Didius Julianus. Ops â OPI DIVIN TR P COS II Didius Julianus Ar. Finest Known. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 17.1; Historia Augusta. Didius Julianus made the highest bid and was proclaimed emperor in AD 193, But when the Senate heard of the impending arrival of Septimius Severus, elected emperor by the legions in Pannonia, Didius was put to death after a reign of 66 days. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 13.2â5; Historia Augusta. Didia Clara Daughter of Didius Julianus. IMP CAES M DID â IVLIAN AVG Head, laureate, to r. Rev. AR denarius (19mm, 3.09 gm, 11h). Commodus was the last in Antonine line. In 193 AD, after the murder of Commodus in 192 AD. Didius Julianus was born to a wealthy family in AD 137, probably in Milan. Didius Julianus goes down in history as one of the shortest-lived rulers of the Roman Empire. Julianus had a promising political career, governing several provinces, including Dalmatia and Germania Inferior, and defeated the Chauci and Chatti, two invading Germanic tribes. [15] He was then made prefect, charged with distributing money to the poor of Italy. AR Denarius, 3.27g (17mm, 12h). Didius Julianus David Magie, Ainsworth O'Brien-Moore, Susan Helen Ballou, Ed. [45] Severus dismissed the Praetorian Guard and executed the soldiers who had killed Pertinax, the previous emperor. Rome, c. 216. Julianus's father came from a prominent family in Mediolanum (Milan) and his mother was a North African woman of Roman descent, from a family of consular rank. [44], Julianus was killed in the palace by a soldier on June 1, 193 AD, after a mere 66 days of ruling. [43] Julianus was deserted by all except one of the prefects and his son-in-law, Cornelius Repentinus. As he marched, more and more cities in Italy supported his claim to the throne. Good VF. RIC 11 sear5 #6078: Didius Julianus AE Dupondius. [30] Julianus declared Severus a public enemy because he was the nearest of the three to Rome, making him the most dangerous foe. AR DENARIUS MUSEUM REPRODUCTION DIDIA CLARA ROMAN EMPIRE 193 A.D. [36] Severus killed Tullius Crispinus, the Praetorian prefect, who was sent to negotiate with Severus and slow his march on Rome[37] and won over to his cause the ambassadors sent to turn his troops. Silver Denarius of Septimius Severus RIC-IV-I-261-C, struck 202-210 at Rome, 3.6 grams, 19.4 mm. Most memorable is that Didius Julianus actually bought his way to the throne by paying off the Praetorian Guard. His brothers were Didius Proculus and Didius Nummius Albinus. AR Denarius, 3.27g (17mm, 12h). 1.8 cm; 2.98 g Credit Line Gift of Martin A. Ryerson Reference Number ⦠NOT ON VIEW. After this demotion, his early, promising political career languished. [46] According to the contemporary Roman historian Cassius Dio, Julianus' last words were: "But what evil have I done? Description. Didius Julianus. Denarius Didius Julianus Roman Imperial Coins (27 BC-476 AD) for sale | eBay. 11 Aureus of Didius Julianus RIC 2, Cohen 8, BMC 4 Rome. RIC IV.I 3. His death sparked a frenzy of men fighting for the throne. Toned, slightly soft strike on reverse. In quick succession five men, Didius Julianus being the second, vied for Rome’s highest office. Silver denarius, RIC IV 3 (R3), RSC III 15, BMCRE V 7, SRCV II 6074, Hunter III -, EF, weight 3.12 g, maximum diameter 17.6 mm, die axis 180 o, Rome mint, 28 Mar - late May 193 A.D.; obverse IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right; ⦠Marcus Didius Julianus was the son of Petronius Didius Severus of Milan while his mother was from Roman North Africa. JUNO, peacock. Ref: RIC 3 As a Viennese coin dealer, I guarantee the authenticity of my coins. Near EF SEVERUS PIVS AVG - Laureate head of Septimius Severus facing right / FELICITAS AVGG - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopia personal collection. He was at this point declared the winner amid a joyous uproar. Commodus was the last in Antonine line. Denarius (Coin) Portraying Didius Julianus Origin Rome Date 193 CE Medium Silver Inscriptions Obverse: IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG Reverse: CONCORD MILIT Dimensions Diam. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 11.1; Historia Augusta. He was raised by Domitia Lucilla, who was the mother of emperor Marcus Aurelius. Didius Julianus (ruled 28 March to 1 June 193 AD) promised a total of around 200 million sesterces to the Praetorians but apparently did not have sufficient funds to meet this commitment. (x) Didius Julianus (193), AR Denarius, 3.16g, 12h, Rome, struck 28 March - 1/2 June AD 193, IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate head right, rev. [23] Threatened by the military, the senate also declared him emperor. IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG, laureate draped and cuirassed right / RECTOR ORBIS, Didius standing left, holding globe and roll. Pedigree: Purchased from CNG Classical Numismatic Review. [34] Despite