harvest moon: a wonderful life special edition marriage guide

Last updated 25 Jan 2016. Once you've gotten all the trophies that are not Diligent Digger or the story trophies out of the way, feel free to just sleep through the rest of the days to finish up the story. In order to unlock this trophy you have to watch 6 cut-scenes involving the Harvest Sprites, which will require you to be at certain places at certain times. Accept and press as quickly as you can once the contest starts. If you plan on selling Dhibe Cake, make sure you use the cheapest milk you have - it can be Mother's Milk, Goat Milk or B-Rank milk depending on what you have available. Check the specific trophy descriptions for more information on how to obtain them, keep digging for those pesky stone tablets and finish the story. Cloudflare Ray ID: 633c55c3bac42cd7 If you have trouble getting the cut-scene, re-enter Takakura's house repeatedly. I recommend you grow some turnips and turn those into Light Pickles as each of those requires only a single turnip and no other ingredients. The attitude and career she will take is up to you, depending on how you raise her. Below you'll find a list of suitable gifts and moments where you should avoid giving them gifts if applicable: The above list is not extensive and does not include items such as cheese, because I believe that it's a either a waste of money (and thus time in the long run) or time to give these items as gifts. 83 Total People: 34 People (40%): Celia 30 People (36%): Nami 19 People (22%): Muffy ===== ===== 9. If you try to gift them things during this time and they don't accept you can't give them any more gifts until the next day. 3, and I could have been way more efficient in making money had I planted more Dhibe earlier, or simply not messed around so much. You'll be a farmer. You start out with 2 Records: Breeze, which is on your record-player and Silent Winter which you can find on the shelf in your tool shed. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. : This mini-game is locked until you you reach Chapter 2. in order to reduce the price. Introduction If you want, you can experiment with hybridization, or simply use my recipe: Make sure you put in the crops/seeds in the order above, or you may get different results! You can use the Cow Milker tool, but it's not required. 2003. Tartan won't live there from the beginning though, he'll "move in" once Takakura comes back from a trip to down one day because you ordere something (Bird Feed, for example). For Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life on the GameCube, GameFAQs has 35 guides and walkthroughs. Turn the rest of your milk into cheese or butter. Personally I would recommend that you plant turnips once it's summer as you can easily use them towards Main Course. For more information, check out the walkthrough and trophy guide. The game takes place in the small village of Forget-Me-Not Valley. They will accept 2 gifts total every day - 1 from the "Other" category, and 1 from the "Food" category in your quick select menu (). Instead, wait for the lure to submerge deeper (you'll see the water splash). Before you can hatch a chicken, you will need to purchase a hen and a rooster for 900g each from the ledger. There's a couple of prequisites until you can attract ducks: Once you've done so, a cut-scene will play after you wake up where your wife informs you that there's some ducks in your pond. Important: In my own experience, none of the cut-scenes (except maybe the first two) can be triggered if it rains. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition (PS2) Cheats. So you might be able to get your trophy earlier. There are four heart events for Lumina that you can trigger; the other girls have five heart events. Turn your excess cheap fish into Sashimi (See. GCN, PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii. Milker: In order to befriend people, you have to give them gifts. Enter the hotel from 2PM to 3Pm and talk to Rock, he will challenge you to a milk drinking contest. If you want, you can just keep talking to him until the Hybridize option becomes available, or stretch it out over a couple days. 1 because you can't milk her while she's sick, thus losing money for it. It's easy enough to beat him, so don't worry. The trophy will unlock on the next day, not when you administer the medicine. A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon series. In order to obtain it, you'll have to take good care of your cow(s) - talk to them twice a day whenever you milk them, cuddle them once a day and, if you already own the brush (500g at Van's Shop), brush her twice a day and make sure she can eat in the morning and evening, either by fertilizing the grass in your pasture or by giving her the fodder from the food dispenser inside your barn. if i get enough people interested, it'll give me the incentive to post more youtube videos. Fishing Pole - Befriend Galen and visit his house before 6AM during Chapter 2. Press to adjust the time and to turn it on or off. So despite haggling with Van being the more lucrative option for most of your products, make sure you use the ledger at least once. So to make things easier on yourself, bombard