Also, Zues married his sister (Hera) and had affairs with his other sisters. In Most Mythologies Persephone and Hades had no Children. Persephone had many people in her family. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. “Persephone in Popular Culture.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Aug. 2018, Persephone (Proserpina) What is Persephones family tree? When she was a child she was kidnapped by Hades to be his wife. Now she is featured in video games like God of war 3, and Skylanders and literature, and some television shows. Assim, estabeleceu-se um acordo, ela passaria metade do ano junto a seus pais, e o restante com Hades. Hades father Cronus is the god of ages and time. In Greek mythology, Persephone (/ p ər ˈ s ɛ f ə n iː / pər-SEF-ə-nee; Greek: Περσεφόνη, romanized: Persephónē), also called Kore or Kora (/ ˈ k ɔːr iː / KOR-ee; Greek: Κόρη, romanized: Kórē, lit. Demeter was so angry that she withdrew herself in loneliness, and the earth ceased to be fertile. She briefly fights Princess Diana of the Amazo Mother of Melinoe of Troy; Zagreus of Troy; Eunoe "The Nymph", Queen of Phrygia and Makaria The family tree above is a little bit less detailed than the first one on this page, however, personally I find it a little more fun as I put in pictures from paintings of the gods. Great Grandparents. Zeus and Demeter's parents are Cronus and Rhea. So, he took Persephone because he fell in love with her. The myth of her abduction represents her function as the personification of vegetation which shoots forth in spring and withdraws into the earth after harvest; hence she is also associated with spring and with the seeds of the fruits of the fields. When she later ate of it, it bound her to underworld forever and she had to stay there one-third of the year. She was also the goddess of spring growth, who was worshipped alongside her mother Demeter in the Eleusinian Mysteries. People Projects Discussions Surnames Hades, impaciente, emergiu da terra e raptou-a levando-a para seus domínios (o mundo subterrâneo), desposando-a e fazendo dela sua rainha. she is married to Hades, her mother is Demeter, her father is Zeus, her grandfather was Kronos, grandmother was Rea, great grandfather was uranus, great … Demeter's Family Tree Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and rhea, she has three brothers zeus, poseiden, and hades. Family Tree Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, she has no siblings that are fully related to her. Persephone is the Greek goddess of vegetation and grain. Hunter Farms' Persephone is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds. Hades (/ ˈ h eɪ d iː z /; Greek: ᾍδης Hádēs; Ἅιδης Háidēs), in the ancient Greek religion and myth, is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous. Cronus and Rhea's parents are Gaea and Uranus. Persephone’s job was to cause death or to life because she was the queen of the underworld with Hades. Trusted by millions of genealogists since 2003. ; Thallo (horae, 1st Gen) . “Family Tree of Greek Gods — Ppt Video Online Download.” SlidePlayer, SlidePlayer, After my mother being abandoned by Zeus my dad, she decided to hide me away from the world. Zues sired(had) many children with goddesses, and mortals. Hades was the eldest son of Cronus and Rhea, although the last son regurgitated by his father. PersephoneName Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). PERSEPHONE was the goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Haides (Hades). He was the leader of the first generation of Titans and also the youngest of them. Persephone is a mostly indica variety from Hunter Farms and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. Family of Persephone* ... Maternal Family Tree. Knowledge of your family tree. Zeus the almighty God of Mount Olympus, the wielder of thunder, and the ruler of the skies, has and forever shall remain an enigmatic figure in Greek literature. Broken-hearted, Demeter wandered the earth, looking for her daughter until Helios revealed what had happened. Genealogy for Hades - - Pluto (deceased) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. ; Lacedaemon of Troy, King of Laconia; Thalia - Graatsia Charites; Asopos -; Pasithea Grazien; Hegemone Grazien; Aglaia -; Euphrosyne - Graatsia Charites; Thaleia; Ares; Eileithyia; Hebe Goddess of Youth; Lucina Ilithyia; Hephaestus; Apollo; Artemis; Aoide; Melete (Orig 3); Mneme (Orig 3) Musen; Calíope; Clio; Erato -; Polyhymnia; Terpsichore -; Urania; Muses; Mines; Euterpe -; Melpomene -; Arche; Thelxinoe; Kleoi; Ourania; Thalia; Calliope; Hermês; Pallas Athena - - Minerva; Pieces (God of Fish); Heracles and Dionysus God of Wine « less. Knowing this could not continue much longer, Zeus sent Hermes down to Hades to