is gliscor good

Wing Attack is far better defensively than the weak Fury Cutter.. Aerial Ace and Night Slash are similar, but the former is stronger. We abide by the spirit of the game - Tools, scripts, and exploits which illicitly access Niantic's servers or offer in game advantages to individual players are not propagated nor advocated on the Road. Please. main weakness is ice. Keep it constructive and friendly! I've actually often wondered if Heracross is as strong as some people think as well. Ash caught Gliscor as a Gligar in Riding the Winds of Change!, as it along with many other Gligar and a Gliscor, had become trapped in a city after being blown there by a violent windstorm.Gliscor's attempts at using sonar to navigate out of the city were blocked by the tall buildings, and only served to attract more Gligar and the Pokémon soon formed a pack. (Only visible on desktop mode!). As I stated, I took 2nd place. 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child), Thanks for the insights, awesome! A high Defense stat gives it good bulk, while its Flying/Ground typing causes it to only have two weaknesses (including a double weakness to Ice). DiscussionIs Gliscor good in PvP? Thanks, and I just got one just now! Gliscor 68 SM—Guardians Rising. Ash’s Gligar was a crybaby in the anime until it evolved. [–]ExabytezUlm, GERMANY | Instinct 45 points46 points47 points 2 years ago (3 children), He works like a charm in Great. The good news is that Leavanny should be able to handle that counter to Swampert. I looked into it on Bulbapedia and Smogon and their sets are similar to mine. It loves to eat apples from the tree and unlike other Gligar which it was lead by Gliscor, it couldn't fly very well and has an acrophobia when it was falling. Since this Gliscor isn't running Acrobatics, it would be a good idea to look into a partner such as Terrakion or Chandelure. It has a very good attack stat and also a great defense stat. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Vaporeon + Gliscor + Ferrothorn a good defensive core?" Jul 29, 13 at 4:58pm (PST) ^ Good nature for gliscor? Starting with it, if you faced a dragon, did you stay with it or switch? For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Gliscor Good On A Sandstorm Team? And gligar has much more survivable bulk to use more charge moves. It is vulnerable to Ice and Water moves. It is capable of soundless flight; however, its wings cannot be flapped to the same extent that other Pokémon's wings can. level 1 We have only two pieces of information displayed on the Pokémon card: type and damage per use, and the damage number is only for PvE and means nothing for PvP. Gliscor (Japanese: グライオン Glion) is a dual-type Ground/Flying-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Please click. Bait the enemy into shielding with Aerial Ace and hit hard with Earthquake afterwards. Poison Heal is a great defensive ability that allows Gliscor to avoid harmful status such as burns and heals 1/8 of its health every turn after it has been poisoned by a Toxic Orb. Gliscor proved quite tricky as it hit hard and had good coverage. Roost is semi-common, if the opponent is running Roost / Earthquake / Toxic / Protect, with Roost replacing U-Turn. Garchomp is so good it's been banned from standard competitive play. [–]Cheesetaco101 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children), Aerial ace once to make em think your next charge move is a 2nd so they don't bother shielding, [–]yah511New York | 151/99/132/100/114/7/3/2 (without trading) 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). All in all, Gliscor is a solid choice for being unusual but consistent. Even against a Dragon the sheer speed of Charge Moves you can fire off makes it a competitor. submitted 2 years ago by Caio_GoZOROARK OR RIOT. Please click. With Gliscor's good Speed stat, it can actually nip in ahead of most defensive Pokémon and thwart their supporting attempts. - Acrobatics - Fling My Gliscor have not learned any fang attacks. I was actually thinking about making a post in the Arena today to extol the virtues of Gliscor. [–]jasn0_X 6 points7 points8 points 2 years ago (2 children), Yes..! Brain.exe has crashed. I see; I didn't see that it had TERRIBLE Special Attack, so you're definitely right on taking out venoshock! Mod Fiat - Moderators reserve the right to approve or remove any post or comment if they feel it benefits the culture and content of The Road. In Generation 4, Gliscor has a base experience yield of 192.; In Generations 4-7, Gliscor has a base Friendship value of 70. but poor defense and speed will make it easy to kill. Gliscor is a large, mainly blue-purple vampire bat-like Pokémon. All things considered, Gliscor is an exceptionally versatile Pokemon that can do well in several capacities. You just do not want to see a Talonflame with Leavanny and neither a Charizard. Miltank or Snorlax, which is better as a tank for competitive battling? And I was originally going to add moves like this: Toxic - Venoshock - Facade - & - Brick Break. PVE Offensive Moves Explanation. Then what about its current moveset? Shiny Mew is the spawn at the end of page 3. Allowed post types: Analysis, Official news & announcements, New Info & Verification, Infographics, Questions, Media/Press reports, Questions, Bug reports, Discussions about mechanics and strategy, Theory crafting They cover each others' weaker defenses, and can just so easily stall opponents. Gliscor @ Toxic Orb If you want to use it as a tank, here's your set. Gliscor @Toxic Orb Nature: Not sure, should I go Impish or