harvest moon: a new beginning gift guide

Iroha will set up shop in the empty blacksmith shop that is located near Dulhill's house. She's pretty tough and independent and is probably too much woman for you to handle anyways. Last Edited: 14 Apr 2013 6:25 am. Dislikes: frogs, coffee packs, fish, bugs, animal treats, iron, weed, sticks Don't bother talking to her. If you have lots of money and time to spare youshould totally check these places out. We respect your inbox. Emma is going to try to set you up with her daughter Yuri (making hera 'shipper' twice over). Dislikes: lots of stuff She is one of the eligible bachelorettes to court. Deep down, he longs for companionship, and wants more friends to share his passion of animals with. On the 15th of spring in your first year, Iroha will arrive in town. Work: She delivers you morning paper. Dislikes: whatever. Birthday: Winter 19 You'll be super happy that she's here and maybe alittle disappointed that she has a kid and is not interested in dating you. Top Contributors: Klvantassel, JerrSolo25, Sng-ign + more. A New Beginning is noteworthy for its new features for the series, including the ability to fully customize the player, farm, and the town the game is set in. Iroha is the first new person to move to Echo. Like most Harvest Moon series, you just need to meet, talk and give them gifts every day to raise the FP of the villagers. We hope to have the article completed {{{1}}}. Likes: *milk*, tea, lots of varied stuff Shespends her time wandering the town and wilderness looking for 'scoops' shecan write about. Likes: *Scrap Metal*, *flowers*, metals, lumber/material stones At the beginning of the if his music notes are fulfilled and get a new one if the previous Favorite Gifts - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide; We won’t spam you. This game also allows you to DATE villagers by getting them up to blue orgreen heart levels and giving them a COMMITMENT RING (or tricking them intogiving one to you). Awwwww. You just have to get to Spring 15and an event will trigger that unlocks Iroha. Also, you can only marry one person per game file (and you only get two files). Likes: honey, jewels, flowers, yogurts, cloth, teas Likes: whatever In traditional Harvest Moon fashion, each Character has a Gift of Absolute Horror, worth -800 FP on an ordinary day. You know about titles, right? Harvest Moon is a popular farming simulation. And to make a bad situation worse: one of the items needed to buildher house is a rare item in the final travel agency destination... and it costs120,000G just to visit that place. Birthday: Spring 8 Unlocked: Build the Fantastical House (TRP4) Birthday: Fall 7 Dunhill is the first person you meet in Echo. You need to cut down trees using your axe to make room for new buildings and objects. You have to be playing as a lady to date these guys. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is a farming simulation game for the Nintendo 3DS video game console. She also owns ashipping box so you'll have to stop by her house to ship items (and make money). Special Gift +800 FP: Dessert Rrecipes: Apple Ice Cream Ice + milk + Apple (General Store, Hana's Recipe #38, 300 G) Loved Gifts +500 FP: Normal Items: Apple, Apple Jam, Great Yarn Ball, Great S. Yarn Ball, Alpaca Yarn Ball, Brown Alpaca Yarn Ball, Great Llama Yarn, Cotton Fabric, Linen, Red Cloth, Colorful Bouquet, Red Down Pot Recipes: Corn Stew, Flan, Pumpkin Croquette, Cream Croquette Dislikes: peach, animal treats, perfumes Okay that 'Prince' thing is a joke of mine. The best way to befriend any one in Harvest Moon is to give a gift on the individual's birthday. Birthday: Fall 5 Likes: strawberries, crops, milk, flowers Likes: fruit drinks, fruit, flowers, butterflies Dunhill (ダンヒル Danhiru) is a character in Harvest Moon 3DS: A New Beginning. As the new farmer in town, it is your job to use your farm and its resources to revitalize a once-popular town. Ay carumba! Work: Allen's Salon, 10-6, Mon, Thur, Fri. Work: Sandra's Stall, 7pm-10pm, Fri, Sat, Sun. She seems kind of young and naive. He also lets you re-arrange the town as you see fit,so really, who's actually in charge here? Unlocked: Spring 25 Likes: *milk*, *egg* butter, cheese, yogurt, fish, animal items, animals Edit (Classic) He's kind of grumpy in the mornings and a little arrogant and flippant. Unlocked: First Spring 15 The important ones, at least.I mean, I guess you could waste your time befriending the harvest sprites