lana lang season 7

There is something darker about her." She convinced Lex Luthor to restore it rather than turn it into a parking garage. However, when she found her mom's old diary, Lana discovered that her aunt had lie… ", Robert Bernstein (w), Curt Swan (p), George Klein (i). ", "Superman & Batman: Generations" Vol. It is hinted that adult Clark still harbors romantic feelings for Lana.[24]. These portrayals include the Adventures of Superboy television series in which Stacy Haiduk played her, and the WB/CW television series Smallville played by Kristin Kreuk. After Lex was shot in the head, Lana provided Clark and Chloe information about Project Intercept with the resources she had at the Isis Foundation so that they could find Kara. Smallville star Kristin Kreuk responds to Lana Lang casting ahead of new Arrowverse show, Superman & Lois. She was attending a performance of 'The Ring Trilogy' in New Bayreuth, when New Reichman's Eagle's Nest space station impacted and destroyed Metropolis, killing millions. After the 1985-1986 miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths was written, various aspects of Lana's history were retconned, starting with comics writer John Byrne's miniseries The Man of Steel, which was designed to rewrite Superman's origin from scratch. Clark found out through Lex that Lana had stolen ten million dollars from him and when he confronted Lana about the money, Lana explained that it was another one of Lex's ways to split them up and that the money was a divorce settlement, which was the truth. 1,119 people follow this. Lana Lang is a fictional supporting character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. [11] Lana bravely kept Clark's identity a secret and upon his rescuing her their relationship became more healthy once again, albeit still at a distance. [20], In September 2011, DC Comics rebooted their continuity. "Superboy's Romance with Cleopatra", Jerry Siegel (w), Curt Swan (p), Stan Kaye (i). Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, "WWC: Gates and Igle Join DC's Supergirl",, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The first Knight and Squire are debuted by Bill Finger and Dick Sprang. En las historias modernas, ella estuvo casada por un tiempo con Pete Ross, el mejor amigo de Clark en la juventud. After Clark and Lana graduated from high school, Lana went to college, and eventually became a television reporter for Metropolis TV station WMET-TV. [7] As an adult, Lana became a rival to Lois Lane for Superman's affection in various 1960s stories, often appearing in the Lois Lane comics series Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane. She left her clone (Model 503) that Lex created in her car so that when it blew up, they found her DNA. When Superman and Batman come to remove the Kryptonite, Lana refuses to hand it over and pushes a button which turns the caches into "dirty bombs" which spread Kryptonite molecules through the entire planet, forcing all Kryptonians to vacate. It is subsequently revealed that, apparently due to their presence at the death of the New 52 Clark Kent, Lana and Lois have acquired powers, each calling themselves 'Superwoman', with Lois demonstrating Superman's traditional powers while Lana manifests a form similar to the more recent 'Superman Red', able to absorb and generate multiple forms of energy. In 2016, DC Comics started a company-wide crossover event titled Rebirth. 1 History 2 Appearances 2.1 Superman: The Animated Series 2.2 Justice League 2.3 Justice League Unlimited 3 References Lana Lang was one of the oldest friends Superman had in Smallville. The character of Lana Lang has been analyzed as a portrayal of women in American comics. He overpowered her and used a live wire to take the powers from her. In modern revisions of DC Comics continuity, she and Clark are shown to have remained friends since their teenage years. When Lana finally aired her grievance with him years later (The Man of Steel #6), Clark felt very badly over how he had hurt her. She is concerned and angered about the loss of her acquired youth and chides him for mourning Overgirl, dismissing her as a mere clone, and is nervous about Freedom Fighters terrorism. Chloe Sullivan: Nothing, I just want to click my heels and get back to reality. S7, Ep11 7 Feb. 2008 Earth-Two's Superman was able to locate an antidote to the spell, which Lois Lane used to remove the compulsion (Superman Family #213), letting Lana break free of Ultra's influence and making her able to use the amulet's power at her own discretion. 