how to keep summer waves pool clean

Keep the circulation of the water at the proper turnover rate. Clean water and balanced water chemistry are the keys to pool maintenance. It takes quite a bit of work to clean a swimming pool and you'll have to monitor chemical levels at least three times a week. Point being, if you want to keep your physical pool cleaning duties to a minimum, the best strategy is keeping your pool filter clean. Not only are they refreshing and enjoyable on a hot summer day but they are tons of fun! Consider using the pool … Trash old filter cartridge: Get rid of the old filter cartridge so you can use a new one at the start of the next pool season. 21 Pool Care Hacks That Make Pool Maintenance Easy, 21 pool care hacks that make pool maintenance easier, 7 Ways To Extend Your Pool Season By Up To 6 Months, 9 Ways Owning a Pool Heat Pump Improves Your Health & Your LifeÂ, 7 Best Tips To Lower Your Swimming Pool Bills By Up To 50%, 7 Ways To Make Your Pool Heat Pump 2x MORE Energy Efficient, Pool Heat Pump Repair | Pool Heater Repair, Energy Saving Tips For Your Swimming Pool, To fight off bacteria and protect your health, Reduce your pool cleaning time more and more each week, Brush the walls at least twice a week (or before you vacuum), Backwash your pool filter at least once a week, Do it too much and you might get “chlorine lock”, Don’t do it enough and the effectiveness of your other pool chemicals will suffer. Swimming pools are your best way to beat the heat and stay cool. If the water level has fallen over the winter, top it off. you’ve likely shocked your pool a number of times in the past. Pool Filter System. That handful of leaves and twigs sitting on the pool floor may seem harmless, but something major is happening in the background. First, check that the pH levels are between 7.2 and 7.8. Whether you maintain your backyard swimming pool on your own or you have a pool service company maintaining it for you, just make sure your pool and spa are clean, healthy and ready for spontaneous swim parties! Once your backyard oasis is built and entertaining all your family and friends, don’t forget to monitor it weekly so the pool and your guests stay clean and healthy. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. Water pump to keep your pool clean all season long Combines the functions of a skimmer and filter pump in one unit Attaches to sidewalls of pool for easy maintenance and to prevent tripping Generous water flow capacity Compatible with … Here, then, are the best ways to keep the kiddie pool water clean throughout the summer. Related: 21 Pool Care Hacks That Make Pool Maintenance Easy. Once a week you should check and test the chemicals in the pool water. Remove leaves, dirt, flower petals or anything else that has blown into your pool. Skim Out the Debri: Remove leaves, dirt, flower petals or anything else that has blown into your pool. HydroTools by Swimline Aluminum Handle Pool and Spa Skimmer ProSeries & Summer Waves ELITE Round Metal Frame Pools If you have any questions or need help please feel free to review our Pool Help Center or give us a ring at 1-888-919-0070 , we are more than happy to help you! Who doesn’t love a ride down a fun waterslide or a cool game of Marco Polo to keep everybody having a splashing good time! While your filter will remove smaller particles, large items may … Maintenance on your swimming pool filter will vary depending on which model you have, so check with your California Pools representative for directions and care for your specific filter. © Copyright 2021  California Pools Franchise, Inc. And the longer they stay there, the cloudier your water gets. Pump & filter. Because the real secret to a crystal clear swimming pool has everything to do with how you clean your pool. For the best results: use an algaecide at least twice a month; twice a month during the summer, Related: How To Keep a Pool From Turning Green. The role of your pool filter is to capture small pieces of debris floating in pool water and screen them out. Clean equipment: Thoroughly clean all of your pool equipment. It is pretty common for unwanted “guests” to crawl in your pool noodles for a nice hiding spot, so grab your hose and occasionally rinse off your pool toys! By staying on top of pool maintenance, you: Related: Make The Perfect Pool Care Schedule. Don’t forget to check the vacuum filter and keep it free of debris as well so the vacuum can work properly and efficiently. Keeping these surfaces in good repair, and clear of algae, mold, and debris, will help keep your pool clean and safe. Clean the cartridge filter when the pressure rises. Keep your pool