orgoddess, but really, why bother? Getting to Spring 25 and unlocking Rebecca is when the game really opens upbecause with her comes the BLUEPRINT and BUILDING and EDITTING systems thatreally make this game fun. Likes: *mushrooms*, cheese, fish But the thing is, raising friendship isn't too difficult if you justgive it time (and this game can go on a long time). She seems to suspect that you have some secret... and she'sright... but she never seems to even begin to comprehend what you REALLY are. Finding the music sheets and then visiting thisguy in his secret grove (not on rainy days) is one way you unlock new stuff. There are four places Charles can take you. - April 14, 2004: Added MukuMuku to the character section and also got started on the FAQ part of the guide. Just give her some bugs or whatever. Unlocked: Build the Exotic Mansion (TRP5) Likes: apples, apple recipes, honey, milk, eggs, jewels, whatever A New Beginning, Harvest Moon Easy Gifts for Villagers Regular social intercourse is more important than Gifts in Harvest Moon but Gifts are important as well. Dislikes: animals, milk, animal items like fodder, treats, cheese, yogurt. If you want to befriend or marry him itwon't be too difficult because he really likes items that animals make and youcan get that stuff every day easily enough. Dislikes: milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, rocks and branches, bugs, Unlocked: Build a travel agency (TRP4) Otherwise, talking to this guy and his sister is totally pointless. Top Contributors: Klvantassel, JerrSolo25, Sng-ign + more. You have to be playing as a lady to date these guys. The first one is SOUTHERN ISLANDand it has pearls and some other nice things. Likes: *fish*, bugs, lots of stuff Thus, excuse the informal look of the article while it is being worked on. These follow the traditional Harvest Moon gift values. You can give them a gift they love (favorite) to boost their FP, especially if you give it on their birthdays. Likes: cheese, bamboo, fish food, fish, You don't have tobuy them stuff to make them like you, but it can sure speed that process up.Just give gifts to people you want to sleep with and people who will give youstuff in return, I say. Unlike Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns that was simply a 3DS port of a DS game, A New Beginning was made for the 3DS, meaning that more care was put into designing it … Unlocked: Build an Eastern-Style House (TRP4) ". You can get all 3 titles related to gifts … Birthday: Summer 14 Birthday: Spring 2 Unlocked: Spring 17 He's the mayor, which apparentlymeans that his job is to come up with ideas and then have you spend your time and money to build them. He is the mayor of Echo Village and temporary newspaper delivery man. Villagers will like you better if you talk to them, give them GIFTS (only oneper day) and if you participate in and do well at FESTIVALS. Likes: herbs, teas, other stuff Bummer. Likes: *herb soup*, cloth, flowers, butterflies Birthday: Spring 24 Likes: herbs, flowers, mushrooms, salad and soups [6] Shop online for pickup or delivery, or visit a store for a safe shopping and service experience. These are the ladies you can date if you are playing a male character. Birthday: Winter 26 ‎Features: *Heart Event List *Gift Lists for Bachelors and Bachelorettes *Treat Tracker for keeping track of what treats you've given your animals. This article is under construction. Likes: whatever, she's pretty agreeable. Unlocked: Build a bungalow (TRP5) Those things that you get in the mail and can checkon in your bookcase? You'll have to go to extreme levels of angering them and avoiding them to getthe option to do that, though. And then after that is the last traveldestination which for some reason I can't recall the name of right now. And he'll make another scene when he closes. These are thevillagers you'll be getting to know as you play HM:ANB. Work: Camellia Travel, 10-6, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri. Dislikes: lots of stuff that's pretty varied. Otherwise she is very quiet and shy anddownright socially awkward. You're going to have a hard time figuring out how much she likesyou since the game isn't telling you. On the 15th of Spring in your first year, Iroha will arrive in town. So what exactly is Harvest Moon? Likes: *fish*, fireflies, butterflies Work: Neil's Animals, 10-6, Mon-Thu. Birthday: Summer 28 Hana will want to take a walk with you so accept and go. It is his idea to revitalize the town. Apr 12, 2016 - Explore Summer Dominguez's board "Harvest Moon A New Beginning Layouts" on Pinterest. Birthday: Winter 5 Birthday: Winter 29 They'llusually be home eating between 12-2 and 6-8 but you can't give them gifts then.Maybe you could try talking to them at work as their work schedules are prettyregular. The worst thing about Neil is that when he opens his store (Mon-Thur) at 10AMhe'll spend 10 minutes of your time making you watch the same damn scene everydamn time. Anyways Dunhill (or Dunny, as I will be calling him) is a weakand creepy old man who likes to come into your house when you're sleeping andtell you about his crazy dreams and schemes. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, the customization-focused new 3DS game, will be ripe for the picking in North America on November 6, Natsume announced today. The sculpture will arrive in Echo Village on Spring 25 of your first year. Later he'll run the Memory Museum, 10-6, Fri, Sat, Sun. Dislikes: bugs, jewels, minerals, weed, rocks and branches Dislikes: lots of stuff This good looking cool guy runs the hair salon. He's downright hostiletowards you for some reason. This is the guy that runs theTravel Agency, a magical and expensive operation that can take you to far awaylands to collect exotic items. Bachelors and Bachelorettes. The liked item surrounded by *asterisks* is not the favorite orbest item for gaining friendship points... but it is an easy to get, cheap, common item that they like and that you could potentially manage to give them every day without trying very hard. Neil (ニール) is a character in Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning. She will poison your crops if you talk to her. Harvest Moon has been around the block a few times. In true Harvest Moon style, you are a young man (or young woman) who … Work: Rod's Pets, 10-6, Mon-Thu. She likes food and helping people but she can't cook. Birthday: Spring 29 Work: Chez Clement, 10-6, Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun, Unlocked: Build the Inn (TRP3) Work: Tailor, 10-6, Tue, Wed, Thu. Only coupons for themes and useful news bulletins. His prices are pretty steep when you firstget his shop, though. Try to talk to some of the villagers everyday. Likes: whatever I'll leave you to guess which ones untilI deign to reveal that information to you. In Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, you need at least 4 pink music notes and other terms to get married. Rebecca. Work: Shippin. Unlocked: Build a Travel Agency (TRP4) You will be sick of this unnecessary cutscene long before the first spring is done. You'll bereally glad to meet her because she gives you a hammer and axe and those thingsopen up a few cool things for you to do. The tea shop is a lot like the restaurant where you can buy things and eat them then and there but can't take them to go. Yeah, you get one of those for throwing money away. Likes: grape and grape juice, poison mushroom, weed, snowball, jewels A New Beginning is the first true 3DS Harvest Moon title, preceded by Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns which was developed for the DS and released alongside a port for the 3DS. In traditional Harvest Moon fashion, each Character has a Gift of Absolute Horror, worth -800 FP on an ordinary day. Work: Bait Shop, 10-6, Mon, Wed, Fri. You have to make Hana like you to unlock this guy, and then you have to befriend him to get the blueprints for the MASTER FISHING ROD. Top Contributors: Klvantassel, JerrSolo25, Sng-ign + more. The value of a Gift, whether negative or positive is multiplied on the Character's Birthday. On day 27 you meet the Harvest Goddess. You can not see your friendship levels with the regular villagers - there isn't a Love Ring, bookshelf, villager menu, or any other way of visually measuring your friendship level. Likes: animal food and treats, weed, rocks and branches, tea Dislikes: fruit, eggs, jewels, drinks, Unlocked: Build the Exotic Mansion (TRP5) Work: Witch's Whimsy, 12-5, Tue, Wed, Thu. On the ninth day, though, he'll come to town to give you a cow, which is really nice, but he'll make sure t… You can bring an item called an ICE DRILL there if youwant to fish. Iroha (イロハ Iroha) is a character in Harvest Moon 3DS: A New Beginning. Birthday: Summer 26 She doesn't have a heart and she looks like a boy, but she's actually anotherbachelorette. Whatever. Dislikes: veggies Your parents recently offered you a chance to renovate the abandoned family