1. When Clark reveals that he is feeling hesitant at the prospect of leaving all of it [Smallville] behind, Lana reassures him that his leaving is for the best because he is meant for greater things outside Smallville. He then took Lana to Smallville and helped her to re-bury Superman's remains. Clark was dismayed that Lana had been completely fooled and despite this Lana tried to atone by helping Clark defeat Bizarro. It was in Season 5, Episode 12. In Superman/Batman #49, it is revealed that she sold Kryptonite to the government to prevent Lexcorp from going under and had caches of Kryptonite placed all over the planet, as a last-ditch defense if Superman should ever go rogue. A pre-Flashpoint Clark Kent discovered Lana under a memorial for Superman, where she revealed that she had made a promise to move Clark's remains next to his family's in Smallville, Kansas. Kreuk had second-billing behind Tom Welling through season 6, and remained a series regular until the end of season 7. "Fallout". While living with Clark, Lana met Clark´s Kryptonian cousin Kara and the Martian Manhunter. With Brainiac's return, Kara tried to teach Clark to fly, so he sent Lana to Isis. Lana is given five minutes to leave the building, or they will shoot her to death. In Superman/Batman #63 suggests that this was Gorilla Grodd, when Batman mentions that "Grodd finally finished what he started when he controlled Lana all those years ago". Then, Lana and Clark returned to live happily together without secrets. Search. She admitted that Bizarro made her feel more loved and happier than she ever had been. "Who Is Superwoman? I caved. Studies in Popular Culture 17, no. Lana showed Clark a woman who was found suffering from toxic levels of metal poisoning and Clark discovered that Brainiac was alive. However, Chloe found evidence that Lionel was in fact responsible. Style lana lang. Lana was thus compelled to create a Chitinous golden-brown costume (woven by silkworms under her control) and adopt a villainous alter ego, the Insect Queen. Chloe agreed but sensed that there was something Lana was hiding. In the Silver Age, she regularly appeared in comic books depicting the adventures of Superman's teenaged self, Superboy, and also appeared as an adult in numerous Superman titles, vying with Lois Lane for his attention. Over the course of the story, she becomes Batman's most outspoken supporter, appearing in a series of TV debates in which she and others argue over his methods and influence. She continues to function as Superwoman but is ultimately de-powered and returns to normal life. "Stormbreaker (Part of the Batman: Zero Year)", Scott Lobdell (w), Aaron Kuder (p), Aaron Kuder (i). Lana Lang was a childhood friend and the high school sweetheart of Clark Kent; eventually she became a world-renowned fashion designer. Lana continued her assault on him and was only stopped from killing Lex by Clark himself. Lana later became romantically linked to the alien super-hero Vartox. These portrayals include the Adventures of Superboy television series in which Stacy Haiduk played her, and the WB/CW television series Smallville played by Kristin Kreuk. Lana was increasingly consumed with vengeful feelings towards Lex and Lionel Luthor, which she hid from Clark. Her new abilities amplifying her anger, Lana wanted vengeance and to make Lex pay for his crimes. Created by writer Bill Finger and artist John Sikela, the character first appears in Superboy #10 (September/October 1950). For example, in Superman: Secret Origin, Lana becomes privy to Clark's unusual abilities at an early age and becomes his earliest confidant outside of his parents and the futuristic Legion of Super-Heroes. Following this storyline, there is never again any mention of her history regarding Clark or Superman. [18] A gigantic cocoon-like structure soon engulfs the hospital, and an army of giant insects takes hostage a number of workers as well as the Science Police and the Guardian. "Death & the Family", Sterling Gates (w), Jamal Igle (p), Jon Sibal (i). Lana working at the Talon along with her boss. In the post-Crisis version of events, Lana was a childhood friend of Clark, with a certain degree of romantic tension in the air as Lana had long pined after Clark, who had loved her only platonically in return.