legend of korra, mako death
Xu, Water Tribe The two began a new legitimate life, with a solid roof over there heads and the local gangsters now closed off to them. He tends to act in a critical and controlling manner, stemming from a life on the streets and a drive to protect his little brother, which forced him to take on adult responsibilities at a young age. Tenzin, Earth Kingdom So like, most citizens of Republic City, Mako is of mixed nationality, his father, San, was from the Earth Nation and his mother, Naoki, born in the Fire Nation. Korra, the Avatar - a heroic bender perpetually reincarnated with the ability to use all the elements, had watched the match and gone back stage to express her admiration of the team but caught them just in time to see Hasook march off. Mako is older than his brother by two years. Mako would witness his parents death at age eight though, killed by a criminal firebender. Bolin sinks one of its feet in a lava pit, Wei and Wing tie up its legs with metal cables similarily to destroying an AT-AT, Korra and all the airbenders try to blow it over, Bolin joins the earthbending Beifongs in toppling a building on it, and finally Korra uses an entire river to trap it. Over the course of the match Korra was revealed to be the Avatar when she was able to bend multiple elements. Ajay's natural habitat is his bedroom, which means that his time is spent staring at his TV screen in a hypnotic coma. Hakoda | While fighting the Equalists Mako is able to use his lightningbending to redirect electricity from the latest technology that the Equalists are equipped with to avoid being stunned. She nodded on her deathbed before sadly passing away. Air, fire, water and earth can be bent at will, and avatar Korra's team had a few powerful benders in it, including the former cop and pro bender Mako.. RELATED: The Legend of Korra: The 10 Worst Things Mako Did The Boulder | Kuvira goes through a secondary metamorphosis after the incident with Guan, and she finally begins to see how her deeds were morally, ethically, and politically skewed. The Voice in the Night 24m. The three of them face off against the Avatar, Toph, Suyin, Opal, Wei, and Wing, and actually succeed in making the latter escape. Zhu Li’s first official order as president … His sense of duty also caused him to divulge information that would strain his relationship with Korra, ultimately ending it. Bolin is now apparently a cop as well, and Lin Beifong insists that the two brothers partner up and look out for each other, something that Mako finds annoying. After the tournament's conclusion, Mako joined Korra in her efforts to stop the Equalists. Mako is very dutiful in his job as a cop, having arrested several triad members since joining the force, and was on the fast track to becoming detective. M… Tonraq | All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Most people stood around her grave, but one person was completly broke down on the floor. On that sad night everyone cried for Avatar Korra and remembered all the accomplishments she had achieved during her time. Varrick | He is a firebender from a multicultural family who grew up on the streets of Republic City as an orphan with his younger brother, Bolin. Roku | His occasional idiosyncrasies aside, Mako is a crucial part of the Avatar's life, both as a loyal teammate and as a one-time boyfriend. Mako is the deuteragonist later the overall tritagonist of Avatar: Legend of Korra. Republic City was founded on a destroyed piece of land that needed to be tended to, as a result it became an invitation for members of all other nations to join together to form the society. The referees initially stopped the match to consult, bending multiple elements gave the team an unfair advantage but as the Avatar was a historic hero the the referees did not want to upset the crowd and with no specific laws otherwise it was decided Korra could participate as long as she limited herself to one element, in the match as a waterbender since the Fire-Ferrets already had an earth and firebender. Zhu Li, Spirits His protective attitude toward his younger brother on the street in the years after their parents' death reflected this side of him as well. Ming-Hua helped Zaheer overthrow the Earth Queen and also fought against Korra to achieve victory. He is the deuteragonist in the first two seasons and later the tritagonist in the second two seasons. Aye-Aye Spirit | Skoochy's report is either not up to date, or he blatantly lies … Powers/Skills Jinora | Mako always wears his signature red scarf that was once his father's, who was murdered along with his mother when he was a boy.