harvest moon: friends of mineral town your birthday

In Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, your child can only be male. Manna and Duke both thank you for bringing Duke home safely. Birthday: Spring 11th Favorite Gifts: Adamantite, Miso Soup Saibara is the town's blacksmith who will do all the upgrades for your tools, as well as sell Makers, jewelry, and various items to care for your livestock. Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town / More Friends of Mineral Town Happy Birthday Lists Spring Bold : 4 Harvest Goddess : 8 / 9 Kappa : 8 / 9 Saibara : 11 Staid : 15 Elli : 16 / 20 * Bechlottes Barley : 17 Lillia : 19 Aqua : 26 Anna : 27 Sasha : 30 Summer Popuri : 3 / 10 * Bechlottes Harris : 4 Cliff :6 * Bechlors Basil : 11 what did that mean , was he arranging a suprise for me ? HM64, BTN, HMfG, B&G, FoMT, MFoMT, DS, Cute, ToT, MLS, SoSFoMT. For Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, Birthday Guide by UsagiWagi. Ellen (Grandmother) Stu (Brother) Rival. … There are a total of 16 available candidates; some are perfectly normal people, while others … Some say that your childhood playmate will turn out to be whichever girl you marry, but I always believed it to be Ann, irrespective of your ultimate choice of spouse. When she gives him a present, Doug doesn't understand why she'd be giving him a gift. [4], On the 5th of Fall (on any year), go to the Inn at 10AM. It must be Year 3 or later.[13]. I've compiled as much information as I could to endeavor to make the best in-depth relationship guide for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (FoMT) and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, the alternate "for girls" version of FoMT. :D . Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town - Birthday Guide Doug is friendly to all of the villagers in town and to all of his customers. .., Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Questions and answers, Gameboy Advance Usually need to have high friendship levels with everyone or to guarantee a celebration get a wife. Calendar (FoMT) Edit. Still have questions? Thomas. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town CodeBreaker Codes (USA) This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (USA). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. For Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does wrapping gifts increase love points? : Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Birthday Guide Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Birthday Guide by Nakoruru Updated to v1.5 on Sep 4, 2005 This event can be seen during the Spring season, any time between the 10th and the 17th. Doug asks him if he was speaking to his daughter, Joanna. On Fall 14th, Duke the Winery Owner will come to your farm and ask if you could help him. Doctor. Birthday: Spring 11th Favorite Gifts: Adamantite, Miso Soup Saibara is the town's blacksmith who will do all the upgrades for your tools, as well as sell Makers, jewelry, and various items to care for your livestock. The 7 Legendary Rings . << Back to Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town. : Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Birthday Guide Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Birthday Guide by Nakoruru Updated to v1.5 on Sep 4, 2005 Alternate dates are when your birthcday is on their original birthday. Kai's happy that he has customers but is worried that it's going to be too difficult to cook for them all. If you don't have a Stocking (Sock whatever you call it) he will have to leave without giving your character anything. Ask Cliff, and by the end of the year he'll have enough money to stay at Mineral Town. Doug sometimes feels that his daughter's tomboy nature will prevent her from getting married, but he loves her nonetheless.. Doug is friendly to all of the villagers in town and to all of his customers. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Popuri apologizes for overdoing it and Kai admits that he might be glad that he actually has such few customers. Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. :D. p.s = on 26th of winter i saw thomas when i was sleeping saying something like he can't hide the gift because of no stocking !!!! In order to see this event, both you and Ann must be unmarried. are there any 70 plus year olds that play video games ? TRACK | REPORT SEE ANSWERS. There are a total of 16 available candidates; some are perfectly normal people, while others … His grandson Gray is his apprentice, but the two do not live with one another. Harvest Moon Paradise. When's Ellie's birthday! She leaves to go home after her victory, and Doug will ask that you bring Duke home safely. Ann has to remind Doug that it's his birthday today! Birthday. That was a Christmas like festival where if you have a Stocking Thomas will come down your chimney and leave you a present inside. 