Zhao | Amon fabricated a fake backstory for himself and dyed a fake scar over his face as a means to justify his use of a mask. He also claimed that he had been granted the power to remove bending by the spirits because they believed the Avatar had failed the world and wanted him to usher in an era of equality. Dai Li Sergeant | This proves an emotional struggle because she must betray her father. Amon used bloodbending to strip Lin Beifong of her bending abilities. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Tired of his father's treatment, a young Noatak bloodbent Yakone. They quickly get into a relationship, which upsets Korra, because she had a crush on Mako. Take Korra on a walk! But you deal with it. Amon demonstrating the extent of his power by removing Zolt's firebending before an awestruck crowd. 1105 1187 17. Amon's agility and unarmed combat skills made him a match for even the strongest of benders, like Tarrlok. ... Amon doesn't exist. After being proclaimed public enemy number one by the United Republic Council, he spread a message over the radio to his fellow Equalists, using the actions of the Council as proof of benders' oppressive nature. Unmasked On the eve of the Pro-bending championship match, Amon demanded that the council shut down the Pro-bending Arena and put an end to the tournament, threatening that there would be "severe consequences" if they did not. Lieutenant | Did you get Korra pregnant? Early life. Amon emerged from the shadows and revealed that he would allow her to keep her bending for the time being, stating that she would otherwise become a martyr and cause benders from every nation to rally behind her "untimely demise". Hobby Guan | Noatak | Amon is the name of the second deadliest pressure point in the human body. The following is a list of all 2020 Funko Pop! He could levitate his targets, throw them around, subdue them, and knock them unconscious. In spite of his apparent cruelty, Amon claims to be a staunch believer in what he views as equality. It doesn't bother you that much at this point. Tribes of Europa 1.Sezon 4.Bölüm 1080p Full HD izle, Tribes of Europa 1.Sezon 4.Bölüm Full izle, Tribes of Europa 1.Sezon 4.Bölüm Türkçe Altyazılı izle Korra's Arc . Amon was capable of launching himself out of a body of water on a gigantic water spout and propelling himself over the surface at a speed exceeding that of Mako's fire blasts.[6]. At the same time, he mastered his father's unique ability to psychically bloodbend, which allowed him to bend not only through physical movement, but through sheer focus and strength of will. After Councilman Tarrlok and Avatar Korra led a task force that successfully raided an Equalist training facility, Amon was publicly challenged by the Avatar to a midnight duel on Aang Memorial Island without the involvement of the task force or chi blockers. He also exhibited the ability to resist bloodbending with little effort, even against Tarrlok, who had mastered the skill to a similar level. Instead Republic City had a democratically elected president that gave non-benders a voice above benders and finally equalizing non-benders and benders. The Chinese transliteration for Amon's name, 阿蒙 (pinyin: āméng) can have a few meanings, but the most appropriate is "to cover". Amon is really only seen in the story acting annoyed with the boring Unalaq, who kept trying to get involved in the group's evil plans against their wishes. Amon, born as Noatak, is one of the main antagonists of The Legend of Korra, serving as the main antagonist of Book One: Air and as a posthumous antagonist for the remainder of the series. When the Lieutenant and the other Equalists joined him in watching the Avatar leave, he scolded them for having underestimated her.[12]. [4], Unlike Tarrlok, Amon reveled in his bloodbending abilities. A Char Clone is a character who is based on Char Aznable from the Gundam franchise, a Fountain of Expies.The Gundam series was (and is) wildly popular in Japan, with a cultural impact comparable to Star Trek or Doctor Who in the West. Finish the slave route! Amon, his Lieutenant, and several other chi blockers attempted to fight back but were all blown off the stage by Mako and Tenzin. Arrogantly turning his back to the duo to face Tenzin, he was forced to jump out of the path of Mako's lightning attack. His proactive and logical thinking typically put him "one step ahead" of his enemies. Amon refuses to duel Korra, but warns the young Avatar that he will inevitably destroy her. Chaejin | Aiwei, Earth