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"Morbius" • "Muldwych" • "Relic"The Curator • "Fugitive" • Timeless Child Taking a trip on another Concorde plane, they, along with the crew, were transported to 140,000,000 BC. Fielding seemed to agree with this assessment on the commentary for Earthshock. The Doctor and Erimem escaped, but Erimem was still dying from her poison. He didn't want to do the assassination but was later accused of it. These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. (AUDIO: The Waters of Amsterdam), While Tegan and Nyssa relaxed in Amsterdam, (AUDIO: The Elite) the Doctor was called upon by the Time Lords to answer a telepathic message sent by "the Doctor" in the Sector of Forgotten Souls. (COMIC: Funhouse), During his seventh incarnation, the mental manifestation of the Fifth Doctor was locked away by the others so that the Doctor could do what he believed he had to do in order to stop the powerful Timewyrm, but when Ace found herself trapped in the Doctor's mind when the Doctor's plan to destroy the Timewyrm by crushing it in his head would have killed her as well, she found and released the trapped Fifth Doctor, restoring the Doctor's conscience and inspiring the Seventh Doctor to find another way. Kamelion had fallen under the Master's control again and was fronting for him as the god Logar. (PROSE: Sontar's Little Helpers), The Doctor received news that the Master had died and, alongside Tegan and Turlough, attended his funeral in an Earth nursing home where he had spent his final days. However, he materialised in daylight, which destroyed the vampire and returned Tegan to normal. (COMIC: Time & Time Again) The Doctor's costume was stolen and used as a disguise during a murder, which led to the Doctor being framed by Lady Cranleigh for the crime. (TV: The Caves of Androzani), After his regeneration, the fifth incarnation became the mental personification of the Doctor's conscience. (TV: Castrovalva), After his clothes were ruined in the waters of Sea Base 4, (TV: Warriors of the Deep) the Doctor changed to a French grey coat with a longer collar and a jumper with a pattern of thick red and black lines on the bottom, the V-neck and sleeves. (TV: Snakedance), After experiencing a strange dream, the Doctor found that the TARDIS had materialised on a space station orbiting the planet Dymok, which he soon learned had been created by the Celestial Toymaker to help him find a replacement host for him, now that Rallon was dying. Prometheus Labs Inc. | (TV: The Name of the Doctor), After saving Gallifrey from the Moment at the conclusion of the Last Great Time War, the Eleventh Doctor dreamed of himself standing with all his past incarnations , including the Fifth Doctor, as he thought about his search for Gallifrey. The Doctor told Findecker that his experiments would never work as intended. While fixing Turlough's sabotage, the Doctor encountered the White Guardian and was ordered to visit an Edwardian yacht-like spaceship piloted by Eternals in a race for Enlightenment. (AUDIO: The Chaos Pool), Info from Blood and Hope, Graham Dilley Saves the World, The Axis of Insanity, The Roof of the World, Three's a Crowd, & The Coming of the Queen, needs to be added, On a trip to Egypt in 1400 BC with Peri, the Doctor helped save the young pharaoh Erimem from rebels and a conspiracy. However, under an agreement with the Foundation, SCP-040 is allowed to keep three instances as a form of company (and to an extant, as pets): Notable SCP Heroes However, the Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Kamelion managed to access the secondary control room, and expel the Phoenix into the Time Vortex. With the crisis over, the Fifth Doctor went off to have his dinner. After being severely injured from falling off the Pharos Project Radio Telescope, the Fourth Doctor merged with the Watcher and regenerated into his fifth incarnation. Amy then turned it back into a crystal and placed it into her satchel. SCP-040 property involves the manipulation of matter of living organisms, which she can use to create new, unique organisms (dubbed SCP-040-1 by the Foundation). He eventually chose to reject her offer, with Leela helping the Doctor recognise that taking such a stance would turn himself and his people into tyrants enforcing their will on other civilisations. (AUDIO: Psychodrome) At a later date, Tegan described him as "the most annoying man that [she had] ever met". Every sound hurts!” ― A Handyman The Handyman is a half-man, half-machine Heavy Hitter enemy type created in Columbia that appears in BioShock Infinite as one of the recurring foes Booker DeWitt faces on his journey. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors), Info from Qualia, The Oxaqua Incident, Winter on Mesique, Class 4 Renegade, The Nemertines, The Lunar Strangers, Birth of a Renegade, & Deep Blue needs to be added, The Doctor, Tegan and Turlough landed on moon of Verbatim Six, where a set of Novelisors latched onto them. By the 21st century he had apparently died and was able to communicate with Leanne. After the Tenth Doctor saved the universe from being sucked into the resulting black hole by creating a supernova at the same time as the black hole imploded, which he had remembered to do from the Fifth Doctor watching him do it, the two Doctors bonded over their shared traits, before the TARDISes separated and the Fifth Doctor was returned to his own timestream. (COMIC: Sin-Eaters), When the Tenth Doctor was confronted by Es'Cartrss within the TARDIS' Matrix, he summoned the Fifth Doctor, among his other past incarnations, to use their united memories and willpower to take back control of the Matrix. The Doctor was forced to take Gus away from the island. Creator SCP, SCP-040-1a SCP-040-1c SCP-040-1j Dr. Habernathey Dr. Logan Dr. Izawa Dr. Kain Pathos CrowSCP-239 (possibly)SCP-191 (possibly)SCP-134 (possibly)SCP-105 (possibly). (COMIC: On the Planet Isopterus), The Doctor was next reunited with his old friend, Edward Grainger, who had a new-born baby boy. (PROSE: Matrix), In one timeline, the Doctor permanently died on Androzani Minor due to the Great Intelligence's interference. Queen Belldonia of the royal house of Peladon discovered them while on a hunt and escorted the Doctor and Erimem back to the citadel. (TV: The Visitation, The King's Demons, Warriors of the Deep, Resurrection of the Daleks) He possessed the strength to break the neck of a pterodactyl-like creature with his bare hands, (PROSE: Warmonger) and was also an expert marksman with a bow. While the Guardians left empty handed, Romana returned to Gallifrey, allowing Amy and Zara to accompany her. (AUDIO: The Bride of Peladon), Info from The Curse of the Scarab, Wet Walls, The Canvey Angels, A Life in the Day, Exotron, Methuselah & A Room With No View needs to be added, Shortly after Erimem’s departure, the Doctor and Peri went on a holiday to Grallista Social. (AUDIO: The Eternal Summer), The Doctor and Nyssa were swept up by a time storm to Stockbridge, where a strange rain was mutating the villagers into Dalek slaves. (TV: Warriors of the Deep), The Doctor landed the TARDIS in Little Hodcombe in 1984 to meet Tegan's grandfather, Andrew Verney. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen), After seeing the Watcher in a dream, the Fourth Doctor thought of his next incarnation. She caught the attention of a local boy, fell in love and contemplated life on Earth. He later had to rescue Nysa from Magnus Greel. (AUDIO: The Plague of Dreams), The First Doctor was shown footage of the Fifth Doctor, as well as his ten other successors, by the Testimony when he expressed doubt over the Twelfth Doctor's identity. Despite River’s efforts to keep him out of the way, Brooke seemingly murdered the Doctor using regeneration inhibitors. Not to be confused with Camouflage. (TV: Frontios), In an occasional reminder of his actual age, the Fifth Doctor would sport a pair of glasses when examining something. There he and two Time Lord prisoners were embroiled in the Empress’ power struggle with the Emperor, whom she had left for dead and had subsequently laid claim to her hatchery to turn her children against her. (AUDIO: The Gathering), The Fifth Doctor slept in white pyjamas, with tiny question mark motifs sewn on to them. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V | 1 History 2 Symptoms 2.1 Adverse Effects 3 BioShock 3.1 Thuggish Splicer 3.2 Leadhead Splicer … Nyssa decided to stay on Terminus to help perfect a cure for Lazar's disease, which upset the Doctor, who was left to travel on with Tegan and Turlough. (AUDIO: Summer), Disdainful towards needless deaths, (COMIC: In Their Nature) the Fifth Doctor showed a great loathing for violence, bloodshed and the pain and suffering of others. The mailbag is carried … However, the Doctor was also less willing to do what he thought was immoral, and became highly conflicted about what choices he could make in a crisis that were truly right. Once modified, SCP-040 can not further modify instances of SCP-040-1. (TV: Castrovalva, Earthshock, Mawdryn Undead, The Five Doctors, Warriors of the Deep, Resurrection