clean and beautiful so it is always ready for some wonderful memory making moments! With waterfalls, water pots, fire features, reef bubblers, diving boards, grottos, waterslides, and laminar jets- we have so many ways to customize your pool and build exactly what you have in mind. Keep the kiddie pool free from floating debris One easy way to ensure the kiddie pool water stays clean is to remove the floating debris like bugs, leaves, and other dirt. Most often added weekly. Maybe you’re someone who squeezes it into your schedule once or twice a month. Running the pump for 8 hours out of a 24 hour period is generally sufficient to keep it clear. To keep your pool water clear and sparkling, you must remove organic materials like leaves, insects and other debris. If you liked this post, you might also like: Medallion Energy 151 Baywood Ave. Longwood, FL 32750 407-786-0000, Hours Mon-Fri: 8am – 7pm Saturday: 9am – 5pm Sunday: By Appointment, Service Areas Anywhere in the United States and throughout Florida.Orlando, Longwood, Miami, Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, St Cloud, Tallahassee, Daytona Beach, Davenport, Windermere, Clearwater, and the rest of North, South, and Central Florida, How To Remove Snow From Your Pool Cover: The Easy Way, Hot Tub Troubleshooting Guide | 7 Hot Tub Troubleshooting Tips, 7 Ways Pool Heater Maintenance Saves You Money. If it is, turn your filter off and then brush the sides of your pool to remove any algae or debris that is settled there. The best part of Summer is a last-minute pool play date or family barbecue in your California Pools tropical paradise. 90-Day Algicide by Lo-Chlor ® can prevent algae all summer with just one treatment. How you do this … It’s more of a quick fix for keeping things in order, but doing it regularly helps prevent debris buildup. Or maybe you only do it when you expect to swim. Never so much as getting a grain of dirt in the water. Some equipment can be hosed off while other pieces of equipment like hoses might need to be submerged in soapy water to remove chemicals. Use a skimmer net to scoop out any floating debris at the surface of the water. When you backwash your filter, you’re essentially pumping your pool water backward into the filter. Having your own backyard swimming pool might seem like the obvious choice this summer, but pools are not set-it-and-forget-it items. Fold your Intex pool for storage, fold the wall part of the material in on all sides, then with two people, pull one side of the pool over to meet the other side. Water that doesn’t circulate properly get’s poorly filtered, which mean more debris and cleaning. Rinse thoroughly to remove any bleach or detergent. This does a great job of keeping algae cells from growing into a large enough quantity to cause a bloom that will turn the pool water green and make it slimy too. Be sure to run your pool vacuum on a daily- weekly basis to remove any debris or dirt at the bottom of your pool. Run the little pool filter 24/7, or at least 18-hrs per day, every day. Want to lower your pool heating bills and make pool care easy? At the end of summer, you may be wondering how to care for your above-ground pool. First, clean the filter thoroughly and make sure it is in good working order. Dump or drain the water, then wipe down the empty pool with a solution of bleach and water (read the label for cleaning ratios), wearing rubber gloves while cleaning. If your above ground pool uses a cartridge filter, … Follow the simple directions to properly balance your water. These tips will help you maintain a hygienic and safe environment even for family-sized inflatable swimming pools. So if you’re someone who wants swimming pool water so clear that you forget it’s even there, keep reading. Next, you’ll need to pump the water and filter it to regain balance. How often do I test and balance my pool water? Summer Waves Small Kiddie 8’ Inflatable PoolThis pool also comes with a fun 3D pattern features … In fact, achieving that glass-like, Hollywood level of clarity in your pool water is much simpler than you might think. And  if you’re reading this then you probably know what we’re about to tell you: The secret to a crystal clear swimming pool is keeping it clean. Plug the Inlet and Outlet fitting from the inside of the pool with the plug provided (sizes 16' and … Keep the pool clean and clean the filter when needed and replace the cartridge every 30-60 days. Trick 1: Always clean your pool after each round of splashing around. So if that’s the case, then why do so many of us struggle to achieve the glistening, crystal clear swimming pools we dream of? This is … The most effective