote your favorite country songs about eating food. I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch), Webstar & Young B (featuring The Voice of Harlem). From meat and potatoes tunes to songs that celebrate traditional southern Sunday meals, these are some of the best country songs about foods ever. Listen to a sad country song, and you might find tears streaming down your face. Peg, Thanks for that song suggestion. She leaves him waiting in her boudoir an overly long time while freshening up, thus causing him to blurt out, "Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" Thanks for the reminder. One way to drop extra weight quick is to go vegetarian. Patriotic country songs can make your heart swell with American pride. A good reason to mention a restaurant in your song: free food. Most of the songs are related to country life and scenery. The narrator wants to be the bread to their love interest's peanut butter and jelly. I'm pretty sure your list will grow longer, though, rather quickly with this one. Have a great weekend! Certain foods inspire singers and songwriters to bring a song to life. Ironically, the song became one of Weezer's most successful songs and won the band a Grammy for the video. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 09, 2019: Heidi - Love those 80s! Put some food in my plate, and some Coke in my cup (Prince Markie D): Give me some chicken, franks, and fries. "Put the Lime in the Coconut" by Harry Nilsson & "Junk Food Junkie" by Larry Groce. Album: Good Time . 1 decade ago. Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on March 10, 2019: This is quite an interesting list, almost makes me hungry! Hope you're having a terrific weekend! She has an on again-off again romance with a man who has her acting erratically. If not, now you know what to do! Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 20, 2020: I would never have realized that there were so many songs with food in the titles before reading this. Back to the drawing board, Tamia. Upon their arrival, they feasted upon cheeseburgers. The contagious 2015 pop ditty was an international smash hit for DNCE, a group formed by Joe Jonas and pals. Country songs about Dad share a common thread. Is there room for one more on your list? Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on March 09, 2019: This is a very amusing and creative article, Flourish! FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 10, 2019: Shannon - That is a great suggestion. Kaili - That's a funny title, and in listening to it, the title says it all! 531 Songs About Food: "Food Glorious Food" ("Oliver!") I gave you a shout out in the airplane and flying playlist in case you didn't see it. Amazing! It makes you wonder what prompts some people to sing about such things. However, it was Dee Dee Sharp's 1962 rock song that climbed both the R&B and pop charts and later was adopted by the Campbell Soup Company for an advertising campaign. Tamia claims that the song is not actually about subservience but instead about taking care of someone you love. Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on March 09, 2019: I almost drew a blank,and then I thought of Strawberry Wine....you came up with 75 while I struggled with the one...I must be in need of a rest. I'm guessing that the songwriters also used food to symbolize other things. HE Lives!!!! it's kinda hard to just talk about food in country music without mention some type of alcoholic drink but there is a few that don't talk about it. Food isn't just for sustenance. Put the bacon down, and don't rub that fatty stuff on anything but the inside of your mouth. In this 2015 R&B song, the narrator uses a grab bag of images related to royalty, food, and driving to describe her physical relationship with her love interest. It's not technically about bacon, though. Fantasia first rose to fame after winning the third season of American Idol in 2004. This is great. Raise a cold beer or a sweet iced tea to the simple things in life along with the Georgia boy in this 2008 country song. The song features a guy who calls 911 only to discover that regardless of his emergency, rubbing bacon on it is the solution. Even The Beatles couldn’t resist penning a song about eating, listing a vast range of delectable confections in their “Savoy Truffle.” Country singers like Alan Jackson, John Michael Montgomery and Billy Ray Cyrus have all produced tunes that would be great country love songs … As usual, another comprehensive list, Flourish. In the Western musical canon, songs about sweets are a subset of a larger food-themed body of work. I am better at the bands than the songs, but as ever, you have come up with a comprehensive list. Feeling hungry? Glad you enjoyed these! Country songs about eating include some of the most memorable tunes the genre has to offer. She's also a backwoods, tractor-driving chick who can hunt, fish and cook. It seems that (of this list, at least) anything produced before the 1980s totally escaped my notice. Some songs about food evoke thoughtful introspection. Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on March 09, 2019: Going all 80s and funky (as usual as I strum my air guitar), I'd add Juicy Fruit by Mtume and Def Lepppard's Pour Some Sugar on Me. But being a good dad – well, that is a challenge. He asks for kindness if he seems to be a bit of a mess. Such songs are often odes to their favorite foods or odes to something they find sinfully delightful. A long song lamenting a cake melting in the rain. Rub Some Bacon on it? Fried chicken is highly recommended. Ms. Marmalade makes a business transaction with a customer named Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed this. And some of the titles are hilarious. If you're a one-of-a-kind and want to celebrate it, make a playlist of songs about individuality and personal uniqueness. The protagonist says that women, unfortunately, think of themselves and friends are too quick to abandon you in difficult times. The narrator tried it for nearly 70 days before having carnivorous dreams of a big fat cheeseburger on a big warm bun. Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on March 11, 2019: Interesting! I like bacon but not like that - LOL. What a crazy song. How about “Fried Neck Bones and Some Home Fries." That song may qualify for one that won't fly today. Original posted 2012 and I figured it was time for a re-run. 9. Listen to the tunes, and vote up your favorites. Lists of the best country songs about things country people love, from hard work to drinking whiskey. (The first recording was sung by Merv Griffin (yes, THAT Merv Griffin). The official music video for Soul Food premiered on YouTube on Friday the 18th of September 2020. Each and every one of us, let's you do you and me do me. Country music has a rich history of romantic, make-you-wanna-fall-in-love tunes. Also country. We're all as young (or as old) as we feel. In music videos, food is also used to signify temptation and passion. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on March 09, 2019: Flouish, You have done it again! He's imagining a bakery by the sea: Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my lifeConfetti, I'm ready, I need it every nightRed velvet, vanilla, Chocolate in my life I keep on hoping We'll eat cake by the ocean. I do know these things. Denver was always considered kind of a pop-country star because his music had such broad appeal. Ha! Nonconformity gets a nod in this 2008 pop song after the aging band received some unflattering suggestions from music industry executives. I had no idea that there were so many songs, enjoyed reading about them. There were several tracks that almost made the list, but were ultimately cut. Word on the street (the Internet) is that George Harrison penned this Country. Given that much of country music is rooted squarely in the South, is it any surprise that so many of the songs on this list involve staples like chicken, biscuits, and sweet potatoes? How cheesy do you have to be to fall in love with the pizza delivery girl? I'm a pass it by He celebrates all of the things that give life value and comfort: God, love of family and country, jeans that fit just right, plus good music, peaches, pecan pie, and of course, Southern fried chicken. Great article, lovely songs and wonderful information. Somehow that doesn't exactly spell "sexy" to me, but what do I know. But, it was fun to listen to. Adam Sandler’s “Thanksgiving Song” was another hilarious comedy song about eating, this one about stuffing your face during the holidays. Thank you for stopping by. Yes, she's named after jam. I guess there is no topic left untouched. Country music has the ability to give you all the feelings. A Rose And A Baby Ruth - George Hamilton IV. (That gal's a keeper.). Becoming a father isn’t necessarily difficult. Awesome adds. Have a great week ahead! Country song - Life is Good??? For the good ole boy in this 2010 country tune, it's the girl he loves as well as good old fashioned chicken and biscuits. Thank you for sharing this wonderful compilation of songs. Thank you! Thanks for the suggestion. Country songs about Dad share a common thread. The Village People also did a song called "Milkshake". Album: Good Time . Know a song with food in the title that should be on this playlist? A favorite country songs list about just about any topic should include the Man in Black. The song peaked at #1 on the country and pop charts. HE Lives!!!! lol. You're not a geezer! And you can pass me a lettuce. Songs with food in the title. Oh, wait.. The guy in this 2001 pop song acknowledges several of them: cigarettes, chocolate milk, and jelly beans by the fistful. Thanks for stopping by! They employ terms of endearment for lovers that prompt visions of. The song was inspired by a boating trip gone wrong in which Jimmy Buffett and other passengers aboard had to survive several days on peanut butter and