how many sons of abdul muttalib

His full brother was Abu Talib. Wiki User Answered 2010-09-16 20:52:12 'Abdul-Muttalib had ten sons… When Abdul Muttalib was digging the well of Zam Zam, he felt that his position amongst the Quraish was weak because he had only one son. Abdul Muttalib had grown old and was about to leave the world. َّلِب‎, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib; c. 546-570) was the father of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Wife: Umm ul-Banin — which means mother of many sons her real name Fatima bint Hizam al-Qilabiyya. See Answer. He was the son of Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Amr of the Makhzum clan. Top Answer. He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson? Abdul Muttalib would never eat without having Muhammad with him. At that time he made a Nazr, a promise to Allah, that if he got 10 sons, he would sacrifice one of them to Allah. Safiyyahra bint ‘Abdul-Muttalib, the paternal aunt of our beloved Master, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. She was near in age to the Holy Prophetsa and was very dear to him. Abdul Muttalib RA URS – the Grandfather of Holy Prophet (SWS), is in the month of Jumada al-Awwal, although the exact date is not openly known.. Abdul Muttalib (RA) not only was the grandfather and guardian of the Holy Prophet (SWS), whilst he was alive, but he also faced Abraha, from Yemen, and his army of elephants who attempted to attack the … At that time he made a vow to Allah, that if he got 10 sons, he would sacrifice one of them to Allah. Before Islam, Arabs used to make their decisions by drawing arrows of divinity placed at the feet of their deities. When all his sons grew up into fine young men, ‘Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim remembered that he had made a vow to sacrifice one of them to Hubal. He would've said Shahadah, if it weren't for people that would say that he said it out of fear. `Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim decided to select one of his sons for sacrifice, by drawing arrows that were placed at the feet of Hubal, a statue inside Ka'bah. Allah accepted his prayer and blessed Abdul Muttalib with 12 sons … He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons. At that time he made a Nazr, a promise to Allah, that if he got ten sons, he would sacrifice one of them to Allah. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? Her siblings included Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, Az-Zubayr ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, and Abu Talib ibn Abdul-Muttalib. That he would hold a prestigious position. 2- 'Abdul-Muttalib: After the death of Hashim, the charge of the pilgrims' food and water went to his brother, Al-Muttalib Ibn 'Abd Munaf (who was honest, generous and trustworthy).When 'Abdul-Muttalib reached the age of boyhood, his uncle Al-Muttalib heard of him and went to Al-Madeenah to fetch him. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson? 20. Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalibinner-page-banner Introduction Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib رَضِیَ اللّٰهُ تَعَالٰی عَنْهُمَا is the illustrious father of our Dear and Beloved Merciful Mustafa صَلَّی اللّٰہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّم. He vowed that if he were to have ten sons, he would sacrifice one of them for Allah at the Kab'ah. Abdul Muttalib was born with a white strand of hair on his head hence his parents named him Shaybah, which means ‘a white hair’. Asked by Wiki User. Abdul Muttalib died when Prophet Muhammad (saw) was 8 years old, so this was before Rasulullah (saw) became a prophet. He was astonished that the chief of Quraish did not ask for the safety of the Holy House. He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons. The Imamate started with Abu Talib’s son, Imam Ali, and continued on to his grandsons, who also came from the same branch of Abdul-Muttalib through Mohammed’s daughter, Fatima. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson? How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad? `Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim asked each of his sons to bring an arrow each with his name written on it which were then drawn at the feet of Hubal inside Ka'bah. Abu Lahab ibn 'Abdul Muttalib () (c. death 624) is among those named as enemies of Islam condemned by name in the Surah Al-Masadd. 18. Allah granted him 10 sons. During this chant he would move forward and backward. Abu Talib raised and supported Muhammad while he was a young man. Abdul Mutalib came to the camp of Abraha and demanded his camels back which had been seized by Abraha's soldiers. Hamza was a hunter. When Abdul Muttalib was digging the well of Zam Zam, he felt that his position amongst the Quraish was weak because he had only one son. Grandson: Ubaydullah ibn al-Abbas. For two years. When he saw him, tears filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, he embraced him and … He, therefore, prayed to Allah, making a nadhr (vow) that if Allah gave him ten sons to help him against his enemies, he … How many sons did Abdul Muttalib also known as Shaiba have? When all his sons grew up into fine young men, `Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim remembered that he had made a vow to sacrifice one of them to Allah. After the birth of the prophet, the prophet stayed with Halima in the desert for a few years as was the custom of that time. after the death of Abdul Muttalib? Allah blessed Abdul Muttalib with many children. Abdul Mutalib was very pleased and made arrangements for the pilgrims to have access to the well of Zam Zam. He had to select one of his sons for sacrifice. 