guandao prime warframe

Disposition 4. Price: 50 platinum | Trading Volume: 169 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Guandao Prime Set Introduced, When going up against armored opponents, one should consider using. A third-person, co-op focused action game at its core, Warframe situates players as members of the Tenno race, newly awoken after years of cryo-sleep into a Solar System at war. 606.0 Advantages: High Slash damage effective against health. 141.4 Follow Through Combo Duration Total Damage Miscellaneous 4 months ago. Digital Extremes ya tiene en el punto de mira de Warframe a su siguiente personaje que recibirá una versión Prime gracias al sistema de Prime Access.Hablamos por supuesto de la protagonista de esta noticia, Nezha Prime aterrizará en todas las plataformas en España y el resto del mundo a partir del próximo martes 27 de octubre de 2020.Como siempre ocurre, este personaje … 3 m 55° OROKIN REACTOR. Heavy Impact Stance Polarity Radial Damage Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 168.0 Disposition Follow Through This weapon deals primarily Slash damage.Advantages: 1. 1.0 Sep 9, 2018 @ 11:35am Orthos P is better for Condition Overload, Guandao is better for Maiming Strike. It was released alongside Nezha Prime and Zakti Prime. 1440.0 Status Chance 404.0 Warframe Guandao, Seeing Red - 2 Forma Build thesnapshot. 240.0 Attack Speed 1200.0 Wind-up Acolyte Slapper. Radial Forced Proc Crit Multiplier Wukong can destroy enemies with good cc capabilities, incredibly high dps and over the top damage control. Fixed being able to use Guandao Rivens on the Cassowar. Warframe Tier List - Guandao Prime. Heavy Attacks Nezha Prime has arrived in Warframe as the somewhat more stylish version of the petite murder machine. Nezha Prime Blueprint – Meso C6 Relic (Uncommon) Nezha Prime Systems – Neo D2 Relic (Common) Nezha Prime Neuroptics Blueprint – Lith N6 Relic (Rare) Nezha Prime Chassis Blueprint – Neo N13 Relic (Rare) The relic names will be posted here as soon as the update is released, make sure to bookmark this page and come back later. Heavy Slam To get started, check a couple items on the Wishlist tab, then go to the Reliquary tab to see all the relevant information.Saving your wishlist is not necessary, but please read below for … Slam Attacks Statistics CRITICAL MULTIPLIER 2.4x. Radial Forced Proc Miscellaneous 0.9 s Total Damage 4.00% This is the idea that surrounds Warframe and that will make you live epic adventures of shooting and endless action. Mastery Normal Attacks Update 29.3 Crit Chance Stance slot has polarity, matches Shimmering Blight stance. Tenno Lab. Guandao Prime guide by Izarah updated a day ago. Combo Duration ... GuanDao … WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Range 8.0 m That status chance difference is very noticeable. ●●●○○(1) Guandao guide by sakai4eva updated a year ago. after you’ve checked out every Warframe there is, don’t forget to try out some promo codes for free stuff. New Build. The Guandao Prime is the Primed version of the Guandao, acting as a direct upgrade. High Slash damage – effective against health. Shimmering Blight ()Bleeding Willow ()Twirling Spire ()Argent Scourge () (PvP Only) Slam Radius