agents). This is Chaos Magic, Wanda. After gaining the power of the Infinity Stones, Gamora sealed the souls of the universe within the Soul Gem. Wanda Maximoff was kidnapped from Serbia and brought to Wundagore Mountain, base of the High Evolutionary. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Turning to mud under Dormammu's spell, Wanda is the last Avenger/Defender standing, with Dormammu unable to rob her of her mutant power like he robbed her allies of their abilities. After Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) went through Westview’s Hex barrier one too many times, her cells were rewritten and she finally got her powers. Whenever writers need someone to betray The Avengers, the duty has often fallen on The Scarlet Witch, mainly due to her villainous origins. In the comics, Monica's powers lead her to become the superheroine known as Photon, and eventually, Captain Marvel herself. Marvel: 10 Times Scarlet Witch Lost Control Of Her Powers. Therefore, the presence of hexagonal shapes in WandaVision may simply be a way to work this hex magic into the series while having it make sense. For years, she and her twin brother, Pietro, believed that they were the children of Romany couple, Django and Marya Maximoff. In that story, Wanda became possessed by an evil force for the first time, with Cthon essentially hijacking her body with his mystical essence, and capturing the Avengers. WandaVision is a series built on mystery. GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. His father eventually stopped supporting him and sold him into slavery with an Apache tribe at the age of 13 during 1851. However, in the series' latest episode, WandaVision may have finally explained its hexagons -- and it's not what anyone expected. When the twins are in their late teens, Wanda uses her power to save a child. Having heard reports of the twins, the mutant terrorist Magneto arrives and saves her. Best wireless gaming mouse - stay fast and loose with cable-free mice, Best external hard drive 2021 - some of your best storage options, Alienware gaming laptop guide: get one of the best in the business for less. In Marvel's Infinity Wars, Scarlet Witch and X-23 combined to create a new hero called Weapon Hex. In Avengers (vol. Let's dive into what Monica's powers are and what they could mean for the MCU! The chief took Jonah in as his own son, but his adopted brother No… They worked him constantly until one day, in 1853, when he saved their chieftain from a puma, and he was welcomed as a full-fledged member of the tribe. WandaVision has made the hexagon a major fan theory focus. Billy Kaplan was the eldest of three sons born to Reform Jews Jeff Kaplan, a cardiologist, and Rebecca Kaplan, a psychologist.Billy had trouble with bullies in school due to his sexuality and fanboyness. The High Evolutionary supposedly abducted the twins when they were babies, experimented on them, and after becoming disgusted with the results, he returned them to Wundagore, disguised as regu… Young Monica Rambeau dreamed about glowing like her mom’s best friend Carol in Captain Marvel.Now she can. But, as it turns out, the children are constructs tied to the demon Mephisto (sort of Marvel's answer to the Biblical devil), and eventually disappear, leaving Wanda bereft, and eventually resulting in Vision losing his emotions and trying to conquer the Earth. New episodes air Fridays on Disney+. The show focuses on Wanda Maximoff in the wake … Image: Marvel Studios What's more, the area around Westview that is under the effect of Wanda's powers, which is shaped hexagonally, is referred to as "the Hex.". Billions of years ago, shortly after the formation of the Earth, the Demiurge, the sentient life force of Earth's biosphere, seeded the young planet with its essence, creating a race of Elder Gods, the foremost of which were Chthon, and his siblings Set, Gaea, and Oshtur. Please refresh the page and try again. Share Share Tweet Email. Monica Rambeau's New Superpowers: Visions & Energy Explained In WandaVision episode 7, Monica Rambeau is able to pass through the Hex and see forms of energy in Westview, gaining her powers from Marvel Comics. WandaVision Episode 6 has revealed just how the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe could soon be rebooted, due to the events of the show. The seventh episode of Disney+'s Marvel show WandaVision revealed a very, very important superpowered character: Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn), neighborhood witch. If all that is leading to the place comic books led, it could mean that Wanda will ultimately be able to fully, truly resurrect Vision. As a result, Wanda's mind shatters, and she uses her now nigh-omnipotent abilities to rewrite reality to a place where mutants are the dominant people on Earth, the House of M reality. 0. But it also points to the larger theory of someone or something pulling Wanda's strings. Even Doctor Strange is impressed with Wanda's abilities to resist Dormammu's magic and overcome his power over the Dark Dimension. He's been in love with comics for a very long time, and believes there is some good to be found even in the industry's more difficult times. Opposite to Order Magic. Age of Ultron essentially described Wanda's Infinity Stone-granted abilities as "telekinesis and telepathy" – reading minds, and psychically moving objects. Form of Magic. The Hex is one of the main elements of WandaVision, the first MCU series to launch on Disney+. With Agatha pushing her, Wanda harnesses the full potential of her magical ability, not only returning the undead Avengers to the grave, but fully resurrecting Wonder Man into his original physical form – actually bridging the gap between life and death for the first time. The Hex name used in WandaVision is an Easter egg to Scarlet Witch’s original powers in Marvel Comics. Wanda Maximoff may have had her heel turns, but she usually stands alongside some of the best female superheroes of all time. This knowledge led some audiences to believe that Wanda's Hex might bring mutants into the Marvel Cinematic Universe fold, but we wouldn't know for certain until Rambeau developed powers. He is a Feature, Comic Breakouts and News writer. Article continues below advertisement On 'WandaVision,' Monica's powers come from the Hex itself. Or Grim Reaper, whose helmet was an episode 2 Easter egg? All of that seems like a huge jump from Wanda's early Avengers: Age of Ultron days of moving stuff with her mind and creating illusions, powers that had already grown somewhat onscreen. Ever since the Disney+ series' first episode, viewers have been analyzing potential clues in every scene in order to try and figure out what, exactly, is happening in the sitcom reality of Westview. The Elder Gods proliferated across the pla… And making it through the wall of the hex clearly changed her in other ways. In fact, one of the series' bigger mysteries has been its curious use of hexagons. A one-stop shop for all things video games. 10 Her Hex Powers Can Give Enemies Bad Luck. (You may notice Wanda is referred to as "Wanda Frank" in the captions. RELATED: WandaVision Flashes Back To Infinity War's Most Tragic (& Futile) Moment. Wanda also received steady upgrades to what her "hexes" could do over the years, with more and more Avengers creators leaning into her consistent creep toward being one of the team's powerhouses. Zack Snyder's Justice League Turns the DCEU's Worst Villain Into Its BEST Hero, WandaVision May Have FINALLY Explained Its Hexagons, WandaVision Flashes Back To Infinity War's Most Tragic (& Futile) Moment, WandaVision Actors Celebrate Their New Character Emojis, WandaVision: What Happened To Darcy Lewis After Thor: The Dark World, Starz's The Gloaming Is a Moody Police Procedural Haunted by the Supernatural, Star Wars: Mena Massoud Fuels Ezra Bridger Speculation by Quoting... 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Raised by his alcoholic father Woodson Hex, Jonah was a regular victim of physical abuse as a child. After last week's "We Interrupt This Broadcast," Wandavision's newest episode hops between Wanda and Vision's sitcom reality and the real world just outside of Westview, which is being monitored by S.W.O.R.D. figures collector, and he's rapidly running out of shelf space. In the latest episode of WandaVision, "On a Very Special Episode...," the Marvel series appears to explain its curious use of hexagons. It is revealed later on that her hex powers actually affect probability and that she can manipulate the outcomes of various events. Recently speaking to, Parris said she’d known what was coming since her first Marvel meeting. But the evolution of Wanda's powers, and how it all ties back to that "hex" term, seems to come straight from comic books, like many of WandaVision's finer points. By Renaldo Matadeen Published Jun 26, 2019. With CBR, he has been able to write about his favorite subjects, from the MCU to Doctor Who. In her earliest days first fighting the X-Men as part of Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and then joining the Avengers alongside her brother Quicksilver and their fellow reformed villain Hawkeye, Wanda Maximoff's powers fairly hard to pin down. On her return, Wanda cast one final spell, robbing many of Earth's mutants of their powers, including, seemingly her, and disappearing. In Avengers #186, Wanda takes a trip to the mystical Mount Wundagore, a magical location with deep ties to her past. Share Share Tweet Email. Another one of Scarlet Witch's hex abilities gives her enemies bad luck. Then, in Avengers #17, her first adventure with the team, she shows some greater control over her abilities, using them specifically to "slow" a giant robot that is grasping Captain America by making it stumble. When referring to the sitcom reality at the heart of Westview, Darcy Lewis refers to it as "the Hex," given its hexagonal shape. This was no accident, considering that hexagons also appeared at the end of Wanda and Vision's sitcom episodes as the shape that centered around them to frame the happy couple. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. Yet, … The ClanDestine (also known simply as ClanDestine) is an appellation used to refer to the Destines, a fictional secret family of long-lived superhuman beings appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.They were created in 1994 by British writer/artist Alan Davis, and appear in various comic book series published by Marvel Comics. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Countless theories were born as a result to explain the presence of these hexagons on the series, ranging from the resurgence of Iron Man 3 villains A.I.M. Of course, it's always possible that there could be a bigger meaning behind the hexagons, but sometimes, the simplest explanation is the one that makes the most sense. Even in that film, she's shown altering people's perceptions, giving Thor and Tony Stark bizarre visions and subverting the Hulk to her control, similar to what she's ultimately doing to all the people in Westview. Inside Warp World, X-23 and Scarlet Witchwere merged together into Weapon Hex. That makes you the Scarlet Witch.Agatha Harkness (Marvel Cinematic Universe) The power to utilize chaos-related magic. This superpower is exactly like Domino's, who is a mutant well-known for her luck. KEEP READING: WandaVision: What Happened To Darcy Lewis After Thor: The Dark World. As Wanda's time with the Avengers rolled on, the scope of her abilities began to expand, with the "hex" power now described as "probability alteration," a form of subtly altering reality within her immediate vicinity to cause unlikely, almost impossible occurrences that turn the odds of a given situation in her favor in unexpected ways. Newsarama staff writer who learned to read from comic books and hasn’t shut up about them since. Through years of practice, Wanda was able to use Chaos Magic to enhance her innate Hex powers. Wanda and Pietro's parentage has been the subject of many retcons and rewrites over the years, and they didn't always use the surname Maximoff). Wanda's magical prowess then becomes a key part of her adventures with the Avengers, with her abilities and her access to new spells and aspects of the magic of the Marvel Universe always growing to fit new stories – but almost always then culminating in Wanda falling prey to the manipulation of magical villains and entities. In Marvel Comics, Wanda Maximoff's reality-altering powers are referred to as "Hex Powers"; the … This course of action accidentally resulted in the creation of Warp World, a pocket dimension where history was rewritten and adapted to the fused beings. A few years later, in the story 'Avengers: Disassembled,' under the influence of the megalomaniacal Doctor Doom, who (once again) seeks to use Wanda's power for his own ends, subverts Wanda into destroying the Avengers, apparently killing Vision, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, and others in the process. It's revealed that Cthon, a god of chaos from Marvel lore, sensed Wanda's connection to chaos and random chance on her birth, and imbued her with a portion of his power – making her a font of "chaos magic" (a Marvel Comics term unrelated to the modern occult practice) and a "nexus" of magic in Marvel's multiverse. There was a problem. Under the influence of the evil wizard Modred, the son of Morgan le Fay (another magical Avengers villain who manipulated Wanda's powers over the years), Wanda discovers that her powers go far beyond what she's always believed about her mutant probability alteration abilities. Or perhaps something even more sinister, with ties to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe? In order to incapacitate its inhabitants, she additionally folded the universe in half, merging every soul with another. In Avengers #161, she manages to defeat Ultron, whose computer mind can't cope with the probability altering nature of Wanda's powers, leading to multiple instances of Ultron specifically attempting to defeat Wanda before fighting the rest of the team, and her proving to be his undoing. Mutantkind later recovered (it's comics, after all), and so did the dead Avengers, and, more or less, Wanda – though she's never really been the same, both in terms of her personality and her relationship with her fellow teammates. And, what's more, examining how the comic book Wanda Maximoff got from "hexing" or cursing her enemies with bad luck to totally rewriting reality may shed some crucial clues on the mystery at the heart of the show. Wanda's early "hex" powers reached