eg like a daily message. Below is a small but incomplete overview of what the bot can do for you. Crouton Bot is the only bot on Discord with a unique MOTD Forum system, set up and ready to use as soon as you add Crouton Bot to your server! This bot is simple to use and to manage and we hope that it will be very useful to … No matter how hard I look I cannot find a tutorial on how to do this in, It's all Discord.js. Apollo is a simple solution for a common challenge – scheduling events and attendance for members of your server, within Discord itself. Code your own Discord bot! The original Discord bot list, find the right bot for your server today. I wanted a bot that can auto post messages every set amount of time. LiveCord gives you ease of mind when setting up a announcement discord bot. Please be patient with me. Making your discord server more organized :)Have too much background noise? Adding a muting system to your discord bot is not difficult. Discord-bot What is it ? It lets you replace existing … Kick or ban naughty disobeyers! Or maybe a participation system and a countdown clock? How do I do it? Rhythm- this is the music bot … The only bot I found so far was the Septapus bot which can set a reminder. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Cala - Today at 10:32 PM Reminder Bot A bot for setting reminders Features Set as many reminders as you like, for whatever time you like (< 50 years) Set reminders for your DMs, or for your guilds Set reminders with embedded … I am looking for a Bot that simply posts a different daily message each day of the week and can specify what channel it posts in and set what time of the day the daily message will pop. A new multipurpose bot which helps you announcing, logging, moderation and building up a perfect discord community server … Features Easy to use A lot of utilities and commands to choose from Unique bot Online everytime Well-created code, no … GreatSphynx August 18, 2019 02:28; Hi there, ... and since our streamer feed uses a bot to pull all the data and we have multiple streamers that would require an individual monitoring the channel full time and publishing the notifications manually which does not make any sense. Invite to Server Support Server. I want to use it to post a different Game Tip each day for on the Games official Discord Server. This is the RobEn AI's team home made Discord bot. And if you're not one that's very good at coding, go to youtube. Learn more Discord Bot Builder is an interactive program with a friendly user interface to help people without programming skills to create their Discord bots. Your place to talk. It lets you replace existing messages to change outdated content without having to … Over my time running a discord I've noticed just … to @User. Working from home? Delete your old announcements instantly with +purge. Announcement | Bots For Discord Announcement Bot allows you to create custom embedded messages with an updating preview of your announcement. I've just started on Javascript and Node.js, so I don't really know what to do. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. Discord.js is a module that Discord developers use it, the whole procedure can be found on the web. Here is my current code; @bot.command(brief='announce [message]') async def announce(ctx, autofeed