of the Daleks), The Doctor plays cricket. As Ophiuchus was dying, the Doctor helped him to regenerate into their fourteenth incarnation and then advised her to flee Gallifrey, promising to tell the High Council that Ophiuchus was destroyed by his experiments. Dr. Wondertainment | Despite his attempts to convince them otherwise, the Doctor was forced to use hexachromite gas against the reptilian life forms to stop them, and while successfully performing the abort procedure for the missile launch, failed to save any humans inside the base. (TV: Planet of Fire), The Doctor and Turlough went to Lanzarote on 9 May 1984 after Kamelion received a distress signal. Helping Charles win a match, the Doctor and his friends were invited to a fancy-dress ball to celebrate, (TV: Black Orchid) where the Doctor partook in another game, only for the ball to be stolen by Ace. The witches killed the Doctor, and he entered a dreamlike plain and learned that the war was over a device that gave immortality. (PROSE: The Church of Football), During a visit to World War I, the Doctor became separated from Peri in the trenches, but she was found in time to enjoy the Christmas Armistice. The dress shirt had a green interior and the pattern of the trousers changed to thick, orange lines. (PROSE: Lords of the Storm), On Heracletus, a planet that had been trapped a time loop by the Time Lords, the Doctor lost the TARDIS and met an alternative version of himself called "the Savant". Though appointed Lord President after Borusa's downfall, the Doctor immediately decided to go "on the run" from the Time Lords in his TARDIS. (TV: The Visitation) The Doctor decided not to replace his sonic screwdriver, despite its usefulness. Peter Davison First appearance: Isskar showed Amy her segments, hidden outside time inside a strongbox, which Amy opened. (TV: Snakedance), When Tegan began having precognitive dreams of the Mara, the Doctor decided to deal with the problem on the Mara's home planet, Manussa, where the Doctor sought help from a snake-dancer named Dojjen. (AUDIO: Ghost Walk)[statement unclear], Info from The Last Action Figure, & In the TARDIS: Christmas Day needs to be added, The Doctor travelled to Argentia to collect the relevant crystals he needed to create a new sonic screwdriver. Leaving Erimem with Louis XIII, the Doctor went after her and discovered that one of the Queens former lovers, George Villiers, was planning to invade France. After being caught by Galgo, he had to pretend that he and his colleagues where there to attend the funeral of Carlo Mazzini. (TV: Time Crash), The Doctor met up with Winston Churchill in 1931 and the two ended up at the field of Blenheim, where they "[threw] themselves under the scant foliage to protect themselves from Marshal Tallard's onslaught". The Ice Warriors took the Doctor and Amy onto Isskar's ship to take them as tribunal; Isskar confiscated the segments and sent the TARDIS overboard while the ship was in hyperspace in the event of the Doctor and Amy's escape. The woman thought that the travels would last forever, but she eventually decided to leave after she learned of the Doctor's past companions and saw the age and sorrow in his eyes. In the Matrix, the Doctor encountered Omega and Tegan Jovanka. (AUDIO: Peri and the Piscon Paradox), The Doctor experiences hallucinations of his previous companions as he regenerates. 1 Characteristics 2 … (PROSE: First Born), The Doctor attempts to reach his TARDIS. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Doctor retuned to thr Eye of Orion however soon afterwards a Raston Warrior Robot was sent by the Time Lords to eliminate him, due to his eighth incarnation visiting his past lives to regain his missing memories. (COMIC: Running to Stay Still), When the Eleventh Doctor entered into the T'keyn Nexus in order to defend himself, Matrix projections of his previous incarnations, including the Fifth Doctor, appeared inside it to defend themselves as well. The Doctor then escaped the boat to return to his TARDIS, but found the doors still locked, and he was taken to Gallifrey by the Temperon to meet with his sixth and seventh incarnations. (AUDIO: Autumn) He could also speak Greek. The Doctor had destroyed all the footage, and planned to use the occasion to contain and destroy the creature. As "the Supremo", he wore a black military uniform. (TV: The Day of the Doctor), The Doctor came to the aid of two snowmen animated by the combined DNA of two human boys and the remains of an alien mosquito, taking them to the North Pole so they would not melt. The