this training, the Praetorian Guard was still undertrained compared to the field legionaries of Severus. A civil war ensued in which three rival generals laid claim to the imperial throne. After seizing the ringleaders and killing them, the soldiers reported what they had done to Marcus Silius Messala, the consul, who summoned the senate to inform them of the proceedings. Tiberius caesar, Paduan Hybrid. Silver Denarius, mint of Rome, 28th March-1st June AD 193. Rome mint, 81-82 AD $ 15.00 CONCORD â MILIT Concordia standing to ⦠CONCORD – MILIT Concordia standing to l. holding aquila and standard. [9] He was nominated to the command of the Legio XXII Primigenia in Mogontiacum (now Mainz). [19] Titus Flavius Claudius Sulpicianus, prefect of Rome and Pertinax's father-in-law, who was in the Praetorian camp ostensibly to calm the troops, began making offers for the throne. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 11.5; Historia Augusta. His reign lasted 66 days when he was sentenced to death by Septimius Severus, the incoming ruler and founder of the Severan Dynasty. AR Denarius (18mm, 2.78 g, 7h). AR Denarius (17mm, 2.76 g, 6h). Hadrian. [49] Moreover, his blatant purchase of the throne shattered any illusions of normalcy in the Roman Empire.[50]. Description Didius Julianus (AD 193). Didius Julianus, 193 AD. RIC IV 1; RSC 2. All coins will be shipped with receipt! [16] It was around this time that he was charged with having conspired against the life of Commodus, but the jury acquitted him and instead punished his accuser. His brothers were Didius Proculus and Didius Nummius Albinus. References: RIC 10, RSC 3, BMC 14. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. Silver Denarius. [20] Meanwhile, Julianus also arrived at the camp, and since his entrance was barred, shouted out offers to the guard. "[47] His body was given to his wife and daughter, who buried it in his great-grandfather's tomb by the fifth milestone on the Via Labicana. Marcus Didius Julianus (/ËdɪdiÉs/; 29 January 133 or 137 â 1 June 193) was Roman emperor for nine weeks from March to June 193, during the Year of the Five Emperors. [31] Julianus sent senators to persuade Severus' legionaries to abandon him,[32] a new general was nominated to replace him, and a centurion dispatched to take Severus' life. As emperor, Didius Julianus was unable to pass any major policy reforms in his short reign other than currency devaluation. Æ Sesterius. He and another of the five, Pertinax, held a consulship in 175 AD. Didius Julianus (AD 193). c. 9-14 AD. IMP CAES M DID â IVLIAN AVG Head, laureate, to r. Rev. Pedigree: Purchased from CNG Classical Numismatic Review. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 16.5; Historia Augusta. 193 AD AR Denarius Coin $ 10.00; Domitia Æ Sestertius. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 11.3; Herodian, ii.6.8. Marcus Didius Severus Julianus, (born 133âdied June 2, 193), wealthy Roman senator who became emperor (March 28âJune 1, 193) by being the highest bidder in an auction for the support of the Praetorian Guard.. A member of one of the most prominent families of Mediolanum (now Milan), Didius Severus Julianus had a long and distinguished public career. Didius Julianus had previously been a successful governor in Dalmatia and Germania Inferior (the area to the west of the Rhine and up by the North Sea). NGC AU 4/5 - 3/5. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 12; Historia Augusta. Ex Giovanni Maria Staffieri Collection, purchased from Renzo Canavesi, ... Caracalla. Didius Julianus. Augusta, AD 193. [12], He further distinguished himself in a campaign against the Chatti,[13] governed Dalmatia[14] and Germania Inferior. Reece Period attributed: Period 10 Member of the 193-197 dynasty.. Rome, 28 March-May AD 193. Struck under Didius Julianus. Didius Julianus Denarius. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 14.3â4; Historia Augusta. Hide browse bar Your current position in the text is marked in blue. Bid now on Invaluable: Didius Julianus (193 AD), AR Denarius (2.8g), Rome from La Galerie Numismatique on January 6, 0121 9:30 AM CET. His father hailed from a prominent Milanese family and his North African mother from a family of rank of consuls. Laureate head right / Concordia standing left, holding aquila and signum. [33], The Praetorian Guard had rarely fought in field battles, so Julianus marched them into the Campus Martius and drilled the guard in the construction of fortifications and field works. AR Denarius. In the long run, the two tribes he repelled were but the harbingers of far larger Germanic migrations that would only truly finish in the sixth century AD. Didius Julianus goes down in history as one of the shortest-lived rulers of the Roman Empire. Most memorable is that Didius Julianus actually bought his way to the throne by paying off the Praetorian Guard. [21], After hours of bidding, Sulpicianus promised 