their zenith in Avengers #118, when Dormammu (arch-enemy of Doctor Strange) and Loki (arch-enemy of Thor) … Since the exact origins of the Hex and who is exercising active control at any given time are a bit ambiguous, what can be directly observed of her powers include the ability to conjure solid objects, to exert telekinetic force with fine-to-delicate manipulation over objects and people in her surroundings, considerable mind control over people that fall into her sphere of influence, and apparently some strange narrative power over the "sitcom" framework … By Kevin Erdmann Published Feb 19, 2021 In the episode, Wanda is revealed not only to have totally remade the environment of Westview, it's not an illusion - she's actually physically remaking the world around her, right down to people's clothing, and of course their perceptions of reality and their own identities. The shape was used to frame Wanda and Vision at the end of their episodes, and the warped reality of the town of Westview is also contained in a hexagonal shape. Wanda's early "hex" powers reached their zenith in Avengers #118, when Dormammu (arch-enemy of Doctor Strange) and Loki (arch-enemy of Thor) come into conflict over a bizarre artifact called the Evil Eye, leading to the Avengers and Defenders teaming up in the unfettered magical realm of Dormammu's Dark Dimension. With Wanda's early uses of her powers – later manifested with magical energy through so-called "hex bolts" and "hex spheres" – her intent seems to come through when she strikes out, though the results of how her "hex" powers manifest seem to be almost at random, based on the environment and timing. (In this case, that's both figurative and literal - original MCU Quicksilver Aaron Taylor-Johnson is apparently replaced by Fox's X-Men franchise Quicksilver Evan Peters in a clever nod that is also acknowledged somewhat by the S.W.O.R.D. Finally, Darcy and the rest of the camp's residents have only passed through the barrier once so far, on their way in. NY 10036. Get the best comic news, insights, opinions, analysis and more! Once while sitting in front of Avengers Mansion, he briefly met the Scarlet Witch, his favorite Avenger. And it's this move that seems to push Wanda past altering the probabilities around her and casting spells, to full-on rewriting and remaking reality. In X-Men #4, Wanda's first appearance, Pietro says whoever Wanda "points her finger at" will suffer "disaster." From what we know about it, it was created by Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) to establish a safe zone of artificial … to the Devil of the Marvel Universe himself, Mephisto. As it turns out, the agency's monitoring of Westview revealed that the sitcom reality was contained inside a perfect hexagonal shape. WandaVision Finally Name-Drops Wanda's Comic Book Hex Powers in the MCU Everything Coming to Hulu in April 2021 DuckTales Executive Producer Reveals How X-Men Inspired Series Written by Jac Schaeffer and directed by Matt Shakman, WandaVision stars Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Paul Bettany as Vision, Randall Park as Agent Jimmy Woo, Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis, Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau and Kathryn Hahn as Agnes. The Hex is an anomaly in WandaVision. Comment. It isn't quantifiable but it does play a role in giving Wanda the advantage. and its many agents. In the Disney+ series, the name refers to the field of energy that surrounds the small town of Westview, New Jersey, but it's also a hint at something more … His favorite Avenger is Captain America, and that was long before the character starred in a very successful film franchise. After teasing for much of the season, Episode 7 of WandaVision finally saw the first glimpse of Monica Rambeau gaining powers. She reached the peak of her potential with magic … Then, in the episode's climax, the bombshell drops - Wanda has seemingly resurrected her dead brother Pietro, albeit "recast.". This leads to locals accusing her of witchcraft and attempting to burn her alive at a stake. As she desperately lashes out, she causes the Evil Eye to activate, defeating both Dormammu and Loki with its terrible power in a flash. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to go into detail about the nature of the Scarlet Witch's abilities, in the comics, her powers are known as "hex magic.". Ian Cardona has written for CBR since 2017. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to go into detail about the nature of the Scarlet Witch 's abilities, in the comics, her powers are known as "hex magic." You can follow him on Twitter at @ian_c1701 (yes, that is a Star Trek reference) for discussions, debates or pictures of really cool collectibles he probably doesn't have room for. New York, The Scarlet Witch's powers don't affect her twins; while this is implied to be because of their own powers, it could also be that there are people who are more and less resistant to those powers. When Jimmy Woo first began to address the mysteries of Wanda's reality, he wrote down several questions, one of which was why was the town trapped in a hexagonal shape. She gave him some words of encouragement and told him that he \"could take care of himself\". In Avengers #11, under Agatha Harkness's guidance, Wanda uses her Chthonic magic to understand her connection to Wonder Man, who she realizes she is deeply in love with. 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Therefore, the presence of hexagonal shapes in WandaVision may simply be a way to work this hex magic into the series while having it make sense. Weapon Hex: How Marvel Mashed Up X-23 and Scarlet Witch. You will receive a verification email shortly. RELATED: WandaVision Actors Celebrate Their New Character Emojis, But now, "On a Very Special Episode..." explains the use of the series' hexagons. 0. In one of the biggest blows to Wanda's psyche, she magically manifests a pair of twin boys, William and Thomas, as her children with her then-husband Vision (this should all be somewhat familiar to WandaVision fans – we go more in-depth on the comic book nature of William and Thomas right here). WandaVision episode 5 even revealed that she's actually remaking the clothing her Westview victims wear, remaking them into new forms that fit her narrative. Could it be Agatha Harkness, who rumor holds will be revealed as the true identity of nosey neighbor Agnes? In the worlds of both comics and cinema, Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch is a premier Avenger. © Variation of Chaos Manipulation. By Devin Meenan Published 2 days ago. WANDAVISION is peppering hints throughout its episodes about what is coming and the latest points towards X-Men's mutants being created by Wanda and her expanding hex powers. Eighteen years prior in this world, the twenty-seco… Billy took her advice and stood up to his b… While Wanda's Hex Bolts have always been formidable in a fight, they haven't always been useful in every situation, originally being tied more to bad luck than anything else. And of course, there's the elephant (or two) in the room – Vision's apparently reanimated body existing as the live Vision in her remade reality, and Wanda's "recasting" of Pietro, apparently resurrecting him from the dead. WandaVision episode five is now live on Disney Plus, and in addition to bringing in a comic book character with a tragic history, the episode seems to dramatically increase Wanda's power levels, and confirm her ability to warp the very nature of reality around her. Following her encounters with Dormammu and Cthon, Wanda comes under the magical tutelage of the witch Agatha Harkness, an expert in Chthonic chaos magic, who teaches Wanda to harness and control her connection to Marvel's magical forces. In WandaVision, some of this is already playing out. This is illustrated through scenes of Wanda causing rubble to fall on Angel of the X-Men in X-Men #4 by lashing out to protect Pietro. In the late '90s, Wanda's connection to Chthonic magic strengthened once again. But the evolution of Wanda's powers, and how it all ties back to that "hex" term, seems to come straight from comic books, like many of WandaVision's finer points. When originally created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, “hex powers” were the only abilities Scarlet Witch was established to have and even then the definition was not altogether clear. And, as previously discussed, the number six carries a lot of significance when it comes to the mythos of the Scarlet Witch, her hex powers, and the devil who may be waiting just around the corner. Learn more, Wanda's powers get an upgrade in the latest episode of WandaVision that comes straight from comic books. At this point, it … Thank you for signing up to Newsarama. Wanda's "hex power" becomes focused enough that she can instantly cause bad luck for enemies. 3) #10, the Grim Reaper (brother of Wanda's teammate Wonder Man, whose mind formed the basis of Vision's original personality), uses necromancy to resurrect dead Avengers to fight the team – including Wonder Man, who had appeared to Wanda in an energy form since his death. Though Cthon was defeated, and Wanda freed, this incident became a dark harbinger of what Wanda would eventually learn as the cost of her great power – that she'll always be a target for manipulation by outside forces looking to harness the magical energy within her. And, given that Wanda will play a role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it's possible to theorize that her powers will evolve in a way that resembles her comic book history, perhaps even adding actual magic to the mix (Wanda was even once a candidate for Sorcerer Supreme in comic books).