gw2 deimos challenge mote

Sign Up for the Hardstuck Conquest League . the 2nd block from sword 4 or staff 3 is only a 2 second block with a 12 second cooldownSince we don't have a block every 10 seconds to stack hands - without the 43% damage reduction (from protection and food) stacking hands like this wouldn't work at all? Bastion of the Penitent Achievement 25: Items offered For available exchanges: Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative#Exchanges ... About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; I killed deimos cm with a pug group today, and i'll probably start doing samarog cm for the next few weeks, i heard it was the hardest one, and after looking at a few videos and searching for guides, i didn't really find anything useful, i'd like some informations about the challenge mote … Defeat Deimos on Challenge Mote difficulty. I have many tools where I can adjust my toughness like magi's trinkets and can also not use the trait that boosts toughness. "Defeat Cardinal Adina while the challenge mote is active." Reward: Deimos's Top-Tier Supplies: Bastion of the Penitent Achievement 15: The Real Raiders of Tyria 25; Defeat every encounter in Bastion of the Penitent on both Normal and Challenge Mode difficulties. Staff instead of the offhand sword isn't that different, besides buying an extra sigil/doubloom. I've had to resist screaming at so many kiters who completely fill half the arena with a chaotic mess of hands that turn into an invisible, unstoppable wave of death after each teleport. Activate the challenge mote, and complete the level 1-20 Aquatic Ruins Fractal with an 80% reduction to healing. Head north to Secluded Glen. My toughness however I can adjust it to the needs of the tank. Tiers Anyone reading this thread: this is how to do it. It boils down to doing the entire fight against a buffed up Deimos without having any extra help from Saul (Until the very last phase). GW2 Deimos Raid Boss Guide. 10 . You are right - it is highly subjective, which is why I say it is a semantic argument to begin with. Defeat the Mursaat Overseer on Challenge Mote difficulty. A Wild Deimos has Appeared! Deimos is a being of unclear origins. Finally got around to doing some serious pulls on the Deimos challenge mote. Finally got around to doing some serious pulls on the Deimos challenge mote. One thing to note is that your tactic by stacking multiple hands on one spot is only possible if you have high toughness / many dmg reductions. Stack up as many hands as you safely can, and lay them out in a nice orderly pattern near the perimeter. How i am supose to stack 5 hands with really low toughness with tears tearing me down? Running jalis will require some healing from druids as this build does not as far as I have seen. In Raids, Fractals, and Strike Missions, Challenge Motes may be used to activate a harder version of an event or instance. Deimos is the last boss of Bastion of the Penitent Raid Wing. GW2 Bastion of the Penitent Guild Chat Livestream notes and coverage. Regardless of whether or not it's CM, thank you for actually showing off how to kite hands properly. However currently tank meta @ deimos is mintrel chrono. 2. : nvm the staff question, saw your reply to another post already. The first is , this is his auto attack that deals damage to any squad members in front of him. What are your thoughts on Staff instead of Sw/Sh? Mechanically simple but bad execution can wipe the raid. For most players it's probably hard to see what's going on in the video. And finally, have you considered using Plate of Mussels Gnashblade and then keeping all 6 runes of the monk and maybe adding a sigil of transference? Mar . Activate the challenge mote, and complete the level 1-20 Swampland Fractal with an 80% reduction to healing. I asume you mean instead of sw/sw since shield is amazing for blocking the ''bubble attack''. 02 Check out our Power Chronomancer Guide to see what we recommend. It is right by the Pile of Stones Hero Challenge. I haven't tried it yet but decided to go with Plate of Mussels Gnashblade as well (already had a bunch) with Rune of Water instead of Monk. Basically it goes like this: When you are outside you tank the first 3 patches and block the last 2 and move out to take minor damage and keep healing with the regen passive tablet and 6 and 8 as you see. Read More. Due to this, quite a few classes are forced to interrupt their rotations or just force themselves into silly rotations that will last under 10 seconds. Arenanet with regards to the new update, can you please extend the Dragon Response Mission timers, all except Lake Doric with all Challenge Mote's active? Edit: Another detail i forgot, when you need to go below 1400 toughness and the group dont have a good tear control. I hate when i have to go below 1400 tougness. Please let me know if I understand your method correctly:Every 10 seconds we need to stack hands for 5 seconds. - 3.25% Life Force per enemy. It looks very similar. You really make this look easy! Video of Samarog, the third boss of Bastion of the Penitent on Challenge Mote 09 . Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the … Players can no longer use Continuum Shift to exit Deimos’s realm during the final phase. Many builds will work and also mulitple rotations, I found the one I made easy to use and has has a small benefit of the shield. Swampland Challenge Mote. Besides Glint give you perma regen when doing the rotation and prestacking regen before the hands start. Calling all PvP enthusiasts! Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 were fun in the past, but after many content updates they became abandoned with no adaptations to meet the new changes to the game. HP:??? The tank should understand that his dps is really low anyway so for this fight he should go max toughness for three reasons: -It will make his life easy when the healers go down and he is left alone, -It will make the kitter life easy as he can stack 5 hands no problem, -it will make healer life easy as he doesnt need to look at the tank or kitter ever. Aquatic Ruin Challenge Mote. Defeat the champion harpy destroyer without getting hit by any meteors while the champions challenge is active on the Gendarran Fields Dragon Response Mission.This can be easily achieved through the use of mounts to get to the rooftops of the Ascalon Settlement and using ranged attacks from the safety of the rooftops to finish the boss. Sigil of water/renewal on both weapon sets. A good tip is that the damage pulses the same times the hands spawn. The Guild Wars 2 Art Show: March 10 . Besides the tank need to be 100% self sufficient @ 75% and 50% since only the Kiter and tank are on the main platform so mintrel chrono(tank guard) is almost a must :), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.