Empire With that knowledge, Korra and Mako vowed to expose Amon as a fraud during the victory rally. The second team is made by Plankton, Spongebob, and Abrasive Spongebob, which are the bad versions of Spongebob, with a green mask on his face. As she unleashed a barrage of air attacks upon him, Amon attempted to fight back with bloodbending, but the narrow corridor allowed Korra to keep on attacking and blast him out a window into the harbor below. Wonyong Keum | He is the charismatic and mysterious leader of an anti-bender revolutionary group known as the Equalists. Amon | Unlike Korra, who often attempted to engage him openly, Amon was cautious and avoided direct conflict unless he was making a statement, such as his organization's show of power at the pro-bending arena. However, even in a distraught state, he briskly regained his composure and used his strength and skill to escape. He eventually succeeded in this goal by using his mastery of bloodbending to "sever" an individual's bending connection by blocking their active chi paths, effectively achieving the same result as energybending. Despite Tarrlok's unique bloodbending skills, Amon was minimally affected by the bending, taking a momentary pause to regain control, and was eventually able to counteract his bending completely. However, before he could remove Bolin's bending, Korra let out a steam screen into the room, allowing Bolin to escape with his brother, Mako. [4], When Noatak and Tarrlok both discovered they were waterbenders, Yakone trained them ruthlessly to develop their skills. While Asami is a non-bender, she joins Team Avatar to defeat Amon. Defeat Avatar Korra.Rid the world of bending and make all people both bending and non-bending equal among each other at any cost (all eventually failed). The same ideogram also means "fair" and "equal", matching the Equalists' name. He took his charade to such heights that apart from wearing a mask, he even applied make-up to fake a large facial scar to legitimize his fabricated story of being mutilated by a firebender in order to further drive bending hate and sympathy for his cause. Blue Spirit Mask - Avatar: The Last Airbender . Political information In actuality, he was a prodigious Northern Water Tribe bloodbender, son of the escaped crime boss, Yakone. Noatak then bloodbent his father, and declared that bloodbending was not the most powerful weapon, but that the Avatar was and reminded his father that the Avatar had removed his bending through energybending. Amon was mentioned by Toph, when she explained to Korra that even through Amon fought for the wrong side, his intentions of wanting equality for all was a reasonable motive. Aware that Tarrlok figured out his identity, Amon held his brother in a solitary prison. He had taken residence in the tower on the island and also used it as a makeshift prison for the captured Tarrlok. 2990 3329 26. Despite his great power, Amon often took defensive or strategic positions, such as when he allowed Korra to escape his rally and spread word of his abilities to the city. Amon displayed great charisma as an orator. He demonstrated a similar command of self-discipline in his dealings with his allies, always delivering orders calmly and succinctly, and only scolding lightly when they did not heed his warnings. Combustion Man | He set forth a demonstration to remove Lightning Bolt Zolt's bending, though allowed him to fight for it. He managed to make his way back to Air Temple Island, where he released Tarrlok, expressing regret for what he had done to him and once more offering his younger brother a chance to leave with him so they could start a new life together, as he was all he had left in the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Korra, however, seeing Mako in danger suddenly unlocked her airbending and used it to to knock Amon away from Mako. More about Amon His brother, Tarrlok, noted that he had never encountered a bender as strong as Amon. Witcher Medallion . Amon rallied the sympathy of his followers with a false backstory, in which his family, all nonbenders, was extorted by a firebender and his face was left horribly scarred. Royal Procession | Noatak was born in the Northern Water Tribe to Yakone and his wife, as the older brother of Tarrlok by three years. [1] He also supplemented his hand-to-hand skills with minor applications of his bloodbending in order to better defend and redirect enemy assaults. Lightning Bolt Zolt | Mai | Quick on his feet, he dodged Lightning Bolt Zolt's fire blasts