Lux, who realizes the Separatists are evil. A Bonteri Family Christmas. [5], Eventually, after some time training, Bonteri, Tano and the Onderon rebelsâled by Steelaâmade their presence known to the people in Iziz and fought against the droid army, forcing them to retreat. Lux joined up with Death Watch in an effort to avenge his mother and kill Dooku. Having his father killed by the Republic and his mother killed by the Separatists. Tano tried to stop him, but Bonteri said he needed to find his own way, hoping that they would see each other again. [8] The murder of his mother left Lux an orphan, and he refused to believe that the Republic ordered her death. Star Wars. Mina worried about her son's future and outlook on the galaxy. Some time after Onderon joined the Separatists, Bonteri's father, an officer in the Confederacy military, was killed while setting up a base on Aargonar after an attack by Republic clone troopers early in the Clone Wars. The rebels began by learning to disable Armored Assault Tanks and droidekas using grenades. Padmé hands it over easily but Ahsoka declines his offer, not trusting him since he's a Seperatist. [9] Together, Bonteri and Vizsla planned to track Dooku down using a holotrace device and then, with knowledge of his location, Death Watch would help Bonteri assassinate Dooku. While Padmé and Mina negotiated, Lux and Ahsoka worked to overcome their initial suspicions of each other. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. This article is a stub about a character. Onderon was won, Dendup became king again, and Bonteriâhaving his faith placed in the Jedi and the Republicâwas appointed Senator of Onderon. Son of Separatist senator Mina Bonteri, Lux was originally a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. ""What do you mean? Mother Talzin finds that she can put his devotion to good use. Action. It was Lux who helped Ahsoka learn how life wasn't as … Ahsoka met Lux Bonteri when escorting Padme into Separatist space to speak with a Separatist senator with whom Padme was friends. Lux Bonteri's spring break was cut short when he heard that his mother had been killed by the Jedi. And droids don't count. Ahsoka met Lux when Padmé journeyed to Raxus Prime to meet his mother, Senator Mina Bonteri. During the Clone Wars, he allied with Saw and Steela Gerrera to lead the Onderon rebels during the Onderonian Civil War. Mina Bonteri was a female human native to the planet Onderon. But Lux discovered Dooku had lied â in fact, the Separatist leader had ordered Luxâs mother killed to sabotage the peace effort. Then after watching the heroics and selflessness of the Jedi, I do believe the Republic is the right side to be on. "Dendup has appointed me the new senator of Onderon. Lux's mother, Mina Bonteri was assassinated by Count Dooku. The vote passed with a majority, and Amidala and Tano returned to Coruscant. However, Count Dooku, the Separatist Head of State and secretly Sith Lord, needed the war to continue for the sake of the Sith. ""Dendup has appointed me the new senator of Onderon. Watchlist. happened to Lux Bonteri after The Clone Wars? And I will bring us back to the Republic." Following Bonteri's death, her son, Lux Bonteri, filled her position. Made by: Michael, of Jawa Studios This is a Non- Cannon Story Gavin Bonteri was born in 19 B.B.Y. He swore to serve the Republic. Lux Bonteri was surprised when his mother, Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, agreed to meet with Republic Senator Padmé Amidala in hopes of starting peace talks between the warring sides. Ahsoka Tano came to his rescue. She was Tom Norton 's closest friend and during the Clone Wars they got into a romantic relationship. When Ahsoka Tano and Senator Padmé Amidal… The son of Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, Lux was with his mother when her old friend Padmé Amidala and Ahsoka Tano traveled to Raxus in an attempt to start peace talks and end the Clone Wars. He immediately suspected the Jedi who had accompanied the senator to his house. Tano again wanted to take Bonteri to Coruscant, but Bonteri again refused, headed toward the ship's escape pod. His mother was the Togrutaformer Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano, and his father was the HumanLux Bonteri. [7], After the Imperial Captain Iden Versio, who had infiltrated the Dreamers along with her special forces team members, revealed that she intended to kill Bonteri in order to recover the stolen information in his possession, he entreated Versio to always have hope before she fired. Intent on safeguarding him, Ahsoka becomes involved in Lux's plan to take revenge on Count Dooku for his mother's death. He doesn't seem fond of the Jedi either. Lux did not feel comfortable with the Separatists, and he always dreamed of doing other things in case