[10]. Smallville ' s season seven slipped in the ratings, averaging 3.7 million viewers weekly. He invited Lana to stay with him at the farm, until her name could be cleared. In this new timeline, Lana is a childhood friend of Clark and has been privy to Clark's unusual abilities from an early age. But after a string of guest appearances in season 8, Lana’s time on Smallville came to an end. While Clark is frozen in the Fortress, Lana enjoys this new Clark, and shares information she has gathered on a serial killer who is draining his victims of all trace minerals. She offers her advice and friendship. Lana asks Chloe to keep the Isis Foundation a secret. After that, Lana chose to face the consequences of her actions although Clark blamed her behavior on himself. Unlike the pre-Crisis Earth-One continuity, Lana did not go on to have a journalistic career or compete with Lois for Superman's affections, nor play a significant role in Clark's life in Metropolis. The Queen reveals to Supergirl that during her last encounter with Lana, she injected her with a portion of her DNA and has been slowly taking control of her body for the past year, with the ultimate goal of capturing a Kryptonian to use as a template for an army of hybrid insects. However, this scenario is later revealed to be a simulation created in the Batcomputer. The regular cast is introduced in season one, with storylines involving a villain deriving power from kryptonite exposure. They picked this name for their son after Lana asked Clark to save his life when a car accident caused him to be born eight weeks premature. Clothing (Brand) Page Transparency See More. After Superman flies off, someone is shown watching Lana crying on a screen, saying to her "you did perfect". The full extent of her history and her connection to Superboy/Clark has not been fully disclosed. See, Lana makes a non-speaking cameo appearance in the, Lana made one appearance in a 1996 episode of, Jadin Gould portrayed a young Lana Lang in, This page was last edited on 21 March 2021, at 04:45. Then she went to her own secret hideaway where she had numerous security screens watching over the Luthor Mansion and Lex himself. After two weeks of being missing after he went to plead with Jor-El to find Kara, Clark seemingly returned home and declared that Kara was gone forever. Reverse-engineering Kal-L's spacecraft enables the Nazis to achieve world domination and win the Second World War. In JLA: The Nail, Lana is a doctor at a research facility dedicated to studying metahumans in the belief that they are alien invaders, although she secretly helps smuggle various heroes out of the facility to hide with the Kents (who in this reality never found Kal-El's ship). Just down the road, another family had taken in a child in the aftermath of this disaster. 1 #4 (Jan. 1999). Based on the comic book character of the same name, Lana was Clark Kent’s main love interest for most of the show’s 10-season run. [3], At one point, Lana once rescued an insect-like alien trapped by a fallen tree in Smallville. Smallville ' s first season primarily dealt with Clark Kent's coming to terms with his alien origin and the revelation that his arrival on Earth was connected to the death of Lana Lang's parents. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Lana meets Clark's biological mother, Lara. (Part IV of VI) - Mistakes", Sterling Gates (w), Jamal Igle (p), Jon Sibal (i). He then divulged to her that he had superpowers, displayed by flying her around the world, before explaining that he felt he had to leave Smallville to help humanity as a whole. Later Lana told Clark that she doesn't know if she deserves him after all she's done, but Clark assured her that it is okay to make mistakes. Lana Lang never actually dies. Although Kara chose to follow Brainiac's orders, he does not release Lana and she was somewhat mobile but remained relatively unresponsive to outside stimuli.[1]. Lara told Lana that she could see the darkness Lana was battling, but their conversation was cut short when Zor-El stormed in to take Lara. Nell Potter, Lana's aunt, moved to Smallville and raised Lana. During a romantic afternoon, they were struck by lightning and Lana received some of Clark's powers. She made Clark a video and left it at the hospital for him to find. Eventually, Luthor was forced from his office, and Pete Ross became President (and Lana the First Lady). Lana grew up in Soviet Ukraine along with the young Superman after his escape vessel landed there while he was an infant. She briefly returns to Smallville to attend Jonathan Kent's funeral. Around the same time, Perry White has been actively pursuing Lana to take over the Business section of the Daily Planet, a position which Lana was afraid to accept, following her bad experience with Lexcorp. At the start of the storyline, Lana has already left Smallville prior to Clark's return from his world journey. The Earth-2 Insect Queen would later use her abilities to aid Superman in times of need. After Lionel approached Lana asking for surveillance on Lex, blackmailing her in the process, Lana decided to tell Clark, who was angry that Lana was only telling the truth because she was being threatened. Lana called Lex over to discuss her situation, confirming that she accepted Lex's offer. 