Alliance, Stockbridge Cricket Club, High Council Other voice actors: He, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan were captured by the Rutans and escaped, only to be captured by the Sontarans in turn. (COMIC: Ophiuchus), On the Black Guardian's command, Turlough sabotaged the TARDIS, and the ship locked onto a spaceship carrying victims of Lazar's disease to Terminus. However, he managed to save Ffion and his friends by instructing Kamelion to disguise himself as a Roman soldier. (AUDIO: A Requiem for the Doctor), River forced Brooke to take them to where she was set to meet Kovarian, the Bumptious Gastropod, a restaurant outside spacetime. They were let go with a warning not to approach the pyramid. (AUDIO: Nocturne), The Doctor took Tegan back in time to kill a baby destined to grow up into a dictator who would doom the Earth. When the Ice Warriors were repelled, Amy worked out a compromise between Mesca and Wembik; they agreed to be married to one another, so that no matter whose son became king, he would also be the son of the other one. (TV: Warriors of the Deep), After receiving damage from Sentinel Six, the Doctor landed the TARDIS inside Sea Base 4 in the year 2084, at a time where two power blocs were on the brink of nuclear war. (AUDIO: Aquitaine), Two days after he recovered from his post-regeneration trauma, Tegan described the Fifth Doctor as "an incompetent lunatic who talks gibberish", and Adric saw him as an inferior replacement to the Fourth Doctor and a "feckless, frivolous dilettante". (AUDIO: The Butcher of Brisbane), The Doctor could decipher the ingredients of a drink by smell (TV: Castrovalva) or taste alone; (AUDIO: A Requiem for the Doctor) rosemary made him sneeze. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time), River Song finally responded to the Doctor's messages and persuaded him to steal something for her. (TV: Castrovalva, The Five Doctors, Frontios), After finding a cricket bat and discovering a room in his TARDIS dedicated to the sport shortly after his regeneration, the Fifth Doctor became a vivid fan of cricket, (TV: Castrovalva, Black Orchid) attending several famous matches, (AUDIO: The Roof of the World, Nekromanteia, The Emerald Tiger; PROSE: Graham Dilley Saves the World) and teaching his companions the rules of the game. Unfortunately for this theory, Four to Doomsday was narratively tied to the beginning of Kinda, so the jarring hair growth can only be regarded as a production error. (AUDIO: A Requiem for the Doctor, The Furies) River Song summoned them to Terminus Prime after burying her sibling Lily and joined them in the TARDIS. His trousers were a unique pattern of brown and beige stripes. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor), Landing on YT45, the Doctor, Peri and Erimem became affected by the Kyropites. The Doctor was accused of being a story teller who branded people a witch. There, he reunited with Verin, a funeral officer whom he had met several times before, and helped him solve a murder. (AUDIO: Tomb Ship), On the SORDIDE Delta space station and in the Shadow-Space connected to it, Hannah saved the lives of the Doctor and Nyssa, as well as the fate of billions of humans, but in the process, she was left purged of all emotions, in a robot-like state. Were it not for the fact that most serials of season 19 narratively dovetailed into each other, it might be possible to simply believe that the character simply liked to go to the barber shop between stories. Ian Kabra is a Lucian operative who, with his sister Natalie, makes up one of the first teams in the Clue Hunt.His family were the leaders of the Lucian Branch.He was fourteen years old in the original Series 1, but is sixteen years-old in Series 2, both times the same age as Amy Cahill.Ian is described in the 39 Clues books as being … However, he found Houdini had been manipulated by the Master, who tried to have the Doctor and his friends killed. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. The Doctor used a sonic wave to defeat the ghosts, but was forced to wipe the mind of Edward's love interest, Mai Ling. When the TARDIS lost power, it landed in the Contingency Club. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks), Info from The Volcanis Deal, One Last Try, White Man's Burden, Flashpoint, One Wednesday Afternoon, Singularity, The Misadventure of Mark Thorne, Piecemeal, Do You Believe in the Krampus?, & Trap For Fools need to be added, Landing in the 18th century, the Doctor and Turlough discovered that an alien psychopathic murderer Carthok had crashed on Earth.