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If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Doug will spend most of the day at Mother's Hill. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. Inside, you'll see Karen and Duke. Visit the Inn between 7:30PM and 10PM after befriending Karen.[11]. Read on to find how you get all 7 of the Legendary Rings. Family New Year's Festival, Spring Horse Race, Cooking Festival, Chicken Festival, Harvest Festival, Fall Horse Race, Year's Eve.[15]. Once you are married you can spend your birthday with your family. Winter 11[1] For Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "My Birthday? Get your answers by asking now. Maria delivering her drawing. He's excited as he sees the first few customers come in (Carter, Harris, and Barley). I am throwing a Harvest Moon-themed birthday party for my boyfriend (it’ll be just us and our roommates). Cliff asks Doug to thank everybody in town for all that they've done before he walks down the pier. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town would see the series make the jump to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. This event will only happen if you did not help to get Cliff a job at the winery. If Karen wins the drinking competition, Duke has to pay his outstanding bill at the Supermarket. Birthday I'm Arashinonatsu and this is my second guide for Harvest Moon. You'll see Doug and Cliff standing on the dock. Question for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. In Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, a role playing game that follows the lives of a first-time farmer, players get the opportunity to discover what life is like outside of the big city. He used to play Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and A Wonderful Life. In harvest Moon Friends of mineral town I set my birthday on 27 of winter but on that day , nothing happens.? Popuri then states that there's more outside as Thomas and Gourmet come in. Saibara tends to be harsh to Gray, but kind to others. What does Ellie like most? Barley leaves the Inn, feeling tense. why are some older video gamers so stuck in the past and refuse to be open to playing newer games ? You'll walk into a middle of an argument between Duke and Doug. Suddenly Popuri calls and walks into the restaurant, excited, telling Kai that she brought customers for him. Visit Zack at his home, and Popuri will come in shortly after you. If Duke wins, his debts will be erased. Answers that are too short or not descriptive are usually rejected. Spring 20) Family. 8 talking about this. Ann's Birthday in Harvest Moon Boy & Girl I always suspected that the deck was stacked a little in favour of Ann in Friends of Mineral Town. You can get the rings by completing certain tasks. The scene rolls on showing you, Kai, and Popuri scrambling around the restaurant trying to serve as many customers as possible. Doug is a character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. posted by kakukun. Inside, you'll see Barley and May as they're about to make another call to Joanna. Alternate dates are when your birthcday is on their original birthday. (Give them a present on their birthday to increase friendship a lot. He lives in the Northern part of town, next to Elli's house. Doug's wife passed away years ago, and he was left to raise Ann on his own. ". When is popuri;s birthday, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Questions and answers, Gameboy Advance Barley is saddened that his daughter won't come home because it's having a very negative effect on May! Inside, you'll see Doug working. Go to the Inn on the 11th of Winter between 7PM and 9PM.[9]. But for new players, some things might be a little confusing at first, especially if this is your first Harvest Moon game. Other Events. After all the customers have been served, your character, Kai, and Popuri are alone in his restaurant once more. Ann (Daughter) So, here are some Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town tips to help you get through the early stages. Harvest Moon : More Friends of Mineral Town (c) Natsume The Harvest Moon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Popuri's Package. Your child can also have a birthday celebration similar to the one you have with your spouse. He thanks your character and you go home. Happy birthday to who? Karen asks you to judge the competition. He asks the player to help and you agree. [14] Triggering this event will cause the day to end. You may be looking for Elli in her other appearances throughout the series. Summary: It's up to you to turn your grandfather's long-neglected field of rocks and weeds into a successful farm. [8]. End of random moment! I'm Arashinonatsu and this is my second guide for Harvest Moon. His grandson Gray is his apprentice, but the two do not live with one another. I've compiled as much information as I could to endeavor to make the best in-depth relationship guide