harvest moon: boy and girl spring thanksgiving festival
The Winter Thanksgiving Festival is an annual event in Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. Bring a small food item such as egg or honey. In Harvest Moon Cute, you can court the Magical Girls as well as the bachelors but the actual 'Best Friend' status instead of marriage has been eliminated from the English version by Natsume. Harvest Festival - If you put chocolate, poisonous mushroom, or red grass in, you'll faint and everyone else will feel kinda sick. Fall 9 Harvest Festival. Boy & Girl » Harvest Moon Heart Events (Bachelors) If you are playing as a boy. Spring 22 Cooking Festival. In Harvest Moon DS, you can bake cookies and give them to any bachelorette to get +1000LP. There are two Thanksgiving Festivals in FoMT/MFoMT and in HM DS/HM Cute DS. 6 PM at church. You can give Chocolate and/or Chocolate Cookies to the girls for a boost in Friendship Points. At the Spring Thanksgiving, boys give gifts to girls. Spring Thanksgiving: Spring 14 Time: 6:00 am to 5:00 pm Location: n/a. In the original Japanese version, playing a boy is 'Destiny' and playing a girl is 'Fate'. Purple Heart Event 1. It is held on 14th of Spring, between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm. Hoggy's Birthday, … As in many Harvest Moon games, the Spring Thanksgiving is the occasion on which boys give Cookies to girls they like. Now I had a real problem, however. It is a day for boys to give girls cookies. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is a festival in Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. If a girl in town likes you, ask her on the seventh day of spring to go to the festival with you. And I'm so glad that it is released again in Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl for PSP, so I can carry it with me to work every day. 6 PM at church. At this festival, village girls don goddess dresses and dance at the Rose Square. Malapit na ang pasukan kaya maaring hindi na MUNA ako makapag-record habang nag-aaral. It is held on the 14th day of Winter, at specific times outside the player's house. What you do on this festival will depend on the gender of farmer you are playing as. Fall 21 Sheep Fest. 10. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Harvest Moon: Back To Nature Annual Events, https://harvestmoon.fandom.com/wiki/Spring_Thanksgiving_Festival_(BTN)?oldid=141819. Goddess Festival - Spring 07 and Spring 08. ... we wed by the Goddess Spring. If you are married, your spouse will leave cookies in your rucksack while you are asleep. And I'm so glad that it is released again in Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl for PSP, so I can carry it with me to work every day. The Spring Thanksgiving is an opportunity for boys to give Chocolate Cookies to girls they fancy. ... we wed by the Goddess Spring. Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl I love Harvest Moon since I'm 10 and it has been 15 years since. You get +5 affection with any villagers you speak with and +500 affection fo… >> Starry Night Festival day ... >> Spring Mine Sometime you can see Gray inside the Spring Mine. You can dance with one of the girls you like at the festival. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is a festival in Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute.. If you agree to go to her favorite place afterwards you get +3,000 affection. Bring a small food item such as egg or honey. In order to bake cookies, you must have the oven, so taking part in this festival is impossible in Year 1. There are two Thanksgiving Festivals each year. Harvest Moon Back to Nature (Girl's side) Oh, so only one cookie for us? All of the residents get together to pound rice into Rice Cake (mochi). Fall 21 Sheep Fest. It actually is the 'second' of the Thanksgiving Festivals, oddly enough. Fall 13 Moon-gazing Festival. For Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, Guide and Walkthrough by g_girl143. Flower Festival - Spring 23 - The Flower Festival is held in Town Square. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is an annual event in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. The Harvest Moon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Celia will show up in between 8am and 9am. Spring 14 Spring Thanksgiving. Time: 10:00 am to 2:50 pm Location: the Town Square On the day before you can ask any girl who has at least 15,000 affection to attend the festival with you. Fall 9 Harvest Festival. Time: Spring 30, 10:00am- 4:00pm 3. The Harvest Goddess appeared to ring the bells for us. In Harvest Moon DS, you can bake cookies and give them to any bachelorette to get +1000LP. The first is the 'Winter Thanksgiving' on 14 Winter, on which girls give Chocolate or … The young girls among the villagers honors a dance for theHarvest Goddessherself. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is a day "to give cookies to girls to show your appreciation." All of the residents get together to pound rice into Rice Cake (mochi). Harvest Festival (Fall 9th) 10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza The players of the original Harvest Moon will remember this classic holiday. Karen at Spring Thanksgiving Harvest Moon: Back To Nature PlayStation. What you do on this festival will depend on the gender of farmer you are playing as. The only problem is Spring Thanksgiving is on a Sunday in year 2 and Karen doesn't seem to leave the house until after 6:00 PM or so when she heads to the bar. Instead of the girls receiving gifts, it is instead a day for boys to receive sweets from girls. Bring it with you at 6 PM and at Mother's Mound you'll find the boy that likes you the most. << Back to Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town. It is held on the 8th of Spring, between 10:00 am and 2:50 pm, in Rose Square. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is a day "to give cookies to girls to show your appreciation." Boy & Girl » Harvest Moon Heart Events (Bachelors) If you are playing as a boy. Buy an octopus puff from Jeff at the supermarket (simiply talk to him). Nothing else you do has any effect on anything. Time: between 6:00 pm and 7:50 pm Location: either the Town Square or the Inn You can choose if you want to go to the Square or the Inn. In Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, as a boy at the Winter Thanksgiving, I would receive either chocolate or chocolate cake from every girl at blue heart level or higher. You can enter the first year with a boiled egg, but you won't win with it. Place: At your house 1. Now I had a real problem, however. 4th Season Lumina shows up first, in between 6am and 7am. Unlike the Spring Festival, chocolate or chocolate cake will be used, instead of cookies or chocolate cookies. It is held on 14th of Spring, between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm. Goddess Festival - Spring 07 and Spring 08. Most Harvest Moon games include at least one Thanksgiving Festival in the course of the year, and Island of Happiness, like many other HM games, both has a Spring Thanksgiving Festival and a Winter Thanksgiving Festival. If you attend the festival with a girl and go home alone afterwards you get +1,000 affection with that girl. You'll also end up with less stamina for the day. Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl I love Harvest Moon since I'm 10 and it has been 15 years since. Fall 13 Moon-gazing Festival. You can give Chocolate and/or Chocolate Cookies to the girls for a boost in Friendship Points. The Spring Goddess Festival is an annual event in Harvest Moon: Back To Nature. For Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl on the PSP, Girl Walkthrough by DarkNessGirl. 1 Spring 01: New Years Day 2 Spring 14: Spring Thanksgiving 3 Spring 18: Duck Festival 4 Spring 22: Cooking Contest On the first day of the year, go to the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. And I'm so glad that it is released again in Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl for PSP, so I can carry it with me to work every day. You can ship it to complete your Shipped Items list, or cook recipes with it. 4th Season Similarly, in Winter, girls give chocolates to boys during the Winter Thanksgiving Festival. The bachelor will be waiting outside the door, and will ask to come in. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is old but still precious and fun. It should be noted that Cookies purchased at the Inn cannot be used for this festival as they are automatically consumed upon purchase. Spring 18 Horse Race at town square. Bring it with you at 6 PM and at Mother's Mound you'll find the boy that likes you the most. Mayor Thomas will visit you on the 8th and remind you of the event. It is a day for boys to give girls cookies. Similar to the Spring Thanksgiving Festival that takes place in Spring. At this festival, village girls don goddess dresses and dance at the Rose Square. At the end of the festival Thomas will supply you with Rice Cake. There are several annual festivals that take place in the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. On the Winter Thanksgiving, Chocolate Cake given to one of the Magical Girls will be accepted as a Thanksgiving Gift and raise the AP of the girl by 1000 points in the same fashion as it will affect any … Hot Spring Doctor-> Mother Hill's lake Gray -> Mother Hill's flower garden Rick -> Beach -Spring 14: Thanksgiving- Time: [none] Location: Your farm Event: The bachelor who loves you the most will come by your farm and give you a box of chocolates. At the Winter Thanksgiving, it is the girls who give gifts to boys. If a girl in town likes you, ask her on the seventh day of spring to go to the festival with you. Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl I love Harvest Moon since I'm 10 and it has been 15 years since. There are two Thanksgiving Festivals in FoMT/MFoMT and in HM DS/HM Cute DS. Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl I love Harvest Moon since I'm 10 and it has been 15 years since. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. However, this festival was actually meant to help you increase a single bachelorette's love points. In Harvest Moon Boy and Girl, when you play a boy, the Blue Heart Event is different for each of the girls but most of them involve a series of actions. The Harvest Goddess appeared to ring the bells for us. >> Starry Night Festival day ... >> Spring Mine Sometime you can see Gray inside the Spring Mine. For Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl on the PSP, Girl Walkthrough by DarkNessGirl. At the end of the festival Thomas will supply you with Rice Cake. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is old but still precious and fun. ... and I've made cookies for all the girls. Perfume can be purchased for 1000G each, for you to give to a girl you like. All of the residents get together to pound rice into Rice Cake (mochi). Cookies can be player-made through Cooking. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After that he will talk to you and invites you to come over to his shop in Summer before walking away. The Harvest Moon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Similarly, in Winter, girls give chocolates to boys during the Winter Thanksgiving Festival. At the end of the festival Thomas will supply you with Rice Cake. As far as the romantic Thanksgiving Festivals in Harvest Moon are concerned, playing as a boy rather than a girl really does have some early advantages. Any girl who has a purple heart level or higher will participate in the festival. In Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, as the title suggests, you can choose to play either a boy or a girl. Some of them are simply fun to watch and attend, and others are competitions where you can win great prizes! And I'm so glad that it is released again in Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl for PSP, so I can carry it with me to work every day. The Thanksgiving Festival and Skye ***** As I am obsessed with Skye, I cannot neglect his response to Chocolate Cake on the occasion of the Winter Thanksgiving. Harvest Moon PSP Boy and Girl Guides. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Black Heart Event 1. The only problem is Spring Thanksgiving is on a Sunday in year 2 and Karen doesn't seem to leave the house until after 6:00 PM or so when she heads to the bar. Harvest Festival 10PM in Rose Square. Requirements: Plant the corn first in Summer 1-3 (Depends on the weather in the future) 2. Time: Between Summer 14-20 (Depends on the weather), exactly 6:00am 3. 1 Spring 01: New Years Day 2 Spring 14: Spring Thanksgiving 3 Spring 18: Duck Festival 4 Spring 22: Cooking Contest On the first day of the year, go to the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. Bachelors with a yellow heart or higher will bake and give you chocolate cookies instead. Bring food. Place: Near Blacksmith (Exit the farm in the right) 1. There are several festivals in each season in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Or just simply give it to all of the girls! Spring 14 ~ Spring Thanksgiving: This festival gives you a chance to give Cookies to anyone you like. The Spring Thanksgiving is an opportunity for boys to give Chocolate Cookies to girls they fancy. In order to bake cookies, you must have the oven, so taking part in this festival is impossible in Year 1. _____ 10a) Spring Festival Spring 1 - New Years Time: 6pm You can go to the Square to dance with the bachellorette or go to the Inn and drink with the adults Spring 8 - Goddess Festival Time: 10am Festival where young girls dresses up in pink uniform and dance. Marlin shows up first, in between 6am and 8am. You will see him, Popuri & May talking near the Blacksmith. Each bachelor will show up at a different time: In order to see each boy, you must enter your farm house and exit. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is old but still precious and fun. Spring 18 ~ Duck Festival: Harvest Festival - Fall 12 - You must bring some food to the Town Square on this day, in order to take part in the Harvest Festival. Hot Spring Doctor-> Mother Hill's lake Gray -> Mother Hill's flower garden Rick -> Beach -Spring 14: Thanksgiving- Time: [none] Location: Your farm Event: The bachelor who loves you the most will come by your farm and give you a box of chocolates. ... Spring Thanksgiving - Spring 14. He recommends you bring something to add in the soup they make to celebrate the festival. This will most likely not happen the first year. The Thanksgiving Festival and Skye ***** As I am obsessed with Skye, I cannot neglect his response to Chocolate Cake on the occasion of the Winter Thanksgiving. Requirements: None 2. Spring 14: Spring Thanksgiving In Cute, the eligible bachelors will show up at your door to give you sweets, if you have a high enough heart level with them. It is also possible to give cookies to other villagers, although it won't have the same increase to their friendship. The boy that likes you the most will come by your farm with a present (chocolate cookies). Just do the opposite of the festival. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is a festival in Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. If you play as Claire in Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl… Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, https://harvestmoon.fandom.com/wiki/Spring_Thanksgiving_Festival_(DS)?oldid=141675. ... Spring Thanksgiving - Spring 14. ... and I've made cookies for all the girls. Harvest Moon PSP Boy and Girl Guides. The Spring Thanksgiving Festival is an annual event in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Talk to them to receive your gift, and afterwards, they will leave. Any bachelor with a purple heart or higher will come and bring cookies. Ka… Buy an octopus puff from Jeff at the supermarket (simiply talk to him). Fall 3 Music Festival. Gustafa will show up in between 8am and 10am. Luckily for you, their Love Points will increase by 1000. Spring 01: New Years Day On the first day of the year, go to the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature is old but still precious and fun. Malapit na ang pasukan kaya maaring hindi na MUNA ako makapag-record habang nag-aaral. Karen at Spring Thanksgiving Harvest Moon: Back To Nature PlayStation. You’ll get +5 affection with anyone you speak to and +500 affection for any girl you speak to. Fall 3 Music Festival. As far as the romantic Thanksgiving Festivals in Harvest Moon are concerned, playing as a boy rather than a girl really does have some early advantages. Each girl will show up at your doorstep at a different time of the day, and will ask for sweets.