method is using an algaecide. Maintaining Your Pool in Balance and Enjoy Your Pool. The Best Ways to Keep the Kiddie Pool Water Clean. Screw your pool drain cap back onto the drain valve, so it won’t get misplaced. But in order for a filter to maintain peak performance, it needs to stay clean. While regularly cleaning your filter is a top priority, there’s one other … OK, that sounds a little weird. Our love for swimming pools and backyard fun is evident in the design of your custom swimming pool, which will provide you endless hours of fun, fitness, and reprieve from these trying days, and continue to for years to come! However, several steps and precautions are necessary to keep your pool … Establish a weekly routine to clean the pool and add pool cleaner. Drain and refill. Along with a good pH level (not too high), of 7.2-7.4. Or, use gentle dish detergent to cut through the dirt. As long as you balance your water, clean it out, and circulate it regularly, having a crystal clear pool is easy. When fall rolls around, however, your can pool turn into a giant leaf magnet. AquaComfort Pool Heat Pump Service & Support, AquaComfort Vintage Classic Series (2003-2010), Pool Heater Sizing | Pool Heat Pump Sizing | Savings Calculator. How to Keep Your Pool Free of Leaves. Drain & Refill Your Pool. Running the pump throughout the day will keep the pool at a more constant temperature and may minimize evaporative loss of water. But every pool owner knows that pool maintenance is essential, that’s no secret at all. Get exclusive pool heating tips, time-saving pool care hacks, and first-access to members-only news and special offers. So how can you maintain the best water circulation possible? We suggest some simple summertime maintenance tips to keep your pool clean and maintained so the fun never has to stop! It’s a hassle to constantly clean your pool of leaves throughout the autumn months. Think of it like rinsing your mouth with Listerine — the concept is pretty much the same. Other, you might want to try these 21 pool care hacks that make pool maintenance easier. Alagaecies are special chemicals that are designed to not only kill algae but inhibit any growth that could be occurring in the background. It’s a good idea to do it every week plus whenever it is necessary. Rather than making the algicide fight alone, it’s important to eliminate the nutrients that provide algae with the energy to keep … Adding a long-lasting algicide to your pool water at the beginning of summer is a great move. Backwash your filter bi-weekly. On a simpler note, it is also a great idea to clean all pool floats and toys of spiders, snakes, or other bugs that don’t belong in your swimming pool. Summer is here and so are long days in the sun enjoying warm weather! Simply use a handheld net each day to remove the debris. So whether you have a sand or cartridge filter, the important part is making sure you clean it out before it gets too dirty. It’s a quick way to rinse off any loose debris in the filter media and prevent clogging/buildup. There are three major parts to keeping your pool clean: When you have a pool filter, cleaning your pool is WAY easier. The range of these sound waves causes vibrations in the pool that are undetectable by humans, but help cause algae cells to break apart. Make sure to clean the filter before … Top It Off. The best strategy is making a pool care schedule, which makes pool maintenance A LOT simpler. A California Pools backyard oasis can be your family’s sanctuary. In this post, we show you 7 secrets to keeping your swimming pool crystal clear. Because over time, after weeks and weeks of filtering your water, your pool filter starts to clog up with debris. From visible strands of hair to microscopic grains of dirt, sand, and other contaminants. When that happens, balancing your water becomes a lot harder. It's possible to leave your above-ground pool up all winter with the water in it, since draining it completely may cause it to collapse. Easy to set up and use, you and your guests will enjoy the benefits of clean, fresh water in your pool this summer. Throughout the summer, your pool is a refreshing and fun place to be. And the less buildup, the longer your filter stays clean. While regularly cleaning your filter is a top priority, there’s one other thing you can do to keep it running at peak performance. But exactly how often you shock your pool is important: Shock your pool once per week. Here are tips on how to clean a cartridge filter: Use a rubber trash can, wear long, protective rubber gloves that cover well above your wrists, and wear eye protection. It’s also wise to shock the water after