farm, but reviving a successful ranch requires rebuilding the town. You can grow crops and raise animals, as well as interact with villagers and possibly get married. Unlocked: Build a Cottage (TRP3) Birthday: I forget Work: Mayor. He's also the paperboy until Tina moves to Echo. Download Resource Guide for "Harvest Moon:A New Beginning" and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The both of themlike fish. Mostly you have to go there to get ICE for recipes that need ice.After that is the LAND OF THE EAST where there is a nice person who will giveyou access to STRAWBERRIES and WASABI. The gift must be an item that is … Birthday: Fall 12 Dislikes: treats, bees, salads, desserts, snowballs NEIL The guy that sells animals and the unskippable cutscene Unlocked: First Spring 9 Birthday: I forget Likes: *milk*, *egg* butter, cheese, yogurt, fish, animal items, animals Dislikes: deserts, salads, soups, jams, minerals, lot of things really Work: Neil's Animals, 10-6, Mon-Thu Neil already lives in Echo when you arrive, but apparently he was out of town for nine days. Ohwell. Dislikes: weed, rocks, branches, dragonflies, frogs, bees, bread, beetles, etc. Sandra runs a stall where you can trade her the crops or animal items fromyour farm for rare jewels and downs and things of hers. How sad. Likes: *cheese* Multiplayer. A New Beginning, Harvest Moon Friday, 24 July 2020. On the ninth day, though, he'll come to town to give you a cow,which is really nice, but he'll make sure to tell you that it's from Dunhilland that he doesn't give a damn whether you live or die. She likes thatuseless scrap metal that is laying out in the forest, and she likes flowers,too. Please enter your email address. Amir isn't around in the Fall because has things to do and places to go. Emma is the motherly woman who lives in Echo when you arrive. Unlocked: Spring 27, afterwards throw stuff in her pond (up on the mountain) Unlocked: Spring 25 The villagers move around town according totheir own strange schedules so sometimes finding them can be a bother. Iroha is the one … Unlocked: Build a Travel Agency (TRP4) Farm animals can die of old age or disease, which some kids might find upsetting. Franchises:Harvest Moon. This is the little guy who hides music around town sometimes, usually insidenew houses when you build them. Parents need to know that Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning is a relaxed and cute farming sim that's very child-friendly, provided kids are patient enough for the game's languid pacing, detail-oriented gameplay, and involved storyline.The game is full of friendly, hard-working role models. Living in a virtual world all by yourself would be sort of lonely, but livingin a virtual world with a bunch of virtual people is sort of fun. 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The little old lady who runs the General Store, Birthday: Fall 20 Birthday: Summer 22 Likes: *lumber*, iron, yogurts, fishies, milk, cheese Birthday: Fall 17 This allows you to see the higher-level heart events andalso do some other couple-y stuff on your birthdays, but it also prevents youfrom dating anyone else... unless you choose to BREAK UP with your lover. Likes: roses and moondrops, cheese, fish, drinks Descriere Harvest Moon ANB Guide. Even the blueprint for her house is in three hard-to-find pieces! Rebecca recognizes your natural ability for construction, and will give you a tutorial on how to use the construction studio that is attached to your farm house. ... and giving Echo Village a new beginning! You have to give hergoods of as high a quality (or higher) than she asks for, and the things shewants are really specific, so you may not be able to cover the spread of whatshe's asking for until your third year or so. It's not that hard, though. Dislikes: desserts, juice, bugs, minerals, jewels, lumber, etc. Dislikes: whatever. Dislikes: bread, tea, flowers, jewels, perfumes Birthday: Spring 6 Get your hopes down. Iroha will move to town on the 15th of Spring. Likes: *soil*, beetles, fish, walnut, apricot, bamboo, snowballs, bugs Harvest Moon: A New Beginning - Walkthrough + Guide Harvest Moon A New Beginning Guide These follow the traditional Harvest Moon gift values. Work: General Store, 10 -6, Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. Some people may be familiar with Harvest Moon: 64 or with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Also if you befriend her she'll giveyou blueprints for upgrading your