What a wonderful way to begin another year with the Full Wolf Moon on January 28, 2021 in the first degree of Leo! Sunday, March 28, 2021: A âSuper Worm Moonâ Today at 19:48 Universal Time is Marchâs full Moonâknown in North America as the âWorm Moonâwhich by some definitions is also a ⦠Leo Full Moon January 28, 2021. Full Moon in Leo, 30th January 2021. The First Full Moon of 2021! Washington, D.C. Our first Full Moon of this Blessed, New Year inhabits the Tropical Zodiac sign of Leo and is the One which represents, Creativity, Divinity and Love, oranges, palaces and prime ministers, rubies, stadiums and sunflowers. It takes place at nine degrees. We can work to connect better with our hearts, and feel more inspired creatively. The Full Moon in Leo 2021 lights up the skies on Thursday, January 28th, at 2:16 PM EST. Full Moon In Leo: January 28, 2021: Wild & Fortunate? Full Moon in Leo: January 28th 2021 (2:16PM ET/11:16AM PT) The full moon for January 2021 comes to us in Leo, and this is the sign of creativity, love, and fun . This is one of those Full Moons that feels like a mixed bag of tricks and perhaps a little chaotic. 2:16 PM, EST. The Full Moon reaches its peak will occur on Thursday, January 28, at 7:16 p.m. UTC, or 2:16 p.m. EST This full moon was known by early Native Radiant Golden Light. This Full Moon in Leo is a cosmic gift to expand our heart energy and joy. Leo moons, it is said, are generous. Raymond J. Sette, February 19, 2021. A full moon is a time of endings and beginnings. This full moon is occurring at 21:16pm South African Standard Time, at 11:16am Pacific Standard Time, at 19:16pm Greenwich Mean Time. A Full Moon indicates a time of completion, celebration, and release. I suspect this might be the kick off to the Saturn-Uranus issues that will affect said Venus for this year. The moon will oppose the Sun which is conjunct Jupiter which also at nine degrees. This will amplify the ⦠So go ahead and Howl at the moon! The full Moon conjuncts my 12 degree Venus in the 5th, and Venus/Pluto in the 10th is square to my 25 Aries ASC, and opposite my 24 degree Jupiter in the 4th. Itâs the first full moon of 2021, and what moon shines brighter, fuller, than a Leo full moon? The Leo Full Moon on January 28-29, 2021, is the second last Full Moon of the zodiac cycle and may trigger this climax point. The full moon is occurring in 09Ë Leo 06â. We may find all that needs to be revealed coming to the surface. In Leo, this marks the end of a creative project or a step up to the main stage in some aspect of ⦠If you have Leo in your chart in this degree, aspects will occur to the fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio. They love to adore and be adored. The new moon in Leo on January 28th will be exceptionally shiny, dramatic and impactful! The first Full Moon of 2021 takes place in Leo, for the west coast on the morning of Thursday, January 28th, afternoon for points east. A rare celestial event takes place at this Full Moon in Leo as Jupiter is conjoined to the Sun at exactly the same degree.Full article here: #Fullmooninleo #astrology This significant lunation brings a boldness and invitation into creative expression, since it occurs in the proud sign of the Lion at 9 degrees, opposite to the Sun in brilliant Aquarius.