legend of korra review

Korra - Creator's pet. There were small moments here and there but they could've been interpreted as just good friends. B+. The real kicker is the romance and love triangles, avatar isn't known for focusing on romance instead it favors character development, world building, and action. Korra looks the part on the most superficial level, but possesses not one ounce of the flair and depth that characterize the television series. They had no proper build up and the "hints" can be taken as platonic rather than romantic (blushes don't always mean romance). I've waited patiently until the conclusion of TLOK to finally write this review. In contrast, in the original series, we are shown the human side of the fire-nation; some members of the fire-nation are good, and even join the protagonists' side. The Legend Of Korra is a very worthy successor of the first series. The show is obviously aimed at teenage audiences, and thus has a lot of unnecessarily angsty romance that wasn't present (or at least more subtle) in the original series. And the tension that they're building up throughout the show is an excellent way of keeping people tethered to their screens and to the series! It's a totally different environment, and the circumstances are also entirely different, but you can see that the makers of the series have put a lot of work and effort in the second series. The Legend of Korra's other kind of detour is of the (not quite endless) runner kind, which has you mounting your polar bear dog Naga and avoiding obstacles by jumping, swerving, and ducking while collecting health power-ups and currency. Next is the characters, most are forgettable and rather than their actions effecting the plot, the plot just happens to them. This means that the adventure also start fast. 9/10. Check out the review! Also, note that you should have seen the "Avatar, the Last Airbender" before you watch this one. The season, like the series as a […] It was a unique series that despite being made for children, appealed greatly to adults as well. But, unfortunately, this series fell way short (at least at this point where season 1 has finished). My early 2c: A more energetic and fast-paced sequel, Just as good, but harder to watch (emotionally), Gorgeous animation cannot mask weak writing, Good new elements (although some are too much), Not as good as the prequel, but still the best Animation in awhile. The bits of humor that are present are perfect and I think they have captured a good balance. These matches are simple, but depict the game at its best, letting you bend, block, and dodge about without forcing you to brave the irritations that impede the primary adventuring. All in all, definitely a downgrade from the original series. The Legend Of Korra universe is defined through its many intriguing plot twists, destined to keep audiences engaged. The Legend of Korra Steelbook Collection (Review) Maria H. (ndm#130) (4258 Posts) A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin' wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. User Ratings Parents need to know that The Legend of Korra-- a sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender-- is rich in storytelling, mysticism, and positive themes surrounding a headstrong but principled heroine who heeds her sense of duty and works hard to make herself worthy of the role that destiny gave her. I enjoyed the previous series, "The Last Airbender," and I had been checking every month or so to see if the new "Legend of Korra" had been released yet. Also, if you have watched the original, you must go watch this anime with an open mind. [This is a review for The Legend of Korra Season 2 finale.It contains SPOILERS. While The Legend of Korra can be an entertaining game, camera issues and often frustrating difficulty spikes mean that the release never reaches the potential of … He just gets annoying. That's something that seems like it could've been resolved earlier. If you appreciated everything that avatar the last airbender was, legend of korra destroys it. It's very rare to come by a good, western-animated show that has so much depth, emotions and darker/more complicated themes to it. The Legend of Korra is a third-person action game that follows the current reincarnation of the Avatar – Korra – a headstrong teenage girl chosen by fate to bring balance to the powers of the world. It could have worked for LoK, but like I said the characters never have hints or even romantic chemistry together. The Legend of Korra has been rather inconsistent in terms of its quality. Such displays do a fine enough job of expressing the vitality and vibrancy that characterize bending in the Avatar universe. Without going at lengths through the accomplishments of the spiritual forefather of this series, let it be noted that A:TLA revolutionized the animated series scene when it came out, a testament to the power of higher-quality animation and good writing. The reason why Avatar: The Last Airbender was so great was because it took a fairly simple good vs evil conflict, and as the story progressed, it became more nuanced and morally gray by exploring the ambitions of the heroes and villains. LOK explores the complexities in life, and hardly ever has relationships as the forefront. You might be in the midst of a combo and miss the chance to perform a finishing move because the button prompt appears so briefly and