Careful? Gliscor is quite the character and one of the most emotional Pokémon Ash owns. If you have a good competitive moveset for Gliscor, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. >>46608631 fantastic lineup >>46608880 pretty good overall, never seen anyone with fomantis as their favorite >>46608885 Very tropical, I like it. Gliscor's strongest moveset is Wing Attack & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,692. I use gliscor all the time and even I agree that hes OP. Now all I got to do is catch or somehow get a Gligar or Gliscor with its Hidden Ability! The real problem was his team started with a Vaporean which forced a switch. Gliscor is a very good pokemon both defensively and offensively. Rendered by PID 19522 on r2-app-04616434f71f2f735 at 2021-03-21 23:40:20.760304+00:00 running 8c6298c country code: US. Yes... it is very strong because you can only get it through certain things... like trading from Heartgold or earlier versions.. Hope that helpes Gliscor è più leggero della sua pre-evoluzione, pesando solo 42.5 kg, mentre Gligar pesa 64.8 kg. Gliscor 81 Black & White—Boundaries Crossed. The most obvious application for this move is stopping the likes of Stealth Rock and Spikes being set-up by Bronzong and Skarmory. I feel like it would beat the hundo at level 35 easily. What would be the best nature for a gliscor? Emituje fale dźwiękowe, by wykryć przeszkody. Topic: Good nature for gliscor? I have a gligar that would be a cp 2491 gliscor at lvl 40. However, Gliscor faces competition from other Ground-types that have a superior offensive presence, such as Landorus-T … I don't regret the Gliscor at all though. Is Gliscor a good "tank" Pokemon for competitive battling? I should be able to get a Razor Fang from the PGL's Pokemilage's mini-games, though right now it's under maintenance. 6. With hindsight, it may have been better to run an ice fast move on my Weavile, because Avalanche takes too long to charge with Feint Attack (especially against a Fury Cutter Gliscor). REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 19522 on r2-app-04616434f71f2f735 at 2021-03-21 23:40:20.760304+00:00 running 8c6298c country code: US. I mean wtf he gains back like 60 hp after each protect and theres no way to poison or burn damage him. Is Toxic Orb + Facade a good strategy for Poison Heal Gliscor? Yungoos, bruxish, and cursola are all very underrated. Gliscor is a Ground & Flying Pokémon which evolves from Gligar. Gliscor's strongest moveset is Wing Attack & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,692. It had a big fear of battling other Pokémon and … ". the latter 2 fit better on offensive teams while gliscor's niches shine on more defensive teams. >>46608926 Its abilities are also quite good. Gliscor has and always will be an amazing tank and staller. All in all, Gliscor is a solid choice for being unusual but consistent. The most obvious application for this move is stopping the likes of Stealth Rock and Spikes being set-up by Bronzong and Skarmory. [–]the_kevlar_kidXP means nothing anymore 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (2 children). Also, thanks for the EVs! Watch Queue Queue Keep things civil and courteous - Civility to other travelers is a core value on the Road. With hindsight, it may have been better to run an ice fast move on my Weavile, because Avalanche takes too long to charge with Feint Attack (especially against a Fury Cutter Gliscor). Pokémon GO Gliscor is a Ground and Flying type Pokemon. Milcery being so high up is shocking. items, abilities, natures and EVs.Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Gliscor is a really fun Pokemon and a difficult one to use in PvP. Yeah; I'm not certain there was a way for me to win that match. ), [–]the_kevlar_kidXP means nothing anymore 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Thanks! It is the best heracross wall in OU in my opinion as a CB heracross with guts boost can 2HKO a skarmory with close combat, but only 3HKO gliscor. Ability: Poison Heal I like starting matches with it because the odds of running into an Ice user is unlikely. 2,144 likes. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: The Silph Road is a grassroots network of Pokémon GO™ trainers. Physical Wall Gliscor@ Leftovers Ability:Hyper Cutter Evs:252Def/252HP/4Atk Nature:Lax Earthquake Aerial Ace Stone Edge Knock Off I cant get roost because I have sold it because i needed money which was stupid I know but is this still a good gliscor Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I forget what level it is, buts a hundo with 2500cp. Good Liga: 2/5. - Stealth Rock/Taunt Roost is reliable recovery, Fling poisons an enemy Pokemon and allows you to abuse a 110 BP STAB Acrobatics, and Earthquake provides STAB coverage. It is vulnerable to Ice and Water moves. This is for double battles, by the way. Thanks Guys! I think it's safe to say it's the most accurate at the moment, this took a lot of teamwork with verifying all the amounts. OPINION: Gliscor is one of the best physical walls in the game, resisting many types of attacks (other than ice) and walling the feared CB heracross. Impish would make for a better physical wall. Gliscor changes. Don't bother with Venoshock - I know its powerful against poisoned opponents, but Gliscor's Special Attack is terrible so you are better off without it. There is no visible data in the game for PvP move damage, energy generated, or duration (in seconds for PvE and in turns for PvP). Overall Rating 7/10:Decent —Gligar is heavier than Gliscor. (Great/ultra league),, Constructing a