metalbending police force

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The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement organization of Republic City, founded by Toph Beifong. Aiwei. Sequel Series The Legend of Korra features a metalbending Police Force founded by Toph and currently led by her older daughter Lin. The Metalbending Police Force monitors events in the city through the use of several airships, and this mobility allows them to easily apprehend felons and deploy forces for pursuit. 0. Crime becomes heavily organized, especially in Republic City, with several … Most Earthbending techniques are available in Metalbending. It ticked me off seeing that something founded by my beloved Toph Beifong would do acts that are part of the rotten side of Republic City. Naruto Beifong is the 17-year-old son of Lin Beifong and a Lieutenant in Republic City's Metalbending Police Force under his mother, Chief Lin Beifong. Idek if that has been already done, but who cares, I just had to! During her time with the Metalbending Police Force, she also used the metal as a method of transport in the form of a grappling hook. Click Run when prompted by your computer to begin the installation process. You can learn more about how this site uses cookies and related technologies by reading our. The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement team of Republic City, formerly led by Toph Beifong's daughter, Chief Lin Beifong, and now led by Chief Saikhan until Chief Beifong came back. Chief of Police is the highest rank within the Metalbending Police Force. Add new page. Credited as 'the first Naruto/Korra crossover,' The Tides Change Once More is written by Engineer4Ever. The Metalbending Police Force: Weekly Minutes: Special News Bulletin . The local Sato Industries Fire Ferrets have gone an astounding 0-22, setting a record for the fastest triple knockout ever. The Shaniverse. Toph had taught Metalbending to the police force of the newly forming Republic City, built on the site of Aang's final battle with the Fire Lord, and naturally also passed this technique down to her daughters as well both of which proved to be prodigious Earthbenders on their own. 0. The primary law enforcement technique developed by Chief Beifong was the use of metal cables as part of the police uniform. "The police headquarters is one of the oldest and most intricate buildings in Republic City. Check Always open links for URL: Roblox Protocol and click Open URL: Roblox Protocol in the dialog box above to join games faster in the future! One form of which is the Metalbending police force being exclusive to Earthbenders only. Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. Along with this equipment, they are also known to carry truncheons and riot shields. 警察 Introduction 警察 P.D.警察_____警察P.D. No, I would even say the dai li and the metalbending police force were more competent ln the show. The Pro-Bending Arena is off limits to anyone save those whom have … // The Metalbending Police Force: Weekly Minutes // republiccitypoliceforce: Greetings Citizens of Republic City. After installation, click Play below to join the action! All travel to the Southern Water Tribe is prohibited until further notice. "The Republic City Police was established after the formation of Republic City, and Toph, who created the elite Metalbending Police Force, led the organization for a number of years." Her metalbending knowledge allowed her to found an elite team, the Metalbending Police Force, to aid her in her duties. Forum Posts. Suyin teaches Korra the rudiments of the skill, making the latter the first Metalbending Avatar. Click RobloxPlayer.exe to run the Roblox installer, which just downloaded via your web browser. The local Sato Industries Fire Ferrets have gone an astounding 0-22, setting a record for the fastest triple knockout ever. The Republic City Police was established after the formation of Republic City, and Toph, who created the elite Metalbending Police Force, led the organization for a number of years. 8 days ago. Roblox uses cookies to offer you a better experience. The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement organization of Republic City, founded by Toph Beifong. 8 days ago. Graduating as the salutatorian of his class, Daruka went on to join the elite Metalbending Police Force. Spools of metal cables are carried on their backs, and Metalbending is used to control the cables. KillianDuclark. 0. Captain Bolin has been unavailable for comment. Metalbending: Using her Seismic Sense, Toph is able to detect the earth particles within metals, and can, therefore, bend metal for her own use. So yes, she directly became chief, and like someone pointed out (which I forgot), because she created metalbending … The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement team of Republic City,formerly led by Toph Beifong's daughter, Chief Lin Beifong. The Metalbending Police Force monitors events in the city through use of several airships, and this mobility allows them to easily apprehend criminals and deploy forces for pursuit. For further information, including information on how to withdraw consent and how to manage the use of cookies on Roblox, please refer to our, The Roblox installer should download shortly. 0. KillianDuclark. Follow 729. No, I would even say the dai li and the metalbending police force were more competent ln the show. Eventually, that grew into the Metalbending Police Force before Toph's daughter Suyin built an entire city of Metalbenders called Zaofu. Art Gallery Brainstorming Page Fan Submissions The police, specifically the metalbending force, aided in the arrest of the notorious bloodbending crime boss, Yakone, and several officers, including Toph herself, also provided security during his trial.However, like all others present at the trial, these metalbending officers were bloodbent into submission by Yakone, allowing him to escap… In Book 3, it's revealed that Lin's half-sister Suyin is in charge of Zaofu, a whole city that runs on metalbending. For thousands of years, earthbenders were not able to manipulate processed earth. The betrayer of Zaofu, Aiwei, is an exceptionally proficient Metalbender, especially including … Wiki Points. By using metalbending to manipulate the metal cables within the cylindrical spool devices on their backs, the officers are able to restrain criminals and navigate the city quickly and efficiently. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. But it’s just really cool to learn more about the metalbending school, since you know that it will eventually lead to Toph forming the metalbending police force in The Legend of Korra. MetalBending Police Force. Follow 748. Jan 17, 2016 - mkuntz: “ Olivier Mira Armstrong as the Chief of the Metalbending Police Force. The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement organization of Republic City, founded by Toph Beifong. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But outside of her time instructing the two as benders, Toph was far too lackadaisical to be a parent to her girls. During the Hundred Year War, the Fire Nation exploited this inability to detain captive earthbenders, such as when they forced earthbenders to work on a metallic prison rig in the middle of the ocean, and locked King Bumi in a suspended metal cage following the takeover of Omashu. The Metalbending Police Force is the elite law enforcement team of Republic City, formerly led by Toph Beifong's daughter, Chief Lin Beifong, and now led by Chief Cyborgspaceman.