While the full moon's energetic theme depends on the sun and the moon, aspects that are prominently places can be also be key players. Coincidentally, many of these names are very […] Very much in line with the astrological predictions for 2021 , it's going to affect all signs in different measures, but there are some recurring themes that we can all expect in the days before and after the moon (that's right, lunar energy … This T-Square aspect is comprised of fixed signs â so they're all incredibly stubborn in their ways â which means the less you resist the change, the easier it will be. Happening on Thursday, Jan. 28 at exactly 2:16 p.m. EST, one week after Inauguration Day, it's no wonder this year's full moon in Leo is so heavily aspected. This lunation is taking place just a couple of days before Mercury the messenger stations retrograde in Aquarius, and it will be dominated by a powerful T-Square being led by Mars and Uranus in Taurus. SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE… Our first full moon of 2021 on January 28th is a powerful and explosive start to the calendar year. Some astrologers dare to say Leo is the most important fire sign in the zodiac. As you may know, every full moon has a different essence and cosmic symbolism. Explore this January Moon Phase Calendar by clicking on each day to … And the first thing we look at is the Full Moon Zodiac Sign. See when the Moon will be visible in your area. Tension is an understatement, but it's what's necessary to create a breakthrough. As the moon waxes and wanes, we inhale new beginnings before we exhale them into fruition. Full Moon January 2021: The Wolf Moon. January 2021 - Moon Phase Calendar. The first new moon of 2021 happens at 23°13’ of Capricorn on January 12 (9:00 PM Pacific Time).. Leo is symbolic of the birth of authenticity, as it is a represents the conscious self. When to See the Full Moon in March 2021. It is ideal for making changes that are long overdue. Full Moon January 28, 2021, in Leo. In addition to being an emotional trigger to Leo's fixed fires â which can be incredibly overwhelming, hence the theatrics â the first full moon of the year will also be challenged by a stellium of generational, powerhouse planets amidst Mercury's pre-retrograde shadow. Having said that, how can you cultivate your unique talents for the good of humankind? We have a Leo Full Moon coming up January 28th (2021). The Virgo full moon on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is linked to Saturn square Uranus. Scroll To See More Images. This is the development of the ego and realization of self. The Full Moon … The phenomenon takes place 12 times in 2021, which means once every calendar month of the year. If you haven’t made your New Year’s resolutions yet—or if you’ve struggled to get started on them—then this new moon is for you! It makes only testing square and opposition planetary aspects that act like Mars. How can you make the best use of this Leo Full Moon time? January 28 2021 Full Moon comes this time in Leo. We may find all that needs to be revealed coming to the surface. Full Moon in Sagitarius (May 26, 2021) In terms of its astrological influence on the zodiac signs, the Full Moon in Sagittarius taking place on May 26th of 2021 represents the moment of concluding a stage, reaping the fruits, and opening a new chapter in life. The Leo Full Moon on January 28-29, 2021, is the second last Full Moon of the zodiac cycle and may trigger this climax point. But the February 2021 full moon makes positive change more likely and easier to implement. It's time to be the divine master of your own fate. The Full Moon in Leo January 28 2021. The Full Snow Moon in February is named for the time of the heaviest winter snowfall. March’s full Worm Moon reaches peak illumination at 2:50 P.M. EDT on Sunday, March 28, 2021. However, the Moon won’t be visible until it rises above the horizon around sunset that evening. Another year of spectacular full moons is upon us, with January kicking us all off with the ‘Wolf Moon’ – but what does that mean? The Spiritual Meaning Of The January 2021 Full Moon In Leo Leo is symbolic of the birth of authenticity, as it is a represents the conscious self. The Moon is full when the Aquarius Sun opposes the Moon in Leo. (FYI, Mars is currently transiting through its sign of exile, which means it isn't working at its fullest potential.). The god of war is frustrated because it can't act on impulse when it's in slow-moving Taurus, so you can already imagine the chaos and friction that occurs when alongside rebellious Uranus. January is absolutely flying by, so it’s hard to believe that the first full moon of the year is already upon is! The