for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (FoMT) and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, the alternate "for girls" version of FoMT. He is a great cook, and will spend most of his time in the Inn. Other than that they don't even know when your birthday is. If you befriend Doug, he may give you a recipe for Cheese Fondue. Your birthday is not celebrated unless you are married. Spring Bold: Spring 4 (alternate date Spring 9) Harvest Goddess: Spring 8. Kai greets you and mentions that he doesn't have any customers, as usual. Zack tells her that it has and gives it to Popuri. No matter what you choose, you'll be forced to stay as Karen and Duke start drinking. [2] Doug sometimes feels that his daughter's tomboy nature will prevent her from getting married[3], but he loves her nonetheless. Just 5 of the Legendary Rings. Appearances . Doug For Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does wrapping gifts increase love points? If you have a low friendship with the bachelorettes and villagers, you will celebrate it alone. The Mineral Town Inn is run by Doug and his daughter, Ann.Doug's wife passed away years ago, and he was left to raise Ann on his own. He everyone. What is the fastest way to get her to like me? What is the name they give to the original game "Brick Breaker" on the 3DS? » Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA / 2003) » Birthday. After seeing the first part of this event, you can see the second part if you visit the Inn between 4PM and 7PM on a Wednesday. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Cheats. I'm trying to find a good list of events and just good information. Inside, you'll see Barley going to use the telephone. ... Random Moment~ My birthday is Fall 17th!!! In Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, players could collect achievement rings that would count toward earning Heroine Points.These 7 rings are also in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, but they count towards earning 30 Farmer Points instead.. It happens on the same day always. In Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town there is an option to get married to that special somebody you meet during your farming adventure on grandpa's old homestead. Ann is trying to get the two to stop arguing, but isn't having any luck. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town is essentially a repackage of the original Harvest Moon game in that it provides all of the same experiences, objectives and even similar characters to play as; if you've already given your time and money to the original game, you might not get much out of playing More Friends of Mineral Town. Harvest Moon FoMT/MFoMT Birthday Calendar. How can you get behind the church (the door inside the church to the the right) and when's the left church door open? This article is about Elli, a character from Friends of Mineral Town. In MfOmT you have the ability to collect the 7 Legendary Rings, unlike in FoMt. ". Ann asks for your help to try and split the two up. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Characters, Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Characters, The Ultimate Harvest Moon Love & Friendship Guide by Arashinonatsu, https://harvestmoon.fandom.com/wiki/Doug_(FoMT)?oldid=137171, Bamboo, Bamboo Rice, Black Grass, Buckwheat Flour, Chirashi Sushi, Chocolate Cake, Corn, Grilled Fish, Ice Cream, Mushroom, Noodles, Pizza, Pudding, Purple Grass, Relaxation Tea, Rice Cakes, Sashimi, Sushi, Tea Leaves, Apples, Bread, Bodigizer, Cheese (S), Chocolate, Cucumbers, Curry Powder, Eggs (S), Fish (All), Fish Sticks, Flour, Grapes, Green Grass, HMSGB Apples, Honey, Indigo Grass, Mayonnaise (S), Milk (S), Muffin Mix, Oil, Pineapples, Rice Balls, SUGDW Apples, Tomatoes, Turbojolt, White Grass, Wine, Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Fodder, Blue Magic Flower, Branch, Chicken Feed, Emerald, Fluorite, Ores (All), Moondrop Flower, Moonstone, Orichalc, Peridot, Pinkcat Flower, Red Grass, Red Magic Flower, Ruby, Sandrose, Topaz, Toy Flower, Wool (M), Yarn (S), Yellow Grass, Ancient Fossil, Empty Can, Fish Scales, Golden Lumber, Old Boots, Pirate Treasure, Poisonous Mushroom, Stones, Weed. On the day of, when you enter your house after 6 PM your spouse will ask if you know what today is. No suprise , no parties , not even a single wish ... is it really like that , please sum1 answer this .... THNX !!! Saibara tends to be harsh to Gray, but kind to others. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Harvest Moon : Friends of Mineral Town est un jeu de rôle et de gestion sur GBA dans lequel vous devez rajeunir une ferme et vous occuper convenablement de votre entourage (famille et amis). Update: p.s = on 26th of winter i saw thomas when i was sleeping saying something like he can't hide the gift because of no stocking !!!! They've decided to have a little drinking competition to settle a score. He says that today is the anniversary of his wife's death, so he always takes the day off to remember her. Cliff has decided to leave the town and travel elsewhere and Doug has come to say goodbye. 