the war came to an end. [11] Bonteri eventually became a member of the Rebel Alliance and following Saw's death during the destruction of Jedha City, Bonteri contacted his stepdaughter saying Saw's death had upset him more than he could have realized and asked that in return for giving the Empire all he had on the operations of the Rebel Alliance, he wanted amnesty. Lux Bonteri was the son of Onderon's[5]senator, Mina Bonteri, and her husband. Like Bonteri, Vizsla also desired revenge on Dooku after Death Watch's attempt to take over Mandalore fell through, resulting in Dooku withdrawing his support of the organization. Lux Bonteri's family sided with the Separatists when Onderon seceded at the beginning of the Clone Wars. The peace talks failed, with Count Dooku angrily reporting that Mina Bonteri had been killed in a Republic attack. Ahsoka first met Lux on the plant Raxus when she was on a secret mission with her close friend, Senator Padmé Amidala and admitted he and his mother were the first non-Military Separatists she had met. His mother was a senator, his father killed by clone troopers. However, R2-D2 entered the tent and created a distraction, allowing Bonteri to escape while Tano engaged Vizsla in lightsaber combat. Bonteri's m… [6], After the rise of the Galactic Empire, Bonteri married an Imperial and became a father to her daughter. ""Well, look at me. Tano and Bonteri grew in understanding of each other as time went on, each revisiting ideas of what had been a faceless enemy. However, when his mother was murdered on Count Dooku's command, Lux abandoned the Separatists and sought revenge, briefly becoming aligned with the Death Watch in the process. In order to get into the Separatist controlled city, Bonteri came up with the idea of posing as hunters, coming back into Iziz to sell their game in the market. He fought in battles against the Empire and and Sith Warriors and Jedi andGalactic Alliance,and ETC. Despite their common cause, Lux often clashed with the resistanceâs other two leaders, the siblings Saw and Steela Gerrera. Ahsoka is ensnared in Lux Bonteri's dangerous crusade to find justice for his mother's death. However, the second wave of battle droids arrived with a tank, which Bonteri and Saw had been unsuccessful disarming in training. The discovery that The Count was the person responsible of the death of Lux mother, forced him to tried to kill Dooku. [4], Bonteri and Tano were taken prisoner by the Death Watch, and Bonteri realized that Tano had been right when Lux saw that Vizsla planned to execute Tano for the Jedi's crimes against Mandalore. But between the Jedi, a corrupted Barriss, her old crush Lux Bonteri, and the brutal Clone Wars that have stretched across every corner of the galaxy, she will find that leaving her past behind will be a difficult, if not impossible, task. He vowed then and there that he would destroy the man who killed his mother. 5 Lux Bonteri Lux Bonteri was featured in earlier seasons of Clone Wars as a way for Ahsoka to understand that there was, in fact, another side to the war. While Padmé and Mina negotiated, Lux and Ahsoka worked to overcome their initial suspicions of each other. Lux did not know what to make of Ahsoka Tano and her visit to Separatist space. He knew that his father had a good and kind heart in him. While his mother and Amidala negotiated, Bonteri and Tano conversed outside in the garden. Lux Bonteri. After succeeding in defending their base, the Jedi and the rebels decided that they were ready to take the fight to Iziz and reclaim Onderon. He was the son of the Separatist senator Mina Bonteri. With the droids' assistance, Tano and Bonteri were able to escape the Death Watch on the Phoenix. While conferring with Tano, Bonteri played a significant part in helping her see that the war was not as black and white as she presumed. 'Many lives get caught between the Republic and the Separatists. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. He was the son of the Separatist senator Mina Bonteri. Lux Bonteri was the son of Separatist Senator, Mina Bonteri. The stepdaughter of Lux Bonteri was a female individual who was the daughter of Bonteri's wife. Departing on good terms, Bonteri detached the pod and left Tano to go into hiding. During the Imperial Era, Bonteri eventually reacquainted himself with Saw, who was leading the Partisan rebel group, and eventually joined a group called the Dreamers after Saw's death. Later, during a peace conference on the neutral world of Mandalore, Lux Bonteri made a dramatic entrance, publicly blaming the death of his mother on Count Dooku. Using their new training, the rebels took out the first wave of battle droids using grenades. During the Clone Wars, Bonteri was present when the Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano traveled to Raxus to speak with his mother about negotiating a peace treaty between the Confederacy and the Republic. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 04 Episode 14 A Friend in Need [1080p] Cast of Characters: *Lux 'Terry' Bonteri: Of Onderon; Rear Admiral of The Alliance to Restore Democracy; *Ahsoka Tano: Of Shili; Jedi Knight, His wife; Their Children: Zeri: 'Beautiful Woman,' Of Onderon, Their oldest daughter, Adopted, Fully human, Not Force-Sensitive; Mina: Their oldest daughter between them, Named after Bonteri's assassinated mother, Lightsaber; Having been told once that Jedi were good, during the Clone Wars, Lux no longer knew what to believe after the Republic killed his father in a … Outside the tent, Bonteri discovered many battle droids that the Death Watch had been using for target practice turn on their masters after being reassembled by R2. Star Wars. After a failed peace overture begun by Mina extended to the Republic, Luxâs mother died, assassinated on Count Dookuâs orders. Lux Bonteri disrupts a peace conference between Seperatist and Republic representatives on Mandalore. Prior to the Clone Wars, Bonteri served as a mentor to Padmé Amidala on Naboo, and the two became close friends. His mother … Bonteri's goddaughter Maia became a member of Saw's Partisans[7] and was killed whilst on a mission to the Mid Rim planet Inusagi. A Human male, Lux Bonteri was born to the prominent politician Mina Bonteri and her husband in the years preceding the galaxy-wide Clone Wars. He notices her ligh… Count Dooku ordered the death of his mother, Mina Bonteri, to stop a peaceful proposal that she had introduced. A peace conference between Separatists and Republic delegates is interrupted by Lux Bonteri, the son of a late Separatist Senator, who involves Ahsoka in his dangerous search to find justice for his mother's death.. Synopsis. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All Lux knew was he was a friend of Padme Amidala. She was also the mother of Lux Bonteri. Lux Bonteri was a human male senator and rebel fighter from Onderon during the Clone Wars. She takes after her mother in that respect." But how many of us have you actually met? [4], Believing that it was Dooku that was responsible for the death of his mother, Bonteri sought out the Mandalorian Death Watch led by former Separatist ally, Pre Vizsla. After the conflict, he followed in his mother's footsteps and became a senator, this time representing Onderon in the Republic. Lux Bonteri. The wife of Lux Bonteri was an Imperial female. The son of Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, Lux was with his mother when her old friend Padmé Amidala and Ahsoka Tano traveled to Raxus in an attempt to start peace talks and end the Clone Wars. ―Lux Bonteri, to Iden Versio on his stepdaughter. I will follow in my mother's footsteps. Bonteri and his family moved to the planet Raxus Secundus, the capital of the Confederacy, where his mother was a member of the Separatist Senate. Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Databank A-Z: Saw GerreraâCommander Gree, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals. Not detecting any of their weaponry due to the high amounts of organic matter on their carts, the battle droids allowed the rebels to enter. During the war, Bonteri was the senator of the Japrael sector in the Separatist Senate. [5], While practicing their marksmanship with the Jedi, a group of battle droids, learning the location of the rebel base, began to attack the rebels. ― Lux Bonteri Lux Bonteri … LEGO Star Wars V: The Clone Wars III is a LEGO game and sequel to LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and LEGO Star Wars IV: The Clone Wars II.It features characters and levels from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5, and the Bonus Content. Escaping Death Watch, Lux returned to his homeworld of Onderon, where he joined a resistance movement aimed at overthrowing the planetâs new king and his Separatist allies. Lux … It's like you once said. Am I so bad?Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka Tano, in a discussion of perspectives, Concluding her discussion with Amidala, Mina Bonteri initiated a motion in the Separatist Senate to begin peace negotiations with the Republic Senate. After a talk with Mina and Padmé, Ahsoka walks outside to where Lux is. A peace meeting is held between the Republic and the Separatists on Mandalore as it is neutral ground. But Lux Bonteri was loyal to the CIS, that reason, forbide him to join the republic, which was responsible of his father death. The Clone Wars Rewatch The Clone Wars Rewatch: Ahsoka Helps “A … [2], Well, I mean, you think we're all the bad guys. The meeting is held in Duchess Satine's throne room. Ahsoka is ensnared in Lux Bonteri's dangerous crusade to find justice for his mother's death. Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Bonteri and Saw paired up again to take out the tank, and this time succeeded, using thermal detonators and destroying the tank. Premise. Seeking justice after her assassination, Lux allied with the Death Watch. Instead of killing him, Versio had instead stunned him, leaving her to question his whereabouts.[7]. Lux is called down by his mother to help Ahsoka and Padmé with their luggage. PG. Lux lived in the Separatist capital of Raxus at his mother's home. After the rebels defeated the Separatists, Lux became Onderonâs Republic Senator. '""I did say that once. His stepdaughter gave him specific times and locations where he could hand himself in but instead of turning himself in, Bonteri contacted Staven, the leader of the Dreamers, joined the group becoming known as "the Mentor" and used the information from his stepdaughter to give Staven a constant supply of Imperial targets to hit. A Friend in Need S4 E14 12 Jan 2012. Lux Bonteri was a human male senator and rebel fighter from Onderon during the Clone Wars. ""Well, other than military officers like Grievous and Ventress⦠none, I guess. Lux Bonteri was a loyal Separatist. She eventually became a loyal member of the Galactic Empire. The Clone Wars - Season 03 Episode 10 Heroes on Both Sides [1080p] He was devastated when his father was killed in a Republic attack on Aargonar. His father was a fervent supporter of the Separatists, and was killed by clone troopers on Aargonar. But at what cost? Ahsoka is ensnared in Lux Bonteri's dangerous crusade to find justice for his mother's death. [4], Upon arrival to Onderon, Kenobi, Skywalker, Tano, and Rex were brought to the rebel camp and began to train the rebels. After making an ill-fated effort to avenge her by killing Dooku, Lux joined the anti-Separatist resistance on his homeworld of Onderon. Mina Bonteri was a Separatist Senator and close friend of Padmé Amidala. Their family was of high status and hailed from Onderon, an Inner Rim world ruled by King Ramsis Dendup that was affiliated with the Galactic Republic. At the age of three, while she was living with her mother, Ariana on Shili Ahsoka was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon. Bonteri was particularly good as disarming the droidekas, however when paired with Saw to take out the tank, he fell off the tank taking Saw down with him. But he soon came to regret the alliance â Death Watch, he discovered, had decayed into a pack of murderous bandits. Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. Dooku also secretly ordered the assassination of Mina Bonteri, publicly blaming her death on the Republic. A peace conference between Separatists and Republic delegates is interrupted by Lux Bonteri, the son of a late Separatist Senator, who involves Ahsoka in his dangerous search to find justice for his mother's death. At some point she had a daughter, before she eventually married Lux Bonteri. Both Steela and Saw could not disable the droidekas, and Steela became frustrated with herself, preferring her skills as a sniper to destroy droids. However, these views were tested e… He caused her to think twice about the Separatists and enabled her to see that they were not inherently evil, as she had at first contended. Gavin Bonteri is the son of former Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri. This caused Saw to be upset with Bonteri, claiming that he was a politician and not meant to fight. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dooku orchestrated a Separatist attack on Coruscant, causing the Republic Senate to vote against peace negotiations with the Separatists. Lux’s father was a victim of the war, killed the previous year by clone troopers. [2], After the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Bonteri and his family sided with the Separatists when Onderon joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Clone Wars, he allied with Saw and Steela Gerrera to lead the Onderon rebels during the Onderonian Civil War. And I will bring us back to the Republic.Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri. You and your mother are the first. I will follow in my mother's footsteps. Their friendship grew throughout the seasons until Ahsoka stumbled upon him on Onderon, where he had transformed himself into a … The game Hub is the Negotiator. After entering Iziz, the group split up to avoid attention; agreeing to regroup after nightfall. The son of Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri, Lux was young, idealistic, and skeptical of the aims of the Republic and the Jedi Knights. Separatists security droids apprehended Lux, dragging him away to a hologram of Dooku who ordered his execution. Ahsoka meets Lux Bonteri, a Separatist who reveals that he and the Jedi Padawan are not so different.