how to say i am in japanese

Here, you’re just literally saying “America” or “Australia.” This is a quick and casual way to answer the question. You can say “I’m from the US.” You can say “I’m American.” Or, “I came from Italy.” There are plenty of ways to answer, depending on your style. anata: you doko: where Kanji translation: kokuseki: nationality I'm not an American. 私がトムです(watashi ga Tom desu) = I am the Tom . A bit more polite since you’re speaking in fuller sentences. 40 years old = yon ju ssai. Common use on boys. Anata no kokuseki wa doko desu ka? How to say "I am good at~" & "I am bad at ~" in Japanese? Also, it’s used on a formal occasion or speak to someone who is superior. 私はトムです(watashi wa Tom desu) = I am Tom. This blog will show you 10 ways in common use to say ‘I’ or ‘me’ in Japanese. Press play and listen below right now. Don’t worry about learning this just yet. 1) 止めなさい、本当に怒るよ(やめなさい、ほんとうにおこるよ/yamenasai hontouni okoruyo) Stop that (it), I am going to really get angry Pronunciation in Japanese. So, if someone asks you, “Shusshin wa doko desu ka,” you will be able to give an answer. Another variation you can use is this one below. Japanese people are often described as very polite and reserved. … I have to translate something into Japanese. Would it go something like "Watashi wa benkyou nihongo"? Wa – topic marker (can be translated as “is” here), Kimashita (past tenses of the verb “Kuru” which means “to come”) – came, kata – this has many definitions. Or, you can also say… “I came from (country)” if they ask you “Doko kara kimashita ka?”. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; (In this situation, Japanese never introduce themselves with their first name.) Genki? Watashi wa samui desu. In this case, you simply state your name and combine it with the verb 申す (mousu) which is considered respectful language in Japanese. Click here to get MORE fun lessons,, For Beginners: The 7 Best Japanese Textbooks & Dictionaries, 20+ Japanese Small Talk Phrases for Beginners. You know nationalities and countries in Japanese. […] This is how you say “what’s your nationality” or “where are you from” in Japanese. anata: you Kanji translation: nihon-jin: Japanese What is your nationality? Often used in the plural as Wareware (我々, we.). Also, there is more way to say ‘I’ and ‘me.’ The pronoun is in relation to whom you are speaking to and the occasion. I hope this lesson helped you to see how to say your age in Japanese! It’s a female variant which more polite than Atashi. It’s first pronoun for female in Kansai dialect on informal occasions. It’s used on official occasion. Usually, the Japanese learning textbook only shows you the usage of Watashi (私). In Japanese, the counter sai is used to express how old one is. Men use on informal occasions. ★ The Japanese counter for minutes is 分 (fun). I am called Sandra. Gomen (ごめん) – Sorry… Just like when you use say “sorry” in English, this is a shorter version. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Find more words! I have yet to fully learn hiragana or katakana symbols, so I would like to know how to say "im learning japanese", or trying to learn, in romaji. How do you say if you are from England and that you are English? that you might not get a very good answer unless you explain what situation/context you have in mind. Shitsurei shimashita. Thank you. This final way you can say, "I like you/I love you," in Japanese is … ★ However, it can also be used for telling time (12:01, 12:02, etc.) By the way, below is a list of countries in Japanese to help you fill in the blank. Suki yanen 好きやねん = I Like Ya. They have 3-10 minute audio/video lessons that get you speaking and understanding Japanese. So, here’s a fun audio lesson where you’ll learn some basic words and greetings. So here are a bunch of ways to answer Where are you from in Japanese. I hope you can help me. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you. People use it for speech, meeting, or discussion. It’s a more polite way than Watashi. Common use on old man character in game or animation. What to Say When You Arrive Late As stated earlier, even if you can explain why you are late, excuses usually will not earn you points with your Japanese counterpart. Here, you’re literally saying “I’m American” or “I’m Australian.” In Japanese, nationalities and ethnicities usually end with the character “人” which here is read as “jin.” For example: アメリカ 人 – Amerika jin – American 上手 下手 得意 苦手 \( ω )/☆ Okay, you know how to ask Where are you from in Japanese. }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-l0tojwefu")); Disclosure: This site has affiliate links to language products including those on Amazon. There are so many ways to say "I am confused." Watashi wa amerika kara ki mashita. Japanese elementary schoolers learn this kanji in the first grade. Here, it’s the polite way of saying “person”. (function(d, s, id) { Hi I’m trying to figure out how to say ” I wore shorts” the context being “it was very warm so I wore shorts” I have all of it up until the wore shorts bit. Yes, all we did here is add “go” to shusshin.” Adding this “go” makes nouns super polite. 81 years old = hachi juu i ssai. Kane or 金, is defined as 1. a metal, 2. money; cash; a coin. In fact, many of them don't show an expressive personality in public and rather keep their feelings inside than spitting it all out. There are many ways of expressing “very” part of it in Japanese below in this sentence. By learning Japanese language, you have the opportunity to practice it and you will be able to put it into use. I AM VERY COLD. Want to know more about Japanese culture? Anata wa nihon-jin desu ka? Here’s the casual way to use with friends. Japanese Translation. Examples. The Imperial Family use Watakushi when they make a speech. watashi: I amerika: America kara: from: Are you Japanese? Watashi wa Amerika shusshindesu. Angry . A common situation would be when someone buys you a gift for your birthday. It’s made even more polite than normal by being in the masu-form. Sound good? “Kuni” means “country” and “dochira” is a polite form of “doko” or “where.” So, here, they’re just asking what country you’re from in a polite way. js.src = "//"; In this guide, you’ll learn 11+ phrases total. Literal translation: Where is your origin? I would just like something to say to inform the person that I am new to the language. There are multiple ways to ask this question. According to social status, gender and the situation, there are many ways to say ‘I’ or ‘me’ in Japanese. For informal occasions, the person you are speaking to is a friend or junior. Don’t worry, not much difference in meaning. :-) is it right to say this in japanese: 私たちの聖歌隊は一緒に歌を歌っているドイツ語を学び、助けて 合いたいと思っています。