21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) He was chanting that he was the Lion of God. Source(s): ***You're talking about Abu Talib, he didn't die a Muslim. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)? Allah blessed Abdul Muttalib with many children. Son: Al-Abbas ibn Ali — died at the Battle of Karbala. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Kitabul Mughazi, Bab Qatli Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, Hadith No.4072) Umair bin Ishaq narrates that on the day of Uhud, Hamza (ra) bin Abdul Muttalib was fighting in front of the Holy Prophet (sa) with two swords. Abdul-Muttalib had only one Son (named al-Haarith) when he had a dream to dig a well near by the Zam Zam, He prayed to Allah to give more sons. Abdul Muttalib says that you already 200 camels coming here from us, and you must give them back. And before long, Abdul Muttalib who was now around eighty two years of age, breathed his last. One day he called his other son Abu Talib to his side. His uncle Abu Talib. When, at the discovery of Zamzam, 'Abdul-Muttalib encountered the enmity of Quraish, he was quite worried because he had only one son to help him. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib. The lot came to the name of Hazrat Abdullah, the father of the Noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.s. Hadrat Safiyyahra was extremely courageous and helped the Muslims in two important battles. 19. Abdul Muttalib RA URS – Jumada al-Awwal. So, this was his ending at last. Barrah bint Abdul Muttalib was an aunt of Muhammad, regarded as the final prophet of Islam. Abraha was shocked that Abdul Mutallib was worried about the camels over the Kaba so Abdul Mutallib replies that “I am the owner of the 200 camels so I am worried about them and Allah is the owner of the Kaba so I will this matter to him. He said: "I am the owner of the camels. … Abdul Muttalib continued to dig with his son, and realizing the extent of his isolation (just two of them against a whole tribe), he asked Allah to give him ten sons, and if Allah granted him his wish, he’d sacrifice one of them in the name of Allah. (Sahih Al Bukhari, Kitabul Mughazi, Bab Qatli Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib, Hadith No.4072) Umair bin Ishaq narrates that on the day of Uhud, Hamza ra bin Abdul Muttalib was fighting in front of the Holy Prophet sa with two swords. Before Islam, Arabs used to make their decisions by drawing arrows of divinity placed at the feet of their deities. Before Islam, he was among the sons of 'Abd al-Muttalib who became a chief of Quraysh and had such a position that other tribes signed contracts with him. She was born in Mecca, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Amr. Abd al-Muttalib set the blood money for killing a man at one hundred camels, and God also applied this in Islam. 22. 20. He wanted to fulfill the Nazr; hence it was decided to select the son by drawing lot. Abdul Muttalib replied: “As you did not help me in digging it, it is now exclusively mine and my sons’ till Judgment Day.” It is narrated through reliable chains from Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) that when Abdul Muttalib concluded digging of Zamzam and reached its bottom, he perceived very bad smell from one direction of that well which made him fearful and made his son Harith go out. Abdul Muttalib's Nazr When Abdul Muttalib was digging the well of Zam Zam, he felt that his position amongst the Quraish was weak because he had only one son. For two years. He was married to Fatima bint Asad and was an uncle of Muhammad. Hamza after Islam. He also trained his grandson in terms of good manners. His prayer was answered and has been blessed with 9 more sons. ), who was the youngest and loved by his father. After reaching Gazah he passed away and was buried there. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad? The day when the Prophet (s) invited his relatives to call them to Islam (Yawm al-Indhar), Hamza also was there. With due dignity and gravity and said: “The fame and glory of this son of mine will be great and I entrust him to you.” 4. 20. With time ‘Abdul Muttalib had nine more sons. His real name was Imran [ عمران ] but he is better known as Abu Talib because he had a son named Talib. 'Abd al-Muttalib as the person who did so. The well of Zam Zam is still providing water to pilgrims till this date. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib’s Nazr: He made a Nazr that if Allah grants 10 sons to him; he will sacrifice one of them. His father, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, had many brothers but only one from the same mother. With time `Abdul Muttalib had nine more sons. Abū Tālib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib () (549 – 619) was the head of the clan of Banu Hashim. 19. In reply to Abraha's remarks Abdul Muttalib spoke a sentence, whose value and worth is still preserved. َّلِب ‎, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib; c. 546-570) was the father of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.He was the son of Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Amr of the Makhzum clan. 18. Abdul Muttalib knew from Amina—the mother of the Prophet– that his grandson was not an ordinary child, and he would have a serious position among people in the future. Hashim left for a place known Gazah in the company of a caravan.