20,000 sesterces to every soldier; Julianus, fearing that Sulpicianus would gain the throne, then offered 25,000. Didius Julianus had previously been a successful governor in Dalmatia and Germania Inferior (the area to the west of the Rhine and up by the North Sea). Julianus was born to Quintus Petronius Didius Severus and Aemilia Clara. Reverse struck from worn dies. In quick succession, five men, Didius Julianus being the second, vied for Rome’s highest office. He and another of the five, Pertinax, held a consulship in 175 AD. [29], When news of the public anger in Rome spread across the Empire, three influential generals, Pescennius Niger in Syria, Septimius Severus in Pannonia, and Clodius Albinus in Britain, each able to muster three legions, rebelled. [8], In succession Julianus held the offices of quaestor[7] and aedile,[9] and then, around 162, was named as praetor. Denarius with bust of Didius Julianus. P M TR P COS, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder resting on globe and cornucopiae (cf. AD 193. Didius Julianus was raised by Domitia Lucilla, mother of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Didius Julianus. His reign lasted 66 days when he was sentenced to death by Septimius Severus, the incoming ruler and founder of the Severan Dynasty. Rome, March-May AD 193. [3] His date of birth was 29 January, the year given as 133 by Cassius Dio and 137 by the Historia Augusta. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 17.5; Historia Augusta, Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 B.C. His death sparked a frenzy of men fighting for the throne. Extremely Rare. An average well preserved Didius Julianus denarius weighs 2.99 grams. In the movie The Fall of The Roman Empire Julianus is played by Eric Porter and depicted as a scheming henchman of Commodus. EF-. Ex Baldwin's stock, Grade: Surfaces a bit rough but nice high relief and wonderful portrait of the short-lived emperor. "[28] Once, a mob even obstructed his progress to the Capitol by pelting him with large stones. [25], Upon his accession, Julianus immediately reversed Pertinax's monetary reforms by devaluing the Roman currency to near pre-Pertinax levels. Rome. 193 AD. [24] His wife and his daughter both received the title Augusta. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. [16] Julianus attempted to negotiate with Severus, offering to share the empire with his rival,[40] but Severus ignored these overtures and pressed forward. For context, a legionary foot soldier was paid (annually, before significant deductions) around 2,400 sesterces following the pay rise in 197 AD, and a praetorian an estimated 6,000 to 8,000 sesterces . AR denarius (18mm, 3.05 gm, 6h). [15] Afterwards, he governed Bithynia[17] and succeeded Pertinax as the proconsul of North Africa. Italics indicates a junior co-emperor, while underlining indicates a usurper. Augusta, AD 193.Roman Imperial Sestertius $ 15.00; Didius Julianus AE Sestertius Emperor 28 March â 2 June 193 A.D. $ 15.00; Didius Julianus Roman Imperial Gold Aureus Emperor 193 A.D. $ 15.00; DIDIUS JULIANUS. Accession Number 1999.514. All rights reserved. [7] He married a Roman woman named Manlia Scantilla, and sometime around 153, she bore him a daughter, Didia Clara, their only child. Didius was raised in the household of Domitia Lucilla, the mother of Marcus Aurelius, which served him well in political circles. With Domitia's help⦠After the death of Pertinax, the army put the empire up for auction (!). SH03731. IMP CAES M DID – IVLIAN AVG Head, laureate, to r. Rev. NGC AU 4/5 - 4/5. Details! From the Lampasas Collection. Cassius Dio, lxxiv, 17.2; Historia Augusta. They refused to accept Julianus' authority as emperor and instead declared themselves emperor. DIDIUS JULIANUS. Rome mint. Whom have I killed? Roman Imperial Period A.D. 193 Mint: Italy, Rome. Unfortunately Commodus demoted Didius Julianus shortly afterwards which affected his career negatively moving forward. [18], After the murder of Pertinax on March 28, 193, the Praetorian guard announced that the throne was to be sold to the man who would pay the highest price. [3] Julianus's father came from a prominent family in Mediolanum, modern-day Milan, and his mother was a North African woman of Roman descent, from a family of consular rank. Severus first secured the support of Albinus, declaring him Caesar,[35] and then seized Ravenna and its fleet. [22] The guards closed with the offer of Julianus, threw open the gates, and proclaimed him emperor. Julianus ascended the throne after buying it from the Praetorian Guard, who had assassinated his predecessor Pertinax. 193 AD. Hilaritas on reverse is an allegorical goddess of cheerfulness, good-humor, rejoicing. [38][16], Cassius Dio maintained that the Praetorian Guard tried to fight back, but were crushed,[39] while modern historians believe that the Praetorian Guard simply abandoned Julianus, deserting en masse.