さぁ、一緒に歌いましょう!さぁ、一緒に歌いましょう!。 in English it will sound like: 私はいぬです(watashi wa inu desu) = I am a dog 11 years old = juu i ssai. 失礼しました。 Formal expression, but it doesn't show as strong a feeling as … This verb means “to say; to be called” in Japanese. In Japanese there is a super useful and common word that every one should know. Literally, they’re asking “what country person?” Remember, “hito” means person. More Japanese words for I am from the USA. To ask someone "how old are you?," you can say:Nan sai desu ka (何歳ですか);; Or in a more formal way, O ikutsu desu ka (おいくつですか). What Is Japanese Verb Conjugation? And now, you know a whole lot more Japanese than before. わたし Watashi. A semi-humble pronoun for young men. If you want to learn Japanese and culture, apply for our Japanese course by clicking the button below! Knowing how to say “I speak a little bit of Japanese” or “I am learning Japanese” in Japanese will help you introduce yourself to your new friends and set expectations about your language level. A feminine variant. It doesn’t show you how to change the first person pronoun due to different situations in daily life. Here’s another slight variation. People use it for speech, meeting, or … 51 years old = go juu i ssai. It’s used in the Kansai area for elder man. Here’s a full list of nationalities in Japanese. 怒る(おこる/okoru) 怒る(いかる/ikaru) 頭にくる(あたまにくる/atama ni kuru) Meaning. (nationality人) です。 (nationality Jin) desu. ★ As we learned in our last lesson , this counter can be used for counting minutes (1 minute, 2 minutes, etc.). 70 years old = nana ju ssai. By the way, since you’re learning Japanese…. I am (nationality). I AM COLD. In this article, we'll have a look at rude Japanese phrases for those times you just want to tell someone off. Uchi (内) is one word for “I” that I didn’t learn until well after I came to Japan, but once I did I … Now you know how to ask where are you from in Japanese. I am from America. Please watch our new video! So, you can say…, You can use this when someone asks you about your “shusshin”. But it is actually used in Japanese to mean thank you when the other person has done something for you at their own expense. Tadaima and okaeri are special greeting phrases we use for when someone comes back home. A gender-neutral word often adopted by military personnel or athlete. How to say yes in Japanese - Saying Yes in Japanese, Intermediate Japanese Grammar Guide Part I, Click Here to join our 30 day challenge to learn Hiragana. It can be written with two different kanji: the traditional 歳 and the simplified and most commonly used 才. But when translated to English, instead of saying “Where is your origin,” this phrase is translated to “Where are you from?”. But that doesn't mean there are no words to express your emotions! […]. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; So, yes, you can just say “Amerika shusshin desu.” This is a very casual answer. So, 専攻はコンピュータ科学です。or 専門はコンピュータ科学です。 Or insert the other terms instead. Now, there’s a more polite way to ask Where are you from in Japanese. Besides family or close friends, Japanese are rarely addressed by their given names. 私は、寒いです。(わたしは、さむいです。) If you are really feeling cold, you could say. As a matter of fact, one of the ways to apologize in Japanese is moshiwake arimasen , which literally means “I have no excuse”. JapanesePod101. Here’s how. It’s used as … So, if you want to speak and learn this language… click here to get a Free Lifetime Account at The word is すみません (sumimasen) and it usually means sorry or excuse me in English. But, if you want to learn more Japanese, check out the links below. It helps you to tell the nuances in the Japanese culture. Here are some essential Japanese phrases for your first conversations in Japanese. Then check out Examples. Most-frequently-used word to say ‘I/me.’ It’s a modest way to express yourself in any situations. Ware (われ/我) Formal, used in the article as self-proclaimed. I am . How To Say, “Rich” and “Poor” In Japanese February 8th, 2011 in Japanese Grammar. Think about English. All you have to do is say this with a question tone. This is one of the most common ways to apologize in Japan. For majoring in something, you can say 専攻 or 専門. You also know how to answer the question. すみません — Excuse me. Feel free to check out our interesting blogs! Uchi. Japanese Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Japanese language. A casual way to say ‘I,’ usually be pair with ‘Omae (お前, you.)’. … Watashi wa totemo samui desu. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Formal, used in the article as self-proclaimed. You learn 5 ways to ask and 6 ways to answer this question. Want to speak Japanese with an easy 3 minute lesson? How to say I am in Japanese. You do the same for “1 year old” いっさい i ssai and “10 years old” ju ssai as examples below. So, “shusshin” means “place you are from” or “origin” in terms of your country or city. To “conjugate” a verb is to put it into the tense that you need to … Here, you’re literally saying “I’m American” or “I’m Australian.”, In Japanese, nationalities and ethnicities usually end with the character “人”  which here is read as “jin.”. P.S. 私は、とても寒いです。 If you go to Japan as a student, people will probably address you by your first name, but if you go there on business, it is better to introduce yourself with your last name.