heavy use, pool parties, or storms to prevent surprise algae takeovers. Nylon-bristle brushes are safe for vinyl pool liners. A shock treatment solves and prevents the majority of pool problems. The pumping heart of your pool is also its liver. And although either can work for a little while depending on how often you swim (and whether or not you cover the pool), one thing is certain: It’s important to keep your pool properly sanitized and chemically balanced for a few reasons: For the best results: test and balance your water 2 – 3 times a week. You will recognize your filter needs a cleaning if the water in your pool becomes murky or discolored. That’s why making an effort to skim, brush, and vacuum your pool each week is essential. Soak dirty filters in a 10 percent solution of muriatic acid or a solution of TSP (Trisodium phosphate). Skimming also helps to increase the water circulation and reduce the number of chemicals needed in the water. Keep a preventative amount of algaecide in the pool. The walls of your pool liner are in constant contact with pool water, and everything that enters it. This keeps your sanitizer levels stable, which keeps your pool cleaner. Summer Waves Above Ground Pool Filter. Shock the pool once per week, with 1/2 lb of pre-dissolved shock. If the temperature has gotten way too high or if you’re due for a water … However, it's worth it to keep your pool clean and safe for use. Almost like liquid glass. While pool shock helps you avoid the conditions that foster algae growth, it’s not the most effective prevention method. Your approach: the chemicals you use, how you handle pool maintenance, and how consistent you are with it. And when water doesn’t flow freely through the pool system, it doesn’t distribute chemicals evenly. We know chlorine needs to be in the pool always, so make sure you have a reliable chlorinating system in your pool. 3. It's critical to always add acid to water, not water to acid. It’s all about keeping up with pool maintenance, which ensures that your water stays healthy and swimmable. All pool owners know that testing their water is just a regular part of owning a pool. If your kid’s pool is pretty small, and draining and refilling it doesn’t feel like a colossal waste of water, then the best way to keep the kiddie pool clean is to drain it, scrub it down with a plain old kitchen brush, and refill it. Clean your filter properly in every three to four weeks, unless you see algae in the pool that is the major reason for getting green in the pool. As a final step, using Talc or DE powder can help to absorb trace moisture. Summer Waves Pool Maintenance Kit: Easy to set up; Skimmer with a durable mesh net; Telescoping aluminum pole; Interchangeable vacuum and skimmer heads; Makes it easy to keep your pool clean and fresh How to keep an inflatable pool clean: Simple hacks and tricks. 1. We suggest some simple summertime maintenance tips to keep your pool clean and maintained so the fun never has to stop! While the value of good filtration and chemical balance cant be stressed enough, there’s one other thing every pool owner needs to do if they don’t want all their hard work to go in vain. First, determine if your filter needs to be cleaned. Why is it that in almost every movie with a swimming pool, the water looks unnaturally clear? If you have your own swimming pool, you may want to save money by cleaning the pool yourself. Do not add harmful chemicals through the skimmers and keep the skimmers and line basket free of debris. Over time, dirt builds up in the cartridge elements, and it needs to be cleared out. You can also take the water sample into your local pool supply store for testing and guidance with your pool maintenance. Clean a pool cartridge filter: step by step . You would think that to have a crystal clear swimming pool like that you’d have to clean it constantly, right? Use a skimmer net to scoop out any floating debris at the surface of the water. Summer is such a fun and exciting time of year, especially when you have a gorgeous backyard oasis to play in and stay cool! It cuts down on a lot of the time you’d normally spend skimming and vacuuming, which is always a plus. As a pool owner, you’ve likely shocked your pool a number of times in the past. Test the pH, free available chlorine in the pool water and shock-treat if necessary on a weekly basis. With our nation continuing to fight the coronavirus pandemic, it sure is nice to be able to offer family’s a safe and healthy place to “stay home” and flatten the curve. Any debris that stays in your pool, no matter how big or small, eats away at your sanitizer and throws off your chemical levels.