hello zuko here script

Related GIFs. Meanwhile Suki stands in front of Zuko, almost in a defensive stance. Hello, Zuko here. What would they have talked about? Attack Of The Zuko Clones. “Zuko sent me a letter a few weeks back to tell me he planned on commissioning a statue for you— a gift for your accomplishments. Uh so, the thing is, I have a lot of firebending experience, and I'm considered to be pretty good at it. Express by March 15. Kids Apparel. "I'm trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore!" Come to think of it, he didn’t look so good either. “Flying around down there, so I thought I’d wait for you up here.” Katara’s face scrunched in confusion as her friends voiced over Zuko’s words perfectly, but in whiny baby voices. The scene cuts back to the real world, where Zuko continues his trek through the icy tundra. Quasar Mod Manager1-Click Install. What if when Zuko was rejected by the Gaang in the Western Air Temple, Zuko didn't accidentally burn Toph when she found him? Posted by 1 … or. "That guy locked me and Katara up in jail and tried to blow us all up!". But when the silence continued, he said, "So… I, uh…", The earthbender reacted first, saying with surprising edge from such a small girl, "You wanna what now? Instantly, the 41 st Division scrambles over. But—even as the beast licked his face again—Zuko knew that wasn't nearly enough. littlesparrowac; 5.00 star(s) Sep … Hope lived and died in the same half a second as he jabbed a finger toward Zuko and said, "He probably just covered himself in honey or something to get Appa to lick him. "Not really," he said with a glare, "since you followed us all over the world.". Before Zuko even had a chance to open his mouth, Aang had already jumped on top of him, wrapped both hands around his neck and began to slam his head into the concrete repeatedly. Yeah, what a drag. "I hate this just as much as you all. They'd landed not long ago. Dante Basco x MM Mask (Hello Zuko Here!) (A sound effect of awkwardness chimes in the background. “What’ll it matter?”, “Agreed,” Toph said. Discover (and save!) 14 minutes ago. Would you like your windshield cleaned? But then you have to get lost. How exactly, she wasn’t sure. She only had a few seconds to process the figure behind Appa as Prince Zuko, but the rest of the gang was way ahead of her. “Although, it took Katara a while to come around to that one. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE. View Avia Asner’s shop. How exactly, she wasn’t sure. Was he..frothing at the mouth? Train looks around and notices Zuko and Aang. When the Avatar didn't say anything at first, he tried, "You once said you thought we could be friends." That maybe the Avatar also knew that Roku was Zuko's ancestor. The Avatar looked back at Zuko, wearing the same glare as if they had given it to him in the single glance. His last, last chance. He'd taken his sweet time deciding what the right thing to do was and they'd suffered for it. And vice versa. "Zuko here.". The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra … The Realm of Cats by barrettbiggers. Hello, Zuko here 'Avatar: ... we could have seen between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker — there's even a hint of it in Colin Treverrow's unused script — but alas. They waited, and Zuko suddenly blanked. Aang [Looking at him; surprised.] 1 Part 1: The Phoenix King 2 Part 2: The Old Masters 3 Part 3: Into the Inferno 4 Part 4: Avatar Aang Get out from there,” Suki’s voice scolded. Hello Zuko Here Avatar The Last airbender iron on embroidery patch funny ... Avatar The Last Airbender TV Script with Signatures Autographs Reprint Dante Basco Mae Whitman Dee Bradley Baker Jessie Flower Mako Iwamatsu TVandFilmScripts. "Why aren't you saying anything?" Jan 24, 2017 @ 3:14pm. Dante Basco x MM Mask (Lost) $10 $20. HEY GUYS STAY INSIDE STAY SAFE AND ENJOY!!!! "Or when you stole my mother's necklace," said the waterb—Katara, and Zuko felt his chest freeze because dammit, he did, and he knows how hard it is to lose a mother, and still he did that purposefully and gladly—"and used it to track us down and capture us?". Iroh- I was never angry with you. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. This transcript was taken from the Avatar Wiki. 925k members in the TheLastAirbender community. Our white masks are made of cotton. But it was the fear in their eyes and their taut muscles that hit Zuko the hardest, hurting him so deeply in his chest that it hurt to breathe. He could hear the desperation, frustration and somber in their words. "Look," he said, voice strangled with a losing battle, "I admit I've done some awful things. The Avatar's glare hadn't returned since the bison licked him. Book 3 seemed to fly through the emotions and character stuff, so here's my attempt to slow 'em down. Offline. Not warning them. At least with Uncle, they might be more inclined to trust him. Why he was offering to help them now, while simultaneously threatening the integrity of Aang’s skull, baffled her. 2. But he's had enough of Uncle's help; he's had barrels full of help that he never accepted. Favorite Add to Zuko Sticker // Avatar the Last Airbender Sticker creatorscircle. 0.569 MB. No matter the altercation, the group found themselves reliving the same cursed day over and over again. Aang and Toph soon followed suit, dreaming up how Zuko would meet his end tomorrow. Zuko stated in that negative tone of voice of his. He never dreamed he'd find himself here, at their mercy, begging their forgiveness. Hello, Zuko Here! "Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko.". Katara had a lot of questions that night when Zuko left the temple, absolutely blasted on cactus juice and stumbling away into the darkness. Playermodel, NPC, ragdoll. T-Shirts Tags. "Get out of here," she growled, "and don't come back. Zuko Look around. I also was really curious at the idea of "what if Zuko *didn't* burn Toph's feet when she came to see him?" However, Sokka and Toph weren’t too bothered by the events unfolding in front of them. Part of him hated himself—did he need more reasons?—for not helping them. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link. Then it was soft and kind and sweet. We're Here for You. Where can I find other zuko designs? He probably needs a break too,” Aang said with a yawn. Especially considering he could have used three different types of bending instead of murdering someone with his bare hands. “Fuck him up!” Sokka cried. Click to Login. “Hello…Zuko here,” came a chorus of four voices; everyone's but Katara's. Avatar- Four Nations Tournament. How would that have changed things? Varrick. But a giant tongue licked him wetly from his ankle to his shoulder and Zuko let himself relax. Only suspicion deepened in the Water Tribe peasen—people. View size guide. Now.". He screwed his eyes shut, trying to remember what he rehearsed. Zuko T-Shirt. The gang prepares to attack. That’s the spirit!” She was furiously stomping, clapping her hands and making more of a ruckus than if she were earthbending an avalanche. as well as Notebook. An adorable frog with a dapper top hat and bow tie. Hello, Zuko Here! He could not go home. 100px 260px 360px 480px. Hands down greatest character development of all time! Then, almost forgetting, he turned to the Avatar and said, "Oh, and I can teach firebending. "Wait," snapped Sokka, and Zuko lifted his head, seeing furious faces. Wandteppiche. Returns are a bit of a theme here, as Zuko’s mother, Ursa, sets foo. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 1. “The answer is the same as the last ten times.”, “Would you guys at least just let me—ugh,” Zuko sighed. It wasn't like Aang to talk like that. General Kenobi, you're a bold one. “We don’t have to go through the same script every time, dumbass,” Toph said. He let out a short breath, feeling like the thread he was hanging on was getting thinner and thinner. ", He dropped his head, searching for words. lego_ninja. ", The look in her eyes now, it was so different from that day. tickle zuko . Tote. Kinder Hoodie. By: cosette141. Zuko AMV. “Well, yeah, but will you just hear me out? "Well, anyway, I've come to tell you that I've changed. $15 $20 Katara fixed an even more venomous glare toward him. Thats Rough Buddy — In case anyone forgot, Zuko loves Katara with his... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Something told Zuko that Uncle's been on their side this entire time, from day one. This is a slightly altered way of Zuko joining the group, and his struggle to both gain their trust and begin to feel he deserves it when he does. Hello, Zuko Here! Sokka and Toph groaned loudly when he held a loaded crossbow to Aang’s head. And he'd stood patiently at Zuko's side, waiting for him to realize something he should have known all along. Sign up to access this! May 3, 2020 @ 8:08pm. Whether you're having issues online or have questions about our products, we have an impeccable team of customer service associates who are always eager to help. Here's my second Avatar story! “I need a hell of a lot more than a break,” Sokka said. “There you go Twinkle Toes! start end . Zuko We'll just wait till everyone's fighting everyone. He once dreamed of getting lucky and finally catching them at a weak point. 3. Zuko gulped in between words, trying to find a more 'stable' tone, feeling rather uncomfortable that he was so all-over-the-place. Danny Nah, just the same old chicks! Notizblöcke. "You know I have good in me.". Zuko mumbles to self. shouted Sokka, fingers tightening around his weapon. Updated . High quality Hello inspired Postcards by independent artists and designers from around the world. Add to cart. Sokka’s grin suggested he needed no further explanation. Sratchman55. Hello Zuko Here by asners. I feel like there should have been a couple conversations about that, to help them see him as he is now. At least with Uncle, he could figure out what to say to the people he spent a year hunting down. Yona. We know, Mr. Zuko here,” Sokka said. Updated . We are now at peace and are trying to help the world recover. Well, she wasn’t expecting it, but apparently everyone else was. Embed. Subscribe. Warriors. Tragetaschen. The Mandalorian by piccolo135. "All you've ever done is hunt us down and try to capture Aang! Pillow. "Hello," he said, forcing a smile. Visit the Shire by mathiole. Maybe he can pass down to you the ways of tea and failure. AvatarSpirit.net is a fan service, created and maintained by fans of the Nickelodeon show "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and "The Legend of Korra". “Zuko here.” And he said it. 2 Change Notes Created by. Add to cart. I thought you would be furious with me. Reactions: Viperisoniichan, Flame and littlesparrowac. Images to GIF. “Or what?” Aang spat back. “I really thought going into the Avatar state and killing all of you guys would work. You can contact a customer service associate or our animatronic specialist, Dr. Zombie, today by starting a live chat, calling 1-866-586-0155 or emailing guestservices@SpiritHalloween.com. Hello, Zuko Here! 7,809 notes. "Hello, Zuko here. It’s good stuff. With a large sigh and a last look of resolve, he stood up and walked to the edge of the temple. Katara cocked her head. Looking at him without anger or hatred or even fear. I loved Book 3 because I loved seeing Zuko with the group, but I felt like the entire 3rd Book was a bit rushed, especially on the emotional side. He's the one who's been a real father to me. Iroh- But you found it again. Huh. “For the cactus juice,” Aang said. Oct 24, 2013 - 5 minute picture. Then … Share to Tumblr. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. “At least Zuko never showed up today. Chapter 4 Standard between March 15. Buy it now More payment options. "You need to get out of here. Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. Dante Basco x MM Mask (Honor Brush) $10 $20. save. 40 points 3 medals 1 rare. Chapter 2 He'd convinced Katara (not to mention himself) that he'd changed before, right before he joined Azula, and that led to Aang's death. Subscribed. Iroh [Grabs the flyer.] He didn’t look remotely concerned for his life. Summary: Katara wasn’t expecting this at all. Before any of them drew their weapons and fell into attack stances. But what he saw in the others—the original three—was identical. Ugh! Install this Skin quickly and easily with Quasar Mod Manager. What material is this item made of? Zuko- How can you forgive me so easily? Ill fight you if you think otherwise! S M L XL 2XL 3XL. I am Firelord Zuko, son of Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa, brother of Princess Azula, master firebender and swordsman. Still looking somewhere over his shoulder, nearly making Zuko want to turn to see what she was looking at, the earthbender said, "Appa does seem to like him…". But the—Sokka wasn't having it. Aug 15, 2016 @ 5:13pm. Smellerbee Hey. And it definitely wasn't like him to airbend Zuko so hard that his back smacked against one of the temple's pillars. Zuko: After I leave here today, I'm going to free Uncle Iroh from his prison, and I'm going to beg for his forgiveness. atla avatar avatar the last airbender meme zuko badgerfrog hello zuko here honestly that frog was a whole mood and then the AZULA IMPRESSION fire boy had me deceased. Hello Zuko GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. Bureaucracy by trheewood. This sticker is 2.5 x 2.4. eye see what i did there. It was rather unlike him. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Sort . Create Account . Stay logged in . He hadn’t even bothered to introduce himself or explain anything. "—But I set him free." And I am so happy you found your way here. "Well, that's not his name, but—", "Oh, sorry," said Sokka, words dripping with hateful sarcasm. And I've had to learn it on my own. Dante Basco x MM Mask (Hello Zuko Here!) level 2. “How many times do we need to repeat that?”. Uh yeah, I guess I should apologize for that, but anyway I'm good now. I thought I WASN'T going to say that— "I, uh," said Zuko to fill the tense silence, "I heard you guys flying around down there and thought I'd wait for you here…" But out of the corner of his eye, Zuko saw the giant flying bison walk toward him determinately, and Zuko turned. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. hello, zuko here--Bloodstorm-Mako VS Zuko. Hope you guys enjoy and I'd love to hear your thoughts! ", "And if we ever see you again…" Something almost dangerous passed through her eyes, chilling him to the core. Hello, Zuko here. "Hello, Zuko here." Size x Max FPS frames/second. Unsubscribe. Patronus_Vents, Rleona512, ungodlyinsanity, crashingwaters, SpectralFix, Sky2629, PhantomSnakeInNeedOfWarmth, LiteralAndFigurativePeacock, ADudeSomewhere, r1ght_as_ra1n, Toshi_hi, PlssSendHalp, GhostQueenLyna, Sirlightningpotato, Pugglecake, Rainy_day_wizard, greysscale, NightWhispers, PadawanAngel98, MaironsMaid, Weirdo970, SelenaSkyheart, Kaligraphy, Osiriarose619, merakiishere, reynaramen, dancernerd, lukesanxiety, Radwoman, Rijuwu, Camazotz0, Cloud4M_I, HowlTheMyrmidon, rameyebags, selenestarflower, SpookyGandalf, Galaxygirl15, Catnip787, balsa_margarita, LizAlvi, RNGPlayzYT, Lyra_S2_369, Moonpuddle, wii4life, tsumpoohbear, AsukaOne12, pollofritocontajadas, wacky_heart, LazyTM, andyp_space, and 371 more users I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. MARTY. They didn't see any of his transformation from the person they knew to the person he became; it makes sense why they reject him at first. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; fucked-up-kinda-love liked this . Just felt like uploading more Avaturr art. Avatar The Last Airbender. Zuko Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here. Classic T-Shirt, Unisex Ultra Cotton Tee DesignByDog. Hey Rizzo, Over Here. Dante Basco x MM Mask ( Blue Spirit) $10 $20. “Damn cactus juice…Damn Avatar…Damn hangover…”. High quality Rough gifts and merchandise. Katara wasn’t expecting this at all. Obi Wan jumps down to general grievous and delivers one of the most quoted star wars lines in the world. “Hello.” Don’t say it. The confusion in their eyes shifted in an instant. Ozai: [Laughs] That's just beautiful. 7,809 notes May 1st, 2020. Honestly, the "Hey, Zuko here" is hands down my favourite line of the whole series. Nine Companions by asners. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar). File Size . Follow. “Make it hurt!” He took a long swig from his flask and Katara stared at him in horror. Like he and she completely swapped positions from when they first met. We're not tourists, we're refugees. Hey, you wanna sit here? “I’m going crazy.”, “Me too,” Aang said. Jul 11, 2018 - Zuko: Vitalik Mei: Roksolana Ridel photo by me) Hotttttt Zuko and Mai He picked himself off the floor in silence. Zuko: (Cut to a close up of Zuko's face) Hello, (raises his arm up in greeting) Zuko here. "If it weren't for the Avatar and his friends, you'd have frozen to death!". Sending me away clearly isn’t working!” Zuko cried. left kudos on this work! “Come here.” Suki wrangled her daughters from their make-shift tent and walked them in front of Zuko. [Appa growls at him and licks him twice. Zuko had been completely out of the picture since Ba Sing Se and had since made no effort to hunt them down, let alone try to join them. "Hello StocksAndFinance random-stuff memes twitter vidyagaems StonksChannel Stocks 4chan cool-things aww dank-webms … Act II (Scene returns to a sideview shot of Zuko's confrontation with the Gaang back at the Western Air Temple. ", But the Water Tribe boy—Sokka, Zuko chastised himself—spoke before Zuko could explain himself. M4N0CR4ZY Online See all 3616 collections (some may be hidden) 13,626: Unique Visitors: 34,532: Current Subscribers: 615: Current Favorites: Subscribe to download Cookie monster. avatar t-shirts. Hello Zuko Here.Zuko Thats Rough Buddy.Zuko No, I've learned everything! "Who are you guys?" ”Hello, Zuko here”, those three words are the most awkward words you’ll ever hear. Chapter 5. Kids Hoodie. Hello, Zuko here Legendary line from a legendary soul. Manual Download. Share this resource. Don’t say it. Trust Appa to break the ice. It was one thing for Zuko to show up unannounced at the Western Air Temple, but an entirely different thing to respond the way Aang had. Zuko Hello. 3mo. cried the Avatar, whipping his staff into an attack stance beside the others. Something's working. etc. Pin. Jet Here… Jan. I’ ll see if I have room for it. If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us. Sauron Van Gogh by DAObiwan. DOIN’ HERE? Where ’ s all the guys? Well, I guess you've seen me. Not exactly surprising, since the last time we saw each other, I was attacking them. And, uh… I'm… good… now.". [Sips food and spits it out.] 74.536 MB. Hello, Zuko Here! "How stupid do you think we are? Something else Zuko had hoped Iroh could be here to help him with. Copy link to clipboard. Katara wasn’t entirely sure what he meant by that. It was Zuko's last card to play. They all had deep circles under their eyes, and Katara could have sworn one of Toph’s was twitching. Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there. 396 votes, 21 comments. Good things that are happening for you! Even Sokka looked a little confused, raising a brow at the pair. That changed all their faces, shifting them all into different levels of shock. In addition to zuko designs, you can explore the marketplace for avatar the last airbender, avatar, and aang designs sold by independent artists. Zuko squeezed his eyes shut, desperation fueling him. I'm not buying it. "There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done." Katara doesn’t apologize to Sokka for what she said about their mother, Zuko doesn’t apologize for anything he did to the Gaang, Song, or really anyone (closest we get is “Hello, Zuko here” lmao), Ty Lee and Mai don’t apologize for putting the Kyoshi warriors in jail, etc. Cuts to overhead shot of him, the camera zooming out, as the ice begins to splinter and cave in.