inconsistently. I have to say, the first couple of episodes I was pretty worried. Korra is the next best one. -Interesting and educational but very poorly handled themes, with false, sometimes even morally wrong resolutions/quintessences. A few vehicles occasionally pass in the background, but the streets of Republic City are otherwise devoid of people and moving parts. Instead of being a goal oriented, focused, good role model for girls like Katara, she has the personality of a 90's Disney princess -- rebellious free-spirit that needs a man to be happy. A character that is supposed to be "progressive" means nothing when they have no real depth to them. Last but not least I really want to point out the storytelling: If you pay attention you'll notice that the script for this series is much more than just a foolish attempt to catch the fame of "Avatar": Many old characters can be "found" here, revived as new roles. Kevin has seen every episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender, every episode of The Legend of Korra that has aired as of this article, and even the awful Last Airbender film. The Legend of Korra starts pretty high paced and the new avatar is found fast, in contradiction to the previous series (where they take more time with the intro). Audience Reviews for The Legend of Korra: Season 2 Mar 07, 2021 I think people exaggerate how bad this is but it's not good either. Legend of Korra appeals to be way more mature than its prequel: The Last Airbender. Do not assume this negative review comes from someone who can't "cope" with how different this series is from its predecessor. The box itself is made of cardboard with somewhat flimsy dividers inside that shift around when the cases are removed. https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/21/the-legend-of-korra-the-game-review Korra's not perfect, but she's open to learning from the mistakes she makes, and she tries hard to … It is every bit as good as the original Avatar series was. Handsome firebender Mako and his younger brother Bolin battle engineers and take down the robot’s engine, with Mako risking his life to do so. If it really will be as entertaining and as good as the prequel only time can tell but for now (seen 6 episodes so far) the story is more promising than I ever could have imagined it to be. Even in its best moments, The Legend of Korra is a nonstarter. With that in mind, a sequel, with the same people at helm, was a thrilling prospect. Despite being a cartoon and arguably a Western anime, The Legend of Korra can be merciless when it comes to character survival rates. (And if it happens, it isn't shown). The avatar series, and the legend of korra specifically, are absolutely top notch with combining deeper themes and animation. In the case of The Legend of Korra, Nickelodeon had the advantage of bringing back Avatar: The Last Airbender creators Bryan Konietzko and … Ending with that, the animation and fighting looks great, but the writing and characters are what brings the show down. Oh well. Korra Sue starring in How to Destroy a Good Thing, I still can't believe these are the same writers of The Last Airbender. Unfortunately, any review of The Legend Of Korra is inevitable without comparison to its predecessor. "Legend of Korra" is lacking the hilarity which made "Airbender" so fun to watch, yet it is replaced with more menace, intrigue, and (I want to use the adjective "page-turning") excitement. Overall I thought the show was ok. The story follows Korra's journey of realizing herself as the avatar, post- 100 year war and Aang's time, where she has to deal with incredibly well written villains, the declining image of the avatar in a more modern world and mental struggles all at once! Now before we get to the review let me say this: I WATCHED THE FIRST SEASON OF KORRA BEFORE I EVEN TOUCHED THE LAST AIRBENDER SERIES. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. We all know the Legend of Korra is a fantastic addition to the Avatar universe so I’m going to focus more on the item rather than the series. I absolutely loved the original series; however, I found this new series to be seriously lacking in substance, and thus extremely disappointing. This is due to its status as a sequel. -Comedy theatrics are obnoxious and often out of place. The fundamental conflict of The Legend … The build up to it was not very justified. TV Reviews The Legend Of Korra 12/12/14. Mind you, the game is half over by the time you earn all four techniques, but bending has a button-mashy appeal, and it's not too difficult to perform The Legend of Korra's combos. Our reviewer has some words with The Legend of Korra after this week's episode, "Remembrances." Dec 12 2014. The way relationships and characters are handled is a checklist of popular tropes to grab attention, for example out of no where two characters go into a relationship. Don’t expect this anime to be the same as the predecessor. (His spirit is to this game what Muramasa is to Ninja Gaiden.) I'm really hooked. The one missing star is in case the show takes a turn for the worse. How much plot armor do all these characters have? The Legend of Korra: Remembrances Review. Just watched 2 episodes of Korra.... and I must say it's more than what i expected. I had heard of ATLA and had friends who were fans but I myself was never interested until I watched this show. On the other hand, the series is brilliantly