deaf zuko ao3

Zuko's eyes are still the light gold they always were, but there is something in them that he has never seen before; something that he cannot place no matter how hard he tries. They both took on Azula who ran away. It isn't until later—when Zuko confronts him for the first time in his life and tells him what he really feels—that he realizes what was lurking in Zuko's eyes. Zuko could feel unbidden tears streaming down his face, invisible in the healing water. He fought to keep his breathing regular and any sign of distress off his face. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works (Mis)Adventures of Zuko and Toph - Chapter 16 - lets_support_frogs - Avatar: The Last Airbender [Archive of Our Own… I Don’t Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) Ba Sing Se-era, Zuko is a tea-server, Katara is a feisty cat AU - sweet, sweet silliness (I adore any fic where anyone from the Gaang gets to see up-close and personal, the sweet, awkward mess tea-shop Zuko is and you can’t get much closer than being a cat) The "father" that Zuko was actually born a son to, the father that thought of Zuko as his own son, and a third father who just wants to help. Suddenly, he collapsed, and fell to the muddy ground. Zuko opened his mouth to speak but closed it. Follow. "Let's get back to the others. It’s not rocket science. T for abuse. or. 1 Canon 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Trivia 5 Variations 6 Navigation Toph and Zuko first met during a confrontation in Tu Zin. Zuko seemed to be firmly against showing any emotion but his anger, lest it cost him even more. Everyone's worried about you." Zuko woke up with a pounding headache and 43 matches on Tinder. In his rage, he picked her up by the bindings and stuck them through the coat … Just as he thought he'd succeeded in completely masking his response, he heard Toph's voice. #bnha #atla zuko #atla #zuko and toph #toph beifong #katsuki bakugo #bakugou #deaf bakugou #half deaf half blind zuko #bakugou katsuki #atla toph. Hey!" Toko is the het ship between Zuko and Toph from the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. Zuko tied her hands roughly over her head, but her screams were drowned out by his blind fury. ... Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. Maybe Zuko wore those cute bright dolphin shorts exclusively for Sokka’s benefit. "Katara, you're really hurting him. Sokka quickly reached down and shook him. Hate. "Zuko! Zuko is an idiot trying to get over a breakup, Sokka is a hockey boy, and online dating isn’t really that awful. I know I ain't the only one who low key shipped them. He dragged her across the carpet to the far wall where their was a rack of coat hooks. ... An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. 4. harriyanna. Zuko remained unconscious. 154 notes. PeaceHeather is a fanfiction author that has written 20 stories for Sherlock Holmes, Avatar: Last Airbender, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time, Thor, Avengers, and Angel.