with no effort as well as his lightning blast near point blank range. He offered her the chance to keep her bending in exchange for information regarding Korra's whereabouts, but at her defiant refusal, Amon proceeded to take away her bending. Blum began his career in 1984. Hama | Kemurikage | A sun symbol is on his mask as well. During this visage, Zaheer's face slowly crumbled, revealing Amon's mask, telling her the world didn't need her anymore. Amon was the only known person who was not an Avatar to have had the ability to remove someone's bending. Amon Mask - Legend of Korra . The two brothers acquired a speedboat and made their way out of Republic City, journeying across the Mo Ce Sea. He was voiced by Steve Blum with the voices of the young Noatak provided by Jacob Bertrand and Alexander Martella. Amon's unwavering strength of will and high level of self-control made him a charismatic leader and a formidable opponent. Amon is the seventh evil spirit listed in "Ars Goetia" in The Lesser Key of Solomon. He was a gifted public speaker who knew how to mystify and terrify his allies and enemies alike. At the conclusion of the championship match, he entered the arena and stripped the victors, Tahno and the rest of the White Falls Wolfbats, of their bending powers. Despite growing fascinated by this skill, he ultimately desired more, wanting to have the power to remove people's bending, just as Avatar Aang had done to his father with the use of energybending. Bujing | The spelling "Amon" is also used in some transliterations. Sophisticated Supremacist, Chi blocking masterEqualist leaderTerroristWaterbending master, AgilityBloodbendingCharismaChi-blockingExceptional intelligenceHand-to-hand combatIntimidationLeadershipManipulationPhysical resilienceSpeedTactics and strategyWaterbending. [11], While taking care of Tarrlok, he ordered his fellow Equalists to retrieve Korra, who was trapped inside a metal box in the basement. [13], After the original inhabitants had fled, Amon re-purposed Air Temple Island into his base of operations and had his followers bring forth all captured benders in order to strip them of their powers. Amon was a calculating and manipulative individual who executed his schemes with great foresight and efficiency. He could levitate his targets, throw them around, subdue them, and knock them unconscious. Amon was later used by Varrick in his story of Bolin, Hero of the World, in which he was described as a zombie. His credits include the voice of Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop, Zeb Orrelios in Star Wars Rebels, Mugen in Samurai … High quality Avatar The Last Airbender gifts and merchandise. [17] He also exhibited the ability to resist bloodbending with little effort, even against Tarrlok, who had mastered the skill to a similar level.[12]. Felicity Dream is a fanfiction author that has written 143 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Codename: Kids Next Door, Sailor Moon X-overs, Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation, Inuyasha, Teen Titans, Naruto, Pirates of the Caribbean, Bleach, Star Wars, Twilight, Misc. Dark Spirits | In battle, Korra seems to favor earth and fire. Last appearance When Mako arrived to help, he too was stopped by Amon's bloodbending. However, before he could finally purge Bolin of his earthbending, Korra orchestrated a distraction by releasing a cloud of steam into the room, allowing Mako to rescue Bolin in the resulting confusion and escape. [6], Amon's unwavering strength of will and high level of self-control made him a charismatic leader and a formidable opponent. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 325 355 2. After Councilman Tarrlok and Avatar Korra successfully executed a raid on an Equalist training facility in the Dragon Flats district, he was publicly challenged by Korra to a midnight duel on Aang Memorial Island with the condition that the island would be exempt of the task force and chi blockers. He was able to maintain this facade consistently even under the heat of battle. As soon as you reach your room she faceplants the bed and falls asleep immediately. He also demonstrated his agility as a nimble fighter, allowing him to maneuver gracefully and evade bending assaults with ease, even at close-range. As evidenced by the multiple attacks orchestrated by the Equalists, Amon was also a capable strategist and tactician, outmatching other organized forces such as the Metalbending Police Force and the United Forces armada on several occasions.