Spiritual Meaning Of The January 2021 Full Moon In Leo. How can humanity adjust to this new way of living? However, Mars-Uranus will not only square off with the moon, but also with the sun-Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. This is because its solar fire is associated with the soul and a higher state of consciousness. When you think of the next couple of years, where do you see yourself? The full moon "mood" and/or "theme" depends on the sun and the moon, along with any other prominent aspects that are taking place at the moment. The sunset embers smolder low, So the spiritual meaning of the full moon January 2021 astrology relates to anger management and using self-control to harness your initiative and enthusiasm. Though every single human being on the planet is entitled to their own opinion and/or political preference, themes revolving around the country's leadership (Leo), as well as the community of people (Aquarius) you surround and associate yourself with will be pivotal all throughout 2021. Alternate names: Snow Moon or Old Moon. However, before we take a closer look at the celestial specs of this lunation, it's important to consider the symbolism behind this climactic lunar phase. So with another full moon on the way, it's important to reflect on the seeds you planted during the new moon. It's where the heart recognizes consciousness, and where we combine our personality and soul energy in order to radiate love. Look for the spectacularly bright Moon as it rises above the horizon that evening! The Full Buck Moon — slated for July 23, 2021, doesn’t mean you’ll be seeing a buck standing in the shadow of the moon. More importantly, both of these ever-glowing luminaries are the celestial protagonists of this lunar phase, as they make an exact opposition to each other amidst activating an astrological axis in the zodiac. The January 2021 Full Wolf Moon is thought to possess a certain celestial power. January’s full Wolf Moon reaches peak illumination on Thursday, January 28, at 2:18 P.M. EST. Highlighting something that's been hidden from your conscious mind, the emotional meaning of the January 2021 full moon has a lot to with courage. Though everyone is entitled to stand firm in their unique truth and/or political preference, themes revolving around the country's leadership (Leo), as well as the group of individuals (Aquarius) you surround and associate yourself with will be pivotal all throughout 2021. As the moon and sun align in this pragmatic, purposeful sign, they help us to set our sights on goals that are both ambitious and achievable. ... March 3, 2021 February Full Snow Moon Spiritual Meaning, Symbolism, and Rituals January 13, 2021 Change is inevitable, so don't hesitate to find comfort in the chaos. Keep in mind, Mars-Uranus will not only square off with the moon, but also with the sun-Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius amidst directly opposing this lunation. Firstly, every full moon emanates its own unique essence. The Full Moon in Leo marks the beginning of a new cycle. This is usually understood as being both capable of releasing what … This is especially significant to consider during this lunation, not to mention during these times of uncertainty. Full Moon February 2021: The Snow Moon. So the spiritual meaning of the full moon January 2021 astrology relates to anger management and using self-control to harness your initiative and enthusiasm. How can you cultivate your unique talents for the greater good? When all else fails, remember that you are a divine being. The January 2021 full moon joins an aggressive Mars-like fixed star. Date: February 27, 2021. The first full moon of 2021 is in fiery Leo, dubbing it a "Wolf moon." The Moon is Full in Leo on January 28, 2021, at 2:16 PM EST. The Wolf Moon, or the January full moon, is set to rise this week. The January 2021 full moon joins an aggressive Mars-like fixed star. This month started on Friday, January 1 st with a phase that was illuminated. With this in mind, the spiritual meaning of the January 2021 full moon is about the power that exists in your individual sovereignty. With the god of war in its sign of exile while sitting alongside change-maker Uranus, there's no denying the unmoving chaos and friction. The first full moon of 2021 will soon grace the skies—and it is known as a “wolf moon.” But where does this name come from? emotional meaning of the January 2021 full moon, stellium of generational, powerhouse planets. It's … EarthSky lunar calendars show the moon phase for every day in 2021… This Full “Wolf Moon” is in Leo, the courageous, bold and Whether it be the vigor and spirit to move forward during these tumultuous times, or