did aang know about harmonic convergence
Their adventure across the four elemental nations has inspired and fascinated fans across the world. This includes the impact of the Harmonic Convergence, a rare occurrence that happens once every ten thousand years. Pakku called, walking over from where he was standing. There was a natural rebalancing that occurred as a result of harmonic convergence which led to an awakening for air benders only. "I'm sorry, Aang. Actually, there are 2 possibilities…. Spawning several comics, a sequel series, and a questionable live-action movie, the series is a staple of animated television. Harmonic convergence led to great change that did more than provide a pathway between the two worlds. This problem was kinda solved after Harmonic Convergence, but for the time being Tenzin keeps the new Airbenders together in one big group instead of splitting them by gender based on how the Air Nomads used to live before everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. So i have this theory about the harmonic convergence and Aang dying at a pretty young age. Prior to Harmonic Convergence, Tenzin's family were the last airbenders and were thus targeted by Amon in an effort to effectively erase one of the four bending arts from the world permanently. It was all part of the lesson he was teaching him. when Roku showed Aang his past he also showed them that they were related. She already knew it; Korra didn't. The epic duel between Raava and Vaatu occurs during the Harmonic Convergence, and when Aang first met Avatar Roku, it was during the Winter Solstice as both worlds are closest during either solstice and used the magic of the sun to briefly appear instead of Aang … The Sage knew the whole time. The Fire Sage told Korra that the next Harmonic Convergence was coming up. According to both series ATLA & TLOK… 1. And for that matter, if the previous Avatars knew about the convergence, they should have told Korra. According to ATLA, Aang was the only survivor 2. He said assuringly. The Avatar franchise is undoubtedly one of the most popular animated series of all time. When Aang had children of his own, it was revealed in The Legend of Korra that he was a somewhat distant father to Kya and Bumi, while he spent all of his time with Tenzin, the sole airbender among his children until after Harmonic Convergence. Since the fire nation had previously wiped out most air benders, there was a great imbalance among the four nations. 2 Harmonic Convergence The Legend of Korra goes much deeper into the supernatural and mystical side of bending including the source of power and the Avatar cycle itself. The stories of Aang and Korra have etched themselves into the minds of millions of people all over the world, and for good reason. Yes. 6 Learned Roku Was Zuko's Great Grandfather Aang had the entire line of Avatars to speak with and often learned from their wisdom. "I know, Master Pakku." I meant no harm." "I probably shouldn't have pushed as hard as I did, either." Thankfully after the Harmonic Convergence, a new Air Nation came and was able to learn from the Acolytes and continue the traditions of Aang's people. What if Aang knew about the upcoming harmonic convergence (which is very likely) and also knew he that he didn't have much of his power left (because he was in the avatar state for 100 years), especially 18 years later when the harmonic convergence was going to happen. Korra actually had to ask her when it was. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a treasured animation with a dedicated fanbase that loved following the journey of Aang, Katara, Sokka, and the rest of Team Avatar. After a moment though, Aang … So he married Pemma and had four kids with her. Aang didn't find much difficulty in forgiving honest mistakes. Aang smiled.