real-world network of Pokemon GO enthusiasts, Researching and discussing game mechanics and strategy, Assign yourself the correct subreddit flair via the sidebar. and join one of thousands of communities. This video is unavailable. Wing Attack + Aerial Ace is Gliscor’s only STAB moveset.. Fury Cutter also performs well, due to its quick energy generation.. Earthquake and especially Night Slash are underwhelming.. PVE Defensive Moves Explanation. - will be the moves I'll use. Its speed is also quite fast, which makes Gliscor a very good addition to the team. What Biden might get in lieu of $15 minimum wage. I cant decide whether to use Gliscor or Weezing. Poor Gliscor. [–]SilentRhetoric 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children). - Edit:  Also, I noticed that the move you you guys (you and MeloettaMelody) use/suggest are similar (the one with - Earthquake, Acrobatics, Roost, & Fling). Also, is it possible for it to have it's DW ability in any of the game like in XY or ORAS? However, Gligar’s ground charge move Dig is significantly worse than Gliscor’s Earthquake. How can Gliscor and other tanks be countered in competitive battling? Slash 40. Gliscor's natural bulk and fair defensive typing let it easily handle Pokemon such as Landorus-T, Mega Heracross, and Electric-types lacking a Water- or Ice-type coverage move.Gliscor can also beat common Pokemon such as Garchomp and Heatran thanks to its good physical bulk and STAB Earthquake. I really like how defensive Gliscor is, and Poison Heal grouped with Roost makes him a great wall with a pretty good attack. GLIGAR & GLISCOR! _^, [–]EmilyAbsolute 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children). Movesets are incredibly important in PvP... such a shame their data is hidden by Niantic. It's typing and defense allow it to sponge hits from premier OU physical sweepers, including (but not limited to) Mega Medicham lacking an Ice-type move, Terrakion, Landorus-T, Garchomp, Mega Heracross, and Talonflame. Or for extra coverage, just go ice fang. Reviewed 2 years ago. Gliscor's amazing defensive typing, good natural bulk, and excellent recovery through Poison Heal and Roost allow it to check prominent Pokemon like Heatran and Toxapex. GREAT question. How joyous movie stole Sundance, broke sales record. So far we have only briefly experimented with it! What would be a better Poison-type tank competitvely? Cool! Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Gliscor is a Ground & Flying Pokémon which evolves from Gligar. Jeevs. (or as a Tank? items, abilities, natures and EVs.Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Even though Fury Cutter lacks STAB it is great against Psychic types (including the always dangerous Cresselia) and it charges really fast. Gliscor is currently being kept at Professor Oak's Laboratory and isn't in Ash's current party, but he's frequently done substitutions from his reserves and he needs to stop with Gliscor. Rock Slide 20 This attack does 20 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Wing Attack + Aerial Ace is Gliscor’s only STAB moveset.. Fury Cutter also performs well, due to its quick energy generation.. Earthquake and especially Night Slash are underwhelming.. PVE Defensive Moves Explanation. Gliscor's moveset isn't anything too spectacular, but access to the powerful Earthquake makes it valuable against Steel tanks. Mine is a hundo at 2500cp. Gliscor condivide questa caratteristica insieme ad Alakazam, Salamence, Venomoth, Bellossom, Shedinja e Porygon2. —Gliscor is a combination of glide and scorpion. Other. Aerial Ace does great damage to annoying Fighting types like Hariyama as well as Venusuar, Meganium and Sceptile and it does good neutral damage to a lot of other things; it also forces players to use Shields being a good, STAB, 3 bar move. [–]the_kevlar_kidXP means nothing anymore 17 points18 points19 points 2 years ago (7 children). Jak każdy nietoperz, śpi głową do dołu. Weezing has stats that are almost as good … A Gligar with its HA! (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) 6. My Gliscor faced it down and barely lost to it. If you have a good competitive moveset for Gliscor, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. third and fourth are straight forward, good old STAB move and rock/ground coverage combo. But it was helpful to lose because I learned where I need to better round out my team. Glisser helped us to add a nice energiser to a company day out, and others from the company have considered using it in future client meetings Pros. Gliscor hangs upside down while sleeping, much like other bat-like Pokémon, and it is nocturnal. Hope someone else chimes in. You run it with Fury Cutter, Aerial Ace and Earthquake. Mr. Gliscor. (Given Dragonite's extra resistance to ground I'd have gone for Aerial Aces too. More of a pivot set, used to set rocks and absorb major physical hits, while retaining the ability to break down opposing walls with the use of Taunt and mainly Toxic. Ability: Poison Heal The one way to beat him is if you use a special attack and even that may not work Just wondering if the level makes a difference at all to equate with the low ivs, [–]featherrage 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), My understanding is that a higher level (worse IVs) is better. - Roost The second slot can be for roost, since you will be fast enough off rock polish or salac boost to get the HP back before getting hit. You just do not want to see a Talonflame with Leavanny and neither a Charizard. Website. Smogon banning Gliscor because it makes stall good?