canned food. You don’t get the reputation as the “God, guns, and beer” crowd without keeping it, for the most part, clean. Yep, there's actually a song named after strips of fatty salt-cured pork. Have a wonderful week. Santana used to perform that one as did the song's writer Willie Bobo. Using the imagery of sweet, juicy kiwi fruit dripping down his chin, he confesses that he has feelings for her and seeks to demonstrate the intensity of his love. Soul Food Lyrics. Make a suggestion in the Comments Section below. I can be as stubborn as a mule, sweet as tea, angry as a hornet, or loyal like a soldier. There is a country song I heard on the radio recently that talks about life being good. It was a fun one to write with so many songs to choose from, many of them a bit off-the-wall. Original posted 2012 and I figured it was time for a re-run. Because every redneck girl also has a softer side, the narrator boasts that she's also pretty, sweet, hot, and a great kisser. Country music is what fuels our passion at the Grizzly Rose. She allures her man using promises of pleasure and a light meal afterward: See I can make you feel good loveAnd when it's all overI'mma fluff your pillow, babyBring you a sandwich and a soda. Sometimes don't you want to play hooky from work or school? FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on June 03, 2019: Liz - Glad you enjoyed this. According to the old man in this 1972 country song, there are only three things that are worth a dime. Artist: Alan Jackson . Long … His ex may be sizzlin', but he prefers the single life with no commitment and no drama, bacon optional. His life has taken since taken different turns, and without the tenderness of a relationship like that, he feels unfulfilled. With subjects ranging from tacos to chop … If this is a message that resonates, make a playlist of songs about gossip and rumors to help spread the message. There's. For me, country music is extremely relatable. Song: I Still Like Bologna. There are many good songs that I remember and enjoyed. Shannon - You have some really good ones here. In this 1985 funk song, His Royal Badness describes a narrator who works in a five and dime store when he is visited by a strikingly attractive stranger. Report. I don't know the songs, but I certainly enjoyed reading about them. List RulesUpvote your favorite country songs about eating food. The mistranslation inspired this clever song. Tamara - Thank you for stopping by. Below, we’ve compiled some of the best funny country songs […] Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on March 11, 2019: I did not give this a thought I have you to remind me. The song peaked at #1 on the country and pop charts. I wished I could dance the Mashed Potato! If you're feasting on cake by the ocean, I imagine it's hard to keep sand out of the buttercream frosting. Some songs about food evoke thoughtful introspection. Satellite communications. He refuses to mention the other ones. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 11, 2020: Alex - Yes! Make a playlist of pop, rock, and country songs with food in the title. When it comes to sad songs (oh, the sad songs), country music does it so right, capturing those somber, sick-at-heart emotions like no other genre can. Good job from you and from them. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 21, 2020: Peggy - Strange stuff, eh? The song was featured on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Listeners also dance to food-named dances like the Mashed Potato, the Chicken Noodle Soup, and the Watermelon Crawl. This 2015 country song boils down to one piece of advice that uses food to communicate its central message: "Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy." and "spread it like peanut butter and jelly"). It's interesting what songwriters choose to write about sometimes. Originally sung by girl group Labelle (as in Patti Labelle), this sexually suggestive 2001 R&B song is about a Creole prostitute named Lady Marmalade. Yves - Tamia needs to get a backbone. A viewer with the username "jeffisnude" suggested the winning song title, and Rhett & Link wrote this 2012 novelty tune to fit his title. Migos – “Stir Fry” With the delicious food being cooked up in the video and the song’s title, there’s no possible way you won’t be calling your local takeout by the end of this tune. But they all qualify as excellent country eating songs. Both were the swansong of The Village People. In music videos, food is also used to signify temptation and passion. Ummm.....sandwich and a soda afterward? Listen to Keith Urban's song below. Recalling an important memory from his youth, the narrator in this 2009 alt-rock tune highlights how much he and his childhood crush cherished each other. I especially love Prince. Thought Process in Songs About Food. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 11, 2019: Devika - Thanks for stopping by. Peg Cole from Northeast of Dallas, Texas on March 09, 2019: Making me hungry with all these food songs. Ease up, fella, and wipe your face off. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 14, 2019: Louise - Thank you for stopping by! Right now my only suggestion is "Do You Want Fries with That?" #4 of 325 The Best Upbeat Country Songs#2 of 64 The Best Country Karaoke Songs You Need to Sing, #14 of 235 The Best Fast Country Songs#10 of 37 Country Songs About Georgia. Do you know a musical artist with name based on a food? Ha! 1 decade ago. Denver was always considered kind of a pop-country star because his music had such broad appeal. Get some rest and have a wonderful weekend! Take a look at Great American Country's Top 20 country songs for Father's Day that convey a prevailing truth. You might want to look away from this list. With an attraction this magnetic, the narrator and his new, raspberry beret-clad ladyfriend head off together on his motorcycle for a sexual tryst. Linda - You prompted this song list when you suggested "Blueberry Hill" in another article. Put some food in my plate, and some Coke in my cup (Prince Markie D): Give me some chicken, franks, and fries. It was in the movie "Can't Stop the Music". After Phil Vassar included the line "Domino's pizza in the candlelight" in his #1 Country hit "Just Another Day in Paradise," he earned VIP status there. It was written in 1944 and has been performed by many artists. This super simple electronic dance number was an international hit in 2015. Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith 2 Kudos … Nithya - Thanks for weighing in with your favorite song. My Spotify playlists? - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French lawyer, politician, and gastronome. Have a great day! (This one is even older than me) - "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts." This is a resurrected title. Take a look at Great American Country's Top 20 country songs for Father's Day that convey a prevailing truth. Have a terrific week ahead. FlourishAnyway believes there is a playlist for just about any situation and is on a mission to unite and entertain the world through song. Have a great week! Many of us have addictions, or at least strong cravings that aren't so good for us. According to the 2009 pop song by this boy band, the narrator eats pizza every day just so he can see his crush. Well, this was a fun list! Tamara Yancosky from Uninhabited Regions on March 23, 2019: Well, this is a yummy list of songs! Have a terrific weekend! The lyrics are full of stories of family, friends, good times, and a lifestyle that is near and dear to many of us. I appreciate your following along. As I was eating my breakfast, I got to thinking about songs with food in the title. Country music is characterized by simple tunes, stable rhythms, and a strong rustic flavor. But being a good dad – well, that is a challenge. The Best Country Karaoke Songs You Need to Sing. Country songs about Dad share a common thread. A Cup Of Coffee, A Sandwich And You - Gertrude Lawrence. From country songs about falling in love to happy country love songs for the great times, and I love you country songs, there is a tune for every situation. Shannon Henry from Texas on March 10, 2019: There's a funny one called "Corn Star" by Craig Morgan that's a twist on porn star. But among those heartfelt songs about life in the country, missing their hometown, and falling for that gorgeous Southern Belle are songs made to make you laugh out loud. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 15, 2019: Bob - Thanks for that suggestion. In this simple, playful pop tune from 2005, it's raining outside and the narrator tries to lovingly convince his sweetheart to sleep in and pretend it's the weekend. This is yet another comprehensive list of songs. Becoming a father isn’t necessarily difficult. It's good to see you. Becoming a father isn’t necessarily difficult. The woman in this 2010 R&B song is a fool for love, but she's a hungry fool. Check out our picks for Top 10 Songs About Food below. Thank you! Thanks for being a good sport and reading along. At the intersection of music and food rests a dazzling buffet of options for self-expression. It became a viral video. A Little Bit Of Cucumber - Harry Champion. However, there's true value to in the loyalty of old dogs, the innocence of children, and the taste of watermelon wine. Now, Merv Griffin. "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." But being a good dad – well, that is a challenge. The Banana Boat Song - Steve Lawrence - 1957; The Land of Milk and Honey - The Vogues - 1966; The Banana Boat Song - Sarah Vaughan - 1957; I Can't Grow Peaches on a Cherry Tree - Just Us - 1966; No Milk Today - Herman's Hermits - 1967; The Popcorn - James Brown - 1969; Beans in My Ears - The Serendipity Singers - 1964; Jambalaya (On the Bayou) - Fats Domino - 1961 Thanks for the idea! Pamela - I thought it was a lot of fun as well. And then, go get a snack. There are a couple of topics I'm struggling with a bit, but most topics are completely able to be tackled. Whether you are planning a road trip, a weekend picnic, or a family party, these timeless country songs will provide the perfect background music for a food … Such songs are often odes to their favorite foods or odes to something they find sinfully delightful. Yummy! I like your idea of this song list. Lv 7. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on May 21, 2020: wright001 - Thanks for the recommendation. Kaili Bisson from Canada on March 09, 2019: Another great list Flourish! Country music is characterized by simple tunes, stable rhythms, and a strong rustic flavor. Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith 2 Kudos 5,612 Views 148. From country songs about falling in love to happy country love songs for the great times, and I love you country songs, there is a tune for every situation. "animal crackers"- … We can almost imagine the juices dripping from his chin. Whether you are planning a road trip, a weekend picnic, or a family party, these timeless country songs will provide the perfect background music for a food … ("Are you going to sleep with me tonight?") The narrator urges the listener to paint a mental picture of the following: Spread it like peanut butter jellyDo it like I owe you some money. Satellite communications. One more I remember from way back when is "A Rose and a Baby Ruth.". Country singers like Alan Jackson, John Michael Montgomery and Billy Ray Cyrus have all produced tunes that would be great country love songs … Wild Cherry is probably most famous for "Play that Funky Music White Boy". The burger was medium rare with a slice of onion, tomato, and lettuce. My favorites: Mashed Potato & Strawberry Wine. Country Quotes. He was a talented artist that recorded some great country songs including this one about country life that includes some great images from farm life … All Mixed Up Food Songs, featuring various songs about food, eating, drinking and dining, breakfast, lunch and dinner, compiled by Peter Bochan . Linda - I can imagine how unusual it must be not knowing any of the songs. Sharp later added a gravy-related song to her menu of songs. There is the band Strawberry Alarm Clock and their song "Incense & Peppermints". You simply must watch the video. Kacey Musgraves uses food to warn an obnoxious neighbor to “mind her own biscuits and life will be gravy.” And the Zac Brown Band reminds listeners that there is little to compare to “Chicken Fried,” accompanied by “Cold beer on a Friday night.” Joe Diffie echoes that sentiment on “Cold Budweiser and a Sweet Tater.” Some of these songs have food in the title (“Jambalaya,” “Chicken and Biscuits,” and “I Still Like Bologna”) while others just discuss foods and eating in the lyrics (“That’s What I Love About Sundays,” “Alright”). Nithya Venkat from Dubai on March 11, 2019: So many songs with name of a food in the title. Share. I'm a pass it by https://www.ranker.com/list/country-songs-about-food/ranker-music FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on August 25, 2020: There is also "Sugar" by System Of A Down. No wonder he keeps going back for second helpings of her love. Song: I Still Like Bologna. Daria-Yakovleva via Pixabay, Free Domain, modified by FlourishAnyway. If your sweetheart has you daydreaming about honey, candy, sugar, and other sweet confections, make them a playlist of songs about sugar and sweets to let them know how much you love them. Hearing the Village People again makes me think of some of their other songs from that era. FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on June 02, 2019: FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 24, 2019: Bob - Thanks for these suggestions which I've added in both places! Wonderful job as always. ... Jimmy Buffett was a struggling folkie-turned-country … I'll add it. Never really realized just how many songs are related to food. Thanks for the additions! This is a resurrected title. PLUS This delicious trio is serving up stir fry on the streets of Toronto … Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on March 09, 2019: Hi Flourish. She's as good as chicken and biscuits. Southern Comforts: 25 Best Songs About the South From “Sweet Home Alabama” to “Carolina in … We love to gossip and pass judgment. Who would have thought that there are so many songs, with food in the title! Huh! 1 0. Lv 7. I enjoyed the food playlist. by Tim McGraw. Make a suggestion in the Comments Section below. (I put the song on this list.) We have a long list to start you out! Thought Process in Songs About Food. What a list. They use food imagery as a tantalizing way to communicate pick-up lines and flirtation (e.g., "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard," "Do fries go with that shake?" Hope your weekend is a buffet of fun. There is "MacArthur's Park" by Richard Harris. Very unusual! A Little Honey - Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats.