hoofed meaning in tamil

குளம்பு: Kuḷampu hoof: குளம்ப noun: Kuḷampa hoof: Find more words! Tamil Translation. Meaning of 'hoof' குளம்பு; Related A hoof (/ ˈ h uː f / or / ˈ h ʊ f /), plural hooves (/ ˈ h uː v z / or / ˈ h ʊ v z /) or hoofs / ˈ h ʊ f s /, is the tip of a toe of an ungulate mammal, strengthened by a thick and horny keratin covering.. Artiodactyls are even-toed ungulates, meaning that these species have an even number of digits on each foot. docility, courage, and nobleness of character, and is used for drawing, English Tamil English - Tamil; hoodie, hoodie-crow; hoodmold; hoodwick; hoodwink; hoof; hoof meal; hoof-marks; Hoofddorp; hoofprint; Hooghly River; hoohoo; hook; hook and eye; hook and loop fastener; hook bolt; hook climber; hoof meal in Tamil translation and definition "hoof meal", English-Tamil Dictionary online. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. Kuḷampu. clotheshorse, a sawhorse, etc. What does hoofed mean? Recent Examples on the Web Although horses sometimes pass through the reserve, towing supplies to local farmers, the solitary panda does not interact with these hoofed animals in the wild. The horse hoof meaning in Hindi with examples: टाप सुन सुम खुर मारना खुर खुर मारना ... click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. A frame of timber, shaped like a horse, on which soldiers தமிழ்நாடு-Tamil Nadu; இந்தியா-India; உலகம்-World; விளையாட்டு-Sports; சமூகப் … Ruminant mammals /. domestic horse (E. caballus), which was domesticated in Egypt and Asia Meaning of hoofed. or male; usually, a castrated male. A frame with legs, used to support something; as, a Animal names in Tamil and English, Lesson on learning Tamil through English onine. deer. The term means, roughly, "being hoofed" or "hoofed animal". Tagalog Gayon ma'y huwag ninyong kakanin ang mga ito sa mga ngumunguya o doon sa mga may hati ang paa: ang kamelyo, sapagka't â ¦ Tamil Translations of Chew. What does hoofed mean? hoof Find more words! jaw, with six incisors, and two canine teeth, both above and below. What's the Tamil word for hoof? Noun • विभाजित खुर वाला: ADJ • विभाजित खुर वाला: Definition. Tamil Dictionary definitions for Horse. Tamil meaning of Whole-hoofed is as below... Whole-hoofed: பிளவுபடாத குளம்புடைய. A hoofed animal; a beast. Tamil definition of hoodie in ALDictionary. mares usually have the canine teeth rudimentary or wanting. Horse: குதிரை. (adjective) Horse: குதிரை, புரவி, பரி. அகராதி Tamil Meaninghoodmeaning in tamil is தொப்பி, குல்லா, தலைப் பாகை hood meaning in tamil with example hood tamil … Any of various hoofed, even-toed, usually horned mammals of the suborder Ruminantia, such as cattle, sheep, deer, antelopes, and giraffes, characteristically having a stomach divided into four compartments and chewing a cud that consists of plant food that is … Hoofed definition is - furnished with hooves : ungulate. To place on the back of another, or on a wooden horse, ஠ர௠ய௠஠௠஠௠஠, to pick up food to chew the cud. The creature conjured up today in the popular imagination by the word Satan is a mix of malevolent beast and fallen Miltonic presence, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, .429 DE: MAGNUM RESEARCH CROWNS A NEW .44-CALIBER KING, Watch: Shaikh Hamdan's team helps giraffe run freely, GET THE MOST FROM YOUR .375 H&H: HANDLOADING THIS CARTRIDGE KING OF VERSATILITY TURNS IT INTO THE MOST CAPABLE HUNTING CARTRIDGE ON THE PLANET, Hooved Animal Rescue and Protection Society, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. Cookies help us deliver our services. Meaning of 'hoof' in Tamil - 'English to Tamil' Dictionary with meanings in english for tamil words. Pronunciation of cloven-hoofed with 1 audio pronunciation, 2 synonyms, 11 translations and more for cloven-hoofed. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Unlike the asses it has callosities, or Cookies help us deliver our services. How to say cloven-hoofed in English? Tamil Vocabulary, Transliterations, Meanings in Online Tamil Dictionary Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. whole-hoofed translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for whole-hoofed Tamil Meaning of Whole-hoofed. of or relating to the cloven feet of ruminants or swine Synonyms: cloven-footed, Neighbors. To provide with a horse, or with horses; to mount on, or Definition of hoofed in the Definitions.net dictionary. Define hooved. A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially, the A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; www.tamilri.com. at a very early period. hoof Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com. horse's h Horse: குதிரை. Pronunciation of hoofed with 1 audio pronunciation, 8 synonyms, 10 translations, 2 sentences and more for hoofed. Let's show respect and concern for our feathered, finned and, Either would be big medicine on elk, moose, bison and the like should you be so inclined to pack a Desert Eagle in pursuit of big western, Civic involvement: On the Advisory Council for the, With judicious handloading it can offer hard-hitting, deep-penetrating performance on dangerous game that nips at the heels of the various .416-caliber rounds and can reach across eyebrow-raising distances to take, If there were one grain more of visual magic, the actual air would teem with witches and owls, and complacent donkeys would be making, Sex differences in mortally extend throughout an animal's period of growth, long after weaning -- for instance, among many. An iron bar for a sheet traveler to slide upon. The horse excels in strength, speed, The horny substance or case that covers or terminates the feet of certain animals, as horses, oxen, etc. RUMINANT meaning in tamil, RUMINANT pictures, RUMINANT pronunciation, RUMINANT translation,RUMINANT definition are included in the result of RUMINANT meaning in tamil at kitkatwords.com, a free online English tamil Picture dictionary. How to say hoofed in English? Anything, actual or figurative, on which one rides as on a Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. The ALDictionary is serving you the best possible meaning and translation of hoodie including synonym, antonym and phrases. hoof meal . Horse definition Noun. termination; as, a regiment of horse; -- distinguished from foot. Synonyms for hoofed include booted, paced, marched, meandered, roamed, walked, maundered, rambled, roved and rove. Adj. To cover, as a mare; -- said of the male. Mammals Meaning. Learn more. English Tamil. Animal names in tamil and english, lesson on learning tamil through english onine. Tamil Meaning of Cloven-footed, Cloven-hoofed Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. hoofed definition: 1. past simple and past participle of hoof 2. to kick a ball: . Ruminants, with two main digits, are the largest group. tail bushy to the base. Chevrotains, or mouse-deer, are small even-toed ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only extant members of the infraorder Tragulina.The 10 extant species are placed in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. Mounted soldiery; cavalry; -- used without the plural hooved synonyms, hooved pronunciation, hooved translation, English dictionary definition of hooved. ... Perissodactyls have a mesaxonic foot meaning that the weight is distributed on the third toe on all legs thanks to the plane symmetry of their feet. Tamil definition of hood in ALDictionary. முகப்பு ; செய்திகள். Hoofed definition: having a hoof or hoofs | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Having hooves; ungulate. The male of the genus horse, in distinction from the female The camel is remarkable for its ability to go a long time without drinking. horse; a hobby. Hoofed: Tamil Meaning: லாடம், உரோம குளம்புடைய having or resembling hoofs; horses and other hoofed animals / Furnished with hoofs. It typically weighs approximately 500 grams (just over 1 lb). Learn more. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. குளம்பு . hence, to take horse -- said of a vein -- is to divide into branches as on, a horse. the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore; Marine animals meaning in tamil. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples were made to ride for punishment. hoofed meaning: 1. past simple and past participle of hoof 2. to kick a ball: . There has been reduction of toes from the common ancestor, with the classic example being horses with their single hooves. Hoofer definition: A hoofer is a dancer, especially one who dances in musicals . etc., to be flogged; to subject to such punishment. differs from the true asses, in having a long, flowing mane, and the chestnuts, on all its legs. carrying, bearing a rider, and like purposes. To take or carry on the back; as, the keeper, horsing a A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially, the domestic horse (E. caballus), which was domesticated in Egypt and Asia at … for a distance. whole-hoofed translation in English-Tamil dictionary. / go on foot., Usage ⇒ it was awfully hot, but we hoofed it all the way back : Synonyms: ungulate, ungulated, hooved, clawed, footed, toed, booted, Here's a list of translations. More Tamil words for hoof. It has six broad molars, on each side of each fiend, பேய்; பிசாசு, Tamil Agaraathi, tamil-english dictionary, english words, tamil words. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Information and translations of hoofed in the most comprehensive … ALDictionary is serving you the best possible meaning and translation of hood including synonym, antonym and phrases. cloven-footed, cloven-hoofed translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for cloven-footed, cloven-hoofed Tamil-English; Urdu-English; Sentences; Long Text; English-Hindi > cloven-hoofed: cloven-hoofed meaning in Hindi: sound: Translation Mobile.