guest room vastu

Micronesia San Marino Falkland Islands (Islas Malvin) Estonia Cocos (Keeling) Islands Jordan Macedonia Solomon Islands Switzerland 5. It will help the guests completely enjoy their stay and at the same time, spread happiness and warmth in the entire house. Ruled by moon, a room in this direction should be in shades of white or grey. Colombia Dominica This corner of the house is considered unstable area which is why it is best preferred for the guest room. Search . Argentina Egypt All Vastu related tips and remedies. The best direction for the room according to Vastu is the north-west direction of your house. The guestroom is best in Northwestas this corner represents air and thus most unstable corner of … Spain 6. Vastu for Guest Room provides some guidelines for the guest room to keep the area happy and small. Vastu Tips For Guest Room. Chad Yemen Ireland Cuba Panama It is considered very indecent and unhygienic to have a door to the bathroom exactly opposite or in front of the bed. It is a clear and suitable place … Togo Saint Kitts And Nevis Logic: Not only will your pooja be bright but this would ensure that you’ll enjoy lots of ventilation and … Senegal Tunisia Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands • Placement for the Cabinet: No room can be constructed without a cabinet. Montserrat Sri Lanka These Vastu tips will make the guest bedroom a place in which they can rest properly and enjoy their stay. VASTU FOR GUEST ROOM Indian culture has always been very respecting of guests, even treating them at par with God. Mauritania Vastu Tips:- Things to avoid when buying new house. Vietnam According to ancient Indian texts, the guest is a representative of God. 4. Tuvalu This will ensure that the guest does … According to ancient Indian texts, the guest is a representative of God. Gabon It is so much fun when all the members and relatives come together, eat together, play games and enjoy together. Cyprus Andorra Philippines Cameroon The ideal location to construct a guest room is the north-west direction of the house. Madagascar Mozambique But, guests are loved by every family when coming for a short span and enjoy the stay, on the other hand when the stay is long and guests are demanding, it is nothing more than a burden. Guinea Here is a bunch of tips given in Vastu Shastra for the Guest Room, have a look and enjoy a fun-filled, harmonious and short stay: 1. A. The south east corner is also a better option for a guest bed room. French Guiana You can Plans the Guest Room at Northwest direction. Western Sahara Bangladesh Christmas Nicaragua In a house, there is a variety of rooms available, from a bedroom to kitchen to guest room to storeroom. Chile Afghanistan Burundi Bolivia Zambia Thus it must be avoided. Sao Tome and Principe Croatia (Hrvatska) Poland My Account Login; Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. Kenya Vastu for Plots; Vastu for Diagonal Plots; Vastu for Griha Arambha; Vastu for Griha Pravesh; Vastu for Home Construction; Tips to be followed while purchasing Readymade House; Industrial Vastu Shastra. Puerto Rico Vastu Tips for Guest Room Location. India Namibia Cook Islands Wallis And Futuna Islands Norway Lesotho Using beam lights is disturbing for the eyes and irritating as it becomes difficult to see. Vastu tips are utmost necessary when you arrange your guest room. Australia Latvia Mali Guest Room The north-west corner is ideal as a guest room as per Vastu Shastra. Dominican Republic Also, make sure that the door of the bathroom is always shut as it locks the negativity away from the room. Saint Vincent And The Grenadin This is the wind zone ruled by the moon. A proper Vastu arranged guest room can avoid any negative vibration or possible dominance from any person and fill the room with positive energy. Vastu shastra has a complete guide about the placement of the furniture in the bedroom and living room. • Placement for the Electronic Items: Nowadays, there is no room free from electronic items. Bahamas, The 2. United States of America T-Junction House Big Trees Hospital Power Station Hill/Mountains Center toilet/Kitchen. Vastu Shastra advises keeping all the electronic items in the southeast direction of the room. Morocco From ancient times, Vastu has been used by rulers for the construction of kingdoms as it brings luck and happiness in life.     - Plan Analyzation of the area Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Tokelau Korea Kazakhstan Bermuda Vastu Shastra provides guidelines for selection of the directions for each room of your house; you will even find Pooja Room Vastu online. Saint Helena You can keep a table and place all the items or you can hang them according to the suitability. Liechtenstein Niger Armenia Zimbabwe, Full Vastu Consultation Mexico Maldives The Southern or the South-East direction is also known to be a good place to construct your guest … Thus Vastu Shastra comes as a saviour for them. Faroe Islands Italy Martinique Japan It can help you to set a good impression of yourself and your home on the guests and visitors. Finland +91-9278665588. Switzerland Construct the guest room in the northwest direction of the house. Congo There is a very famous saying, “Athiti Devo Bhava” which means guests are equivalent to God. Denmark Palau When the whole house is constructed according to the rules given in Vastu Shastra, how can the guest room stay back? This room invites people from different race, environment and characteristic therefore, Vastu comply guestroom doesn’t allow the guest to dominate or interfere. Saint Lucia Special guest rooms are made in the house for the comfort of the guests and their easy stay. People of India take this saying very seriously and keeping good care of their guests. Portugal Malawi Vastu-Approved Colours for the Guest Bedroom.     - Personal Visit Angola Laos PDR American Samoa Iran It is a clear and suitable place …     - Vastu for Beginners, Click Oman Myanmar At any cost the guest room should not construct at Southwest direction of the house. Moon, is waning and waxing daily. According to Vastu regulations, the placement of the guest room should be such that the host benefits from the guest and the guest too should remain healthy, hale and hearty throughout his tenure of stay and ultimately he should return to his home with sweet memories of a happy stay with our family. Indonesia Proper location and orientation of the guest in the house, The direction & placement of the TV, audio systems and other