him with all the Mugwort you can during the first chapter. Instead, select the option "How about a Discount?" So make sure to haggle the first time! For me, my goat got sick twice towards the end of Ch. Before you can catch your first fish you'll have to purchase the Fishing Rod from Van for 500g. Not every person likes the same things, so just because Romana accepts a Flower, Tim might not. Make sure you visit Romanas villa on Spring 1 to attend the Spring Festival for Serious Celebrator, and keep checking your calender every month for the Summer, Fall and Winter festivals if you haven't already attended those during Ch. Summer Festival - Exit your home on Summer 5-10 (check calender!) Due to the nature of the game there's not a "best" way to obtain all the trophies, and you'll be long done with everything the game has to offer before the story actually wraps up. Weird Hoe - Befriend Vesta, and enter her farm's shop when she's the only one there. As of writing this, I am unsure if you can complete the whole run during Ch. Welcome to the IGN Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Wiki Guide, which covers everything from Animals, Crops and Trees, Cooking, Side Activities, and Getting Started in game. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Fall Festival - Exit your home on Fall 5 around Noon. It'll take a few days before the egg will hatch. Seed Maker (6500g or as a present from Daryl). Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition (Play Station 2) Speed Guide By dvdboys (eternalwhitedoor(at)yahoo(dot)com) ===== Table of Contents ----- 1.Introduction 2.Version History 3.Walkthrough 4.Tips & Trick 5.Animal 5a. If you're confused by the above history lesson, let me tell you that three versions of a single game make it a living nightmare to find accurate information on Google regarding the version you're playing. If you don't want to wait for a sunny day, simply go to the dig site and start digging. PlayStation Trophies is not affiliated with Sony or PlayStation, it is owned and run by Resero Network Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. To make matters worse, sometimes the villagers enter a state where they won't accept any gifts no matter how much they like them. As mentioned in the Introduction, there's some things you should work on as soon as you can, namely befriending Galen. Here's a list of all the tools and what you have to do to obtain them: It'll either be a normal Egg or Fertilized Egg, if it's the latter you can put it in the incubator in your chicken coop. Here's a list of people you have to befriend, what they like etc. 2. Try and find a rythm that allows you to be both quick and efficient. The Sprites will listen to Gustafa and come to the conclusion that his voice is definitely a nice. Keep going at it, they'll eventually hand it over. Remember that you can play only 1 round of Territory Capture each day, so try and go there whenever you can until you get the record. The Sprites will try to summon the Harvest Goddess, but she can't come out because they haven't collected enough nices. He is an artist living inside of a mobile home behind Daryl's Laboratory and next to the home of Patrick and Kassey. Starting with Chapter 2, Galen will live on the small hill below Vesta's Farm. Same as above, visit the Spring after 6PM. Gift Suggestions: Moon Ore, Toy Flower, Goddess Drop, Happy Lamp, Trick Blue, Amorous, Upseed, Gold Wool, Egg, Fertilized Egg. Luckily, you can buy one more record from Van starting Ch. Now you'll have to wait. Luckily, he requires no presents to become your friend - you simply have to talk to him a lot. You now have a choice to marry one of 4 girls, including Lumina who was added to the list. Some of those are still present in the PS4 version, such as the framerate drops. 2 in order to unlock this trophy. In order to play Territory Capture you'll have to talk to Kassey while both him and his brother are inside their house and sitting down. Simply press the right half of the once you've selected your turnip to start the cooking process with 1 instead of 3 ingredients. • Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Trophy Guide, Own a pond - You can order it from the ledger for 2500g, Own 6 or less chickens - this may include any unhatched eggs currently residing in the incubator, Wake up after your wife during summer, either by staying up long enough or using the alarm clock. 1, but you can receive it as a present if you befriend Daryl - which I recommend doing to save yourself some money. Bei Harvest Moon "A Wonderful Life" handelt es sich um eine Special Edition für die PlayStation 2. Below are my times and dates of triggering the cut-scene just to give you a an idea of a successful run: For Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Who should I marry? You can make the money however way you choose, but here's a few tips I used during my playthrough of the game: I had enough money to buy everything I need half-way through Ch. 2, despite receiving the same treatement as my cows (they spent most of their time outside unless it was raining/snowing), so that might happen for you as well. This is the highest possible quality rank your milk can have. Welcome to Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, the game where you'll be milking cows, watering crops, shearing sheep...you get the idea. Visit Romana's Villa around 11:30AM. Background. Harvest moon, A Wonderful Life, SE: Befriending villagers and receiving gifts 8:14 AM Game Walkthrough , Harvest moon guide , Harvest moon wonderful life special edition guide , Hints and tips Certain villagers will give you gifts if you befriend them. I personally didn't finish the trophy until Fall, Chapter 3, but it's good to get it out of the way early. 