Horses were moving around on the ledge above, their hooves clicking against the rocks. 2, The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. Today, "hooves" is more common, but that hasn't always been the case. hoofs. : She heard the sound of hoof beats behind her and saw four men dressed in black. There is no restriction regarding the use of a certain plural form for "hoof" according to the context of your communication. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. The noun hoof adheres to the standard rules for forming the … How to use hoof in a sentence. That said, “hoof” and “roof” totally do have the same origin, as do most English words that do the f-to-v thing. 2. (foot of horse, etc.) Out of curiosity though, would you list the plural of “proof” (like in … Language gets simpler over time. Again though, differing adaptation and other factors can come into play. Out of curiosity though, would you list the plural of “proof” (like in … You can use either dwarfs or dwarves, but unlike hooves and scarves, dwarfs is still typically formed by adding S. So we can’t say there’s something special about nouns that end in F keeping their irregular plural because we’d have dwarfs to prove us wrong. Let us go over what a computer mouse is, the plural form, the history and origin of the word, synonyms, and examples of the word used in a sentence. (John Fusco) Hooves have also been used in the manufacture of high-end glues. Plural noun is a noun which is used to indicate more than one place, person, thing, animal, or idea. See hooves in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. All Free. Some English words have two acceptable plurals. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Do you disagree with something on this page. English is used to represent the languages. The plural of hof is hofas, which when pronounced, would have sounded like hooves. Artiodactyls are even-toed ungulates, meaning that these species have an even number of digits on each foot. The plural form of hoof is hoofs or hooves . cattle on the hoof That’s the common way change happens: from irregular to regular. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. : After another few minutes' silence, they heard distinct sounds of hoof beats. noun, plural hoofs or hooves [hoovz, hoovz] for 1, 2, 4; hoof for 3. the horny covering protecting the ends of the digits or encasing the foot in certain animals, as the ox and horse. Identify the plural noun: (Select all that apply) The campers told stories around the campfire. Advertisement Hooves Sentence Examples. ‘The spectacle of government policy being manufactured on the hoof left an indelible stain.’ ‘One Scottish advertising director, who did not wish to be named, said: ‘It really has been devised on the hoof.’’ ‘So rather than doing it on the hoof, as it were, perhaps your Lordships would be minded to adopt our suggestion.’ And then she heard the drum of hooves behind her. plural of hoof. Hooves have also been used in the manufacture of high-end glues. 1. Use a hoof pick to dislodge stones and dirt from your horse's feet. And then she heard the drum of hooves behind her. noun. Use of the dwarves spelling has risen since Tolkien’s time, but it hasn’t overtaken dwarfs the way hooves and scarves overtook hoofs and scarfs. Example sentences [-] Hide examples. (caballo) casco nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Information and translations of hoof in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Here's a fun piece of trivia about dwarves. A hoof (/ ˈhuːf / or / ˈhʊf /), plural hooves (/ ˈhuːvz / or / ˈhʊvz /) or hoofs / ˈhʊfs /, is the tip of a toe of an ungulate mammal, strengthened by a thick and horny keratin covering. You would have heard the marching feet of soldiers then, and the rumble of hooves and the creak of the wheels of wains. The hoof plane is an ideal working tool for any blacksmith and is extremely suitable for working hoofs and horseshoes with nails. Why Is the Plural of Aircraft Aircraft? noun. So hoofs is a regular plural and hooves is an irregular plural. hoofies. Tolkien further explains in Lord of the Rings, Part III (Return of the King), that he chose the dwarves spelling to distance his dwarves of long ago from the sillier dwarfs of modern stories. The horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal, especially a horse. Menu. Again though, differing adaptation and other factors can come into play. Pick the correct form of the following sentence: (Select all that apply) It was a lot like the song Catching the Sun on page 45. One sandwich, a picnic basket full of sandwiches. That said, “hoof” and “roof” totally do have the same origin, as do most English words that do the f-to-v thing. Tolkien highlights: “This is a story of long ago. Its singular form is hoof, which means the hardened feet of certain animals. Hoofs used to be more common, but now hooves is winning. Definition of hoof written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. More example sentences. More exactly, both "hooves" and "hoofs" are correct and have the same meaning and use: the plural of "hoof". Scarf is the same way: scarfs used to be more common, but now you’re more likely to see the plural spelled scarves, with that -ves plural again. Not all nouns follow simple rules when transitioning from single to plural form. Hooves has become the much preferred plural form of hoof over the last century. The cattle cost $1.20 a pound on the hoof. informal, of people: while doing something else. So when you’re out looking for reindeer, wrap yourselves in warm scarves and listen for the sound of clattering hooves. It's a rare example of a word that has gone the other way—from being regular to being irregular. When do we use "hooves"? Dictionary ... Plural form of hoof. Hoofs is the older, traditional plural form hoof.