how to check my security clearance uk
Enquiry Centre Tel: 01904 66 2644 (Mil: 94777 2644) Email: eSC Enhanced Security Clearance only available for current users of this service. The SAF must be completed by all holders of an eDV, DV or eSC clearance, and by their Supervisor, to provide assurance that they are being supported and monitored as is appropriate for individuals with access to sensitive assets. A check of Security Service (MI5) records. This is an on-going responsibility that is part of good line management and not just a requirement in relation to completion of the SAF process. Security clearance was carried out by the Defence Vetting Agency, ‘DVA’ (or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Vetting Unit), before January 2017. Where there are issues of concern the line manager may be interviewed (or ask to be interviewed) by the security unit/Security Controller to further explain concerning or complex areas. The annual security appraisal requires the Line Manager, Supervisor or Security Controller to make an assessment of an individual’s continuing suitability to hold DV (or Enhanced SC). If you have concerns about an activity or individual, speak to your local security team, Security Controller, Line Manager or, act in a way that breaches the Civil Service Code, the values and standards of your service or your company’s own codes of behaviour, seek to conceal mistakes, security incidents or breaches. A basic Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) check can take around 7 - 10 days. An example of this would be when the SC element of a DV clearance is needed by the new sponsor. You do not need to report a change in financial circumstances if you hold a CTC clearance. loyalties or personal relationships potentially at odds with your project/work). Since January 2017, the main UK government provider of security clearances is UKSV – United Kingdom Security Vetting. A check of credit and financial history with a credit reference agency. An applicant should be prepared to answer questions regarding old run-ins with the law (disorderly charges or theft) … You may need to go to the police station, or the agency requiring the clearance might fingerprint you. disclose your level of security clearance online or on social media profiles leak information intentionally or unintentionally through failing to protect data and assets entrusted to you It will usually take a minimum of six weeks to complete, and is generally reviewed every ten years. A change in circumstance may include living with someone new, a divorce, your financial situation, or conflict of interests (e.g. A UK resident for at least five years, you’ll undergo a basic check (BC), UK criminal and security checks, and a credit check. Security clearance levels. Whilst vetting confidentiality must be maintained, organisations must ensure any relevant information is shared appropriately between vetting units, HR and Line Managers to help manage staff and staff performance in a joined up and holistic way. Security Service Check. Alternatively, you can find more information via the UK Security Vetting Unit (UKSV) How intrusive is National Security Vetting? We have all done things we regret in life, especially youthful indiscretions. Since a clearance investigation covers a good portion of an applicant’s adult life, it is important to realize that past problems, issues, and concerns may come up in the process. Clearance is requested by an employer and carried out by Government agencies. Before they can do this, you must have undergone the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), which your sponsor will confirm. This should be done by completing the appropriate change of personal circumstances form. an employee of a defence contractor moves to another job and is employed by a different contractor. If a role requires you to be security cleared, the relevant security checks will be arranged by the person hiring you but will be carried out by a Government agency. Departments and industry partners will have discretion to suspend or lapse an individual’s clearance as appropriate (industry partners should work with the relevant government department to agree the best approach and ensure relevant information on individual cases is shared). You may be required to complete a Change of Personal Circumstances (, create and contribute to a positive environment in which security is given appropriate priority, raise any concerns about individual or organisational practices that are in breach of security procedures in the most appropriate way. An SC takes a minimum of six weeks to complete and is reviewed every 10 years (seven years if you’re a non-list X contractor). Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Aftercare is the term we use for the maintenance of effective personnel security. There are thirteen guidelines covering such things as alcohol consumption, drug involvement, financial considerations and criminal conduct spelt out in the document, "Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information", issued on December 29, 2005. There really is no way to expedite the process but the applicant can take steps not to impede the investigation. Whilst a more high-level Developed Vetting check can take up to 9 months to complete. If you’re moving to a new position that’s at the same clearance level and supporting the same federal agency, you’re in luck! National Security Vetting (NSV) provides a valuable snapshot of an individual at the time the checks are completed, and organisations also need to maintain on-going confidence in vetted staff and contractors.