As a prelude to the monster flyby later in the week, on Monday, the 32-meter asteroid 2021 AB and the 11-meter 2012 BT1 will shoot past the Earth at a distance of … March 21, 2021. Friday, March 19th 2021, 8:00 am - NASA says there is no threat of a collision with our planet now or for centuries to come. The largest asteroid expected to fly by the Earth in 2021 will make its closest approach on Sunday. The asteroid won't pass nearly as closely in 2021; it will remain 44 times more distant than the moon. NASA says the next time 2001 FO32 will be close to Earth will be 2052. 9. The largest asteroid to pass by our planet in 2021 will be at its closest on Sunday, providing astronomers a rare chance to see the giant rock that formed at the dawn of our solar system. The NASA-tracked asteroid will make its closest pass to Earth today, coming within 1.25 million miles of our homeworld. An animation shows Apophis' 2029 path compared to the swarm of satellites orbiting Earth. According to the Paris Observatory, the asteroid will be at its closest to Earth at around 4.00pm GMT (9.30pm IST) on March 21, 2021. To make matters worse, infamous seer Nostradamus predicted an asteroid strike some time in 2021. The biggest asteroid of 2021 is set to zoom past the planet at 9:00 pm on March 21 Indian Standard Time (IST). 2021 will see its largest asteroid approach Earth on March 21 at closest point. Asteroid FO32: How to see 2021’s biggest asteroid pass Earth TODAY – Astronomer’s tips. Even if it is at the smaller end of the scale, 2001 FO32 will still be the largest asteroid to pass this close to our planet in 2021. Sixty-six million years ago an asteroid roughly twice the diameter as Paris crashed into Earth and wiped out 75 … Asteroid 2001 FO32, measuring between 1,300 … ... and your rights.You can unsubscribe at any time. There is no threat of … Updated Mar 18, 2021; Posted Mar 18, 2021 A large asteroid known as 2001 FO32 will be speeding toward the Earth this weekend, making its closest approach on …