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Tried to play something with your ol' PS2 on a HDTV and the graphics looked awful? Sequel to Phantom Crash on the Xbox. Features three interchangeable weapon types instead of weapon pick-ups, adding a mild level of strategy to boss battles. How to Get 9999 Plaza Tickets! The difference is in the training. The series's upbeat atmosphere and slapstick comedy really shine here, even though the music took a hit. Did I mention that Dante from, Features streamlined mechanics compared to its predecessor (you can now control your party and get around more easily). How to make an ISO of Newer Super Mario Bros Wii! Dragon Quest may not be the most innovative JRPG series ever, but they've perfect its turn-based combat system down to the finest detail which makes it a dream to play. You also get to explore Queens in this one! It'll save your laser from wear and tear. The game also tries to add a story (it's not very good, but hey you don't gotta care about it), and actually let's you EXPLORE with your monster, which is totally new. OPL does have GSM built in. Fans of the game hate the original translation which they claim was both poorly translated and poorly edited. The setting is an alternate-universe revolutionary Russia that combines steampunk and magic. Loli necromancer and her phantom companions overcome prejudice, do odd jobs for money, save the world. Retrieving game saves from SX OS EmuNAND files after accidental 6.2.0 update using Wi-Fi OTA, RetroArch guide (clean games collection) + FAQ, Retroarch: one configuration file per emulator, Right Joycon Not Connecting over Bluetooth for PC. Most likely the best Wild West game yet, along with its successor, Red Dead Redemption - unless you're super old and hold a torch for Lucasarts' Outlaws. Downgrade to 6.2 with no NAND backup, get ReiNX back! Features some more polish and new content, but the gameplay is basically the same. are very strong. Not so much. WA4 and 5 have mixed opinions, but you may want to look into them if you like this. Anyway, difficulty stays the same so expect having a hard time on some missions and specially on some bosses. An action RPG by Atlus, in which you play as the titular Raidou, a demon-taming private detective in 30s Japan. Ports on Wii, PSP, and PC/Steam with an extra scenario and other stuff. Made by a different company, though, so the story is completely different due to copyright shit. You control a young swordsman named Fiel who fights alongside Almira and Leon, two powerful spiritual warriors (who are AI-controlled). (Requires Luma), PKG Kitchen - PS4 Guides, Tools and Scripts for Fake PKG Creation - All credit to XVortex at PSXHAX, Play .NSP Games for higher Firmware on lower Firmware (ReiNX, Hactool,Tinfoil + extracted NSP). All other slims have a brick. That's right, a good movie tie-in! Arguably the best Ace Combat on PS2, the story is a prequel to all preceding AC titles. If you need a cheap solution, there's this one recommended by RetroRGB. 3D Castlevania games are usually mediocre, and while Curse of Darkness features some uninspired graphics and art direction, it follows in the footsteps of Lament of Innocence at being a solid and decent 3D action game with the tropes and themes of Castlevania. This collection is notable for including Fantasy Zone II DX, a brand-new game done in the style of the original titles, and arguably the best Fantasy Zone game overall. Lots of fan service with references to various episodes. Employs the exact same formula of the first game: a bloody and extreme violence fantasy with a Greek mythology backdrop and a grimdark story. Beat the shit out of anyone who crosses you, steal car stereos for money, and escape gangs that chase you as you make your way back to Coney Island after being framed for killing the leader of New York's largest gang. These are Direct Download links for Sony PlayStation Portable Downloadable Content / PSP DLC. While not the greatest JRPG you'll ever play, it is good enough to warrant a playthrough just to enjoy the music. Translation: How to Donwgrade MSET On N3DS Without Gateway! 8 Modified original DraStic for androi backgrounds & tutorial, A Beginners Guide to Cloning Pokemon [X/Y/OR/AS Only], A definitive way to test if your Switch is patched or not (purchases after 07-2018), A Guide to Creating Rock Band 3 Custom Songs, A Little Guide to Have all the Shinies & Competitive Pokemon you Want on Y&X, A quick and simple Guide about how to Transfer Pokemon from an Emulator to your 3DS. Basically 1940s GTA. How create a safe power button for Nintendo Switch. You will think you're fighting the final boss about three times before you actually do fight the final boss. A JRPG where you play as a typical unruly teen boy in a fantasy world. Arguably the best 3D Castlevania game and chronologically the first, serving as an origin story for the series. Retroarch is on the system and is up to date. Transferring Pokémon from Gen 4 & 5 to Gen 6 & 7, Transferring SX OS License to another console, Transferring VPK's to and from your psvita with FTP