detailed, just like its predecessor, and has it's typical quirky humour. Square Enix Presents: Forspoken, New Life Is Strange, And More Announced, Tomb Raider Anniversary Celebration Includes Fortnite Level, Movie Sequel, Cookbook, Marvel's Avengers Devs On Strengthening The Game The Right Way, By How depressing, then, that everything else about the game is considerably less than serviceable. Most of the "bad guys" are faceless, generic goons, and show zero character development. on October 21, 2014 at 7:18AM PDT. Many of the characters seemed very harsh and unlikable. | Avatar: The Legend of Korra Reviews - Crunchyroll. It teaches them to deal with decision making, dealing with loss, sacrifice and how to deal with another Hitler in case one pops up in the future. With 10,000 years of darkness at stake, Korra must face her toughest opponent yet. Not only that, but by episode 4 they develope a love triangle between the main characters. The only downside I can think of is that, because the series will only concludes two seasons, is that, in my opinion, everything's a bit rushed. To those uncertain about The Legend of Korra: watch it. At worst, they are frustrating bouts of trial-and-error repetition, culminating in a vexing antarctic running scene involving mecha tanks that have an eerie ability to exactly match your side-to-side movements. The Avatar universe is rich with fantastical history and earnest storytelling, but those elements are nowhere to be found in The Legend of Korra (the game, and not the excellent animated program), which tries its best to boot M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender film out of its rightful position as "worst Avatar-related thing yet produced." ]-Building upon an already densely layered mythology, The Legend of Korra ventures deeper into the realm of imagination during its exciting two-part finale, titled 'Darkness Falls' and 'Light in the Dark.' Such irony, such narrative dissonance. It feels almost disrespectful to Aang and the history of the past. (note: some spoiler alerts and this review is for people who have watched the original series, Avatar The Last Airbender) Although the show's premise is interesting and has potential, the main characters are fairly two-dimensional and (in my opinion) not very likable -- especially Mako, who is basically a moody jerk, (unsuccessfully) played off as tormented and mysterious. I was shocked at the 8.6 rating this show has. | This is … If you are not a fan then still you would have that smile... Korra rocks!!!! Although the 'bad guys' in the series seem to have a valid cause, they are depicted as almost wholly evil. This means that the adventure also start fast. He seemed to be a good strategist at first as the only non-bender of Aangs children but he doesn't do much at all. Now the train wreck. Kevin VanOrd Save. What rescues developer Platinum's short downloadable game from earning that not-so-coveted title is the elemental bending itself: it's not very complicated to perform, but it looks flashy and fun, and proves that The Legend of Korra could have (should have) been, at very least, a serviceable beat-em-up. The Legend of Korra has none of the crackle and drama that make the setting so special, but at least Iroh triggered memories of the grand journeys Aang and Korra have taken, and provoked hope that we might yet one day see a game that deserves the license. Miniature cyclones disrupt clusters of spirits, and earthen eruptions send equalists reeling. I don't understand why it has such a high rating. Though it's created by lauded developer Platinum Games, The Legend of Korra lacks the depth of this team's best projects. Once you learn every bending skill--water, earth, fire, and air, in that order--you can flip between them at will, pressing various buttons to create elemental combos as Korra performs her accompanying acrobatics. Oliver Sava. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Your bending skills have different roles to play, here: water acts as a shield, for instance, while fire can blast a flimsy obstacle out of your way. ...Or at least it shouldn't. To say that the game delivers a bare minimum of story is to oversell the tale, which can be summarized thusly: "There's an evil old man doing evil, old-man things." I know that some people are not happy with the ending because they do not think this is an issue for children to adress. -Great but inconsistent artstyle. A perfect start as a sequel to The Last Airbender! (The mystery is dispelled, as simple "magic" granted arbitrarily by gods.) The Legend of Korra mainly consists of beating up tons of dudes, walking a linear path to the next area, and then beating up some more dudes, trying to … Going into this series after having finally watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, I was expecting it to be a classic sequel-case with excessive fan-service and more one-dimensional plot lines and characters. Whilst that gives an edge to Korra, it also removes that childish and innocent humor enveloped in rather serious conflict. And the rest are kind of hard to really get them because you don't get a lot of personal arcs with them. -Unnecessary and subjectively very bad chosen explanations for the world and its laws, sometimes in conflict with the original series (incosnsistent rules to bending and spirit realm, very flawed origin story, technological bs). It's still an ok series, but