make him release Persephone. Zeus ordered Hades to return her to Demeter, the goddess of the Earth and her mother. Quando os sinais de sua grande beleza e feminilidade começaram a brilhar, em sua adolescência, chamou a atenção do deus Hades que a pediu em casamento. Persephone's husband was Hades, and they had no children. However, in Orphic myth they had the Erinyes, three underworld Goddesses who avenged crimes against nature such as homicide, perjury, unfilial conduct, and crimes against Gods. This family tree image is also designed to be printable and you’ll find the dimensions ideal for this: 25 cm x 19,23 cm in 210 dpi. Persephone / Proserpina (deceased) - Genealogy This tree has been isolated from other trees on Geni: Tree is fictional Geni does not allow isolated trees to be merged into the World Family Tree, or other trees. Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Daughter of Zeus and Demeter The story is about how she was abducted by Hades and taken to the underworld to be his wife. Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law My father Zeus was not an active participant in my life. Persephone appears many times in popular culture, both as a goddess character and through symbolic use of her name.. Hades, the ruler of the Underworld, decided that he wanted to marry Persephone, his sister Demeter’s only daughter. When Persephone was in Hades, Demeter refused to let anything grow and winter began. Persephone's Family tree Uranus Gaia Titans Rhea Cronus Demeter Hestia Zeus Poseidon Hera Hades Persephone . The Zeus family tree is extensive, and showers light upon the way this brave ruler lead his immortal life and why he was chosen to be the 'King of all Gods'. Persephone is a family-friendly character-based isometric Puzzle game where players must navigate mazes of deadly traps and solve puzzles, with the clever gimmick here being that any time the player dies, they leave a body behind. English. ; Euporie (3rd Gen) . Because of her purity, Persephone was often defined as "Kore", meaning the "maid". He married his sister Rhea. The most famous myth about Persephone is the story of her abduction. she has one sister, hestia. Their children were Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. she had a daughter named persephone with zeus, who was later married to hades. In the movie Wonder Woman, Persephone is the name of an Amazon from the island of Themyscira.After being charmed by Ares for a century while guarding him in his cell, she betrays her people by freeing him after killing another amazon. This myth is a symbol of the budding and dying of nature. None but Zeus, and the all-seeing sun, Helios, had noticed it. Aug 2, 2013 - Persephone's Family Tree (Angel In The Flames, The Silent Soul and Memory Of Roses Character) MyHeritage Family Trees Persephone Pearl PICKETT (born BUTLER), 1882 - 1972 Persephone Pearl PICKETT (born BUTLER) 1882 1972 Persephone Pearl PICKETT (born BUTLER) was born on month day 1882, to Nehemiah L BUTLER and Hester Elizabeth BUTLER (born ELLIS) . One day, Persephone was in a meadow picking wildflowers when Hades saw her. She is the daughter of Demeter, Greek goddess of the harvest, and Zeus, the Greek god of the sky. Players must make use of this unique mechanic to solve the game’s puzzles. His sisters are Hera, Zeus's wife and goddess of marriage and family, Demeter, goddess of agriculture, and Hestia, the goddess of home and family. Zeus Family Tree. Geni does not allow isolated trees to be merged into the World Family Tree, or other trees. Geni requires JavaScript! Hades kidnapped his niece Persephone, who was the daughter of his brother Zeus and sister Demeter, and took her to the Underworld. Kronos(Chronos) also married and sired many children with his sister Rhea. In Greek mythology, Hades kidnapped Persephone to be his wife. One day, as she was gathering flowers in the Nysian meadow with her maidens, she wandered apart from the group ensnared by the sudden blooming of a glorious fragrant flower (some say it was a narcissus). Hades and Persephone; Hades Family Tree; Hades,god of the Underworld. NAMES: Genealogy, Definition, Role and Function Name: Cronus: Cronus was the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus and one of the Titans. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. My mother was never willing to let me grow and become my own woman. Family Tree The mother and father of Hades, Rhea and Cronus. Sua mãe, ficando inconsolável, acabou por se descuidar de suas tarefas: as terras tornaram-se estéreis e houve escassez de alimentos, e Perséfone recusou-se a ingerir qualquer alimento e começou a definhar. 