2. Superman responds by telling her that, while he does sometimes wonder what things would have been like if he had married her rather than Lois, there is a reason he is with Lois instead of her: Lois would never have pushed the button. All three characters had been around since the pilot. When Clark appeared in public as Superman some years later, the lonely and depressed Lana deduced his true identity and became something of a stalker, to the extent that Lex Luthor noticed the frequency with which she appeared in the vicinity of the hero and actually had her tortured in an attempt to gain whatever inside knowledge of Superman she might have. While Lana is recovering, Supergirl visits her. Clark reunited with and started dating Lana Lang again. [21] They also share mutual romantic feelings for each other during their youth, and they would have gone to the Senior Prom together if that had not been the night that Clark's parents died. 1 (1994): 45-53. She later tries to help Superman, facing the time-traveling strongman Atlas, by sending the Luthor Squad. [2] In the Silver Age stories, Lana often behaved like a younger version of Lois Lane, spending much of her time trying to prove that Superboy and Clark Kent were one and the same. She was not remorseful, saying that she just needed to know that he would love her no matter what. Smallville Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 1,110 people like this. Lana started working as a waitress at the Beanery, but was terrible at the job and fired in less than a week, but when her Aunt Nell decided to sell the theater where her parents met, she set herself on a mission. Shortly after her reported death, Lana was seen alive in hiding in Shanghai, China wearing a blonde wig for weeks. Lana's relationship with Clark is again altered in 2003's Superman: Birthright limited series by Mark Waid, which again revises Superman's origins. She has appeared in other media adaptations of Superman, typically as a teenager. When Chloe found out about Lana's Isis Foundation, designed to help the meteor-infected, Lana asked Chloe to keep the Foundation a secret - especially from Clark. Lana told Clark that the world needed him more than she did and that they were not meant to be together. The CW/DC … In the seventh installment of the DC Multiverse-spanning series, Multiversity: Mastermen, Lana appears as Lena in the story, on an alternate Earth where Kal-L's rocket landed in Sudetenland, in Nazi Germany's pre-war empire in 1938. I'm very interested in tying her back in to Metropolis and making sure that her world is a part of the Superman universe. In this new history, Lana's two obnoxious brothers, whom she lacked in previous versions, often interrupted her romantic relationship with Clark. Upon his arrival home, Clark is told that Lana left some time prior and no one has heard from her since. Lana said that it was Chloe's imagination and that there was no secret. When Clark finally destroyed Brainiac, Lana awoke from her catatonic state, completely recovered. The holographic copy of Luthor informs Lana that by helping Superman she has violated the Lexcorp standard contract of employment ("very, very fine print"), that forbids Lexcorp employees to use Lexcorp resources for helping Kryptonians, under the penalty of termination. Lana is a beautiful woman with dark hair (of which had red highlights during her senior year of high school), hazel eyes (the likes of which had been complimented on numerous times) and a slender frame. … Pete Ross: What's the matter with that? Supergirl breaks free and is able to expel the Queen from Lana's body with help from Kryptonian technology, and Lana returns to her normal state. Although the attack of the Brainiac-controlled Doomsday interrupted Clark's efforts to take the baby to receive care, Brainiac's subsequent attempts to use the baby's DNA to create a new body for himself brought the baby to full term. Even after Clark and Kara defeated Brainiac, her condition continued to deteriorate. [13], In 2008, a new Supergirl writer Sterling Gates told Newsarama about Lana Lang: "We're integrating Supergirl's book more into the Superman universe, and that includes having a supporting cast that overlaps with that world. Several obstacles prevented him from telling her, ranging from his own fear that she would blame him for the death of her parents, to his concern that knowing the truth would be too much of a burden for her to bear. Chloe Sullivan: Clark Kent is a football player and Lana Lang is a waitress. When Lana told Clark that she doesn't want to hold him back when the world needs him more than her, Clark assured Lana that he is happy with her and she doesn't need to worry and that gave Lana a green light to continue in her affairs. She dies, but then Clark switches the time back to before she died. Legend have it that Lana Lang from Smallville is still suffering PTSD, depression, anxiety attacks and brain damage due to being