the courage you have as an individual in the community, it's about time you tap into the fire in your hearts. Full moons signify the apex of energy throughout each lunar cycle. So the spiritual meaning of full moon February 2021 astrology relates to making or dealing with difficult changes. Leo is symbolic of the birth of authenticity, as it is a represents the conscious self. Intense, disruptive and volatile, this lunation will highlight the friction that exists between the need for individual freedom versus human consciousness. More importantly, the sun and moon are the protagonists of this lunar phase, as they make an exact opposition to each other, activating an astrological axis in the zodiac. So go ahead and Howl at the moon! spiritual meaning of the January 2021 full moon. Courageous and highly passionate, the essence of Leo represents everything from your unique individuality to your inner strength, which can feel pretty non-existent these days given the circumstances. It’s where the heart recognizes consciousness, and where we combine our personality and soul energy in order to radiate love. By Alex Nelson Thursday, 28th January 2021, 8:29 am The Full Wolf Moon in January is named for the time when wolves could be heard howling with hunger in the heart of winter. The Leo full moon on Thursday, January 28, 2021, is square Mars and opposite Jupiter. Full moons are when the celestial body is … What does this mean for you? Date: January 28, 2021. Something's gotta give, and this is precisely where the full moon reminds the collective to have courage and embrace individual sovereignty. On January 28, the very first full moon of 2021 will be upon us in the fiery sign of Leo, signaling a time of endings and making changes in our lives. In this particular case, January's full moon will ignite the courageous, majestic, and passionate sign of Leo, while Leo's cosmic ruler (the sun) beams via Leo's polar opposite sign, Aquarius. The full moon calendar for the year 2021: Thursday, 28 January 2021 (Leo) – Full Wolf Moon Saturday, 27 February 2021 (Virgo) – Full Snow Moon Happening on Thursday, Jan. 28 at exactly 2:16 p.m. EST, it's no coincidence this lunation is so heavily aspected. Consult our Moonrise Calculator to see what time you can expect to catch a glimpse of the first full Moon of 2021! During a Full Moon, the Moon is 100% illuminated, as seen from Earth, and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. With another potent full moon ahead, it's important to reflect on the unique symbolism stemming from this lunar phase, as it typically brings things to fruition. What a wonderful way to begin another year with the Full Wolf Moon on January 28, 2021 in the first degree of Leo! This is one of those Full Moons that feels like a mixed bag of tricks and perhaps a little chaotic. To say that this lunation will feel tense barely scratches the surface, but in the end it's what's necessary to break through. Here are a few ways to help you reconnect and realign with January’s Full Wolf Moon spiritual meaning during these cold Midwinter days. This is especially significant to consider now that the sun joined Jupiter and Saturn in innovative Aquarius for the first time since The Great Conjunction. The first full moon of 2021 is expected to be a sight to behold, with the moon being displayed in all its glory in the evening sky. Just two days before Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius, the full moon in Leo will be dominated by a harsh T-Square that's being led by Mars-Uranus in Taurus. February's Snow Moon symbolizes change, hope, creativity, and growth. Not that there's ever been such thing as coincidences, let alone in astrology, but what are the odds that the first full moon of the year lands in the fiercely protective sign of Leo? January 28 brings the first and fiercest Full Moon of 2021. The Leo full moon on Thursday, January 28, 2021, is square Mars and opposite Jupiter. And sometimes — once in a blue moon — the moon is full twice in a month (or four times in a season, depending on which definition you prefer). Whether it be for creativity or for strength and courage during these tumultuous times, this lunation will serve as a reminder of the endless fire in your heart. In the Southern Hemisphere, this late January full moon will be the second summertime full moon. Go for a Hike . Unlike December's full moon in Cancer, the first full moon of this year—taking place on January 29, 2021—is in Leo, and you know what means: BDE (Big Diva Energy). This calendar is a look into the past daily Moon Phases of January 2021. This T-Square aspect is comprised of fixed signs, which means they're all incredibly stubborn in their ways.