it was kinda messy. These sequences are, at best, innocuous, provided you can handle the sight of poor Naga going limp every time you slam into a wall. Set in a more modern world, the new avatar is faced with struggles of a different kind, struggles that relate more to our modern world. When I first watched the series, I thought to myself. -The world of charming traditional asian cultures from the original series were discarded for a cold, western steampunk setting, which gives the series a totally different feel, and imo not for the better. Technology is booming, crime is rising, and a revolution is awakening. You probably wasting your time reading this review, so I like to start with the conclusion first. Now, let's get back to TLOK. I didn’t know what to expect going into season four but I was hopeful. There are boss battles too--or should I say, a couple of boss battles repeated multiple times until you're sick of seeing mecha tanks and performing the same block-and-QTE move over and over again. I did find a lot of moments where she faced the villains and struggled to be moving and engaging, but it was kind of annoying to see her be so head strong and impatient basically the entire series. From the very first episode you are drawn into a world where the story telling and character development are top notch along with some well balanced humor and even a splash of romance. The Legend of Korra's only other attempts to diversify come in two forms, one of which is mildly entertaining: pro-bending matches. It’s all about balance. The Legend Of Korra: “Day Of The Colossus”/“The Last Stand”. The Legend of Korra Season 1-4 Review by Thire- | created - 02 Aug 2015 | updated - 14 Aug 2015 | Public The Legend of Korra Book 1: Air OVERALL: 8/10 GREAT The Legend of Korra Book 2: Spirit OVERALL: 8/10 GREAT The Legend of Korra Book 3: Change OVERALL: 9/10 SUPERB The Legend of Korra Book 4: Balance OVERALL: 9/10 SUPERB OVERALL: 8.5/10 GREAT Korra interacts with almost no one, and most line readings are from Korra's own internal monologue, spoken aloud so that the game might have a semblance of a plot. 1.3K. Yet, as I got to know them better, I really started to like them and enjoy the show. Probably the best character is Tenzen. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. A disappointed character to me was Bumi. You might accidentally initiate a quick-time based melee sequence, but fail because your fingers were finishing up the desired combo and the QTE prompt didn't allow time to adjust. The Legend Of Korra season 3 episodes 1, 2 and 3 review: A Breath Of Fresh Air, Rebirth, The Earth Queen By Kaci Ferrell The Legend Of Korra season 2 episodes 7 & 8 review: Beginnings Each book has its own fascinating revelation to permanently alter the story's course, even in subsequent arcs unrelated to the current season. Failure to Examine its Central Conflict in a Meaningful Way. It's like they want to fit a lot of content into the 2 season time-frame. The writers took away any sort of deep meaning that was present in the first series for a short fandom-pleaser. The creators of this show must be mad. The Legend Of Korra is a great show for more mature kids of ages 9 and up. We were able to not only see but also feel the struggles the characters faced and how it changed them. Some characters never even grow since their first appearance to the final moments of the show. Also, note that you should have seen the "Avatar, the Last Airbender" before you watch this one. The Legend of Korra seriously takes some steps into the right direction by throwing in some more or less "new" concepts (new as new for Avatar) such as love stories and relationships from the get go and a more "modern" world. Especially the unintellectual, tantrum throwing bully protagonist with anger issues, who gets everything handed on a silver platter and never really has to deal with the consequences. Nickelodeon’s critically acclaimed, Emmy® Award-winning The Legend of Korra animated series receives the SteelBook® treatment as The Legend of Korra – The Complete Series Limited Edition Steelbook Collection arrives on March 16, 2021. On the other hand, I cringed whenever I accessed the equip screen so that I could assign each item to a d-pad direction. A lackluster series that fails on so many levels... Korra is just amazing! Korra's struggle is hard to overcome.Because her struggle isn't just with villains,also her struggle is with her own mentality and sense.I think Aang's story is funnier.But Korra's story is more melancholic and deeper.Also Korra is one of us.The villains have a more purpose and reasons to being a bad .in The Legend of Korra, The ideologies of the villains are very meaningful and true. This is mostly a hate comment by the way and therefore it has only some MINOR SPOILERS. Great humor and action awaits. Nevertheless, Iroh was a great comfort in this three-hour disappointment. This is much more real than the last series was. Created by Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, The Legend of Korra picks up seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender story arc … This has to be one of the most mature children shows out there. I'm thankful, at least, that The Legend of Korra gave me a chance to hear Iroh's benevolent voice whenever I purchased a health scroll or some other item to help give me a combat boost. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.