knocked unconscious, kidnapped, drowned, assaulted, injured, stalked, mind controlled, domestic abuse, clark's emotional abuse, inducted into weird cults some of which brand women, clark's gaslighting, harassed, possessed and groomed on a weekly basis through … ", Martin Pasko (w), Curt Swan (p), Dan Adkins (i). As Lana restored her surveillance room in the Isis Foundation, they investigated something Lex was working on called Project Scion. Lana returned for five episodes in season 8 on a mission to acquire super powers. ! In the early 1980s, with the use of the multiverse system DC had in place, Lana Lang was also shown in several stories to have had an Earth-Two counterpart (Earth-Two at the time the home of the Justice Society of America and DC's Golden Age versions of its characters, versus its mainstream universe of "Earth-One"). This act activates a dormant program inside the Lexcorp mainframes, an holographic version of Luthor. [9] Eventually, she and Clark Kent became romantically involved in stories prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Williams, J. P. "Transformations and Projections: Constructions of Femininity in "Lois Lane"." Community See All. After an initial clash with Superman, the Insect Queen fell under the mental influence of Superman's enemy, the Ultra-Humanite, who kept her under the spell's compulsion and prevented her from reverting to normal. Lana lived in Shanghai, China for a short period of time. During the 1970s and early 1980s, Lana became an anchorwoman for WGBS-TV's evening news in Metropolis, as a co-anchor to Clark Kent. By Nicholas Raymond Published Nov 29, 2020 Smallville lost three of its original cast members all fairly close together in season 7. Lana told Chloe about secret passages into the mansion and they set out together to rescue Kara from the mansion so she could rescue Clark. About See All +52 56 1741 1357. In The New 52: Futures End, Lang was among the countless Earth 2 refugees who escaped Darkseid and his Parademon army's destruction of their home world and relocated to Prime Earth. This season Clark Kent learned more about himself, his Kryptonian background, and his destiny than ever before. she said that she loved and she knew she would always need him, but she understood the world needed him more. Lana being confronted by Clark at the Isis Foundation. " Ever since Lana came back she has been different. On Earth-Two Lana's father left Smallville and moved to Metropolis as a young man, so Clark did not know Lana in his youth. She divorced Lex and returned to Smallville. Nell and the Kents would com… The Pre-Flashpoint Clark had her take him to the Fortress of Solitude to see if he could revive Superman as he had assumed but realized that he couldn't. In the New 52 DC Multiverse it is Earth 10. Thus, the exaggeratedly feminine nature of Lana's speech and appearance- her form-fitting, sometimes revealing outfits for example- stands in contrast to Lois' sportier clothes and straightforward speech. "The Killer With the Heart of Steel! Lana went to confront Lex. 2. She told Clark that she was leaving and he should not follow her. Lana and Cole eventually escaped the island together but were then forced to visit the Earth Registration Authority, where it was reported that Cole Cash had died nine years prior, forcing him to re-register under the legal name "Cole Lang" - Lana's husband and an Earth-2 native. "Queen", Sterling Gates (w), Jamal Igle (p), Jon Sibal (i). The Earth-Two Lana Lang was introduced in Superman Family #203. Again, her previous history has not been mentioned since this revision. (btw I HATE Clana, but the video was sooo sad!!) 1 Historia 1.1 Origen 1.2 Millennium 1.3 Primera Dama 1.4 Presidenta de LexCorp 1.5 Reina Insecto 2… Lana's parents, Lewis and Laura Lang, were killed in the meteor shower that rained down upon the world on December 15th, 1978. This storyline, which takes some inspiration from the TV show Smallville (such as the appearance of Ma and Pa Kent), also shows Clark and Lana to have had a mutual romantic relationship during their youth. However, Lana constantly battled conflicting feelings within herself, fueled by anger and hur… She continued to say they were only fooling themselves. Lana takes it upon herself to reach out to Supergirl. Sixty years later, Lena is Overman's consort, but their relationship is cold and loveless. He was shocked to see her alive but also delighted at the same time. Lana took Lex up on his offer and returned to Smallville, meeting Clark in his barn. When Lana met Clark's biological mother, Lara, she agreed to keep Lara company while Clark met up with Kara. In gratitude, the alien gave her a "bio-genetic" ring which allowed Lana to gain insect (and insect-like, such as arachnids) characteristics.