tools, which are super-useful (and necessary)so make befriending her a priority. Some of them will beinterested in you if you play as a girl, others if you play as a boy, and somewon't be into you regardless of what you do. Likes: mayonnaise, walnut, apricot, bamboo, bugs, mushrooms, cooked food Birthday: Summer 5 Unlocked: Build the Salon (TRP2) Birthday: Summer 2 Birthday: Spring 19 Hmmm. Dislikes: fish, frogs, bugs, branches and rocks and weeds, Unlocked: 2nd Summer, build the Inn (TRP3) Going to one unlocks more, I think, andalso Charles has to like you somewhat. Only one Gift per day is permitted. With the help of Dunhill, Emma, Iroha, and Hana, you collect enough materials to construct Rebecca's house so she can move in. Work: Klaus's Clinic, 10-6, Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Unlocked: 1st Winter, Hana likes you But it’s here now, and in many ways it certainly is a new beginning for the series. This article is most likely a work in progress, adding a little bit or a large amount at a time. Harvest Moon: One World is Natsume's latest attempt at taking on the Story of Season series. Most of them work at SHOPS whereyou can buy things and thus they give you access to different parts of the game. Genres:Adventure. She will sell you seeds, spare tools, fertilizer, cooking recipes, and even cooking staples like oil, curry powder, and so on. Dislikes: honey tea, mushrooms, bugs, salads, cheese, butter, crops, Unlocked: Build Pointy Hat House (it's a long story) Likes: butterflies, flowers, cloth, herb soup/pasta Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning Walkthrough and Guide, Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning Guide Home, Great Alpaca Yarn/Wool & Yam (seed or regular). Dislikes: deserts, salads, soups, jams, minerals, lot of things really He is one of the eligible bachelors to court. Dislikes: anything that's not total garbage, Unlocked: Build the Restaurant (TRP3) The next one is a SNOWLAND andit's kind of boring. Likes: *Bugs* *milk* Harvest Moon: A New Beginning Wiki Guide. These are certainly the most famous of the Harvest Moon games. In this version of Harvest Moon, you can only see your friendship level with the marriage candidates by looking at the color of the visible heart on their conversation dialog box. Birthday: Fall 28 Birthday: Summer 12 Harvest Moon: A New Beginning takes place in Echo Village, where a customized character (sex, appearance, etc.) Likes: cooked dishes, yogurt, mayonnaise I'll list some items they like to receive as gifts but usually the items they like the most are expensive and exotic and I want this guide to be more practical. Don't give her anything. Throwing 50, 100, or even more items in her pond will get you a title. Birthday: Spring 16 Hana is the other other character who still lives in Echo when the game begins.She runs the general store and she'll sell you things that get released forsale gradually over the course of the game. Likes: mayonnaise, cooked food Dislikes: tea, animal items, jewels, weed, rocks and branches Birthday: Winter 12 Can you find the materials and blueprints that allow you to create the best community in the land? Dislikes: fish, bugs, dishes, other stuff For Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "General gift list? Please remove this template when the page is complete. Page Tools. Birthday: Spring 13 Apparently paper routes in this town pay extremely well. Birthday: Fall 2 The guide is a reference to help discover which gifts to give each, Guide: Nintendo at E3 2017 Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning tasks you with both crafting useful new items for your farm or the town and discovering gifts to. If that doesn't appeal to you (and it shouldn't) then just don't bother with herat all. ... Once you picked your gift item, the player selection will begin. Harvest Moon ANB Guide covers Harvest Moon a New Beginning. Dislikes: milk and milk products, frogs, jewels, flowers, cloth, wool, yarn. In this section I will list all of the villagers and their birthdays and how tounlock them (because remember the town is only inhabited by ghosts when you arrive). Work: Inn (it's not a shop for you though), Unlocked: Build the Inn (TRP3) Villagers have an unseen FRIENDSHIP POINT SYSTEM that tracks how much they likeyou, and if you get enough points it will trigger certain events and whatnot.The BACHELORS or BACHELORETTES will have HEART METERS next to their dialoguethat give an approximate