1 provided that you've the ledger to ship some dairy products before. Each Chapter represents 1 year, which consists of 4 seasons of 10 days, for a total of 40 days per year/chapter. Walkthrough But keep in mind that they're worth more when you sell them than chickens. Once you've purchased the rod, go to one of the ponds or the river, press to bring up the quick select menu and select the Fishing Rod. Immediately leave, and the rain will have stopped once you come back out. The same is true for your goat. Personally, I wasn't able to, because I could never get the second scene to trigger before Spring was over - I never attempted if I could simply skip it, though. You will need the Strange Hoe and the large field for this. Here are the "special" tools you can only obtain through befriending particular villagers: Strange Hoe - Befriend Tim & Ruby, and enter their private quarters while they are both present. Even though the price of Banana Seeds has been severly reduced in the Special Edition, they're still worth 140g per seed, pre-haggling. I left my farm around 11:30 for this one though, because it was raining and I had to run to the dig site first. This one is probably the reason why you're here. The Sprites will discuss if Romana is a nice. Remember, you can buy seeds from anyone on Vesta's Farm, and you don't need to plant them first to use them in hybridization. ". Unless you actively try to avoid your cow, this will be the first trophy you earn from the game. Once that happens, repeatedly press until you've succesfully reeled in the fish. Chapter 3, Summer 1. Missable Cody is carefree, living and enjoying the scenery of the valley. Hint: If you don't plan on keeping the calf, sell it immediately and keep the Mother's Milk that your cow will give for 5 days until you can cook "Dhibe Cakes". At the end of the first day, around or after 6PM, go up to the Spring (the place where the sprites have their home) for your first cut-scene on your road to Lights in the Sky. You can check your progress under "Assets" in your Diary (where you Save and Sleep). Got a Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Seeds can be bought from Vesta's farm; or made with the Seed Maker you order from the ledger (or from triggering Daryl's "Seed Maker" event.). Your child will appear in Chapter 2 after they were born. Story related. They only do the head-turn animation when they're walking as well, and it doesn't mean you'll get their gift 100%. The trophy unlocks immediately, so you can decide not to keep the ducks if you don't want to. Four cows, a goat, and a sheep ALL DIE!!!!! Your dog is barking at Muffy, who lets out a startled cry. Weird Hoe - Befriend Vesta and enter the storage room at her farm (the small building) around 10:30 AM. After you ordered something from the ledger, simply enter Takakuras house when he's in there - around 7PM should work to trigger a cut-scene where you meet Tartan. If after reading all that, you still want to get this trophy as soon as possible, simply leave your animals outside at all times, especially during rain and don't feed them. Then, go to wherever you need to be to trigger the cut-scene. There's 5 of those you have to dig up at the dig site, 1 for every chapter. Even then, it's not a 100% guarantee that you will obtain a hybrid crop or tree though, so you might want to save your game before you start hybridizing. It won't work every single time, but I won 10 out of 13 games that way. Takakura will want to talk to you about shipping, but is interrupted by your dog barking. If you buy the goat without haggling you'll have to reload an older save or re-start the game for this trophy, as Van only sells you a goat once - even if you sell yours. 6AM is a good time to visit her. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life -Special Edition- Summary : Grow vegetables, raise cattle, get married, and more in the farm simulation game HARVEST MOON: A WONDERFUL LIFE SPECIAL EDITION. You can still milk your cow while she's pregnant, you just want to avoid having her dry up, thus losing out on possible money you could have made from the milk. Once you own the Alarm Clock, click on your Diary and select "Alarm Clock". True to its name, the game progresses through the main character's entire adult life, from young adulthood to old age. If you want to speed up the process, you can feed your cow good fodder that you buy from the ledger to upgrade A-Rank milk to S-Rank. 1 to get a free Seed Maker, and plant a couple Banana trees as soon as you can (buy seeds at Vesta's Farm). You can buy seeds at Vesta's Farm but, for the sake of this trophy, make sure they're not tree seeds. By continuing past this page, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service. That being said, some thing - such as befriending Galen - are best done during Chapter 1. He's not picky, so feed him whatever you want (or what's cheapest!) In order to get married you must - Get a girl up to 4 red hearts (you can find out by checking their diaries). Befriend Mukumuku as soon as you can during Ch. - Get a blue feather from the sprites (auto cutscene). 