harvest moon: back to nature characters likes and dislikes

It is also required in order to successfully win. Dislikes: Strawberries; Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness . She likes vegetables. PAL/NTSC Patch für die US NTSC Version. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature; Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl; Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition; Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland; Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley; Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon; Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. Likes: Blowfish, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Sodas, Teriyaki. You'll come across both new friends and old! Harvest Moon : Back to Nature (Sony Playstation) All 64 Recipes FAQ and Guide v 3.2 Version History: Version 1.0 Created and Submitted to GameFAQs 7-29-01 Updated Version Corrected and Submitted to GameFAQs 8-2-01 Updated and Hopefully FINAL Version Corrected and Submitted to GameFAQs 8-14-01 Updated Version and again hopefully FINAL Version Corrected and Submitted to GameFAQs 1-15 … the first option and he'll like you more. Overview []. One section is for Bachelorettes and the other is for all of the other characters. The next day go to the library and Mary will be waiting. This … Outgoing and smart, Karen spends a fair amount of time both helping her parents around the shop and hanging out with Rick. Likes and Dislikes FAQ/Lösung. You can get assistance from them to your farmwork like taking care of animals, watering the fields, and harvesting crops. The plot goes as followed: As a young boy you visited your grandfather's farm one summer. Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (牧場物語~ハーベストムーン~ Bokujō Monogatari ~Hābesuto Mūn~, lit.Ranch Story ~Harvest Moon~) was the first title of the Harvest Moon series to be released on the PlayStation. | | Most characters follow a certain profile of gifts: there is one ingredient | that they 'love' any dish that contains it, and they 'like' the ingredient | by itself. To make friends with them you will need to give them things that they like often. Some other places | like to say they have the latest edition, but only that address is | persistently current. Goddess Fest / Marry / Girlz likes/dislikes hints and tips for Harvest Moon Back To Nature Have an animal come in from the other memory card. Karen is a bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Eligible Wives Antoinette Birthday: Winter 12 Wrapping paper color: Blue Favorite Farm Animal: Cat Rival: Dirk Likes: Cherry Tea (+800FP) Dislikes: Egg Over Rice (-1000FP) Click here for full profile. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Here you will find information about the Character found in Harvest Moon (SNES). The game is rated "E" by the ESRB, and is further rated as depicting use of alcohol. Doctor Tim conveniently likes a lot of the items that you can find for free on the mountain in this videogame. Likes :Mushrooms, Cooking Dislikes: Dangerous foods Flak Lives in the cave next to your stable The laziest of all harvest sprites but he have good ideas. Missed the orange heart event for Gray (PLEASE ANSWER) What make you think you can work in our hotel. Just like every Harvest Moon game, there's always a bunch of characters for you to interact with. Explains everyone in the village with their likes, dislikes and gifts received. A more detailed list of her likes and dislikes will be shown shortly. The following is a list of Popuri's likes and dislikes which are helpful to know during the game Popuri's Likes: Toy Flower Dogs Weeds Chickens .., Harvest Moon Back To Nature PlayStation Karen's Likes and Dislikes. There are two sections, each character will have their own page. They don't like working hard for someone they don't like, a sprite who likes sleeping (like Hoggy) won't work well, and Spring is when they hold their tea party, so they generally won't work as hard. You can do this by talking to them and giving them gifts, and if you so please, if they ask you a question, enter a building (or exit, if your inside), go back, and talk to her again, repeat this enough times and you'll blow through this step. When you successfully ask them for work, you need to assign them a task: - Harvest the fields : if you have lots of grown crops to harvest, you might run of time for other things. Magical Melody Complete Character Likes/Dislikes FAQ ... Black Friday Video Game Deals. Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Dislikes: Unknown. Height :12' Weight :7 lbs Likes :Mushrooms, Napping Dislikes :Getting up early, being hungry Goddess Lives in the Goddess Harvest Lake. Get ready to meet a bunch of exciting, interesting, and amazing characters! Harvest Moon: Back To Nature Cheats, Codes, and Secrets GLITCHES Duplicated Dog Balls Get the dog ball from Won, throw it to your dog and … Absolute Favorite: Cake Favorites: Legal Stuff 5. Extra Info: Doug was first seen in Harvest Moon 64 as the owner of the Green Ranch and father of Ann, and later Back to Nature … Chracters and their likes/dislikes a. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - Character Likes & Dislikes Guide. She is a down-to-earth girl, who lives with her parents Jeff and Sasha, at the Supermarket. Likes and Dislikes . Credits-----Intro-----This is a FAQ written for those who need help in finding out what to give those rather picky villagers in Natsume's Harvest Moon: Back To Nature(C). We have 173 questions and 366 answers for Harvest Moon Back To Nature. Likes: Pumpking Pudding, Tomatoes, and Cherry Grass. By making friends with the other villagers, you will get rare and unusual items that you wouldn’t be able to buy. Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (Bokujo Monogatari: Harvest Moon in Japan), released in 1999 for the Playstation, is the fifth game in the Harvest Moon (now Story of Seasons) series and the first on a non-Nintendo platform.. Spa-Boiled Eggs are also a really good and easy gift to give. Go to your diary and choose to exchange animals. General Girls Likes and Dislikes hints and tips for Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl Harvest Moon: Back To Nature Hint: Easy money: Note: This trick requires two memory cards and a file which has some type of animal (preferably cows or sheep). Dog ball not offered first of fall was raining. Marriage in Harvest Moon.. To start the process, you first need to get the bachelorette of your choice to a little more than five hearts. She lives in the small house next to Vesta's Shop, but is mainly found outside working in the fields. He often has to apologize for Luke's antics. The Guys b. 2. There are 7 of them,Chef,Nappy,Hoggy,Aqua,Bold,Timidand lastly,Staid. Rick, who lives and works at the Poultry Farm, has been her closest friend since childhood. 16.Oktober 2013. Help! Remember to come back to check for more great content for Harvest Moon Back To Nature. You will help Bo at the beginning of the game in order to access the mine district, and again later on when he wants to fix the mine cart that leads to Harmonica Town. She'll ask which character you liked, say the woodcutter ... (When He is First Born) 6:00am - 1:00pm: In Mother's Arms, Around Table 1:00pm - 6:00am: In Mother's Bed. Red Heart Event >> Cliff must be working in Vineyard >> Vineyard ... Heart Events for Harvest moon Back to nature Boy version - Dec 26, 11; She's not hard to keep happy, for she enjoys basic girly things like flowers and cake. She is also on the same boat as you when it crashes into the island. 80128c6c 0000 80071a12 03e7 with this code you can not be tired., Harvest Moon Back To Nature PlayStation Max heart sheep code. They live in a little hut behind theChurch. As he was too busy to play with you, you were left to your own devices. Karen loves wine and being at the beach. Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Originally the most popular girl between Harvest Moon 64, Back to Nature, and Friends of Mineral Town, Karen lives on here in SoS: FoMT with the same attitude and a totally different design. Birthday: Winter 15 For the most part, cooked items are the best gifts. Duke. You have the option to marry one of 5 eligible girls in the game. Birthday: Fall 2 Bo is the quieter of Dale's two apprentices. There are 7Harvest Sprites in Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. The Girls 3. Doctor Tim’s likes and dislikes. My Observations 4. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Review Those looking for a game with hours and hours of highly addictive, nonviolent gameplay should find a comfortable chair and a copy of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Eligable husbands Amir Birthday: Winter 26 Wrapping paper color: Yellow Favorite Farm Animal: Chick, Chicken, Cat, Dog Rival: None Likes: Stew (+800FP) Dislikes: Supreme Curry (-1000FP) Click here for full profile. Duke runs the winery in this videogame with his wife Manna.His daughter left the village and moved to the city and he’s kind of sad about that. All of the Sprites are identified by the color they are wearing. In Island of Happiness, Natalie is one of the eligible bachelorettes. Remember to come back to check for more great content for Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl. She has a serious outlook on most things, and is very assertive (sometimes aggressive) in her relationships. A list of the non-marriage villagers in Animal Parade. Copy the file to memory card two, then play the game on either file. Harvest Moon: MFoMT Roleplay [#4] "Things Aren't Always As They Seem" - last post by @ Dec 28, 2007 Last edited by 2604:3D08:707F:A0A0:ED32:446B:30DF:84E4 on 3 February 2020 at …