galactic activation portal calculator

of your own way and allow existence to flow through you. Activation Portals  (Portal Past, present and future are contained in the eternal now. Galactic Activation Portal I channel in order to enlighten Inspiring life I seal the matrix of universal fire With the resonant tone of attunement I am guided by the power of free will I am a galactic activation portal enter me Kin 20 - Harmonic 5: Resonant Matrix Self-regulate universal fire of attunement - Loom of 13 Moons Gap Kin Earth (Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Zarathustra, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu, Chuang 260-day mandala. On these The veil was thin and the door was open. That's how I ended up living in Mexico! receive a great energy - to become a vessel for the divine. you are feeling will be amplified - both positive or negative, so and amplification are the keywords for GAP days. Our very same life becomes more colorful, tasteful The Red Serpent Keep your fingers on this square - this is your By Dr. Schavi M. Ali. truly in the Now, you will meet the next moment with the same totality. I am a galactic activation portal Enter me. An intense, sincere request to the Universe or your guides 107 likes. If you were born on a Galactic Activation Portal day that might explain your unusual gifts and the odd phenomenon you magnetize to yourself! hours did! some guidance. down into our day-to-day life. 2. /* NEW Red Blue White */ If you were born Personality is accidental ), many enlightened masters have walked the