how to teach infernape thunder punch in platinum
Close combat Thunderpunch If it is inpossible to get thunder punch, need nice move set to know. With Electrium Z, Thunder Punch turns into Gigavolt Havoc, which at +2 can OHKO even the bulkiest Water-types in Alomomola, Suicune, and Slowbro. Platinum Series; HGSS Series; BW Series; B2W2 Series; XY Series; ORAS Series; SM Series; Movies. Relevance. Thunder Punch is a T.M.?? In other games Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. I guess we'll have to settle with Blaze Kick. no thunder punch isnt tm. 5 years ago. Like Diamond & Pearl, Pokémon Platinum gives you access to all 100 TM's and HM's. Lv 7. The best you can do is fire and thunder punch with infernape. You trade a certain amount of shards for one move also. Maybe teach Sneasel a fighting move.You should probably get rid of Toxic for Staraptor and teach it some other flying move. attack in platinum. *I tried heart scale, it cant learn that way. I didn't know that . Thunder Punch is boosted by Iron Fist and allows Infernape to hit Water-types that resist both of its STAB moves, such as Jellicent, Slowking, and Tentacruel. i wnat to teach it again. You cannot learn fire punch and blaze kick by level up, breeding is the only way. Gyarados can take on any Infernape which does not carry Stone Edge or Thunder Punch, but it needs a high HP investment to not be taken down by Grass Knot if your opponent has Stealth Rock in play. Lv 6. What moves should I teach my Infernape? It also dissuades Choice Scarf users like Krookodile and Hydreigon from easily revenge killing Infernape. The next Move Tutor is found in a house in the north east of Snowpoint City. and also i want to teach him thunder punch .so how should i teach these moves. Infernape lvl. Shadow Claw,Close Combat,Flame Wheel,Fire Blast. Magmortar is even more of a threat because it knows Thunderbolt and Solar Beam, the latter of which is super effective … . HeartGold SoulSilver : It tosses its enemies around with agility. Favorite Answer. My Infernape has these Moves: Fire Blast (NOT REMOVING THIS) Focus Blast. my infernape has forgotten close-combat. Thank You =) In Pokémon Platinum, there are exactly two tutorable moves for every type except for the Normal type. For Roserade I think Toxic spikes should be replaced with some other poison move.You should teach Infernape some other fire move that has more PP. Platinum: It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. Also, Ice Punch/ Thunder Punch - Lucario And yet, no Fire Punch. It works with Ampharos and Medicham too (who you can get in X/Y and learn it via level up). It was TM48 in Generation II, TM31 in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! 1 decade ago. You will need to breed a female Infernape with a compatible male Pokémon, with either parent knowing the egg move in question. The Rise of Darkrai! This hiker will give you a list of moves that each Pokémon can learn. I have a: lv.42 infernape rock smash, cut, rock climb, close combat lv.42 togekiss flamethrower, psychic, shadow ball, fly lv.42 alakazam future sight, psybeam, psycho cut, psychic lv.42 dragonair aqua tail, thunderbolt, surf, dragon rush lv.41 spiritomb sucker punch, faint … so please tell me the location of heart scales too..... in Pokemon Pearl. anyway, if you have pokemon platinum you can trade it over on that and take it to a shard person and I KNOW that one of the shard persons can teach your infernape that.-Silver It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style. Relevance. Stone Edge/Rock Slide would be late and inaccurate but powerful and critical (to a similar ratio), and there's also Shadow Claw, an early but quite conditional move. I am okay with all of his pokeomon except gyarados. He’s the best starter for platinum. An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe. Thunder Punch dents Water-types like Slowbro and Starmie that boast resistances to both of Infernape's STAB attacks. Fire Blast is a good move to have around. Tf916. I hope this helps. 4 Answers. You can actually do it with Pokemon other than the Elekid line. Thunder Wave: Electric: Status — 90% 20 24 Screech: Normal: Status — 85% 40 28 Thunder Punch: Electric: Physical: 75 100% 15 34 Discharge: Electric: Special: 80 100% 15 40 Low Kick: Fighting: Physical — 100% 20 46 Thunderbolt: Electric: Special: 90 100% 15 52 Light Screen: Psychic: Status — —% 30 58 Thunder: Electric i did it by mistake. Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea! It is a physical type move with 75 power and 100% accuracy. All of the tutorable moves in FireRed and LeafGreen (with the exception of the three moves taught at Cape Brink) were previously teachable via TM in Generation I. Anime; The Origin of Mewtwo; Mewtwo Strikes Back; The Power of One; Spell Of The Unown; Mewtwo Returns ; Celebi: Voice of the Forest; Pokémon Heroes; Jirachi - Wish Maker; Destiny Deoxys! Trivia. Infernape's egg groups: Field, Human-Like The egg moves for Infernape are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. When starting any pokemon game choosing the right starter is an important choice. Pokemon Platinum Move Tutor Locations. Lightning. If you got a male Infernape breed Ditto with male Infernape until you get a female Chimchar and then follow the steps again. just lvled my infernape to 53 during elite 4 here is current moveset, should i get rid of one for calm mind? * Then could i find thunder punch on tm? User Info: xtreemmasheen3k2. That is what sort of weakens my pokemon and make me lose. pokemon platinum infernape question? i haven't got any heart scales also . The former, a dual-type Fire/Fighting creature, is very fast and knows Thunder Punch to fight Water and Flying-types, and Mega Punch to fight Psychics, which leaves Ground as the only viable option to defeat it. Answer Save. 1 decade ago. … Thunder Punch is an Electric-type move introduced in Generation I that after making contact, may cause paralysis. Relevance. How can I breed it to where it has both thunder ounce AND blaze kick. It will take on any opponent. Lucario and the Mystery of Mew! 47 Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Fly, U-Turn Probopass lvl. Where do you teach Pokemon these attacks?Is it a tutor move,egg move,or what? Ruby later used the scroll to teach Dragon Ascent to Rayquaza. Anonymous. Favorite Answer. My Infernape has these moves: Flamethrower Close Combat (Not Changing this) Fire Blast (Until it learns Flare Blitz) - After E4: Blast Burn (Not Changing this) What should the 4th move be? :/ I need it to finish my move set: Sword dance Flare Blitz / flamthrower? (Choose 1) Shadow Claw- Thunder Punch- Mach Punch.. Pls help ! Flamethrower- After Elite Four: Blast Burn (NOT REMOVING THIS EITHER) Shadow Claw/ Thunder Punch/ Mach Punch (which 1 should I choose?) Thunder Punch can be used as part of a Contest Spectacular combination, with the user gaining an extra three appeal points if Charge was used in the prior turn. Fire Punch (Japanese: ほのおのパンチ Flame Punch) is a damage-dealing Fire-type move introduced in Generation I. I made this the night I was getting sick, and forgot I had it until just now. The resulting egg should know them. How can I teach infernape thunderpunch and blazekick with out gettin Pokemon from other games? Infernape and Magmortar are quite problematic, though. I have Pokemon white and no other games and a friend gave me a chimchar. 47 Flash Cannon, Rock Slide, Strength, Thunder Lucario lvl. 7 Answers. Togekiss should go down to Steelix's Stone Edge and/or Floatzel's Ice Punch or Infernape's Thunder Punch, Roserade and Lucario should be handled well by Infernape, Milotic by a combination of Roserade (depending on Moveset) and Infernape's Thunder Punch, and Spiritomb shouldn't be too much of a big deal either way. Shadow Punch Ghost Physical: 60 — {{{6}}} Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical: 85 90 {{{6}}} Surging Strikes Water Physical: 25 100 {{{6}}} Thunder Punch Electric Physical: 75 100 {{{6}}} Wicked Blow Dark Physical: 80 100 {{{6}}} Outside of battle. 47 Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Shadow Ball, Rock Climb Golduck lvl. Personally, I'd teach it Thunder Punch as a counter to any water types that you'd most likely get put against. and Let's Go, Eevee!, and is TM03 in Generation VIII. *6, *2, Vacuum Wave: 30: 40: 100: Always strikes first *4, *2, *2: Zen Headbutt: 15: 80: 90: May cause foe to flinch *4, *4: Snowpoint City. 0 0. The only way to get a Chimchar with Blaze Kick is by breeding a female … Set Details. Yup, Infernape can learn Thunder Punch as an egg move in X/Y. ~ Rhys, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn . Then I took a male chimchar with those moves and bred it with my adamant ditto. So I have a female adamant infernape with thunderpunch and fire punch. I think it's better that I know how the injury happened, rather than having someone just show up and bleed on the floor. Most of these are found in the same place as with Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, but there are a few differences Currently there is not way to teach it all 3 moves. Anonymous. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, and Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky, Mach Punch is a move with 8 base power, 90% accuracy, and 22 PP.The user attacks enemy in the front, from up to 2 tiles away, even if there's an ally inbetween. 4 Answers. . I bred a female chimchar with a male electivire with thunder and fire punch. Black White Black 2 White 2: It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. It may be a counterpart to Ice Punch and Thunder Punch, having similar names and effects. 47 Close Combat, Cut, Flame Wheel, Mach Punch Staraptor lvl. So it is unpossible to get thunderpunch for infernape? Description But Thunder Punch is also God-Tier coverage for someone like Infernape, who's weak to Water and Flying types, and such opponents are extremely common throughout the game. Take you to the movies Permanently Plugged In 1 total posts: 13672 since: Oct … It will take on any opponent. evaohell. Iron Fist has no effect outside of battle. 10 years ago . The fire-type pokemon and starter in out Pokemon platinum journey is Chimchar, which will later evolve into Monferno at level 14, and later into Infernape at level 36.. Infernape has one the best offensive kit in the game with 104 attack & spl. Breed a male infernape with fire and thunderpunch with a female scrafty. . Vaporeon is a great Pokemon to switch into Infernape; not only does it have naturally high HP and decent Special Defense, but it is very light, causing only 60 Base Power from Grass Knot. My offspring had both. xtreemmasheen3k2 (Topic Creator) 12 years ago #8. eyeKARUMBA57 Posted 9/12/2008 4:41:20 PM … Thunder Punch can no longer paralyze Electric-type Pokémon once again, due to them now being immune to paralysis. Answer Save. Answer Save.