2 talking about this. Spring Bold: Spring 4 (alternate date Spring 9) Harvest Goddess: Spring 8. May gets on the telephone and tells her mother about the new farmer that's moved in and asks that her mother come home to meet you. She asks Zack if a package has come for her. Being able to play a game of this stature on the go is pretty awesome and despite being on a handheld system, it manages to offer a full Harvest Moon experience. What is the Get your game on triva for 3.20.2021? Ann will tell you that Doug has taken the day off and that the Inn will be closing early. Kai is clearly tired after working so hard after serving all of those customers. No suprise , no parties , not even a single wish ... is it really like that , please sum1 answer this .... THNX !!! When you earn a ring you'll see an alert on your screen, but you won't see a ring. Visit the Inn between 2PM and 4PM on a Thursday when it's raining.[10]. Ann excitedly enters the room and tells her father that she has something for him. The 7 Rings. The event starts when your character walks into Kai's restaurant between 5-7 PM. For Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, Birthday Guide by V Jasper. Thomas is the mayor of Mineral Town. When you break them up, they start to laugh because now they can't remember what they were even arguing about in the first place! 0. << Back to Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town. Doug is a character in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.. [12] It must be Year 2 or later. Sa.., Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town … Happy birthday to you! Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town … It was just a coincidence your birthday was around the same time. If this happens, there is no way to see Cliff again. After finding out that the person he's speaking to doesn't plan to come home to the valley anytime soon, he hangs up. Live, Laugh, Love dangerous 1 Appearances [7]. Happy birthday dear ELLI! Leave the Inn and go to Mother's Hill to find Doug. A video showing the Special Gifts you can receive. ". Birthday. He is the first person you meet when you start your new life on a farm. Doug agrees, and says that Joanna should be here for May, especially at her age. In Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, I have similar suspicions. a complete list of diffrent events (heart and otherwize) would be best. For Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, Birthday Guide by UsagiWagi. Overview . Happy birthday to who? Accept his offer and he then suggests you get someone to help you at the work. Self-doubting gymnast seeks 'peace between the ears' Kelly pulls kids from school over 'social justice' Actress reveals 'shock' over father's COVID death Spring 16 (Alt. Which PlayStation generation is the best ? In Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town there is an option to get married to that special somebody you meet during your farming adventure on grandpa's old homestead. Without telling me where they are, how did you go about finding Anarky symbols in Arkham Origins? To see it, visit Mineral Beach on the 29th of Winter after 11AM. Add your answer. When you bring Duke back to his house, he and Manna start arguing. Visit the Inn on a Friday between 4PM and 7PM. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Events, Pages without Pictures. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. He tells Popuri that he's grateful for the customers, but she brought too many! Barley tells Doug that he was, and that's he's having a hard time understanding why Joanna refuses to come home. angelting. I’m looking for ideas to implement into the party since I’m not too familiar with Harvest Moon besides the few hours I put into 64. May is sad when her mother tells her that she can't come home yet. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town cheats, Easter Eggs, Glitchs, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for GBA. HM64, BTN, HMfG, B&G, FoMT, MFoMT, MM, SoSFoMT. Was there a pattern to finding them. Howcome my copy of Animal Crossing Switch is reacting as if I am trying to transfer an island or make a new one rather than go to my island? The Mineral Town Inn is run by Doug and his daughter, Ann. Pete's birthday is celebrated either on the 25th of Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter. Doug asks if May was talking to her mother. Forum Content Pages Gsitemap Visits Luke / General / Animal Parade Basic Info Birthday : Summer 8 Home : Carpenter's Shop Workplace : Carpenter's Shop Day Off : Thursday Plot Info Family : Dale (father) Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell and opening up Fugue Forest Meet : In Fugue Forest, on the way to the Witch's house. Sa.., Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town …