It extends the duration of the move Rain Dance when used by the holder. Hydration will cause Manaphy to automatically wake up due to … 13:27 Absorb Bulb dropped by: Milotic. Damp Rock: Non-consumable. 效果. This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. PixelSpark - Minecraft Pixelmon Server - Some regional variants also can evolve again, example: Pachirisu. Jump to: navigation, search. Damp Rock. A Pok�mon held item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance used by the holder. In Pokémon: Magikarp Jump, Damp Rock is a Friendship Item that can be purchased for 350. The advantage with this line of play is that, even if the opponent expects it, they are forced to choose between setting up Stealth Rock and trading with the immediate Kyogre threat. The weather caused by Rain Dance is specific to the battle it is used in. Damp Rock City Gym Boulder Badge. It summons Slowpoke as a helper Pokémon. item : damp rock moveset : protect hurricane defog roost swampert evs : 252 atak 252 speed 6 hp ivs : 14 hp 28 atak 22 def 23 spatak 27 spdef 28 speed (atak speed) naturka : jolly abilitka : torrent (swift swim po mega evoluci) item : swampertitle moveset : earthquake ice punch rock slide waterfall It is also a drop from certain wild Pokémon. Choose your first evolution pokemon A Damp Rock is a held item that increases the duration of Rain Dance and Drizzle to eight turns. Once your Manaphy has been afflicted with a status condition (i.e. In the Generation VII games, if rain has its duration extended by the Damp Rock, the turn counter on the user interface for these effects will indicate that it lasts for 8 turns for the player whose Pokémon used the move, while it will display that it lasts for 5 turns for their opponent. Jump to: navigation, search. It is an exclusive ability to Water-type Pokémon. From Pixelmon Generations Wiki. Jump to:navigation, search. Heat Rock, Icy Rock, Damp Rock, and Smooth Rock extend their respective weather effects from 5 turns to 8 turns, whether you switch or not. 增加效果:携带该道具的降雨特性宝可梦所引起的下雨天气持续时间延长至8回合。 第八世代. Pixelmon Realms Official Reforged Server. It extends the duration of rain. This page was last edited on 7 March 2021, at 05:05. A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance used by the holder. For abilities, items have no effect on duration, Sand Stream and Snow Warning create permanent effects, and Drought and Drizzle created weather lasts for 3 turns after you switch out. An item to be held by a Pokémon. Frostphago Gym Glacier Badge. PixelSpark - Minecraft Pixelmon Server - Quests, Cosmetic, Events with real cash prizes! Details for the Pokémon item Damp Rock, including added effects and where to find it. Please contact our advertising representatives, A Damp Rock is a held item that increases the duration of Rain Dance and Drizzle to eight turns. After 5 turns of rain have passed, the user interface will display that it lasts for 8 turns for both players. When this item is held by a Pokémon, if the holder uses the move Rain Dance, the weather effect lasts eight turns as opposed to five. (A 60% increase in time). 13:27 Aconitum dropped by: . If holder changes the weather condition to rain, it lasts 8 turns instead of 5. OP Pixelmon Server: Pixelmon Reforged 1.12.2 server. How to Get Icy Rock, Heat Rock, Smooth Rock, & Damp Rock Location in Pokemon Sun and Moon - Leave a Comment and Subscribe for More! Damp Rock - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games If the user is holding a Damp Rock, the rain will last eight turns. (Prior to Generation VI, it has no effect on Drizzle, which creates rain with indefinite length in those games.). Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Contents. Today I'm here to show you some crafting recipes what came whit Pixelmon Mod, but sadly they took their Wiki down and you can't no longer find those recipes there, so I wanted to make this topic where everyone can find them nice and easy. Weather Rocks are held items that extend the duration of the corresponding weather, introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. burn, paralyze, poison) or has taken a lot of damage from attacks, use Rest. Quests, Cosmetic, Events with real cash prizes! Knowing this, going for the potential 2HKO with Earthquake can punish an opponent looking to set up Stealth Rock early, where it matters most, on an expected switch. This is the appearance of the Damp Rock in the Sinnoh Underground. Additionally, Damp prevents the Ability Aftermath from doing damage when the … King's Rock - Lists all details for the item including descriptions and locations across all Pokémon games