or pop save. The rest is the same; same battling, same cryogenically freezing and fusing, and all that other junk. How to use your Switch as a WiiU Game Pad in Cemu using SkyNX! It's hard to explain, but races consist in managing a team of three pilots while engaging your rivals in direct combat and trying to keep them from crossing the finish line first. Hack through linear levels with occasionally repetive design. Goes in a different direction than its predecessor, this combines 3D platforming with Grand Theft Auto and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater gameplay. Partially written and directed by Yasumi Matsuno, so expect more political intrigue and less mind-bending twists. Combat is very gory and guaranteed to satisfy, and the story is actually interesting for a change. A slightly disappointing entry in the mecha strategy RPG series. A surprisingly good shooter, with multiple classes who each have their own specialty. And yes, despite rumors, PS1 games played on the PS2 will work with Component cables. See the complete list. Instead of signing your monster up for some job and then watching a pass/fail clip, you play a short mini-game where they take part in the circus you live in. It arguably feels more like a Ghost in the Shell game than the actual Ghost in the Shell games. Setting up Android with EmuMMC + bigger FAT32 partition. Fuck year Gran Turismo. How to fix The package can only be installed on the following device families: Windows.Xbox, How to fix when new Hekate breaks SD card on Linux, How To Flash The Trinket M0 Using Arduino, HOW TO GET 3DS CITRA WORKING WITH LEGEND OF ZELDA GAME, How to get 5 sparkly stars savefile back on Super Mario 3D Land, How to get 60 FPS in Dragon Quest XI S demo, How to get a custom user icon using DevMenuApp, How to get a free copy of Metroid 2 for 3DS via My Nintendo, How to get a stubborn old iPod to work. A dark game that takes place in a dying underground world, adding aspects of survival games to the mix. The graphics still hold up today (given the console's limitations) and gameplay has a learning curve but is worth sticking with if you have the patience. These in-depth guides will provide all the information you'll need with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. The PC and XBox versions look a bit better, but are otherwise the same. Update MT-Card 2.3 to latest 10.1 emunand with eshop access! It's backwards compatible with the original PlayStation, which was the best-selling game console ever before that, so... say what you will about the PS2, but a lack of games is never a problem. You play as a weasel handcuffed to a bunny trying to escape the product testing lab where they were forced to have chemicals tested on them. Break faces like you have been, but now much smoother than any previous incarnation. Features roguelike elements as well as a city-building sim feature that's potentially just as engrossing as the main game. It's backwards compatible with the original PlayStation, which was the best-selling game console ever before that, so... say what you will about the PS2, but a lack of games is never a problem. Ubisoft bought the rights to ITC and Crave owns the TXR name. Arcade Wrestler featuring characters from Kinnikuman/Ultimate Muscle. Now you can pick more than one character at a time, huzzah! Inject a save for Virtual Console Pokémon Green, Red, Blue, or Yellow. The gameplay is highly enjoyable and shows high attention to detail, with lots of collectible swords to find, and abilities to earn. The International Zodiac Edition, which is generally considered superior( you'll be stuck in any class you choose for one characther,which can be a bad thing,since some itens can only be acessed to certain classes,but it's only an. How to install Project M "Hackless" with SD-HC cards! (expect 5-15 seconds on the first load, or 0-2 seconds for a reload) Anyway, if you're looking for a Gears of War on the good and old PS2, this is your best shot. Beautifully melancholy story and ambiance. 2. Started life as a NewGrounds flash game with comically over-the-top violence and side-scrolling, high-octane gameplay much in the style of Metal Slug. Can be hard, especially at the glider segments. This game is weird as fuck and completely different from the other Crash games. Save your Dog gf. Unfortunately quite easy, but worth playing regardless. How to inject GBA Saves to you GBA Games! Watch out for ~rare~ hidden ghosts to shoot. The story is a point of contention, while most agree that the English voice acting is disappointing. Conceived by the author of Trigun, this is a super-stylish action game where you play as a coffin-swinging, gun-slinging badass. Running 5.5.x Kernel Exploit, Loadiine, etc., the easy way! A strange PS2 launch title. Pretty much everything stays the same: complex political storyline, turn-based combat, and expansive mecha customization. Also features a battle side-game similar to "The Mercenaries" where you can play as him. Der Luft­druck liegt bei 1.026 hPa. Check out the .hack//G.U. (needs translation), Xbox One X: Internal HDD -> External Case Mod, Xbrew, a CLI tool to generate homebrew boilerplates, Xenoblade Chronicles X Undub/Uncensor Tutorial for usage with Brazilian Install Method (.app Files), XLink Kai PS4 Tutorial (Play LAN Games Online). You play as a monkey who must venture out into the world to find resources, improve his community, and evolve his tribe. Though the graphics and art direction are less than stellar, it plays like a dream (it was developed by From Software) and is a total blast with a friend, but can also be played solo. Also on Gamecube in America, Europe and Japan. Cool Huh! This feature is surprisingly addictive and adds some replay value. Don't forget you can change the controls. How to use a 64gb Micro SDXC in your SDHC compliant flash cart. Get 11.4 Emunand working on Gateway with online access! You play as one of three characters while the others are A.I.-controlled. The best open-world Spider-Man experience (at least until Spider-Man PS4). The Ultimate Nintendo DS ROM Hacking Guide! Pretty good plot too if you like Kojima's convoluted ANIME stylings. The Launch window systems (3000X) are pretty awful. Still the game itself is fairly shallow and short, so it should only be explored by the morbidly curious or SRPG-desperate. Item synthesis returns in full, and the player constantly switches between two characters focused on fighting and alchemy, respectively. from Big files!! RPG that takes place in a fantasy Wild West setting with a nice cel-shaded sketchbook style. Gorgeous bosses and engrossing story; quite a bit of lag in certain areas/against certain bosses, but it's fixed somewhat for Europe. Plays much like a Zelda game, but with a well-implemented painting mechanic, a wonderful sumi-e inspired art style, and plenty of stuff to do in a feudal Japanese world. It's the first in the series to use 3D backgrounds instead of pre-rendered ones, and features dual-wielding weapons. How to install the exFAT driver without updating! But 99% of games will work A-OK. A point of contention is the controller - unlike the Gamecube and Xbox, it gave the "sweet spot" to the d-pad, not the left analog stick. Also, contains the fuckawesome "Fight!" This is distantly related to Ico (PS2); the next game in the "series" will be The Last Guardian (PS4). Xtreme Legends adds new characters, modes, weapons, items, etc., but requires the original DW5 to access all features from both games. Plays like a dream, and features a wonderful co-op two-player mode, which is a first for the series. At least you get to ride dragons, and some boss battles are cool. The final mission is especially incredible in a franchise full of incredible final missions, as is the OST. How to use Xbox One, Switch Pro, and more controllers wirelessly on Nintendont, How to use your Loadiine saves with USB/NAND installed games. You still can't jump. Read Here! It's fun. Also harder to find than the first one. 61! The final entry in the series is also the best, a culmination of the franchise's dense and powerful story. Has a ton of game modes from the classic demolition derby to the suicide race, which has two groups of cars going in opposite directions. console releases on the PS2. [Custom Wii Save data icon & Animations! Collects KOFs 94, 95, 96, 97, and 98. (You're encouraged to replay stages for higher scores and collectibles.) Two sequels exist and they are all just as awesome. Can be used to install MCFreeBoot on your PS2. However, the combat is quite solid and there's lots of silly stuff to experience in between, including funny mini-games and nonsensical lines of dialogue, which give it a mild Shenmue/Yakuza vibe. How do I combine two dumped gc disks into an iso? A lengthy sci-fi JRPG, unrelated to previous. Very underrated and a bit on the easy side (for shmupfags, that is) but still worth a play. Still not happy? How to make a file based emunand for Atmosphere. Also on Xbox and Gamecube. Your task is to travel a barren land, seek out and slaying sixteen lumbering giants. Think a steampunk Grand Theft Auto combined with Katamari's controls and Dark Cloud's levels of customization. Also features more appearances from fan favorite Goro Majima! These same steps go for PS1 games as well. A short game with a well-formed and fun central mechanic. Newbie guide for newbies trying to Homebrew an up to date 3DS. A 3D King of Fighters game, sequel to Maximum Impact (in fact, its JP/EU name is Maximum Impact 2), but. An attempt to reboot the Prince of Persia franchise, Ubisoft succeeded with stellar results. Different actions will result in distinct characters showing up, and the ending changing. Oddly, Mickey is not a playable character, just the commentator. Budokai 3 introduces Dragon Universe where you travel around Earth or Namek, leveling up your character and collecting capsules and characters. Though it's cute and charming, it's also a budget title, and can get repetitive. The newest title is for WiiU and will indeed be localized for NA. This game made Ratchet legendary in Japan for his. As far as summoning monster from CDs/DVDs goes, it's exactly the same.