1, Winter. Simply visit the new family in town before 6 AM, and Grant will give it to you, regardless of your friendship status with him. So, while trees are a good source of income, they won't help you here. 1, some of the people and mini-games only become available once you're in Ch. Nami is the hardest of the 3 girls to marry, mostly … I don't recommend wasting your money on good fodder though for your normal cows. Chapter 3, Fall 2. The game was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube as Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, with the key difference between both versions being the gender of the playable character, along with some other changes and additional cut-scenes. Muffy wonders if she's somehow made Takakura angry and is a little worried about it. It's worth slightly more than Goat Butter. So instead of going through over 2 more years, you can simply sleep through the rest of the story. You will need the Large Field obtained to receive this. You start with the Salad and Soup options, and unlock more cooking options, including the Entrée, once you've cooked around ~20 dishes. In order to play the mini game, talk to Galen when he leaves his house around 6AM. A cut-scene will play where the harvest sprites inform you that you have a new friend, and the trophy will unlock. I never fed them, that's why they ALL DIED! Chapter 3, Spring 2. But, you won't have to do that, because I did it for you! For characters from other games in the series, check out the Characters page here. Cheese is worth much more than milk, even if you get S-Rank milk from your normal cows. Leaderboard Guides Resources Discord Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. Eventually, your hen will lay eggs that you can pick up - she may be sitting on them, so pick up your hen first and move her away. You could do a seperate save for this trophy, or simply wait until later on in the game. Cannot be missed After reassuring her that Takakura isn't a… Sleeping is much, much quicker though. You should spend the rest of the year making friends (check out The Right Tool for the Job and Record Keeping for more information on who you should befriend), tending to your farm and whatever other trophies you want to work on. For this trophy you'll have to buy all the tools from the ledger, as well as receive gifts from a few people after you befriend them. 60 seconds is plenty. Once you've met Tartan, you'll have to become his friend. Once you own your horse simply approach its side and press the button to hop on. You can't buy the Seed Maker during Ch. Once the cut-scene is over, your trophy will unlock. Remember, you can't do everything during Ch. Moderated by: G_heinz G_heinz, DezertPenguin8 DezertPenguin8, Demo Demo, g r o t e w o r l d g r o t e w o r l d. Marry Nami Guide. Q: I proposed without four hearts and the diary entry went down. I think it's impossible to attend the Spring Festival in Ch. Marriage is more important in A Wonderful Life than in other Harvest Moon games. Weird Sickle - Befriend Dr. Hardy and enter his clinic when he's in there. You can haggle him down all the way to 2000g. After a few seasons, your cow will like you enough and you'll get S-Rank milk on a frequent basis. For the trophy to unlock, you have to hybridize two hybrid crops/seeds to obtain a third generation seed. One tree produces 16 fruit every summer, so 32 seeds per tree if you put them in the Seed Maker. At the end of the first year, you MUST get married, or the game will end (robbing you of most of the experiences the game offers from year two onwards). Another thing you have to pay attention to is the stone tablets. Can I get it back up? The game was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube as Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, with the key difference between both versions being the gender of the playable character, along with some other changes and additional cut-scenes. The child will automatically appear at the start of the second year if successfully unlocked. The easiest Entrée to make is Sashimi, which only requires a single fish. Van comes to down on every 3rd and 8th day of the month, so make sure you pay him a visit as soon as you can. Certain crops are harder to maintain than others. For more information on how to befriend people, check The Right Tool for the Job. The popular hit Harvest Moon: A Wonderful life is now being ported over to the PS2! In order to win, I found it easiest to first build a diamond-shaped strucure in the middle of the board and then build outwards from there. Leave your farm via the path next to Takakura's house around 10AM. Eventually the lure will start moving but don't reel it in just yet! See Chapter 6 for more information. Can be obtained starting Chapter 2. You can now throw it out with . You will also save the money you'd have to spend on the Seed Maker later on. Van will start selling the goat during Ch. I don't recommend letting your cow get sick during Ch. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. 1650 without haggling - but why would you do that? Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition cheats, Codes, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for PS2. Obtaining both these records allows you to befriend only 6 instead of 8 townfolk, which I strongly recommend you do as two of them, namely Marlin and Rock, are incredibly time-consuming compared to the other villagers. Von Harvest Moon gibt es zahlreiche Varianten für Game Boy, SNES, Game Cube und PlayStation. NPCs in the game, including the main character's child and wife, also grow older as … One thing that indicates that they are starting to like you is when they turn their head after you when you're walking by. At this point, you'll most likely have only very few trophies left to obtain, most likely Lights in the Sky, Construction Worker, Diligent Digger and the chapter related trophies. You get your dog as soon as the game starts. Make sure the grass in your pasture is always cut so they can't eat it. You will need the large field for this present. Step 3: Clean up Strange Hoe - Befriend Tim and enter his room in the hotel around 7AM. Her overall appearance reflecting that of Mark's. You will need to get married before the end of the first year, otherwise the game will end. Winter Festival - Exit your home on Winter 5-10 (check calender) after 7PM and Rock will come to your farm to invite you to the Starry Night Festival. Instead, she'll hit her head on the surface...of the pond...Yeah. Gustafa will come to your farm and invite you to the festival. For Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition on the PlayStation 2, Crop/Hybrid Guide by bardock2k2. Talk to him to start digging. There's 5 tablets in total you have to dig up, one each for the first 5 chapters: There's no tablet in Chapter 6, and the trophy unlocks as soon as you dig up Tablet G - before you even see you dug it up, actually. Showing your sheep affection may not be necessary for the acquisition of golden wool (some people say it's not, some say it is), but if you want to be on the safe side like me, just treat your sheep like you would your cows - talk, cuddle and brush them. So if you don't need your fishes as presents for the villagers, turn every fish that's worth less than 150g into Sashimi before you sell it. 1, so you'll need to reach at least Spring, Ch. Visit the Spring pond around or after 6PM. If you decided to wait until later on, there's a good chance that one of your animals will get sick once you start just sleeping through the remaining years of the game because you finished up all the other trophies. Missable Besides the two scenes at the Spring, each cut-scene can only be triggered in a certain season. Step 2: Continue making friends, haggle yourself a goat, raise some ducks and help some sprites Story related. Cannot be missed By The00berNoober The00berNoober. Unlike the Milk Drinking Contest, it's not about pressing as fast as you can though because you'll quickly run out of stamina if you do. Buying a sheep will cost you 1500g at the ledger, and acquiring golden wool requires you to own the Brush, which you can buy for 500g from Van so that you can wash it. It's still worth a shot if you can't unlock him though. It's up to you. Simply stand next to your cow, facing her side and press to milk her. Sashimi is also a good way to make some additional money from the fishes you catch as it sells for 150g pre-haggling at Van's Shop, and even more if you haggle with him. If you miss it the first day, don't fret, just make sure you visit his home before 6AM another day and you'll get it. The new guy in town will give you an alarm clock regardless of your friendship status with him. With them, you can cook Dhibe Cakes (Milk+Egg+Dhibe), provided you have unlocked the Dessert option (~40 dishes cooked, failures not included) - which you should have if you've made enough Sashimi. Regardless of your choice, once it becomes available you can combine two crops or seeds into a new one, provided you pick the correct ones. You can cook inside your house. Spring Festival - Go to Romana's Villa on Spring 1 to get a cut-scene of Lumina playing the Piano for the villagers. Remember, these are NOT exact times you have to visit each area, but simply when I did. I recommend buying the Milking Room and the Fertilizer Maker last, because they're either very expensive or effectively useless. I recommend selling B-Rank milk or eggs through the ledger as you can't haggle with Van for a higher price for those items. Gordy) is a character in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, and Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life. The chapters all show how the character takes care of her farm, befriends oth… Trophy unlocked. Takakura will gift you the horse starting Summer, Ch. 1. Player Marriage Statistics <<<<< Here are some statistics of people taken from a Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life fanlisting.