h3h3 controversy reddit

Huge victory for fair use on YouTube. He doesn't see how wrong and ignorant that is? The same day Ethan uploaded his response, YouTuber and game critic, Jontron tweeted a link to the video. Dont fall into his trap. Jun 19, 2015 at 12:35AM EDT Later, on January 22nd, the pair released a 2nd video, titled Ravioli Hungry Gold Digger Prank, in which Frank and Ethan play out a fake prank involving a gold digger women chasing after a man with ravioli. allkpop® is a registered trademark of 6Theory Media, LLC. Was The Roblox 'OOF' Sound Used In The 'Snyder Cut'? if he had simply said “kpop just isn’t my thing” I would brush it off. Trisha Paytas in her newest video YouTube via blndsundoll4mj. Within four months, the video gathered upwards of 520,000 views and 2,100 comments. ", "I think this is just a testament to how popular K-pop is. High quality H3h3 gifts and merchandise. Here are just some of the best reactions from the YouTuber community, ranging from mildly pissed to full on raving madness. That day, the video reached the front page of the /r/videos[10] and /r/h3h3productions[11] subreddits. On April 3, 2017, Joe Simpson of HEATSTREET wrote an article explaining the recent controversy surrounding the Wall Street Journal and Ethan Klein of the popular YouTube channel H3H3. Credit: H3 Podcast on YouTube. Paytas started seeing Hacmon during what was meant to be a"Bachelorette" style show that the couple created to help Paytas find love. Video coming soon. However, the fallout from this shameful video continues, with YouTube changing how it deals with its biggest stars as a result of the negative […] Q: What is The Death of H3H3 by Gokanaru? AD It's sometimes difficult to find quality content, but there's no shortage of bad memes out there. Imagine the traffic flowing through this guys channel. Within two months, the video gained more than a million views and 6,400 comments. A little twink gay fetish about these k-pop boys. Leafy would say that Ethan was a hypocrite because he too had made fun of a child (16 year old Timmy Barbston ), was "an asshole", and posted private messages. H3H3 original channel was quiet for a long time so when a new video came out people jumped on it, only to find out it was an ad for an H3H3 mobile game. On April 29th, 2011, the h3h3productions YouTube[1] channel was launched. Lately it seems H3 has been picking fights with bigger YouTubers and the podcast quality has taken a dive. ""Even if he is joking, how is branding pretty males with large female fanbases as gay/twink? "[12] Additionally, Klein claims that the lawsuit will cost $100,000 in legal defense costs. by In late May, Paul tweeted that he’d like fans to not come to his house, even though he’s made his address publicly known. The duo are … How pathetic. Later that day, H3H3Productions released a video thanking those that supported them and celebrating their victory(shown below). On November 20th, 2014, the channel posted a reaction video to a news story about a woman who dropped out of college after accidentally purchasing a computer with the Linux Ubuntu operating system (shown below, right). Remains Iconic Nearly Two Decades Later, Remembering King Crimson, The Ultimate 'JoJo' Stand For Doing A Little Trolling, Darkseid Pulling Superman's Cape Is The Perfect Meme For Snyder Cut Day, Bernie Sanders Wearing Mittens Sitting in a Chair, "Capitol Rioter Tasered His Testicles To Death" Rumor, The DNC Be Like: Here Comes Our Joe Biden, Arlo the Alligator Boy Trailer | Netflix Futures, "A shame I nuked Black Mesa after giving them the Xen Cristal". Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest. On May 24th, 2016, Ethan and Hila Klein of h3h3productions uploaded a video revealing that their channel was being sued by YouTuber Matt Hosseinzadeh (a.k.a. Jan 16, 2021 at 08:34AM EST People are really angry with Ethan after his recent podcast calling Pewdiepie out for what he said. Paytas has a complicated relationship with Hacmon's sister-in-law, Hila Klein, one-half of the YouTuber couple H3H3. it’s like a little fetish. Hold Up, You're Telling Me These 20 Images Are Real? The same day, TommyNC2010 uploaded a response video in which the vlogger revealed that he has been living with autism and as a result of Leafy’s commentary, he has received death threats from his fans. Added In late July 2015, the video company Fullscreen flagged h3h3production's most popular video, which was subsequently removed for copyright infringement. On Spetember 13, 2013, the h3h3productions Facebook[7] page was created, gathering over 51,000 likes within three years. Want to share your thoughts? The rapper discussed his many controversies including the recent events that earned him the title of a snitch.