5 Famous People Who Got Away With Killing Someone, My Parents Didn’t Invest a Dime in Stocks and They’re Crushing Retirement, The 5 Most Overrated Personalities on The Planet, Google Director Of Engineering: This is how fast the world will change in ten years, Five Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person, North Korean 105-floor ‘Hotel of Doom’ Deserted for 30 Years, How Britain Became the Dumbest Society in the World. This agricultural-based cult promised its initiates passage to a blessed afterlife. ... Family tree builder is a genealogy software used to create your beautiful family tree. ; Orthosie (3rd Gen) of Troy; Nymphy of Eridanos of Troy; Auxo (horae, 1 gen) Grazien; Atropos - - Morta -; Klotho - Clotho - - Nona; Carpo (horae, 1st Gen) . Trusted information source for millions of people worldwide. Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld Family Tree of Persephone Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the Greek goddess of vegetation. Hades is the brother of Zeus, and Persephone is the daughter of Zeus. This was BEFORE Zues married Hera. Sister of Iacchus and Zagreus Great Great Grandparents ♀ Hemophobia. Hades was middle-aged and living in the shadows in the dark underworld. In today's family tree, this would make them all the uncles of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Suffering : Eating Disorders - main portal, Castore dei Dioscuri degli Olimpici / di Sparta, Birth of Eunoe "The Nymph", Queen of Phrygia, Olympian goddess of underworld, spring and renewal, Hades (poor) wife, Goddess of Spring. “Persephone Myth.” Marcus Felsman’s English Blog — There Are Worse Crimes than Burning Books like Not Reading Them, Greek Gods Family Tree Chart Genealogy, Names and Roles of the Titans. One day, when she was collecting flowers on the plain of Enna, the earth suddenly opened and Hades rose up from the gap and abducted her. Ex-wife of Zeus Hades grudgingly agreed, but before she went back he gave Persephone a pomegranate (or the seeds of a pomegranate, according to some sources). Explore historical records and family tree profiles about Persephone Antzoulatos on MyHeritage, the world's family history network. The first family tree displayed that the first god was born from the Cosmic Egg, and he was named Protogonus. Deméter, junto com Hermes, foram buscá-la ao mundo dos mortos. Persephone facts explain how the personable daughter of god Zeus and goddess Demeter became queen of the underworld. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website . Asked by Wiki User. Grandparents. Persephone was such a beautiful young woman that everyone loved her, even Hades wanted her for himself. Be the first to answer! In some account, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and his Titaness mother Rhea. Protogonus was identified with Eros of the Hesiod’s myths, and he was popularly known as Phanes, the god of light or the sun. Half sister of Philomelos - Bootes; Ploutos -; Despoina -; Areion -; Eubouleus - and 126 others; Pollux / Polydeuces; Helen of Troy; Epaphos, King of Egypt; Epaphus of Troy; Keroessa of Troy; Alecto (Eumenides ou Fúrias); Tisífone (Furias ou Eumenides); Megera (Furias ou Eumenides); Dardanus, king of Dardania; Emathion; Harmonia Of Troy; Hemea; Ersa of Troy; Nemean Lion -; Pandia Olympuson; Herse; Myrmidon of Troy; Aigipan Of Troy; Britomartis; Britomartis of Troy; Tityos of Troy; Kairos; Iasion (Jasius); Arcesius of Troy; Solymus of Troy; Milye of Troy; Olenus of Troy; Kronios of Troy; Spartaios of Troy; Kytos of Troy; Locrus of Troy; Thebe of Troy; Akheilos of Troy; Herophile of Troy; Orchomenus of Troy; Crinacus of Troy; Argos; Pelasgos of Troy; Balius of Troy; Xanthus of Troy; Latinus of Troy; Graecus of Troy; Meliteus of Troy; Litae of Troy; Palici of Troy; Achaeus of Troy; Corinthus of Troy; Saone of Troy; Megarus of Troy; Iarbas of Troy; Alatheia of Troy; Magnès; Makednos of Troy; Arcas, King of Arcadia; Perseus, Founder of Mycenae; Minos, king of Crete; Rhadamanthus Judge of the Dead; Sarpédon; Alagonia of Troy; Carnus of Troy; Aeacus of Epirus; Eaque; Pirithous of Troy; Zéthos; Amphion; Venila; Tantalus, king of Phrygia; Ethlios; Endymion -; Aethlius of Troy; Atymnius of Troy; Castore dei Dioscuri degli Olimpici / di Sparta; Dike (2nd Gen); Nemesis Goddess; Lachesis - - Decima; Eirene (2nd Gen) -; Horae (1st Gen) -; Eunomia; Pherusa (3rd Gen) . Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. “her powers of vegetation and plant life from her mother.”. Got it! Gaea's parent is Chaos. FAMILY TREE OF GREEK GODS. Persephone's parents are Zeus and Demeter. Como entretanto Perséfone tinha comido algo (uma semente de romã) concluiu-se que não tinha rejeitado inteiramente Hades. Wife of Adonis and Hades Hades, King of the underworld,God of the Dead and Riches, is another brother of Demeter, Hades is known for taking Persephone.