indication of how much they like you, and getting tohigher heart levels will unlock little HEART EVENT SCENES. She's a friendly person and seems to like you right from the start. It's seen plenty of success and equal parts failure. B. She wants to be a master blacksmith and has left her family to travel in search of quality materials. Dislikes: other garbage. It won't take very long tounlock her, but it will feel like forever. Unlocked: Build Tailor's Shop (TRP5 but you can build it way earlier) Going to one unlocks the next one,though you also have to have reached a certain season too. Neil understands animals a lot better than he does humans, and may come off as a reserved and cold character upon first impression. Neil already lives in Echo when you arrive, but apparently he was out of townfor nine days. Unlocked: Build the Restaurant AND the Inn (TRP3) The guy that sells animals and the unskippable cutscene, Unlocked: First Spring 9 She's moved to Echo Village in hopes of honing her blacksmithing skills and also to find rare materials to use in smithing. See more ideas about harvest moon, new beginnings, harvest. Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning - Nintendo 3DS We’re here to get you what you need. Dislikes: animals, fish, bugs, salads Also each new destination is more expensive than the last. Dislikes: herbs and flowers, bees, Unlocked: Build the Clinic (TRP3) Birthday: Summer 9 Once a thriving town, Echo Village is almost empty after the inhabitants lost everything in a poor economy. She also can make you flower bouquets. Once upon a time, Natsume published Story of Season under the Harvest Moon name.When the company lost the right to the series, though, they decided to produce their own series of farming sims.One World is their most ambitious project yet, and many players were taken in by the creative … Dislikes: perfumes, drinks, flowers, herbs You will receive mail with link to set new password. Unlocked: Spring 17 O M G he makes Neil's frigging scene even longer I wish they would both die.O M G the pets he sells make a scene of herding animals out of the barn argggwhy why why!?! Recipes. When you are dating someone and they have a big RED HEART (and seen the heart events and upgraded your house and bought a bigger bed and given them a ring) you can give that person a BLUE FEATHER and get MARRIED. Work: Tea Stall, 10-6, Fri, Sat, Sun (when the animal shops aren't out). If you neglect any one but not speaking to the person for a few days, any Gift will be refused. Birthday: Spring 28 This woman is in charge of the General Store in Echo Village. ----- Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning - FAQ/Walkthrough ----- Game: Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning System: Nintendo 3DS Author: Steve Edwards Contact: cerberusalchemist@gmail.com Current Version 1.00 Submitted on 10/20/13 Original Version 0.50 Submitted on: 09/19/13 This guide is the copyrighted property of Steve Edwards. Well like I said he's really goodlooking so he can get away with it. Likes: bamboo, herbs, flowers, fruits, yogurt, drinks Unfortunately for all of you witch-lovers out there (and I consider myself aspart of that category) this final bachelorette is a real pain to unlock and trying to do so will take no small amount of tedious mining and whatnot andscavenging in the hope of obtaining all of the rare items that go into making her house. Tina is a lively girl and cute too. Dislikes: mayonnaise, animal treats, bugs, snowball Dislikes: jewels, bugs, rocks and branches and weeds, yogurts and eggs and such. Work: Rebecca's Designs, 10-6, Wed, Fri, Sun. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning Wiki Guide. Dislikes: lots of stuff They may say that he just feels more comfortablearound animals than people. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning Wiki Guide. Lost your password? Random Location A: (Sunny or snowy): Inn, Museum of Memories, Village, West Village, or Your Farm (Rainy): his House Random Location B: (Sunny or snowy): Forest, Mountain, River, or your West Farm … These characters aren't nearly as important as they ones you can wed, thoughsome of them have their uses as shopkeeps, and some of them will even give youreally nice things if they like you. Remember that it takes some time to getthere and that if you don't come back before nine then you'll automatically goto bed when you return. Hana (ハナ Hana) is a character in Harvest Moon 3DS: A New Beginning.